The Island of I Ch. 03


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There was a long silence before Mother rose and went to Antonia and kissed her on the lips gently. "I am so sorry for your loss and your pain, Antonia." She laughed bitterly. "I am sorry for the pain that both our husbands brought upon the world."

I felt my cock begin to swell at the sight of Mother and Antonia, both lushly naked, kissing. A quick glance at Hector confirmed that he too found it quite erotic. Antonia kissed Mother back, gently, but very slowly as if relishing the taste of another woman's lips. "Pain we have suffered, true enough, Carmen, but we loved our husbands, yes, if for no other reason than they gave us our sons...our true soul mates."

Tears ran down Mother's face as she nodded and replied, "Yes, Thank God for that. I will forever pray for Thomas's soul because he gave me John." Both women laughed and cried at the same time, pausing only to kiss one last time, no longer being chaste, but sharing tongues, Mother's face glowing at this new experience.

When finally the two mothers ending their kiss, Antonia looked around at us and laughed, gesturing to our obvious erections as she said, "Ah yes, the blessings that are our sons are definitely evident and in demand of attention." She glanced at me and then returned her gaze to Mother as she said, "We would deem it a great honor to share this night with the two of you, celebrating our holy unions together."

Mother returned to my side and waved mother and son to join us on our bed of leafy fronds and soft grass. "For us both," I replied, "It would be our honor."

As if it had been long practice, Mother and Antonia lay down side by side, Mother's alabaster skin contrasting perfectly with Antonia's olive color, their bodies, while both lush and beautiful contrasting erotically as well – Mother's lanky, yet motherly form and Antonia's voluptuous figure...both evoking a powerful carnality.

Mothers held out their arms and their sons moved to embrace them, Hector climbing between his mother's open thighs and I between Mother's welcoming legs. I felt Antonia's foot brushing my leg and looking down, I saw that her leg had crossed over Mother's joining the two women as their sons prepared to mount them and do them the homage of incestuous love.

Before gazing into my face, Mother glanced over at Antonia who smiled at her and took Mother's offered hand. Then both mothers turned their attention to their sons, both crying out with uninhibited pleasure as Hector and I buried our cocks deep in our mothers' pussies. As I kissed Mother, my tongue busy tasting her lips, mouth and her wriggling tongue, I could hear the wet kisses of Antonia and Hector and images of mother and son fucking filled my mind alongside the reality of fucking my own mother.

Mother's hands stroked my face as we kissed, little grunts of pleasure muffled by my mouth as I rammed my aching and swollen penis into her again and again, feeling bigger and longer than ever before, my desires to please her fed by her sounds of ecstasy. Beside us, Antonia was louder in her moans of utter pleasure, mayhap due to having longer experience in reveling in incestuous lovemaking. However, her cries and screams of pleasure were soon matched in intensity as Mother let her inhibitions dissipate, fueled by the sensation of my thick penis worming its way in and out of her clinging and hungry cunt.

Hector and I rode our mothers with enthusiasm until the air reeked of sexual sweat, pussy juice and our own fluids. I could feel the presence of great power and perceived the presence of the Other close at hand. I minded him not, putting him out of my mind, safe and happy between my mother's legs. Mother came to orgasm first, sobbing out her love for me, quickly followed by Antonia, who was perhaps inspired by the sight of another mother fucking her son.

Perhaps it was a product of Jahndi magic or the presence of the Other or perhaps simply the desire of Hector and myself to pleasure our mothers as never before, but neither of us yielded to climax ourselves...separately squelching the need to orgasm as we fucked our mothers late into the night.

The images of that night will be forever burned into my brain and I will go to my grave happily remembering images of Mother and Antonia riding our cocks, their bodies rising and falling side by side as they impaled themselves again and again on their sons' long, erect penises. Holding hands, Antonia and my mother bounced up and down, sobbing and crying out their ecstasy, supporting each other through earth shattering orgasms, pausing between cries of "I love you, son!" and screams of incestuous passion to kiss each other, communing in a way that I found both alien and incredibly arousing.

I recall Mother and Antonia on their hands and knees, sobbing and screaming as we fucked them from behind like virile beasts from a lost age, clawing at the leafy surface when not caressing each other's bodies or kissing, tongues working feverishly until their sons' never ceasing cocks drove them over the abyss again and again, forcing them to scream their pleasure to the heavens.

Near dawn, Hector and I finally succumbed to our own needs. Hours of reckless sexual pleasure left us thickly coated in sweat, our cocks so hard and swollen, I wondered if I would simply burst. Mother's eyes were nearly glazed from more sexual pleasure than she had known in a lifetime as I was once more between her thighs, her ankles flung over my shoulders as I ceaselessly fucked her, each thrust into her fiery, slick pussy inspiring me to rededicate my efforts and never stop giving her as much pleasure as she gave me.

"I'm cumming, Mother," I gasped as I felt an unstoppable flood rising from my testicles, my pleasure growing so intensely and so quickly I thought I might pass out!

Beside me, Hector moaned, "Mama, here it comes!"

Both mothers sobbed in anticipation, flinging their exhausted bodies up to receive our offerings. "I LOVE YOU, MOTHER!" I screamed at the top of my voice as I began to cum, my knees nearly buckling from the intensity of it. I felt as if a fire hose had erupted as I gushed more hot semen than I thought possible in one seemingly endless burst. Feeling my thick seed filling her womb triggered Mother's orgasm anew and just when I thought my ejaculation had ebbed, the pressure built and then exploded in a torrent of pleasure as I shot even more semen inside her.

As intense as my orgasm was, Mother's appeared to be even more powerful as she bucked and convulsed against my thrusting cock. Antonia seemed to be reacting in a similar fashion as she lost her voice, her face muscles sticking out as she silently shrieked in ecstatic delight.

"FUCK YES...LOVE YOUR CUM!" Mother screamed as her entire body rocked about and suddenly my erection was out of her, still spraying semen everywhere...powerful, supernatural gouts of hot sperm splattering across her stomach and breasts, landing in her open mouth while she writhed in an orgasm that seemed as if it might go on forever.

Beside us, Antonia's body was in an orgasmic frenzy as she too had bucked her son out of her pussy from which a mammoth amount of semen appeared to be pouring, while Hector held his cock like a hose and splattered his thick seed over her voluptuous body. In a hoarse whisper, she was sobbing her now very familiar mantra, "Matre tiambo un umano un estastium victre diablas," interspersed with "I love you, my beloved son."

Hector and I were long minutes catching our breath, so spent that it was all we could do to kneel between our mothers' thighs as our chests heaved and the sweat cooled on our bodies. The time was well spent as we watched Mother and Antonia quiver and moan while caressing their own flesh, rubbing our semen into their skin, giving it, I thought, a more lustrous glow than before. What parts of our sperm wasn't rubbed into flesh was scooped up and lewdly slurped, our mothers' grins telling us how much they had enjoyed it.

When she could finally speak, Mother wheezed, "My god...what was that. I never dreamed a man and a woman could..." She shook her head, wordless in wonder.

Antonia nodded and said, "A blessing, I think...from the Other or our own Gods in heaven, I am not sure. A miracle, certainly and one should never question or look at miracles too closely, but rather savor and remember them."

Hector collapsed next to his mother who wrapped her arms around him, exhaustion setting in. I fell over next to Mother who weakly rolled into me, hugging me to her slick and sticky body. "I love you so much, son!" she murmured before her tongue slipped into my mouth. We kissed for a long time before weariness began to overwhelm me. Mother eased me over onto my back and sat there watching me. We both became aware that Antonia was sitting up as well, her gaze wandering back between her son's semi-erect and cum covered penis and my own.

"Among the Jandhi who embrace incestuous love, there is a custom of courtesy that is observed when a mother and son share lovemaking with another mother and son couple," Antonia said softly between deep breaths. "To taste the fresh seed of another's son is considered a great honor to be offered. Carmen Halloran, I offer this honor to you. Antonia gestured to her son's penis, thickly coated with her juices and Hector's semen.

Mother gasped, her eyes wide and round with surprise. She looked back at me with the question on her face and when I nodded, she moved quickly beside Hector and began to lower her head, pausing and looking up at the boy's mother to say, "Antonia, please, you would honor me if you would taste John', seed too."

The air was quickly full of the sound of Hector's and my moans as our mother's licked and sucked each other's son clean of our momentous sexual encounter. Antonia's tongue was everything I had dreamt it would be and more...her expertise and enthusiasm at sucking my sensitive penis was almost more than I could bear. From Hector's expression, my mother while less experienced was still demonstrating great skill as she rolled her tongue over his semi-erect cock and sucked him clean of his semen and his mother's juices.

Antonia and Mother ended this wondrous night as they embraced one last time, their semen and pussy juice smeared lips pressing together as they shared a passionate kiss, passing back and forth the semen of their son's and each other's pussy creams. Despite the near Herculean sex of the night, I felt a stirring in my penis...a growing hunger for my mother.

Antonia crawled to me and kissed me gently on the lips, her tongue slipping into my mouth to share the taste of all of us. She then kissed me on the forehead, the gesture of a loving mother before rising to her feet. I stood up too, a little unsteady even as Mother and Hector joined us after kissing as well.

"Dawn is not far off and we must leave now," Antonia said with a sigh. "Fear not, your time on this island is at an end as well and you will not spend another night here."

"You're leaving?" Mother said. "Now? Will you not wait with us for rescue, Antonia?"

The dark haired woman shook her head ruefully and said, "No, we needs must travel a different path."

Mother looked unhappy as she took my hand and I embraced her. "But, we promised that we would show you America."

Antonia smiled and nodded, "And someday, you shall. We will come and spend much time with you and we will come to know you both so much more...intimately." The way she said the last word and the way she smiled at us when she said it, made my cock stir even more...her very tone promising so much. "But for now, there is a need for you two to be learn and grow together into the couple the Gods always meant for you to be."

Hector hugged me tight and kissed my cheek, whispering, "Be well, brother. I know you will be the man your mother deserves!" He hugged and kissed Mother as well.

Antonia took her son's hand after kissing me and then my mother and began walking away, moving down the beach. I suddenly called out, "Wait...Antonia, the words you chant while making love...what do they mean? I've always wanted to know."

The Exotic woman grinned back and said in a loving voice, "Matre tiambo un umano un estastium victre diablas." She glanced at her son and replied, "Roughly translated, John, it means 'A mother and son's love is in ecstasy, victorious over the devil!" Mother and son turned and continued down the beach a ways and then halted. With the ocean breeze blowing her dark, curly hair all about, she looked over her shoulder and called out. "This is not goodbye. It is not the end. All things are just beginning. Be well and be happy!"

We waved as they walked away, finally disappearing beyond the curve of the island. Mother turned and hugged herself to me and we retired to our bed, cuddling as the sun came up and falling into a peaceful sleep, neither of us speaking of how much we would miss Antonia and Hector, but intuitively knowing in our sadness of their parting that somehow, someday, we would meet them again. In time, our intuition proved correct and they have been and continue to be our dearest friends.

We awoke in late afternoon just in time to see a warship approach off the coast. It was the U.S.S. Howard...a destroyer of the U.S. Navy come to investigate the still quite visible tower of smoke, the remnants of the great house which was now little more than rubble and ashes.

We donned our makeshift canvas ponchos and greeted the small boat that came to the docks with all the enthusiasm that the survivors of great horror would muster. Captain King dutifully took down our story of how we survived Father's insanity although he had been consumed by the wildfire that had spread out of control during the ceremony that was the culmination of his madness. Our singed bodies along with the subsequent revelations during the investigation of Father's obsession with the occult and the story of Isprey himself cemented our story. The only mystery...the only omission of truth was what had happened to our housekeeper and her son. We confessed ignorance of their fate, suggesting that perhaps their bodies had been incinerated in the great conflagration. Father's charred, nearly cremated remains were buried at sea...neither of us willing to allow the possibility of his troubled spirit to linger on land.

The incident was quickly and quietly buried by Meskatonic University which has had so many strange and troubling incidents throughout its history. We gave Father's remaining papers and books to the Meskatonic Library, ridding ourselves of all evidence that he'd ever existed. Following the insurance settlement, Mother and I relocated to the West Coast where I attended Stanford and became a chemical engineer.

Mother and I have since lived our lives as husband and wife. It has been a long and happy life, blessed with three children now grown and gone – spread across the country. All know of our true relationship, but to date, none have pursued our path.

What happened on what we now call the Island of I, marked us, but mostly in positive ways. Our love for each other has only grown and deepened with each passing year, achieving a greater intimacy than most could ever know. But it was many years before we even began to suspect how magically we were affected.

Those incidents took place when I was eighteen and Mother was forty. Mother is now nearly ninety, but appears to be a very healthy and beautiful woman in her late fifties, while I even though I am approaching seventy years of age, appear to be a very youthful forty year old. In later years as we spent time with Antonia and Hector (who are similarly aging very slowly), Antonia explained that this was likely due to our bodies being exposed to incredible and unearthly energies that the Gods in their wisdom allowed us to retain and benefit from.

Another result of what happened on the Island of I is that we are more attuned to the supernatural world. In our many journeys across America and indeed the world, Mother and I have sensed the presence of other imprisoned Others and have had an innate sense of the Jahndi who spend their lives guarding against the return of the Others. We are known to the Jahndi and we have come to know many of them – it always being an illuminating experience to meet those who know incestuous joy as we do. We do not fear the presence of Others, knowing that in our life and love together, Mother and I are considered holy and untouchable by those beings.

That being said, we consider all these the least of the gifts of our time spent on the island. Our greatest gift is our love realized so long ago...a gift that renews itself daily in each other's arms as Mother and I make love...each time sweeter than the time before.

The End

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Big_Banana198Big_Banana1985 months ago

This story is a whole package!!one of the finest story on this site.I wish you comeback with great stories like this one.5 stars

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Shame that Antonia wasn't used by John like the cheap but sexy cum slut that she was ........still had a fun time stroking my cock to that whore tho.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

That was a very wild, yet incredible story and also incredibly well written. You indeed have a gift for writing!

Foxterot7aFoxterot7a12 months ago

Beautiful love story between a son who realizes his mother is a human female with all the needs, wants and desires he has. The emotional growth of his mother was wonderous to read. As a romantic, the intimacy, sexual and emotional epiphany experienced by mother and son was expressed in such a way that everyone, in real ife, should have such an experience.

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