The Pilots Ch. 02


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"Yes," I said, "I guess I did. How was your day other than all the phone sex calls you've made?"

"Business before sex I guess. OK. I did a small deal today; I bought another company that's been able to up the efficiency of their solar cells by ten percent by using a rare earth element in their crystallization process. Want me to go on?"

"Only with the phone sex part," I said. She laughed.

She did go on about business for a few more minutes. At my prodding, she listed the ten issues she was dealing with at her company -- TransSolarium Inc or TSI as she called it. I told her I could help her with most of them and that we'd start working on them when I was there on Wednesday. She was happy about my ability to contribute.

The phone sex part of our call was great. It turned out she was lying naked in bed running her hands over her breasts and nipples and paying particular attention to her pussy. I stripped and got on my bed as well. I described in detail my approach to dining on her fine delectable pussy. After a while, she moaned and vocalized her climax to me.

Kim then described how she would give me the perfect blowjob, including a tongue by tongue and stroke by stroke description of her assault on my cock. She also provided me some descriptive reminders of our weekend together, including some of her sister's contributions to the orgasmic bliss we'd given to each other for two days. I jettisoned my load into a Kleenex, telling her how good my orgasm felt.

We talked a while longer about getting together. We were both exhausted having gotten up so early after having been awake fucking so late and so many times the night before. We pledged our love to each other and both of us went to sleep.

I spent Tuesday day at the Department of Transportation talking about CAFÉ standards -- corporate average fuel economy, and their impacts on energy consumption, alternative fuels, hybrids, and in particular on DOE. DOT was also a client but, amazingly, actually worked in harmony with DOE on this stuff.

About four o'clock my meetings ended. I retrieved my car from the pay lot on the corner and drove to Washington Executive airstrip. I was airborne in forty-five minutes, spending most of that time waiting for a clearance to Chapel Hill. The weather was just bad enough that I couldn't go VFR.

I had called Kim with my cell but got her secretary and left a message with my ETA just before I took off. When I landed in Chapel Hill, Kim pulled her sedan up next to my parked plane. "You chariot awaits you. And, I am your devoted sex slave for ever and ever!"

"Now that's the best offer I've had all day," I said as I scooped her into my arms and rained kisses all over her face and neck. "Hello Sex Slave," I said; Kim kissed back and thrust her pelvic area into mine. I developed a lump in my pants again.

We drove to a small bistro on the edge of the University and had some wine and dinner. Kim was telling me about how dynamic some of the issues in her company were. Finally, on the second glass of wine, she ran out of steam and relaxed. She had a silly grin on her face that signaled she was ready to park the problems of TSI at least until tomorrow morning.

I said, "I have a potentially embarrassing question to ask you; you decide whether you want to answer or not." She nodded and leaned forward. "Had you done what we did with June before? I don't care if you did. I'm just curious. And, oh yes, were you OK with me making love to her over the weekend?"

Kim laughed and kissed me. "No, I'd never made love to her like that before and you could have asked me in front of her. When we were kids we'd compared our anatomies, and we often saw each other naked or nearly so. But we never touched. She's two years older and tells all you should know. She told me all about losing her virginity and then about each of her relationships -- in detail. Anyway, I grew up knowing her sexploits including her life with her lovers in her 'Circle'. I know the sexy details; it's very loving and can be very erotic. Thanks to you I understand it all better than I did. I have a lot to learn though." She smiled.

"As for last weekend," Kim went on, "remember I asked you to make love to June. I meant it. We've been so close that I felt warm and giving by sharing you with her."

"But we'd just found each other after so long a time," I said. "I just don't want you to think …"

Kim interrupted, "I don't think anything other than that you love me -- truly, madly, deeply I think you said last night. I accept that. I also know that you love June. It's part of your make up and mine to share and love other people. This is our unselfish and unconditional love. You've made more of a convert out of me than you'll know." We kissed again.

Kim reflected a moment then added, "I expect that when we visit with the Circle over the summer there will be opportunities to love other people. We can look forward to being with June again and perhaps others in her Circle. June called me earlier today; you should know that she's in love with you too," she paused, "and I'm not a bit jealous." Kim smiled lovingly at me.

"Is Jim, her husband, OK with that or hasn't she told him?" I asked.

"Oh, she told him what a tender and generous lover you were," Kim said. "She said he was glad you'd taken such good care of her over the weekend. He wants to meet you, in the nicest of ways. By the way the guys in the Circle are not bisexual; they're comfortable in each other's presence, but that's as far as it goes. Based on what you've told me that'll fit your preferences."

"Are you comfortable with your new bisexuality?" I asked.

"As far as it goes," Kim laughed. "Right now that extends to my stepsister. It's almost incest but not quite. Even if she were my full sister I'd feel all right with what we did. It's all about loving each other and I do love her. I have a new dimension, a new way to love her now that wasn't there before and I am grateful. I can even say 'Thank you Universe' for what I learned this weekend."

We held hands and lingered over our dinner conversation. Kim suggested I call June and tell her that I love her. I pulled my cell phone out and Kim dialed for me. June answered and I told her about our conversation and that we were both thinking loving and nice sexy thoughts about her and wished she was with us again. We could feel the glow over the phone as we passed it back and forth. Then we rang off, paid the bill and headed home.

We made beautiful love that night. We were very tender and sweet with one another. Our moves were made to titillate and stimulate each other. We didn't rush. Our orgasms were extended and oh so enjoyable. Afterwards we ignored our fluids and stickiness and just cuddled together until we fell asleep in each other's arms. We both knew we were loved and at the center of the universe.


I awoke the next day to the feeling of erect breasts rubbing across my chest. I didn't open my eyes right away; I lay there, smiled and savored the experience. Kim knew I was awake. When I felt her lips wrap around my cock and inhale my essence into her mouth my eyes shot open.

She played with me for a few moments. I made to include her more actively in our sex play, but she separated from me just long enough to say, "No, just you." I conceded the point, layback, and let Kim bring me to orgasm. I realized how erotic and sensual it is to watch someone else masturbating you and sucking you into her mouth and even deep throating you from time to time. She was nude as well as I must admit that the sight of a naked female, particularly one giving me a Class A-1 blowjob is stimulating as all hell. My climax was noteworthy but only reduced my horniness index from ten to nine. She came and kissed me deeply after my orgasm; I offered to return the sexual favors but she said she was fine and wanted to wait until the evening. We cuddled for a few minutes then Kim said we ought to think about going to work. I conceded that point too.

It was 6:30 am. I stripped the bed and put the linens in a wash, then came back and joined Kim in the shower. We kissed a little and I thanked her for my wake up call; I promised to return the favor whenever she was ready. I suggested on her desk around mid morning. We dressed, ate, drove to TSI, and I started to learn about Kim's company in great detail.

The next three days were a whirlwind of meetings and interviews. I wanted to really understand TSI, where it was, where it was going, and what its potential was. I also wanted to compare it to a number of other energy-related companies I knew. I spent all day Thursday with Kim's Chief Financial Officer, Ken Wheatley. Kim said she really trusted his ideas and judgment. Friday I spent closing gaps and making a series of calls to friends in a number of other companies as well as to a first cousin at Goldman Sachs.

Kim had agreed to wait until Friday afternoon for my assessment of TSI. Our evenings for the week were similar to Tuesday evening after I arrived. We went out to dinner around Chapel Hill then went home and made love. We were taking turns waking each other up with an erotic wake-up call: my receiving a blowjob or Kim awakening to having her pussy licked, sucked and kissed to climax. At work, we both had smiles on our faces. Deb Haywood, Kim's assistant told me she'd never seen Kim so happy and she'd been working with her for over two years.

Friday afternoon I suggested that Kim, Ken Wheatley and I meet from four to six o'clock. We gathered in the conference room and I spoke. "The reason I want to talk to the two of you is, well, Kim it's your company and I see a lot of potential here, but it'll take some financial moves to implement some of my recommendations and that's why I wanted Ken's input." I turned to Ken and he nodded his gratitude for being included.

"Here's the bottom line. Kim, I want TSI to buy two other companies right now. The cost will be around $60 to $80 million and they're both willing to sell to someone like you. They are Geo-Therm International out of Little Rock and Electric Breezes out of Denver. I'll explain my reasons in a minute. In six to nine months I want TSI to do an Initial Public Offering or IPO of forty to fifty percent of the company, with you retaining majority control for the time being. Before that I want you to round out the Board with the people you want to be sure have a voice in your company and I want you to be sure you've issued shares to those you want to share in TSI's future wealth. After the IPO, I think TSI should use some of its cash to buy two more companies, one in tidal power generation and I think I know a candidate in the U.K., and the second in photo-voltaic technology -- there are several around but I think we should go after one in France or Russia."

Kim and Ken were both nodding and leaning forward in their chairs as I outlined my proposals on a whiteboard. I explained my rationale and the details about my plan to them, giving them the case for action, my vision for the company, and some detailed steps about how to make some of the things I was recommending happen. Ken was particularly worried about the IPO until I explained that I'd already talked in confidence to my cousin at Goldman Sachs and he was waiting for us to make the next step; he said they could probably sell the entire offering in one hour and probably at record prices over evaluation. The purchase of the two small companies right off the mark was to help in boosting the evaluation and attractiveness of TSI's offering. The second two purchases were to round out the portfolio of non-fossil fuel technologies the company was manufacturing and help position TSI internationally.

Kim loved the ideas, Ken agreed, and over the next few months the three of us set about changing TSI. Kim asked me to be on the Board and gave me a block of shares to make it worth my while. Over the next few weeks I contacted my friends at Geo-Term and Electric Breezes and negotiated a fair price and terms for them and an advantageous deal for TSI. The management teams remained in tact and both leaders joined our Board.

We took a week in July and flew up to my camp near Stratton, Maine. The "camp" is actually an all-weather, five-bedroom home on a beautiful lake in the mountains. We also brought up June and her husband Jim; Jan, the sexy close friend I'd met a few weeks earlier; and Bob and Trish Knight that sort of started the Circle of Love. The seven of us spent the week relaxing on the lake, telling stories, sharing philosophies, extending our thinking with each other, playing golf, hiking, swimming, reading, eating and drinking exotic creations we took turns making, and making love to everyone else that was there.

Every one of us had a smile on their face all week long while we were in Maine. Bob said he'd write another story for Literotica about our weekend together and post it on their web site; he had us all reading stories from that site aloud to each other one night -- it was an arousing evening; every one of us got horny and made love with at least two other people.

We ferried the visitors to Maine back to Camp Forge on the following Saturday afternoon. Kim and I stayed with them that night, making love and sleeping with June and Jan; Jim had joined Bob and Trish for the evening.

Sunday Kim and I flew down to DC and prowled around Washington. It was a hot, muggy day and we just walked around a lot of the touristy spots in the City and enjoyed being with each other. I think I kissed Kim a thousand times and told her I loved her about the same number. We stayed at my condo at the Watergate Sunday night and then Monday morning the two of us took Kim's plane and flew to Teterboro Airport. We took a car into the City and went to Goldman Sachs and set up the IPO; the IPO was to take place in January just after the start of TSI's new fiscal year. That afternoon we flew back to Chapel Hill and went to TSI. Things were in place for big and bold moves.

Nine Months Later

So much has happened in these few months I barely know where to start writing again. First, let me tell you that Kim and I are as in love with each other as we have ever been. As I'll explain in a minute, we've been able to spend an increasing amount of time together and this has pleased both of us. We've also spent a lot of weekends up in Camp Forge with June and her Circle of Love; they are our dearest and closest friends and lovers.

TSI's meteoric growth continues; much to our surprise sales topped $300 million for last year and including our new companies we expect to more than double that this fiscal year. We have a very healthy order book and are scrambling everyday to increase production without sacrificing quality or service.

We had the IPO in January; the initial offering was announced at $25 per share. The price of oil skyrocketed to $92 per barrel the week before the IPO, so on the day of the IPO shares were bid up to over $225 per share and it has gone up from there. We were ecstatic. What this meant was that on paper Kim was the country's newest billionaire, yes, that with "b". She's been sort of numb since. The other shareholders, including myself, all made out extremely well in the sale. In round numbers June and I, as well as Kim's parents ended up increasing our net worth by about $180 million each. Kim moved up to Chairman and named Ken Wheatley, also a newly minted multi-millionaire, as the President. She focusing on long term strategy and growth of the company while Ken runs day-to-day operations and keeps the customers happy.

Kim and I humored ourselves and bought a corporate jet -- a Learjet 400 that is plush and will carry pilot and copilot, plus eight passengers. Kim and I both went to jet school on and off from January through March in Marietta, Georgia and got type rated on the plane. It has long-range tanks on it so we can fly non-stop to or from Europe or do Alaska to Tokyo in one hop. We've been to Europe about once a month. While we added a crew to TSI's payroll, Kim and I do a lot of the piloting and, yes, we've joined the mile high club; I'll have to write about that some day.

We helped the Circle of Love design and start to build a luxurious home outside of Camp Forge, Pennsylvania on a 300-acre tract of land. It's under construction and the main house should be finished in about three more months. Kim said it was a late wedding present to June and a gift of love to the four other people we love and have learned so much from in the Circle. I should add that June is pregnant for the first time. Everyone knew she was coming off birth control so either Jim, Bob or I could be the father; we can't wait to see who the baby looks like. Everyone is ecstatic about the event.

I went to Crescent Ridge, Pennsylvania and met Kim's parents at Christmas time. They were moving into a new home and we helped them with the move and lots of little home projects. Her Mom and Dad are about ten years older than I am, yet I felt like I was about sixteen years old and asking if I could go steady with their daughter when we met. They were both very engaging and soon put me at ease. I'm now considered a member of the family and feel comfortable talking with both them anytime. I was surprised at how freethinking Kim's Mom and Dad were; they were supportive of June and her lifestyle and certainly supportive of Kim's relationship with me. I felt a lot better after we'd left knowing they not only approved but also supported our love.

Right after we got rated in the jet, Kim and I picked up both of my daughter's families and we flew everyone to Aruba for Spring Break -- there were nine of us including my three grandchildren. Kim and my daughters got along famously; my kids, both in their twenties, were becoming a nag to me to meet someone and get in a serious relationship again. They're amazed that Kim is so beautiful, so talented and, more recently, rich. The fun topic of conversation was that if we got married they'd have a stepmother just a few years older than they are; we all laughed over that. My daughters and their husbands were stunned and over the moon when I announced that we were planning on starting a family together; Kim even has that rosy glow that might signal that we've already been successful in our seed planting activities.

I still spend some of my time consulting and Kim spends a lot of her time being Chairman of a company that might have a gross of over two billion dollars in five years; we keep doing acquisitions. Nonetheless, we have made strict rules on the amount of time we'll tolerate being away from each other. Yes, a rule, but we both set it and it's sort of flexible. We've been playing and enjoying life more than either of us were before we met. We use the jet a lot; it's taken us around the world to places we'd only dreamed of seeing. Best of all though, it always brings whichever one of us is away back home.

Oh yes. I gave that keynote speech at the Energy Futures Conference where Kim and I had met. That year it was in Colorado Springs. We flew our jet out to attend and say hello to our old friends in the industry. Then we flew down to Amelia Island and spent a week just walking the beach and making love; it was actually a delayed honeymoon.

A Happy Ending

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago
the devil is in the details

I often check details from stories if they are in them, couldn't find a (8 passenger) Lear 400. Found a 60 or a 9 passenger 45, now I'm wondering which one you thought of or if it even was a Lear. Devil's in the deets

reader_3634reader_3634almost 9 years ago
Great story - but a little confused

I have read many stories by this author and I am now trying to go back in sequence of date posted. As usual - this is another great story. However, I am a little confused about identities. In 'The Experiment' it was Trish that was involved with John & Loren. In the 'Circle of Love', Trish mentions a previous relationship with John - albeit with some differences. In this story it is Mindy that was involved with John & Loren and Trish is still around in the circle.

This does not detract from the story read as an individual item but it is a little confusing when trying to read the sequence of stories. I still give you 5 stars.

bdtex1327bdtex1327almost 11 years ago
Good Story

Good Story Thank You

Jena121Jena121about 16 years ago
What a story ..........................

I sat here reading and my batteries have gone flat from all the sensations and the images that my mind has conjoured up whilst reading these stories - so far I have only read 3 of your stories but I'm just about to spend the afternoon catching up on a lot more - maybe even the evening - WOW is all I can say - fucking fantastic - I love group sex and if it is with good friends it is all the better - my Group Therapy stories are all TRUE experiences so I know what you are writing about - keep UP the good work - Jena121

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