The Proper Rules For Strip Poker Ch. 03


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"If she asks for something too crazy, Scott," Jayne said, "I'm going to appeal to you as the referee."

"OK," he replied, "Kathy what's her dare?"

"First you two guys should know something; and I don't want either of you to get all concerned, so just listen up!" she said in a serious way, "Even though we like to tease each other, Jayne and I are sisters, and we're almost the same age, and we have always shared some intimate things. So I know some of the details of what happened when she had her first sexual experience, and she knows some of the same things about mine. And its not like we are going to keep a scorecard and talk about it in the future, but it was the first time for both of us and it was very special. You were very special," she said warmly to Scott.

Kathy paused for a moment, gauging our reactions to what she had said.

"Is there a purpose to this confession?" Scott asked her.

"Well yes, because it sort of explains my idea her dare," Kathy responded, "You see when they were making love for the first time, Jayne never took him into her mouth, which is fine, maybe that wouldn't be so romantic in that situation, I don't know. But now that they are lovers, I think she should learn to do that for him. I know from reading that guys really enjoy it; but a lot of girls won't do it because they think it's gross. And, to tell the truth, I haven't done it with Scott either, but maybe I will after she tells me what it's like. So missy, for one minute, you know what you have to do!"

"Go sit on the couch," she ordered me, "So she can kneel down in front of you."

I stayed where I was. Jayne was staring hard at Kathy.

"Are you going to appeal?" Kathy said.

"No, I'm not," she said, with a little edge to her voice, "I'll do it, even in front of both of you."

"Go sit there, please," she said to me, "so we can give Kathy her little show."

I got up and sat on the couch. Why was I turning red?

"Just one thing," she said to me in a very sincere way, "if you think something is going to happen, please stop me, because I don't think I'm ready to have that happen in my mouth, even though I know some girls do that part of it too. Maybe eventually I could get up my nerve, I don't know; but not this time and certainly not in front of them."

"I'll try to make sure that doesn't happen," I replied firmly, trying to calm the butterflies in my stomach, "and if I am getting into any kind of trouble I'll tell you right away."

"Start the timer Kathy," she commanded kneeling in front of me and spreading my legs so she could get between them.

"Go!" Kathy exclaimed.

Now I wasn't very hard, but that soon changed as she took me into her mouth. At first she just held it there, but then she began to suck on it a bit. I could also feel her touching me with her tongue. It felt really, really good! Then she started to work on it more vigorously as she moved her head from side to side. I closed my eyes and experienced the most wonderful sensations as I got harder and harder. And the sensations got more and more intense! Fortunately, before I went into dangerous territory the bell went off on the timer. Jayne lifted her mouth off my penis and gave it a tiny kiss on the tip. I shivered slightly. I was also breathing fairly heavily.

Jayne looked up at me and smiled.

"I think you liked that," she said, with a twinkle in her amazing blue eyes, "maybe I'll do that some more when we're alone as a reward for good behavior," she continued, teasing me.

I couldn't quite speak so, I nodded my assent to her. She gave my penis a quick little squeeze and got up on the couch beside me, holding my arm and resting her head on my shoulder.

"What was it like?" asked Kathy.

"It's not too, too bad at all," she replied, "and it's quite something to feel how big you can make a guy get so quickly by doing that. Maybe you should try it with Scott, because now there are two things he's missed out on, poor baby!" she continued with mock sympathy.

"Maybe I will," Kathy said, "like you said, as a reward for good behavior. Can you be extra good Scott?"

Scott grinned and moved his head up and down several times in the affirmative. After he saw my reaction, I was sure he'd be the most perfect guy in the world if it meant Kathy might do that to him!

"Only two dares left, what are you going to make them do?" Jayne asked.

"Well let me see ... oh, I know," Kathy said with delight, "I have a great way to finish off this game with dares for the guys. So here goes," she paused dramatically!

"Jayne, remember the 'honor dare' inside the closet from the last game?"


"We didn't cheat, and no wonder, it led to a pretty hot kiss, among other things that I will leave to your imagination. I was sorry when the timer went off. So he's going to do an honor dare with you in the same place, except what you had us do would be too tame for you two."

She turned to me, "So here's your dare; and it's not a timed dare. You are to take her into that closet and close the door. And then you can start touching her with anything you like, anywhere you like, for as long as you like, but you can't have sex with her while you are in there. You have to keep doing that until she gets to 'female sexual heaven' as she likes to call it. If she doesn't get there, you don't stop even if it takes you all afternoon and all night! And missy, no cheating, it has to be a real one!"

"They don't have a lot of space in there, Scott, so this should be interesting," she continued with an evil laugh.

I was more than a little relieved, and excited! At least this dare would happen in private!

"What about Scott?" Jayne demanded.

"Oh, I've had a plan for him right from the beginning," Kathy replied looking at him suggestively.

"We're going upstairs, hopefully it won't be too noisy with the other two, and he's going to do the same dare you told me you gave out at the very end of the last game. He was in too much of a rush the first time. So this time I want to get to 'heaven' like you did, and then after maybe he and I can both get there together. We'll see."

Scott looked embarrassed; but also puzzled about his dare. But I knew what it was! Jayne had made me kiss her all over, and especially between her legs, as my dare. And the oral sex had given her a powerful climax! Which was a good thing, because when I entered her afterwards in my extremely excited state, I wasn't able to hold out long enough to give her a second one while I was inside her. And during a second session of very tender lovemaking a little while later, we also did not have a Hollywood ending!

Kathy saw the puzzled look on Scott's face and whispered something in his ear. He flushed quite a bit, but he also looked very excited!

"OK, you two, into the closet, let's go!"

Everyone got up and went into the little hallway where the closet was. Kathy opened the closet door. The few coats that were in there were still pushed to one end the way they had been left the previous Saturday. Jayne and I stepped in and faced each other. There really wasn't a lot of space!

"Maybe tonight we can order pizza and continue the party?" Kathy said.

"Alright, but no more strip poker," Jayne said.

"What about nude Twister?" I suggested making everyone laugh.

"Just do your dare," said Kathy closing the door, "Bye now; have fun!"

We could hear their laughter fading away as they left the hall. The closet was very dark, with only a little light coming from underneath the door.

"Are we really going to do this in here?" I asked.

"Oh, we better," Jayne said in a whisper, "because if Kathy ever finds out we didn't, there will be hell to pay! Besides, I like you kissing my body, especially in certain places."

She came close to me and we started to kiss. I put my arms around her, and pulled her tightly to me. As we kissed more and more deeply, I moved my hands to her hips, and pulled her into me. I could feel her breasts against my chest, and her breathing. I broke off from her mouth and placed gentle little kisses on her face and her neck. Moving downwards to her small breasts and little nipples, I licked and kissed each of them making them stand up for me. She made a little sound of pleasure as I continued to tease them with my tongue and lips. Then I moved further downwards, bending my knees, so I could kiss her belly and navel, and finally I knelt on the floor, licking the inside of her thighs and placing small kisses on her skin just above the golden hair I could see in my imagination. She pulled my head down into her mound, and let out a small whimper.

I reached up with my hands and used my fingers to gently spread her lips apart, which caused her to shudder. I pushed my mouth forward into her, and used my tongue to explore her slit as much as I could with her standing, moving up and down and sucking on her little clitoris.

"I need to get down," she whispered, between ragged breaths.

"I'll move over here," I whispered back, "Sit here."

She knelt beside me. I gently pulled her legs out from under her and guided her to lie down on her back. I opened her legs and carefully pulled one of them up on top of her, folding it, and placing her hand under the knee so she could hold it there. As I searched in the darkness for her other leg, I discovered that she had already raised it the same way for me. I crawled down beneath her, using one arm to support myself, as I brought my mouth up to her completely exposed sex. If there had been any light it would have made for a very indecent picture! She let out a sigh as I began to explore inside her inner lips with my tongue. I used my free hand to spread her as much as possible to help me. I searched downwards with my tongue for her vagina and then entered it, feeling the soft, warm, wetness of her. She began to quiver and moan, as I worked myself back up her slit until I found her clitoris again, sucking it and trying to take it between my teeth. I breathed in the arresting odor of her womanhood! She wriggled her hips as I continued to play with her clitoris, and I could hear her quick short breathing in the near darkness. I placed one finger inside her and circled it around to open her up more, so I could work a second one into her.

"Oh God!" she gasped, as I attacked her tiny mound of flesh even more ferociously with my tongue, all the while working my fingers in and out of her. I sensed from the tensing of her muscles she was nearly ready to climax. Then she gave a little cry, and another louder one, and crushed her legs around my head, as I felt her spasms of ecstasy on my fingers. I waited a long time for her response to subside, and then gently pushed out from between her legs, finally managing to kneel beside her, and take her up into my arms. As I held her in the darkness, I could feel her heart beating.

"We can leave now," I whispered to her, giving her a little kiss, "I think our dare is done."

"Yes," she breathed into my ear, "that was certainly real, very real. I love what you can do to me, and I love you so much!"

I got up and opened the door. As my eyes adjusted to the light she got up and stood by me and we embraced. I took her hand and led her back to the den. She let go of me, closed the door and turned out the light, and then took my hand again to lead me to the couch.

"Sit here," she whispered, "I want to try out what Kathy and Debbie did!

I sat down where she asked. She climbed onto the couch beside me, kneeling on the cushions, and then moved one leg across me so she could straddle my lap. She pushed me downwards, so I was more in a slouching position. Slowly and carefully she moved herself up, until she was able to guide me with one hand into the entrance of her sex. As I felt the hot wetness of her, she moved again, trying to ease me more fully into her tight vagina. Finally she gave a little grunt, and pushed herself down on me so I was completely inside her! She moved a little up and down on me until I was even deeper. I let out a groan! She began making rhythmic movements with her hips, so she could rub the top of her sex against the pubic hair above my buried erection to stimulate her clitoris exactly as she wanted. As she moved herself sinuously on me waves of sensation were making it hard to maintain any vestiges of self control!

She pushed my head down onto her breasts and demanded, "Kiss them."

I sucked each little hard nipple in turn, making her shiver a little, as she continued to grind her sex into me. The sensations she was giving me were becoming intense! I was very close to the end!

"Now this," she panted into my ear, as she moved her hips to work herself towards a climax, "is the proper way," she gasped, trying to push me even more deeply inside her, "to do my dare!"

The End

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AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Too Good Not To Be Better. Oh, Paul, I wish you had spent more time proofreading. Its when the contraction was needed: It's. Missing words in sentences. Nancy and Steve when it should have been Nancy and John. Inconsistent use of blond/blonde (the latter would have been preferred). Still and all, a wonderful story.

razerbaijanrazerbaijanabout 13 years ago
Great work, though this third chapter is one too many.

Firstly I must emphasise how good I think the previous two stories are. They are amongst the best-written pieces I have read in creating a strong sexual tension between well-crafted characters; this marks them out from the cartoonist, pornified characters often found in other stories that bear little resemblance to reality and merely imitate a crude stereotype.

So these stories rank as an excellent achievement in erotic writing. However, as the author notes in the introduction, this third chapter is taking the story too far. It follows exactly the same pattern as in the previous two stories except with additional new characters. During the game the experienced players' knowing comments and overt conversation is a little irritating; they are too confident and hence removes a lot of the tension and anticipation that was in the previous chapters.

Furthermore, the dares best exemplify that this third chapter is merely an inferior re-run of the first two chapters in that there are almost no new dares. The characters end up doing things they've already done before; the fellatio being the one exception.

The over-reliance of couples also means that things become a bit predictable as it is blindingly obvious who is going do what with whom. The best bit about the first chapter was that uncertainty, and the dare given by Jayne. Nevertheless, I've given this story a 4, purely because it is just as well-written and the concept just as strong as in the previous chapters.

I note that there are further chapters, despite the author's comments in the introduction to this story and so I shall look forward to reading them. I would love to read a strip-poker story written by the author that uses brand-new characters, who are not coupled up but simply individuals, which would yield a lot more freedom for the dares. To be frank, I wouldn't like to see the existing set of characters engage in swapping partners as they are too cutesy, too inexperienced and unlikely to seek other people. The emphasis has strongly been on loved-up coupledom and to break with that would be tremendously difficult to execute in a plausible manner. Finally, the idea that they would play exactly the same game for a FOURTH time is risible.

Keep up the brilliant work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Good story, but . . .

I was expecting a little more tension. Something like some inter couple fooling around. Maybe next one.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
The Best!!

In my years reading Literotica, this was easily the best story I've read. You kept up the excitement and pulled the

reader right into the story. Please write more.

Strawberry_2051Strawberry_2051over 15 years ago
That's My Kind of Story!

Erotic tension that was well done. Good Job!

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