The Real Buffy Ch. 02


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"Come on Oz! We're missing the orgy!" Dawny cried as tried to pull away. She was looking at him over her shoulder. Oz was standing there half in wolf form. He shrugged.

"I'm sorry, there not a lot I can do," he sighed. "You'll just have to wait until the knot goes down." Dawn tried to pull away again, but it was useless. She noticed us looking.

"Buffy! Please help me!" she cried. "I don't want to be stuck here while everyone else is having fun!"

"Dawny, now you know why I won't let Oz fuck me," Beatrice shrugged. "I can't afford to be stuck in that position."

"Oh, it's well worth it," Dawn said, calming visibly as she remembered the feeling of Oz cumming in her. "You'd have to try it to understand."

"You can, you know," I said softly into Beatrice's ear. "I'll stand guard over you." I knew that her doing something like that would take a whole hell of a lot of trust.

"Maybe later," she said as she turned and faced me. "I'm sure we can think of something to do until then." She turned back toward me and pulled off my clothes. Soon we were embracing. Her warm body felt good against mine.

"Do you want to stay here or go to my room?" I asked.

"Oh, let's stay here," Beatrice replied. "They may be the most fucked up bunch of friends a person could have, but they are my family."

"Besides, you'd like to try out Oz later," I smiled. "Actually, you'd probably like another go with Xander now that he's a big man."

"You really can read minds!" she laughed. I didn't bother correcting her. It didn't take a mind reader to know that this Slayer was one horny bitch! Look at the people she surrounded herself with?

"Where do you want to play?" I asked.

"How about here?" she said, throwing herself over the arm of the couch and sticking her ass high in the air. I got behind her and pushed deep with one motion.

"Hey!" Xander cried at Beatrice. Cordy's fingers had slipped from his mouth now that she was cumming. "You never let me fuck you that way!"

"I only let guys who can take me in a fair fight have me this way," she called back between grunts. I held her shoulders and I continued to pump in and out of her. Eventually I leaned over and started kissing her neck. She pulled her hair aside and said sexily, "Go ahead. You know you want to!"

"Thank you," I smiled, showing my fangs.

"You don't take so much this time," she giggled.

"I'll do my best," I whispered in her ear before giving her a classic vampire kiss. Okay, maybe biting her neck while I was fucking her from behind wasn't a classic vampire kiss, but it should have been! Again, I felt the euphoria that only a Slayer's blood gives. A sexual charge of energy flew through my body making my dick even harder.

"Oh wow!" Beatrice groaned. "I've never felt so full before!"

The more blood I drank the more powerful I felt, both physically and sexually, but I was careful not to drain her like I did the last time. It wasn't long before Beatrice eyes fluttered in orgasm. I took one more swallow of her blood and then slammed into her hard and came! It was at that moment that one of my specially treated unbreakable windows shattered. The glass blew into the room.

"What the fuck?" Xander cried, looking up from Willow who was giving him one very experienced blowjob. Floating in the window was a very pissed and powerful demon! That window was supposed to be one of the strongest types of specially treated Plexiglas in existence. She'd taken it out like so much paper-mache.

The demon was holding a leash that was linked to a blond girl's throat. The poor thing was dressed in leather and chains. She was thrashing about as if she were tied a gallows.

"Oh shit!" Oz cried. The knot in his dick must have suddenly shrunk because Dawny popped free and sprawled across the floor.

"What bitch negated my Vengeance spell!" the demon cried, taking a moment to look at Willow. "Was it you, Wendy Witch?"

"Anya, I really hate it when you call me that," the red haired girl sighed.

"Why?" the vengeance demon asked. "It's your real name after all."

"Anya, if you don't let go of that leash soon, Tara is going to pass out," Beatrice said slowly as she moved out from under me. The vengeance demon dropped the leash and Tara fell with a loud thump.

"Anya? Tara?" I asked in surprise.

"The final two members of the Scoobies," Beatrice sighed. "They've been on vacation."

"Are they anything like their television counterparts?"

"Aren't we all?" she replied softly before sighing again, this time rather loudly. She shook herself from her thoughts and then added, "Actually, Anya is a lot like her TV version. Even the name is really hers," Beatrice explained. "Tara, not so much. We don't even know her real name. The television show showed a far lighter version of her family than the real thing. They were far crueler and always just called her the Whore or Slave, that is before we killed them all."

"I thought you didn't kill humans?" I asked in surprise.

"Evil is evil," Beatrice shrugged. "Poor Tara's come a long way, but she's not happy unless someone is bossing her around."

"So then the outfit..." I began.

"Is Tara's normal clothes," the Slayer finished. "If she wears anything at all."

"Anya! Don't you d... d... dare cast a spell at Willow!" Giles cried, drawing our attention back to the Scoobies. "S... S... Someone will get hurt if you to go at it a... a... again!"

"Anya, please don't," Buffy said with another sigh. "It seems that we're guests here and it would be impolite to destroy Vlad's house."

"Vlad's?" the demon said, staring at me intently. A moment later she was standing in front of me in human guise nearly jumping up and down in excitement. "Oh wow! It's you! You probably don't remember me, but I was at one of your lectures some time ago on how to melt in to the human population when wounded or close to daybreak."

"That would have been during the renaissance when I was teaching at that college in Paris," I mused. "Those were the good old days."

"You're telling me!" Anya grinned.

"You didn't sleep with her, did you?" Willow asked me in disgust.

"Maybe he did," Anya shrugged. "What's it to you?"

"So Anya, Willow, what's the problem here?" I asked, trying to use my notoriety to calm everyone down.

"Well, Wendy here should know better than to interfere with one of my vengeance spell!" Anya said threateningly.

"Vengeance spell?" I asked. "A vengeance spell for who?"

"Whom," Giles corrected. I frowned and ignored the old man.

"For me!" the demon snapped. "There no rule that says I can't exact a little vengeance of my own as long as I do my job."

"Why would you cast a spell on one of your friends?"

"Friends?" Anya cried. "Pah! Would a friend leave me at the alter with all my family watching? Do you have any idea how much it cost to get all my vengeance demon bridesmaids dresses and gifts?"

"Xander, you didn't!" I said looking at the young man and shaking my head.

"Hey! I was willing to marry her, but then she drops on me, the night before the wedding mind you, that I can't sleep around anymore! What kind of marriage is that?"

"A traditional one," Anya cried.

"Sure, back when marriages lasted only ten or twenty years!" he snorted. "I'm still young. I'm not ready to sleep with only one woman or demon for the rest of my life!"

"So, you're the one who gave Xander the VD?" I asked, somehow not really surprised.

"Cecile broke up with me and I gave him one last ride and something a little extra," she said smiling nastily. "I figured that he'd want something to remember me by."

"Cecile?" I asked with a grin.

"Don't go there!" Xander warned. "It's a family name." No wonder most of the Scoobies decided to take on their television characters names! First Wendy Witch and now Cecile.

"Willow, why did you interfere with Anya's spell?" I asked. It looked like the threat of a magical battle between the witch and demon was disappearing, but I continued probing anyway. It was probably safer to get them to work through whatever was bothering them.

"I don't remember," the witch said. She was obviously distracted as she pulled Tara's face against her pussy. Tara was smiling as she lapped at it happily. This caused Willow to sigh.

"Hey!" Anya cried, trying to pull Tara away. "This is still my week to be Tara's master! Get away from her!"

"Now I remember!" Willow snapped angrily. "She took Tara away!"

"I don't understand," I said with a shake of my head.

"No one licks pussy like Tara," Willow continued. "But I needed someone to keep me busy. I get so lonely!"

"But why Xander?"

"Xander wasn't my first choice, but he was available," the witch replied. "Besides, I was mad at Anya for taking Tara away!"

"Was it really that bad?" Anya asked, starting to realize what she'd done.

"Definitely," Willow shrugged. "It's no secret that I'm a nymphomaniac. I'd yell it from the highest mountaintop if it got me laid often enough! You know how I get and Tara's the only one who can keep pace with me!"

"What about me?" Anya asked with a smile.

"Oh, you being a demon and all makes you a lot of fun," Willow grinned. "But you have your job and it keeps pulling you away at the most inopportune times."

"Everyone loves a vengeance demon," Anya sighed, and then shook her head and added, "Look, I'm sorry about all this. How about next time I take you and Tara with me on vacation?"

"The both of us together?" Willow asked, her eyes flashing in interest. "We've never done that before!"

"Think you can survive it?" Anya teased.

"Better than you!" Willow cried, pulling the vengeance demon's mouth to her own.

"Well, that seems to be settled," Beatrice said with a shrug.

"Are you sure that's the last of the Scooby Gang?" I asked. "No Angel or Spike ready to pop up?"

"Well, I was thinking about calling you Angel?" she asked with a smile.

I returned it and said, "I'll be Angel to your Buffy."

"Hey cool!" Cordy cried. "We've got an Angel! I get to fuck him now!"

"Wrong show," Beatrice grinned. Cordy looked crestfallen until Beatrice laughed and added, "Oh go ahead! I'm going to give Oz a ride."

"Really?" both Cordy and Oz cried at the same time.

Beatrice looked at me and I nodded. She smiled. Either she trusted me far more than I expected or she stopped caring. Certainly she'd received enough shocks recently. I promised myself to keep an eye out for her, just in case.

"Sure," Buffy replied, walking up to Cordy and giving her a wet kiss. "Just be sure to save some for me later. I plan on giving you a work out!"

"I'd like that," Cordy said, almost nervously, quite unlike her television character.

"Come on Oz," Beatrice said, taking hold of his cock. The head was already popping out of his fur. She gave me one last look and grinned, adding, "Have fun!"

I pulled Cordy's naked body to mine and kissed her. It wasn't long before we were lying on the carpet in the middle of the room. I was working my cock in and out of Cordelia, building to a nice orgasm when I took a moment to look around the room.

Xander had Dawn's legs thrown over his shoulders while he plowed her pussy. Dawny was crying out with every thrust. Anya and Willow were really going at it! There were sparks literally shooting from their bodies! Giles had Tara over the arm of the couch in the same position that Beatrice and I used earlier. He was sweating profusely and pumping for everything he was worth. Tara seemed oblivious except for a small smile.

The Slayer herself was in the corner of the room with her arms against the wall. She had her back arched as Oz's long wolf like tongue bathed her pussy from behind. The werewolf stood as I watched and directed his cock to Beatrice's pussy. He pushed in and howled! There was nothing gentle about his actions as he started fucking Beatrice from behind.

"That's it Sean! Fuck me!" the Slayer called out, using Oz's real name. "Let me feel that knot everyone keeps telling me about!" The werewolf howled again.

"Soon!" he cried in a deep, raspy voice as his hips blurred.

"Angel," I heard Cordy say. It took me a moment to realize she was talking to me. "Please pay attention! I'm so close!" I looked down at her and smiled.

"Are you still a vampire virgin?" I asked the panting brunette.

"Not anymore!" she gasped. "You're fucking me as we speak!"

"I don't mean have you ever had sex with a vampire," I answered. "In fact, with a body like yours, it quite probable that one of the guys you slept with before me was a vampire."

"Really? You think?" Cordy said, sounding even more excited.

"I'd bet on it," I replied. She smiled briefly, but then quickly frowned.

"Well then, what is a vampire virgin?" I kissed her neck and let my teeth brush her skin in answer. She gasped in understanding and then cried, "I don't want to be a vampire!"

"I have no intention of making you a vampire," I smiled. "But I wouldn't mind a little taste!"

"No way!" Cordy said quickly. I pulled my face far enough away to look into her eyes. She was strong willed, but I knew I could control her if I wanted. I didn't and wouldn't, at least not until I tried one last conventional argument. After that, well, we'll see.

Cordelia's heart was pumping hard as I fucked her and I could feel her blood pushing threw her veins and arteries as we both neared our orgasms. There was no way I could pass up a chance as such a delectable morsel! I'd used my powers if I had to. Who wouldn't?

"Be reasonable. Think about it. Buffy let me have a taste," I said to the dark haired girl after going back to kissing her neck.

"Really?" Cordy asked. I smiled and whispered in her ear.

"Would I lie to you?"

She pushed my face away and looked into my eyes. I was tempted, but waited until she made her decision. I kept up the pace I was setting with my cock. It was keeping her just on the edge of her orgasm.

"Well, if Buffy let you," she finally smiled. "I don't see why I shouldn't."

"Thank you," I smiled and went back to kissing her neck. She tensed, waiting for the sting of my bite, but I wasn't ready yet. I did however pick up the pace and take a quick look around again. Cordy relaxed under me when I didn't immediately bite her and started responding.

I looked up and saw that Xander was still fucking little Dawny, but now Tara was squatting over her face. Beatrice's little sister was sucking all of Giles's cum out of the dirty blond. Poor Giles looked passed out on the couch. That didn't stop Anya from kneeling in front of him and sucking on his cock. The old man groaned, but I could see him smiling slightly.

Oz was really going at Beatrice now! She was obviously enjoying it just as much as him. The Slayer was slamming back with each thrust. The werewolf was drooling profusely with his tongue hanging out the side of his mouth. He couldn't last much longer.

"Most of our little adventures end this way," Willow said to me with a smile. She was standing close to me playing with her pussy again. "Want a taste?"

"In just a moment!" I groaned. Her pussy was close to my mouth and it dripped with her excitement. So she was a nymphomaniac? I knew she'd probably fucked hundred of guys. That didn't make her a bad person. Besides, I probably fucked more women. After all, she'd only been alive for a mere twenty or so years. I shook my head and refocused on Cordelia. I bit down on her neck and tasted the hot brunette for the first time. She was no longer a vampire virgin.

"Oh yes!" Cordy cried out as she came. Her blood was exciting and tasty, but of course nothing like Beatrice's. Then again, I was feeling a bit of the sexual energy I felt earlier.

Maybe Cordelia was more like Beatrice then anyone knew? More likely, the sexual rush combined with the taste of blood reminded my body of how sexually satisfying fucking Beatrice made me feel. In either case, I took one last long suck and then pushed into Cordy as far as I could and came.

"More! I want more!" she cried as my first jet of cum filled her. Her head was thrashing from side to side and her nailed left scratches across my back.

"Oh Sean! I feel it! I feel it! The knot is amazing!" Beatrice cried from her spot by the wall. The werewolf howled one last time, long and loud as he slammed into the Slayer and came! I could see Beatrice shuddering in her own orgasm!

"My turn!" Willow cried, shoving me off of Cordy and trying to plant her pussy on my face. I shook free of her and stood. "Hey!"

"Shut up and come here!" I snapped at the witch. "You'll like what I have planned."

"I like a strong man!" the red head cried and moved closer.

"Then you'll love this," I smiled and reached down with both hands. I grabbed her and flipped the witch over. Her pussy was now only inches from my face while my cock was bouncing against her chin. We both started licking each other. Her pussy was hot and sticky. It was also a bit puffy, but that was to be expected considering Willow always seemed to have something stuffed in it.

"Oh! The blood is all rushing to my head!" the upside down witch giggled as she continued sucking Cordy's cum from my cock.

"Not all of it!" I said, biting into her thigh and tasting Willow. She probably wasn't a vampire virgin. In fact, I doubted Willow was a virgin of any sort, but so what? She was still tasty. Witches usually were!

"Xander! Please stop! I can't take much more!" I heard Dawn cry.

"To hell with that!" he growled.

"Xander, let go of my sister or I'll..."

"You'll what?" Xander grinned, looking at Beatrice with a grin. She was still standing next to the wall with Oz as her back. It was obvious that the knot hadn't gone down yet.

"Eventually, I'll be free of Oz," Beatrice sighed. "I'll make you pay for any damage you do to my little sister."

"Promises! Promises!" Xander cried, but he pulled out of Dawny and moved behind Anya.

"Hey!" the vengeance demon cried when she felt his cock fill her from behind. She took a moment away from Giles's cock to look back at Xander. "I'm still made at you!"

"Oh come on babe!" Xander said. "You were always the best! Let's not fight."

"I hate you!" Anya cried, but then sighed and shrugged, adding, "But sex is sex. Keep fucking! At least you're good for something!"

"That's my girl!" Xander grinned.

Beatrice looked in my direction and shook her head. I was too busy to say anything, but I did wink at her. She laughed.

"Oh hey!" Willow cried as my cock popped out of her mouth. "It's Spike and he's brought friends!" The witch was looking toward the window that Anya broke earlier. Standing in it was my son Vlad. His blond hair was longer than I remembered.

"And here I thought you'd need help when I heard the Slayer was after you," my son said with a shake of his head. "Oh well, we're here. Might as well dive in and take care of this pesky Slayer and her friends." The vampires with him growled and laughed as they climbed through the window. There were quite a lot of them. I lost track after twenty. I noticed Buffy trying to disengage from Oz, but they were still stuck.

"Vlad," I said, dropping poor Willow on her head. "I'm afraid I can't allow that. They're my guests."

"Figures!" my son snapped. "You were never much of a vampire!"

"Vlad," I said carefully. "Can't we just..."

"No!" my son cried out and then turned to his friends and added, "Get them!"

"And the night started out so promising," I sighed as I grabbed the nearest vampire and tossed him into the far wall.

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JuanTwoNoJuanTwoNo11 months ago

Another fiver, I didn't even know of the scoobies, but I'm sure this version is the best without even seeing, hesring or otherwise groking the others.

DenkkarDenkkarover 15 years ago
Very funny

I especially liked the first part which didn't feel like a celebrity story at all. It was simply outrageous and funny. This second part, while still quite funny and all, goes overboard on the dumb sex obsessed scooby gang in my opinion. I do get a real kick out of the ending though, who have thunk it, a vampire master defending a slayer against his own son his gang.

JoesephusJoesephusabout 17 years ago
Good story bad rating

Clearly you're a talented writer. I read your story in LW today and wondered how badly you'd get creamed. I gave you a five there, I hope it helps. I also hope this will help you get a 4.5 and an H. It seemes a shame tht only two of your stories don't have them and they're so close.

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