The Color of Sex Ch. 08-11


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The two men laughed. "Typical woman," Jon said, as he winked at Ben. He watched the wheels turn in the pretty redhead's mind. She was going to enjoy this and she was going to take as much as she could as early as she could. He almost felt bad for the company's checkbook, but he knew what she managed to negotiate from them amounted to pennies when compared to what they would secure with her assets.

Ben smiled, and nodded his head to Candice. "Deal. Bring your tuition bills to me and I'll cut you a check for them. The credit card will be in your hands on Monday morning and," he nodded to Jon, "you'll be spending a month with Jon in July."

Candice's jaw dropped, she turned to look at the company's financial planner. "Why?"

He licked his lips, ran his eyes over her body and stroked his cock. "Training baby," Jon said with a lopsided grin.

Her stomach fluttered. She pressed her palm to it. "How do I explain my disappearance to mom and dad? I've been living with them all this time. I can't suddenly up and move out. Even with a job, they'll get suspicious."

"You'll come up with something," Jon told her, before rising and walking to stand in front of her. He reached down and stroked her cheek. "I am so ready to fuck you again," he said, before cupping her chin and urging her to her feet.

Candice stood and felt her pussy tingle in anticipation. She pushed the thoughts of her parents away and licked her lips. "I am so ready to be fucked," she told him and much to her surprise the words she'd spoken were true. Maybe she was a whore after all.

He pushed his hand to the back of her head and pulled on her hair, tugging at the base of the thick curls. "Lesson one will be on addressing me – from here on out, I'm Sir. Understand?"

Her breath caught in her throat. "Yes, Sir." Candice's pussy tingled and her breath became lodged in her throat.

He smiled, looked back at Ben. "This is going to be fun."

Ben chuckled. "Take her upstairs and fuck her till she's beggin'. I have things to do today. I'll be back later tonight."

Candice watched Ben leave the room and gather his coat from the hall closest. Once again he was wearing her father's clothes.

"Lesson number two," Jon's voice brought her back to his presence. "Keep your eyes down; you don't have the right to look upon another human being without my permission."

Her brow furrowed in confusion. He eyed her with a look of loathing. Instantly she felt her insides twist, as she began to understand what game he was playing. She lowered her gaze and tried to calm the apprehension building inside her. "Yes, Sir," she whispered.

"Lesson number three," he continued, "You'll never question me, you'll never balk at what I suggest, and you'll worship the fucking ground I walk on. Understood?"

Candice's heart raced; her skin grew flushed, and her pussy tightened. "Yes, Sir."

He grinned. "Let's go upstairs."

Jon led the way, while Candice obediently followed. When he stopped, so did she; her head remained down. He opened the door, stepped into her bedroom and told her to come inside. She did so and waited, again with her eyes down and her heart pounding. "Sit up and open my pants," he said.

Without hesitation, Candice did as she was told, and once more found her mouth full of Jon's cock and her pussy flexing and pulsating under her skirt. As she blew him, she thought about the sensations that were rolling through her. She was going to love playing the slut, and as she much as she loved being a whore, she was going to love learning how to better please her lovers, so she could better line her pockets.

When Jon's cum showered her face and oozed down her cheeks, she imagined walking up to both men, tossing a file on their desks and demanding a raise. They wouldn't see it coming. She licked the cream from her face and when Jon ordered her to stand up, she did so. He pushed her onto the bed, spread her legs and began to suck and lick on her clit. She came and was rewarded with his cock, once more hard and stiff, being shoved into her eager hole.

By the time Ben returned, it was late in the evening, and Jon had left. She wore his cum, as he had commanded her to, on her tits, and along her thighs. She had also taken the alone time to write down all that had happened up to that point: Ben's offer, their sexual encounters, as well as intimate details concerning the shape, length, and girth of his cock. Jon and her activities were just as carefully reconstructed on her computer. The information was then downloaded to a flash drive and placed in a box that was slid under her bed. When Ben found her, she was lying naked on his bed, her pussy lips spread open and a toy shoved between her legs. He watched her come all over his comforter and then he took her for himself.

Sunday morning arrived with Candice snuggled up against his warm body. Her fingers dragged along his morning wood and her eyes hungrily gazed upon the swollen head. She rolled over, pushed the covers further off of them both and straddled his thick tool. Ben smiled, reached down and pressed it to her opening. She sank down onto it, and rubbed her crotch against his groin. Soon they were moving together. She lifted and dropped her pussy onto his dick, while he pulled and dragged her back and forth. They both were sweating and grunting.

She felt his hands on her tits and his fingers twisted her nipples. His morning cum shot into her slick hole and cascaded around her fleshy walls; hers squirted out and splashed against his dick. When she was done, she collapsed on him, rolled off and stared at the ceiling. "Fuck that was fun," she said. He chuckled, said nothing and went back to sleep.

Candice rolled her eyes, got out of bed and once more showered away her boss's seed. As frothy bubbles of shower gel rolled over her skin, Candice thought about yesterday's events and the demand that she spend the month of July living with Jon. The idea both thrilled and terrified her; most of all, she wondered how she would get it around her parents.

Once the shower was over, Candice headed downstairs and made herself some breakfast. Ben soon joined her, so she added extra bacon to the skillet and prepared him a couple of eggs to suit his taste. At the table, she mulled over the housing dilemma she was faced with.

"What's bothering you?" Ben asked, before sliding his fork into his mouth.

She took a deep breath. "I've been wracking my brain about Jon and having to live with him. I just don't see how I can do it."

Ben chewed thoughtfully on his bacon, before taking a sip of his coffee. "So have I. You need the training; there is no question about that. But the whole living with him could be a problem. I think I have a way around your parents."

"Oh?" she asked.

"Well, if there is a cheap apartment complex within the fifty miles of the school, you can take up residency there. I'll make sure your income -- the one you need to report to the IRS -- is enough to cover living expenses, rent, utilities, groceries, and whatever. Move in around the end of this month. Your parents can visit, see you're doing well and you've got everything under control, then move in with Jon, just ask your mom and dad to call before coming over. When they do, Jon will make sure you're home in time to greet them," Ben told her.

"Cum dripping down my leg most likely," she muttered.

His lips rose in a grin and his right eye winked. "Most definitely," he answered.

Candice leaned back in her seat and toyed with a slice of bacon. "So, all the sex I want," she paused and tore a piece of the meat, "with a few restrictions, a credit card that has no limit, an apartment, a college education and all I have to do is spread my legs."

"Doesn't sound too bad, does it?" Ben asked.

She shrugged her shoulders. "One other thing, and in all honesty, it just came to me. What about security?"

"I told you I can't control everything that happens. I will screen the clients prior to... ."

Candice shook her head and swallowed some of her juice. "I understand that, but – with the role playing, the BDSM scenarios – there will be times my movements are restricted and I can't help myself, so who is going to help me?"

Ben cocked his head to one side. "You make a valid point."

She nodded her head. "I think I need someone to watch over me."

He looked stunned, but waited to hear her out. The fact that she'd thought of her own protection troubled him slightly. He didn't need a girl that could think, he needed one that just needed a fat purse and a wet pussy. Ben frowned, but said nothing, pushing the idea of Candice having more substance beyond her sex from his mind.

"Someone who is just as hungry for money as I am, who will know the consequences if they open their mouth and be willing to protect me at all costs," she said.

"He'd have to just watch though, unless your client invited him to play," Ben told her, already thinking that Jon would have to use his connections to locate a suitable bodyguard. He knew that his business partner had deep pockets and even deeper connections with the underground world. Jon's father and his father before him were involved with various government offices, and Jon had never let those contacts die.

Her lips contorted, showing she was mulling over his observations. "I could agree to that, but I want to pick out the guy. I want to trust him; no, I need to trust him," Candice told him. She didn't like the idea of anyone but her doing the interviews, but she also knew she had no way of properly screening someone and it was obvious the boys she'd been screwing and blowing could be trusted. If that were the case, Ben wouldn't be here now.

"I think that's only fair, as long as we approve of who you pick. He'll be brought in after a thorough background check," Ben said, "and if he fucks us over, you'll be the one held accountable. Do you have someone in mind?"

"Not yet. I want someone smart, strong, and capable of taking down another human being without too much effort," Candice answered. "I don't have the means to properly go about looking for someone. I mean I can't very well put an ad in the paper." She rolled her eyes and wondered if Ben were as much an idiot as he seemed to be at times. Jon's visage came back to her and she found herself curious why the stronger more dominate of the two wasn't running the business. Candice made another promise to herself - finding out why Jon was content to be happy with second in command, not first.

"I agree," Ben said, pulling her back to the conversation. "How about I gather up a list of potential gentlemen, along with their dossiers, and give them to you sometime during your training with Jon. You do trust him, don't you?"

"Yes, and no," she admitted. "but I guess I either will or won't by the end of July, right?"

"July is more about you learning how to submit to a man, which will help you build trust in Jon," Ben answered.

"Yeah, I get that, but you trust him and though he's a little bossy when in Dom mode, he's not been overly aggressive or cruel. Besides, I'm your meal ticket and he's not going to fuck that up," she told him.

"You're really getting into this aren't you?" Ben shifted in his seat, slowly growing more and more aroused by the notion of the pretty girl in front of him, being not only his personal fuck toy, but many men's. He didn't care that he was going to share her; in the end, when they were done with her, they would have amassed a fortune, not only that, but with her they would learn from whatever mistakes they made. They could groom other incoming girls and make each experience more tailored to their clients.

Unaware of his thoughts, Candice grinned. "I am," she said, in regards to his "getting into it" statement. "I'm still learning, so don't make me out to be some smart business woman. I'm going to need guidance," she told him.

Candice pushed her plate away and rose from the table. She eyed Ben seductively as she walked over to him. He scooted his chair back and pulled her to him. "I don't mind guiding you Candice," he said while his hands slid up her thighs and under her skirt. "I just need you to keep in mind that this," he stroked her bare pussy, "is only," his thick digits slid along her slit, opening her, "business." He drove three fingers into her hole and began to fuck her.

Her pussy tightened around his fingers as he drove deeper and deeper into her slick opening. She bit down on her lower lip and groaned in appreciation. His wrist twisted, so his thumb could tease her clit. Instinctively her hips began to drift forward and back as he finger fucked her.

"Pull off your shirt, baby," he said.

In less than a second the shirt was pulled off and her breasts were free. Ben used his free hand to cup a round globe. He massaged it, as she leaned in. His fingers went deeper from her shift in weight and position. Candice cursed in appreciation for the new sensations rolling through her.

"Get on your knees," Ben ordered, before he pulled his fingers from her sex.

She felt the loss of his digits at the same time her mind registered his words. "What?" she asked. Her voice was thick with arousal and disbelief.

"On your knees," he ordered again.

"Are you fucking kidding me? You're going to leave me hanging – again?" Candice's voice had risen several octaves as her lust quickly evaporated.

Ben laughed. "When are you going to fuckin' learn? This isn't about you! This isn't about how you feel, or if you get off! I'm not paying you to make you feel good. I'm paying you to fuck me and to let me fuck you!" He shouted. "Now get on your fucking knees!"

"Fuck you!" she hissed and turned away.

"Candice, do not walk away from me!" Ben yelled. He stood up and waited for her to turn around. When she did, he stared long and hard at her.

Candice licked her lips. She had a choice, either to walk back and do as she was told, or to show some sort of backbone. Before her stood one man; he could destroy her father or make him rise higher in the corporation. Yet, she saw the challenge in Ben's eyes and knew that if she walked away, he would do nothing. Ben was not Jon. Candice decided to put herself into the hands of fate. She squared her back and righted herself so that she felt larger than she was. "You're right. It is about me fucking you and nothing more, you're paying me to be your whore, only one problem Boss."

"And what's that?" Ben said, his brow lifted in surprise from the rise in her voice.

"I've fucked you all weekend and haven't gotten a god-damn dime! So when I show up at work Monday morning, there better be a wad of cash so full the envelope is busting at the seams! This free-fuck weekend just ended! Get the fuck out of my house!" She left the kitchen and darted up to her room. Her pulse was racing and her head pounding. She quickly shut her bedroom door, and locked it as well as the door to the guest bathroom. She waited with her cell phone in her hand, just in case she was forced to call the police.

The sound of Ben trotting up the stairs, a few minutes later, made Candice shake violently. She pressed the number nine and the number one on her phone and waited. A knock sounded on her door.

"What?" she yelled through the wood.

"You were right. You've not seen a dime. Monday morning you'll have fifteen thousand in cash waiting for you. Open the door so I can explain this to you," he paused, "please."

She kept her finger on the last number one, walked to her bedroom door and talked through it. "No fuckin' way. Just talk and I'll listen." Candice heard him sigh. Inside she felt victorious. She had played her cards and by doing so she'd shown his. For all his pomp and circumstance, he was just a man behind a desk. Jon, she suspected would have grabbed her by the hair and beat her ass for walking away from him. Ben obviously didn't have that much of a backbone after all.

Ben grumbled, took a deep breath and said, "Don't spend a lot of the money all at once."

He hated having to trudge after her like he was a scolded child. He knew she had to be gloating, and yet she was right. He had used her and had allowed Jon to also. They hadn't given her anything but their come. He told himself it didn't matter; she was theirs to use, but he also knew he needed to keep her happy. So here he was, standing outside her door, trying to converse with her in an adult manner without feeling like a child.

"Use it sparingly and don't deposit all of it either. You'll need to find a place to hide it, somewhere that your parents won't think to look. There are laws put in place at banks and credit unions to keep things like this from happening. You'll send up a shit load of red flags if you spend like you won the lottery. I'll see you on Monday and Candice don't ever walk away from me again," he said, hoping to regain some of his power over her.

On the other side of the door, she wiped at the tears that had fallen from her eyes, due to her frightened state. The idea of the money and the amount didn't occur to her until after he'd walked away from her bedroom door. She sank down on her bed, closed her phone and stared at the wall in front of her. "Fifteen thousand dollars?" she muttered softly, "for fucking a couple of old guys?" Her smile grew as she imagined the money piling up. Her personal needs really didn't matter that much after all.

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Beejay3Beejay37 months ago

Oh, what a troubled web tHey were weaving…lots to look forward to….


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