The Last Boy Scout Ch. 01


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Lisa was driving me nuts, still pressing my cock between her breasts, while looking up at me while I spoke.

"Kaitlyn's Aunt and Uncle were supposed to come down for the second weekend, and her parents left us in their care. But the weather turned bad, and since all they do is golf every day, they decided to wait until after the storm blew over. Leaving us alone. As soon as we got the word they were going to be delayed a couple of days, we started drinking and fooling around. Angela and I were getting bad, doing it anywhere and everywhere. We'd never been alone like that for so long. A house to ourselves. The first couple of times we did it around Kaitlyn, she'd just leave, but finally she just sat beside us, ignoring us, while Angela sat in my lap and we watched a movie together, screwing the whole time."

The girls were clinging to my every word. I put my hand on Lisa and eased her away from me. "You've gotta stop that, beautiful, or I'm going to make a mess." She blushed hard, and moved back just a little. "God, I can't believe I'm telling you guys this."

I looked around to see if they wanted me to go on. It seemed obvious.

"We were getting more and more blatant. By the time the movie ended the first night, we were all pretty drunk. Angela and I were both naked, and Kaitlyn was wearing a threadbare t-shirt and panties. I'll be honest, it was driving me crazy to have her around.

"'Are you guys always like this?' Kaitlyn asked.

"Angela laughed at her. 'Never, I think he's getting off on having my best friend watch us.'

"I was pretty worn out, but Angela slipped between my legs and took me in her mouth, right in front of Kaitlyn, shocking her.

"'You're kidding me, right? Again?' she gasped.

"I was tempted to beg off, but Angela changed my mind pretty quickly. 'Just one more. Help me?' she asked."

Teri gasped, "She asked for her help?"

I nodded. "She didn't ask for much. She pleaded with Kaitlyn to take off her shirt. 'Please,' she asked. Kaitlyn did, then she rubbed her tits for me and moved in real close. She even told me I could touch them. Between Angela's blow-job and playing with Kaitlyn's big tits, I got hard again, and Angela climbed on my lap for another ride. I was still playing with Kaitlyn's tits, and she got on her knees and let me suck them. Apparently that worked Angie up even more than me. I heard the change in her breathing, felt a new urgency in her actions. I was getting a little crazy, touching Kaitlyn all over, sliding my hand into her panties, urging her to take them off, until she was naked and coming on my hand. Once her friend came for me, it set Angie off and she exploded, the first of many intense orgasms on that ride. But it seemed no matter how long we fucked, I wasn't going to come again. Angela eventually climbed off of me, and grabbed both of us by the hand and dragged us to the bed."

Lisa was back to doing bad things with her tits and my cock. "All three of you naked in bed? Is that when you screwed her?"

"No. Everything but that. It was crazy. We spent that night and the whole next day playing around. I was still screwing Angela, but I spent a lot of time underneath the two of them, with Kaitlyn parked on my face. They blew me together, and I could do pretty much anything I wanted except fuck Kaitlyn. At one point Angela even let Kaitlyn try me for just a minute, so yeah, I was inside of her, not the whole way, but enough to make it official. I just held her while she lay on top of me, and we didn't move. She seemed to like that a lot. Kaitlyn got so worked up she was even able to come for me, without my doing anything but hold her and kiss her. That was amazing. Really intense, feeling her shaking and trembling while she came for me. I had to pull out of her, and Angela finished me off with her mouth while Kaitlyn clung to me. After dinner that night, Angela finally gave in and said she wanted to see me do her friend. Take her virginity for real."

"God, I'm so jealous," Julie whispered to me.

"After almost 24 hours of having to stop short, given the green light I got a little crazy. I should have treated her gently, and made a special moment out of it, but I wanted her so bad I was burning up with desire. I got on top of her, and without any more foreplay, forced my entire length inside of her in one hard stroke, making her scream my name. Jesus, if y'all only knew what it was like to hear your name from a woman's lips while you're fucking her. It's like an adrenaline shot to the brain. We screwed for hours, and now I could take turns on them. I spent most of the time in Kaitlyn, since it was probably my one and only chance. Even after we went to sleep, I woke up and had Kaitlyn twice more. She got up to get a drink, and I followed her to the kitchen and did her on the table. I couldn't get enough of her. I probably spent three or four hours that night, constantly hard and always in somebody's mouth or pussy. It was epic. Best fucking night of my life."

I sat back sipping my drink while Lisa slowly rubbed her tits up and down on my cock, completely open about it. She was rubbing her nipples against me, first one, then the other. The girl had no shame. God, there was so much to like about her. Where the hell had this come from?

"The next morning, Kaitlyn left us so I could have one more turn with Angela in private before the Aunt and Uncle arrived. We never even talked about it after that, although we'd occasionally drop hints, but it was clearly a one-time thing."

I looked down at Lisa. "Lisa, if you don't stop right now, I'm going to lose it."

She had that look of a kid caught with her hand in the cookie jar. "I'm sorry, but that was sooo fucking hot."

Julie spoke up. "And you guys never did it again?"

"She got back together with David a week later."

"You didn't answer the question," Lisa said with a mischievous grin.

"Fine. Over the summer, after Angela and I ended it and she went off to college, Kaitlyn and I got together a few times before she had to leave." I looked over at Teri. "Those were the only three. Do you believe me now?"

Teri leaned against me. "I'm sorry about what I said about cheating. I didn't know. I thought what they'd said was true."

"And that's our biggest issue. You and me. You don't trust me. You always think I'm lying to you and find the worst in anything I say."

"No I don't," she argued, but she knew I was right, and her heart wasn't in it.

"I wish it wasn't true," I told her. I lifted her face to mine and gave her a kiss. "How many times have I told you I like you and asked to move our relationship further?"

"You're just teasing me," she said sullenly.

"See? You still don't believe me. I've never lied to you about that. Never."

"But you're always joking about stuff, like 'christening your castle.'"

"You're right, I do now. I joke because it's easier to take getting shot down if it sounds like I'm kidding than when I'm serious."

"You should have said something," Teri kept arguing.

I sighed. "Whatever. You're going to hear what you want to hear, and believe what you want to believe. And that's why you're no longer in my top five."

I pulled back a bit, and made a show of looking at my watch. "And now I'm going to go to bed, and so are you guys, like we promised Miss Shannon. And nobody is ever going to breathe a word of what I told you here tonight, to anybody. Right?"

"Wait," Lisa said, grabbing me.

I stopped. "What?"

"Who are the others? The ones that aren't here?"

"I don't think it matters. I've made up my mind already, and they're no longer in the picture." I got up and started folding up the blanket. The wind was gusting hard, and I was afraid we were going to get hit with a big storm, not the showers predicted.

The girls were still all standing around, as if they didn't know where to go. Finally Teri, came up to me and pulled me down for a kiss on the cheek. "I really am sorry, Alex. Do you think maybe we can talk about it a little tomorrow?"

I gave her a hug. "Bestest girl since sixth grade? I'll always have time for you."

She hugged me back, gave me another peck and headed for her tent.

Looking around, I could see we were the last ones up. The main fire was deserted. "Goodnight girls," I said, heading to my tent for one of the half-dozen tarps I'd brought. I took it back to our woodpile, covering it, and before I knew it, the sisters were helping me. I scattered the fire so it could burn out. "It's starting to rain. I've got this. You guys should go to bed."

Julie came to me, wrapping her arms around my neck. "Thanks for sharing with us. This was the greatest night ever." She drew me down for a long hot kiss that curled my toes. Afterward she looked over toward her sister.

"Go ahead," Lisa said. "I'll be with you in a second."

"I'm going to take down this fly, so it doesn't blow away," I explained to Lisa who still gave no indication of leaving.

I didn't put the fly away, I just took it down, folding it up in thirds and staked it down thoroughly. Lisa helped. When I was done, she moved next to me. "You and I need to talk, OK? Don't make any big decisions before we chat, please?"

I was afraid she was going to try to make her sister off-limits. That was going to be an ugly chat. It must have showed on my face.

She slid her hand in mine. "Nothing bad, Alex, I promise. It's just that tonight has been eye opening." She moved in for a hug, as the bigger raindrops started falling. "I had a great time with you tonight. A lot better than I expected to, to be totally honest. I think I had let your rep get to me."


"We'll talk about it tomorrow. Can I have a kiss goodnight, too?"

She needn't have asked. I kissed her there under the trees for several minutes, getting acquainted with much of her awesome body. It was surreal, holding her in the soft rain. "Go, you're going to get soaked." I told her, turning her away, and patting her ass.

She blew me a kiss, and ran over to her tent.

I walked over to Miss Shannon's tent. "Shannon, you still awake?" I asked softly, trying to avoid attention.

It was silent for a moment. "What are you up to, Mr. Hamilton?"

Uh-oh. Mr. Hamilton. She was not happy with me. "The girls have gone to bed. Everyone else too. It looks like a storm is coming. I'm going to secure a few things around the camp. I wanted you to know, in case you heard anything going on out here."

She poked her head out of the opening, looking up at me. "Thank you. I'm sorry I snapped at you."

"No problem. Stay in there and keep warm. It looks like the storm could be bad." I knelt down in front of her, reaching out and stroking her hair brazenly. "Wouldn't want my favoritest teacher in the world getting wet on my account."

"Don't mistreat those girls. They're good kids," she said softly, almost pleading. She didn't pull away from my hand, as I ran my fingers through her hair.

"Wouldn't dream of it. We really had a nice talk. I've never had a chance to talk to girls like that, so openly. Not even with my girlfriends. It was good. I learned a lot."

She rolled her eyes at me. "That's all we need." She reached up and gave my hand a squeeze. "Thanks for helping, and for keeping your trouble-making to a minimum." She gave me a big grin at the end.

"Anything for you," I teased her with a similar grin, inching closer.

She sighed. "Go on now, before one of us says or does something stupid."

I leaned forward and saw her tremble for a second before my lips reached her forehead. "Goodnight, Shannon."

"Goodnight, Alex." She watched me for a second before disappearing back into her tent.

I was getting drenched by this time. I ran back to the fire and picked up where we'd been sitting. My mug, canteen and windbreaker were still there. I slid the windbreaker on, pulling the internal hood over my head, and made my way down to the main site. I scattered the logs figuring to let it burn itself out, keeping it going a little longer as a light source if nothing else. I had little fear of it getting out of control with the rain coming. It took about ten minutes but I put away my stuff, and secured the eating area as best I could.

I stood outside my tent, in the covered vestibule, stripping off my wet clothing and drying off with the towel I had used at the river that day. By the time I got in the tent, I knew it was going to be a bad one. The wind was whistling through the trees, and it was raining hard.

In my tent I organized my stuff, moving everything as far from the entrance as I could. I closed up most of the mesh windows, since it was getting cold. I was worried about the camp. I pulled together an outfit to wear if I had to go back out, including an ugly but utilitarian rain poncho. My clothing was stacked outside of the backpack, leaving all my 'miscellaneous' gear in the pack. I realized I had to take a leak and stood in the vestibule, pissing out the side, when the first loud thunderclap hit. It was like an announcement, and the rain became a pounding wall of water. Shit.

Back in my tent, I relaxed in my sleeping bag. Even the massive storm outside couldn't completely distract me from thoughts about what had happened that night. The discussion, the hugging, the kissing, the soft tits encasing my cock. I was hard, recalling it all, stroking myself slowly, wondering what Julie was going to be like.

She was mine. I could feel it. And nothing her sister was going to say was going to change that. Damn, she had a tight little body. And it had been months since I'd gotten any.

The sudden pounding of hail came as a surprise, pelting my tent. I peeked out the entrance but it was pitch black outside, what little light the fire was producing struggling to reach the inside of my vestibule. I hunted down my flashlight, and was more than a little shocked to see that the batteries were all but dead. Some prepared, huh? At least I had a backup. I found my penlight and looked around. Big hail, some of them the size of a nickel. Crap. We were going to have some very unhappy campers before the night was out. I was certain of that.


Long prelude, I know, but trust me, things get interesting in the next chapter. Thanks for reading, and as always, please vote if you enjoyed the story.

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I am here again...2nd time in two years...and I am enjoying the tale immensely...the build-up is wonderful...friendship ALWAYS makes for a better relationship... ALWAYS!!!!!

If I remember correctly, the liar girl gets a comeuppance soon...and HARD!! She deserves it, telling a lie like that...about Alex, who is rather an honorable sort...

This whole nice to read again...looking forward to the rest of the series...

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

The MC is a douche bag.

That was enough for me.

WoodencavWoodencav11 months ago

Enjoying the storey so far! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Very nice story, thanks for sharing it!

My only negative point would be that there are only 5 stories about Alex, when so many more could be written... Please. :-)

blackknight314blackknight314about 1 year ago

Good job, thanks for sharing your work!

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