The Controller


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"I took a closer look at the controller last night," Mallory said. "It was a disappointing piece of hardware. Like a remote control for a little toy car. Very boring."

The vibe ran up and down the teacher's slippery wet slit with ease. She was on the brink once more. Helpless as her robe fell to her feet. Helpless as the wet vibrating phallus was held to her lips, tickling them. Smelling the deep musk of 12 hours of arousal. Unable to stop her moan or her lips from parting, accepting the intruder into her mouth. Sucking it. Her teeth buzzing from the vibration.

"And then I saw the meter bumping around and I knew what you were up to. You little slut, you tried to get off the moment you got home, didn't you?"

No. It was at least an hour later before she tried to get herself off, but there was no way to say it with the latex intruder in her eager mouth.

"Then I thought..wouldn't it be interesting to make a smart controller?" Mallory said as she used the vibe to raise the hem of Beth's nightshirt to her breasts. By now, her former nervousness was totally replaced by new found confidence. "Take it off slut."

I'm not a slut, Beth told herself. Jerry and Austin never called me a slut.

And yet, she took off the nightshirt, leaving herself standing naked in her bedroom

"So I began to tinker with the controller, and tinker some more. "Do you like? I've made quite a few improvements. And don't get any ideas...even if you took it, it wouldn't do you any good."" Mallory tapped here blue tooth digital watch. A much better controller than her brother's simplistic device. A device she deserved, for she had a particular fetish. She liked girls. Women. But it was more difficult to find them than you'd think. Most girls who were into girls tended to look like boys. She preferred girls that were girls.

Mallory turned on a toe, and strutted to the bed, stepping out of her flip flops, and shrugging off her T-shirt and shorts as she moved. She made a pile of the pillows, then sat down on the bed, resting against 2 pillows, while 2 more were propped under her bottom.

"As a matter of fact, I may give it to you later. You see, I added some more logic to the controller. No more pointing and zapping you with some kind of Xbox game." Mallory said, spinning clasp of her bra around front and removing it. "This works quite a bit different. You've felt the effects of it already. Stimulating yes? But not really satisfying, n'est pas?"

Was this? Was being in this state of arousal. Of dripping. Of tingling. Of hard nipples and engorged clit. Was this caused by this new controller? Was it causing her inability to achieve orgasm? If so, this was even more fiendish than what Jerry and Austin had dreamed up. At least with them, her own time was her own.

"So here's how it's going to work Miss Morgan," Mallory said, raising her hips and taking off her panties. "If you go down on me, I'll input a code in my phone. Then I'll give it to you and you get to choose one of two choices. A: Your limbic system will stop being repressed. This means an orgasm, in case you don't know how the limbic system works. Or B: Your limbic system will not be stimulated for 24 hours. If you get turned on, it'll be your own doing. However, the top range will still be suppressed. That means no orgasms."

Mallory spread her lean thighs and licked her lips lasciviously. "No orgasm for me. No code. So another day or two in your present state. So what will it be Miss Morgan?"

No. Hell no. Fuck you, you little shit. But those words never left the teacher's lips. "I can't." she stammered, as her need overcame her distaste of what her former student requested. "I'm..not know..girls..."

"Suit yourself." Mallory closed her legs and slid them off the bed.

"Wait," Beth said. She wasn't gay. However, she was massively turned on and here this girl was naked on her bed. Was it the controller? Probably. But even if it was, it didn't make the feelings any less real.

"Yes?" Mallory asked, the beginning of a smile turning up her lip.

"You said ...I know...climax?" Beth stammered.

"Yes. But I should be going." Mallory slid further off the bed.

"Wait," Beth's face flushed. "I ah...I want to."

"Ah...That's better." Mallory said with a smile, leaning back into the pillows once more. Spreading her legs with confidence.

Beth was straight. She was heterosexual. This should be gross. She should be dry as a bone. Instead she was dripping. Her nipples were hard aching knots. She moved between the younger girl's thighs. She could smell the earthy musk. She could see the moist dew of arousal, and somehow she moaned in response. These reactions should be impossible.

"Isn't it nice?" Mallory purred. "The closer you are to me, the better you feel. Try to get a little closer, you'll see."

Beth did. She kissed a pussy for the first time. Felt the tickle of curly dark hair against her nose. Smelled the scent of a woman, while her own loins sang with excitement.

I'm straight. I'm only doing this because of that damn watch, the teacher told herself. But her body had other ideas and her loins in particular. Her tongue licked. Licked moist wet lips. It lapped. It danced. Lips pressed-sucked- and laved.

A toe explored between Beth's legs. She opened her thighs, giving it passage to do as it willed.

"You are one wet little lezzie," Mallory giggled, running her fingers through the teacher's hair. "You are going to be great fun this summer. I wish I could figure out some way to make you feel this way whenever you were near a girl and not just me...hmmm..perhaps I could rig something..wher-ahhhhh."

Beth's tongue attacked the college sophomore with a vengeance, determined to end that line of thinking if at all possible. She reached up fingers stroking nipples, palms caressing freckled breasts, mouth moaning against young taunt flesh, tongue flicking up and down, stroking a swollen clit.

"Fuck....ohh fuuckk," Mallory moaned, legs growing tight as she opened them wide, hands pulling her former teacher into her pussy - wallowing in the orgasm that slammed home.

Then when it was finally over, she pulled the teacher up where she lay. Snuggled close, legs tangled, kissing the woman on the lips, tasting herself on those angelic lips.

"Yuck!" Mallory giggled, using a sheet to wipe her pearly discharge from her former teacher's lips, before resuming her kisses once more.

"Now what do you say?" Mallory teased.

"Uh..thank you," the teacher blushed, eyebrows up in question.

"I guess it's time for your reward," Mallory said between kisses. She tapped at her bluetooth watch and showed the screen to her former teacher. "You have twenty five seconds to pick."

At the top of the tiny screen a timer ticked down. 2019,18.

"What am I picking?" Beth hurriedly replied at the timer continued to tick.

"It's easy dummy. This one." Mallory pointed to a button with an explanation mark inside. "Let's you have an orgasm." Then she pointed to a button with the digits 24 inside. "This one suppresses your limbic system for 24 hours. That means you won't feel quite so turned on."

Being worked up to this state was maddening. She'd had fitful sleep. Her sex was sore from her useless manual stimulation. And yet....and yet. Not that long ago, the decision would have been easy. She'd have chosen twenty four with no hesitation. But the controller had given her a taste for pleasure.

An expectation.


She touched the button with the explanation point and closed her eyes in preparation of the orgasm that would slam home. She gasped. Her thighs spread wide.

"Oh fuck yessss.." she purred. The teacher's eyes opened. They blinked in confusion. Her pupils focused on her former student. She took in Mallory's wry amused expression. "What? What?" she asked in a daze.

"I said if you pressed the button you could *have* an orgasm, not that I'd give you an orgasm."

"I ..I don't understand..." Beth stammered, fingers clutching, her forearms brushing against her hard nipples.

"After you press the button, the inhibitor is turned off. You can have as many orgasms as you can achieve in the next ten minutes. Now 9 minutes and 15 seconds." Mallory showed her former teacher the watch so she could see the digits counting down.

"Time is wasting," Mallory said as she took out her phone and turned on the video camera, capturing her former teacher's dismay. "It'd be a real shame to go to all this trouble only to let it slip away."

It wasn't long ago that the young woman would have refused to debase herself in such a fashion. To tell the brat to go fuck herself. But she'd grown accustomed to that rush of pleasure. And now she'd endured hours of stimulation with no release. Now she'd endured performing oral sex on a girl ... even when she herself was straight. At the very least, she'd have hidden her naked body under the covers instead of exhibiting herself before the camera. Instead, she just whined in defeat, her fingers moving to her nipples and sex.

She knew how to do this. Her fingers were experienced. She closed her eyes and fantasized. Not about her former boyfriend...but two of her students and a controller.

"No." Mallory said. "Look at me."

Beth's eyes squeaked open. Not much. Fuck that bitch. She'd earned this. She had nine minutes and then she'd pay the price. Only she saw Mallory's finger poised above the face of the watch. She saw the small red button at the bottom. "Abort."

The teacher's eyes opened wide in panic.

"That's better," Mallory purred. "Look at me."

Beth's obeyed, looking at her former student, with big blue obedient eyes, not daring to look away. She needed this orgasm. She'd earned it. She had no idea when she'd be allowed to have another.

"That's a good girl. Now open your legs."

Beth obeyed. Her toned thighs spread while her finger danced over her clit.

"Wider." Mallory said. "A slut like you should be able to spread like butter. Come on. I know you can do better."

A slut like me. Beth's thighs spread. Her tendons bulged. Her pussy purred.

"A lezzie like you knows how to spread," Mallory's voice turned hard. "So spread."

I'm not a lezzie, Beth told herself. You went down on a girl. You ate her. A voice inside her head responded. I am not, she repeated. Look at you, the voice said, your thighs have spread as wide as thighs can possible spread. A lezzie knows how to spread. You are as spread as can be.

That doesn't mean anything. Beth told herself.

"Pinch your nipples." Mallory ordered. "Open those eyes and look at me."

Beth was already pinching. Her eyes held the question.


Beth pinched. It hurt. She'd feel that in the morning for sure.


Fuck. Shit. It hurt, but it made her loins tingle in response.


"Ugh.." Beth gasped as she pulled. "Hahh..hahhh..."

"I bet those boys didn't appreciate your little tits and small little nips," Mallory purred. "But I know how to treat them. The smaller they are the more sensitive they are. Besides, I know what a slut likes."

No you don't, Beth said to herself. She does, a voice said. Feel it. Feel THAT.

The teacher felt a familiar heat building in her loins.

"Here it comes," Mallory giggled. "Come for me Miss Morgan. Come for me. And keep those eyes right here, or you won't come again for quite some time.""

Oh God. Oh dear God. The heat flushed from her loins and rolled like a wave through her body. Her pussy spasmed. Her cunt gushed. Her eyes obediently stayed looking into Mallory's.

"Oh my God," Mallory laughed. "Thar she blows. so fucking hot. I can't wait to show this video to Monica."

"Please don' anyone." With one hand, Beth clutched her breast, the other gripped her bed as it was too much stimulation for her sex to take anymore.

At least for a moment. At least until she could gently hold it again. Shit...she'd made another mess. She was a mess. Her cheeks blushed. She remembered that Mallory was getting all of this on video. She clutched a pillow and moved it protectively over her naked body.

Mallory grinned down at her former teacher. She showed the woman the watch. "You still have five more minutes."

She wouldn't. She couldn't. Her body was already overstimulated.

"Suit yourself," Mallory said. "When you're all hot and bothered, don't come whining to me."

Oh God. Beth thought back and remembered the state she'd been in. How she ached. How she needed. She pushed the pillow aside. Fingers sought out her overstimulated sex.

"You are so *easy*," Mallory said.

Beth's cheeks burned in humiliation.

"Say it." Mallory ordered, finger held threatening to her watch.

Jerry and Austin wouldn't make me say something like that.

"I'm easy." Beth said to the girl who held her controller.

"Look at me when you say it."

"I'm easy." The words came harder this time.

"You make a disgusting mess when you come." Mallory said. "Say it."

"I..I make a mess when I come," the teacher stammered, her cheeks burning from her mortification.

"That's a good girl," Mallory said, moving closer. Moving closer still. "Tell me you are easy again."

"I'm easy." Beth watched as the girl's cold blue eyes moved closer and closer. Till her lips were inches from her own.Watched as her slim tongue peeked from lips outlined in black. The teacher opened her own, sucking that tongue into her mouth.She knew instinctively that it was the right thing to do.

The teacher felt her loins stir. Felt her sex grow wet once more. Was it the controller? Was it something else. She sucked harder. Moaning. as fingers from one hand thrusting into her sex and fingers from the other sped over her clit. She kissed her former student. Oh how she kissed her. She was still...she was still straight, she was sure of it. It was just...

..well first, and most importantly, as long as she willingly kissed her former student, the girl couldn't capture her debasement on video.

Also, as her body was quickly learning, even if her mind hadn't put it together yet, the closer she was to Mallory, the hotter the fire burned in her loins. When she wasn't able to achieve orgasm, it was maddening. However, when she was least for the next minute or so that was left...

A hand slid down the sweat and nectar soaked abdomen of the young teacher. A hand with a controller sending electromagnetic waves to stimulate her limbic system. She was so close.

Her body knew instinctively. Her hand stopped its dance over her clit and caught Mallory by the wrist, pulling it down. Meeting resistance.

"What do you say," Mallory purred.

"...please..." Beth begged, her voice thick with need.

"I knew you were easy." Mallory purred, drawing the word out endlessly. Thrusting two, then three fingers easily into her former teacher. Kissing willing lips, almost giggling as Beth's sweat soaked body stiffened in response. "An easy little lezzy."

"Fuck..." Beth's eyes rolled back, toes curled, thighs spread and trembled, hips humped, as she was overcome by a controller enhanced orgasm. She'd feared those were gone with this new programming, but here was one. It was glorious. Addicting. She reveled in the hurricane of pleasure.

There was a repeated chirp from the watch, like a small alarm clock going off. Her orgasm simply ceased. Sucked back up into wherever it was that orgasms sprang from.

Beth gasped. Her hips pumped as if they were willing another orgasm into being. She was back in a state again. Back where an orgasm lay just out of reach. Back where her insides were hungry. Back where her nipples were hard as tacks.

"Looks like your time is least until your next window of opportunity."

"When?" Beth asked, her eyes dazed and still in shock.

"12 hours is the soonest."

The teacher looked up with hopeful eyes. Fingers caressed the face of the watch. Her eyes rolled back as her loins bloomed with pleasure...but not enough. She kissed her former student's finger. She even licked them clean of her own secretions. She'd feel shame for it later, but for now.

" could change the programming..if you wanted."

The corner of Mallory's mouth turned up as she took in those hopeful eyes, while power radiated from her own. "I am changing the programming."

She tapped the teacher on the temple.

"Easy ..." Her hand went lower.

"Slut...." Lower still, down to her former teacher's pert breasts.

"Lezzie...." Lower, brushing down Beth's abdomen. Her loins not merely tingling now, but on fire.

"Slave..." Thighs opened welcoming the touch of another woman, she could feel the orgasm right there inside her but she was separated from it as if by an invisible immovable wall. A wall that would be there for the next 12 hours.


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The author would appreciate your feedback.
TheTank247TheTank247over 10 years ago

I really liked this story and I hope you continue with it

supervilliansupervillianalmost 11 years ago
new concept/advice

I like the story ... it felt brand new ... but it is confusing at times i was lost for a paragraph or two and then got back into it.. example: when boys had her in the classroom with the controller it suddenly jumped to the boys put cum on the lunchbox i got lost had to re-read it... then we go back again, then you jump again from classroom to Jerry's room ... but i like the introduction to the gay sis... grammar issues needs revising preferably without stroking i know how that is .... i write many story's on a whim and get lost ... try re-reading it a section at a time see if it makes sense... If not change it. I liked this story concept so much i have a story forming in my mind already... for me that's an A + when i can borrow your idea and run it with just look at mine Jetson's have a dark secret - i saw an xxx comic and ran with it.. great story please keep writing more..

windmereheaterwindmereheateralmost 11 years ago
A Masterpiece

Couture - Forget the typos, this story is pure genius. In character development and plot, dialogue and pacing Controller is a welcome addition to your impressive body of work including classics like Almost There Already, Teacher's Pet, Legacy, Whore's Whore, Demotion, and most recently The Prefect. No one captures coercion of a beautiful, innocent, straight protagonist thru humiliation, degradation and lustful lesbian participation as well as you do. A desperate Beth assaulting Mallory with her tongue to dissuade her from lending her out is as good a passage as any. May I suggest a sequel, Couture? Perhaps introduce the characters from Pledge and Controller to one another, with Beth assigned to teach at the reform school where her fate is to be forcefully introduced and made to perform with another beleaguered, reluctant straight girl, Tammie?

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggalmost 11 years ago
She blinded teach with science !

the 18 year old troglodytes were made so purposefully puerile. What a horror it would have been,to be under their long-term control. Ah well. Now the main character has the small comfort of being enslaved to a mistress with a semblance of savoir faire. I enjoyed this author's work as much as I usually do ( more then I should )..

stan006stan006almost 11 years ago
not mind control

this is not even mind control , they don't brainwash anyone they just drug the teacher and then manipulate her by turning her on with a weird controller ,so she is forced but her mind is never controlled , sick of damn ignorance LEARN WHAT MIND CONTROL MEANS BEFORE NAMING YOUR STORY !!!

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