Sun, Sand, Sea and ...


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"Get dried, Jack. I'm soaking, and I don't mean with water!"

They dried hurriedly and Cheryl led him over to the RV she shared with Cathy, ushering him inside, and locking the door behind them.

"I want no interruptions," she said, with a wink and a frankly lewd grin. He laughed.

"No more than I do."

"This way." She led him through and into a bedroom. The bed was no double, but looked to be amply wide enough for two. Cheryl sat down and lay back, spreading her legs. she had only a rabbit-scut worth of hair on her mons, her labia shaved bare.

"Fast and hard for this first time, Jack, please. We can take our time later."

He smiled down at her, and she blew him a kiss. "Do I need anything?" he said. "Condom?"

She laughed, almost a giggle. "No. My diaphragm has been in since just after breakfast."

He grinned. "You were so sure of me?"

"No, but I hoped," she said, laughing. "Come on, Jack. Let's fuck!"

"Yes, please." He was hard, ready, and Cheryl ran her tongue across dry lips as Jack knelt between her spread legs, pressing his erection down towards her slit, rubbing it up and down the wet length of her, spreading her juices. He paused, adjusting his angle to enter her, then pressing in an inch or so. Satisfied he was in, he bent to her in a quick kiss, then pressed forward smoothly into her depths, pausing as the lack of her lubricants on his prick slowed his entry, pulling back to spread them, then pressing in again, deeper, then again, by now as deep as he could go. He paused, deep within her.

Cheryl moaned softly, squeezing down on him."God, Jack! That feels really fucking good!"

"Does to me, too, Cheryl. Lovely snug pussy, feels great around my cock."

"Okay, Jack, fuck me. Fuck me now!"

"Yes, ma'am!"

He pushed into her, pulled back, pushed again, relishing the slither of his cock in her juices, feeling her push back against him, smiling up at him as he pushed. He moved a little faster and she moved against him, matching his pace, a soft sigh, almost moan, coming from her as they moved. Her legs came up and gripped him, urging him into her. He bent quickly and kissed her, reveling in the way she responded, his pace increasing, hers matching him, and they gave themselves over to the passion and heat of the moment, driving towards climax.

Afterwards, laughing together over a coffee, they both agreed that what they'd shared had been a rut. An intense, and intensely satisfying, rut, yes, but with no finesse, no tenderness, just raw, primeval sex.

"I don't think I could take too many like that, Jack," said Cheryl, grinning at him. "I think my pussy would be worn out within days. Hours, even."

"Yeah, I guess," said Jack, a little embarrassed. Cheryl reached out and squeezed his fingers.

"Hey, Jack? There were two of us there, remember? I think I was giving as good as I got. No?"

"Yeah, reckon so."

"Next time? Well, next time, we take it a little slower, a little gentler. Just as enjoyable, just as satisfying, but slower."

"When will next time be?"

Cheryl grinned. "Soon, I hope. Might depend on Cathy and Peter. What time is it?"

"Um, quarter to one."

"They're due back at one, with sandwiches. I think we need to steer the conversation a little. If Peter and Cathy intend some sack time, I think two of us need to change beds. Say you to mine, here, and Cathy to Peter's. Overnight?"

Jack grinned. "Appeals to me, hon. You?"

"Fuck, yes!" Cheryl grinned, nodding towards the window. "We'll soon know, because they're coming now."

Moments later the two youngsters came in.

"Hi, Mom, Jack. We have food!"

"And we have a question for you," said Cheryl.

"Yeah? What?" said Cathy, busy passing out wrapped sandwiches.

Cheryl hesitated for a moment, then took a deep breath and hurried on. "Are you and Peter planning to spend some, um, quality time together?"

Cathy stared at her mother for a moment, flushed a little, then grinned. "You mean are we planning to have sex? Well, yes, Mom, we are. Why do you ask? You and Jack, too?"

"Yes," said Cheryl, flushing a little herself, taking a deep breath. "In fact we already have," she added, hesitant.

Cathy whooped, and Peter grinned. "Well, you told me that was what you had planned, so excuse me if I don't act surprised," said Cathy. "Was it good?" she added, with a wink for Jack, who laughed.

"If you'll excuse my French, fucking marvelous!" said Cheryl, with a relieved smile.

"Okay, then, after we've eaten, it's our turn, me and Peter."

"Only fair, agreed, but what about tonight? "

Cathy frowned. "What about tonight? I'm hoping to spend it with Peter, now."

"Definitely!" Peter endorsed, with a grin, and a quick squeeze of Cathy's hand.

"What we thought, Jack will sleep here, and you go over to their Winnebago to sleep." Cheryl smiled at Cathy. "That's if you actually get any sleep."

"Sounds good to me," said Peter, laughing. "We'll rehearse after we've had our sandwiches, eh?"

Cathy gave a theatrical leer. "Get your energy up, big boy. I'm gonna exhaust ya!"

"Well, stop getting between me and my sandwich, then." Peter grinned. "Um, Cathy?"


"Which side of the bed do you sleep?" he said, his tone innocent.

She laughed. "Who said anything about sleeping?"

* * *

An hour or so later, Peter and Cathy let themselves into the Elliott Winnebago. Inside, Cathy turned to Peter, grinning.

"Lock the door, stud."

He complied quickly, grinning, fighting a laugh of pure joy, but his grin faded as he turned back to a solemn Cathy.

"What's up, hon?"

"Peter, what do you think of me? I mean, honestly?"

"Honestly? Well, I think you're a very lovely girl, with a beautiful face and body, and what seems to be a personality to match."

"Not a slut?"

"No way!" His retort was vehement.

"Even though I'm ready to go to bed with a guy I only met yesterday?"

He took her hands. "Look at me. Please," he added as her glance slid away. "Cathy, hon, we go no further if that's what you want, but let me just say this. I know I haven't known you for very long, but Mom always said I was a quick judge of character, and almost always right, so let me tell you what I think. I think you're honest, I think you're a girl with a strong sex drive. I think you enjoy sex, but I also think you're a little scared sometimes, scared of intimacy, perhaps. But I think you're more afraid not to be honest, not to be true to yourself."

She made a face. "Maybe a little." A quick flash of smile, and a laugh. "Hell, maybe a lot. You're right about the sex drive. It scares me, sometimes, how horny I get."

He squeezed her fingers. "You and me both, Cathy, you and me both."

She laughed, squeezing back. "I thought that went with being a guy?"

"Maybe it does. But Cathy, being with a girl like you, one who enjoys sex and isn't afraid to admit it, well, it's pretty much a dream come true."

She bent forward and gave him a quick kiss. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." He squeezed her fingers again. "You're staying, then?"

"I'm not going anywhere until you and I have made love, at least once, possibly -- preferably - more." She grinned. "What's your recovery like?"

"Let's find out, shall we?"

"Yes, let's!" She moved closer and pressed herself against him, her breasts soft and spreading against his chest, her arms twining around his neck. "But first, kiss me as a lover, and not as a friend."

He smiled, holding her eyes with his. "That, I can manage."

The kiss started softly, a kiss of friends, but they both knew that there was more to come and the kiss deepened, Cathy's lips parting, her tongue twining with his, their breathing quickening, Peter's arms tightening on her, her arms around his neck trying to pull him even closer as their lips mashed together until, with a gasp, shuddering, Cathy broke it, staring into his eyes, a smile starting in her eyes and spreading to her whole face, her eyes dancing.

"Wow!" she said. "If you fuck like you kiss, bring it on!"

Peter shrugged. "I don't know, I don't have all that much experience, mostly with a girl at college, reminds me of you a little."

"Me? How so?"

"Well, she likes sex and isn't afraid to admit it, but doesn't want to get involved too much with anyone. She doesn't want to sleep around, either, so we kind of got together to scratch our mutual itch. We both enjoy it, we're good together but we both know it isn't going to last so we enjoy it for itself."

Cathy grinned, and kissed his nose. "Sounds exactly like the sort of relationship I'm looking for when I get to college, but that's going to be a few weeks yet. Now? Now I'm naked and alone with a good-looking guy, and we both want to fuck. So, Peter, which bed are we using, or were you planning on screwing me on the floor?" She laughed. "Not that I'd mind, but the bed's kinder to my back, and your knees."

Peter grinned. "Not the floor, no. Maybe on the beach, later, in the dark, eh?"

Cathy stared at him for a moment, then shivered. "Maybe, hon, just maybe. Can't deny it's tempting, but for the moment let's concentrate on the now. So, which bed?"

"Mine, I think. Dad has his made up as a single, but I like to sprawl, so mine's a double."

Cathy grinned. "Singles can be cozy. Not for sleeping, perhaps, but definitely for a quickie. Not that I've had many of those. Or slow ones, come to that."

"Confession time?" said Peter.

"Well, okay, but you first. You told me about your girl at college, but what about the others? So, how many?"

"Only four altogether, to be honest. You'll be number five. My first? Donna, when I was away at summer camp, as a junior counselor. She was one of the seniors, maybe twenty-five, twenty-six. She taught me a lot, that summer."

Cathy laughed. "Sounds like fun. Come on, there's another two I don't know about. What about them?"

"One at high school. We were at a beach party, one evening, after I came back from the camp where I met Donna. We just got talking, and somehow the conversation got onto sex. I guess I admitted I knew a bit about it, thanks to Donna. Well, Stacey said she wanted to know what it was the other girls were on about, so how about helping her find out? So, I did, and we had some fun. We got together maybe three, four times after that, then she started going steady with my best friend. They're engaged now, getting married when they've finished college."

"Okay, that's three with your girl at college. What about the fourth?" Peter couldn't help it, he grinned, and Cathy's eyebrows went up. "Tell!" she demanded.

"Cliché situation," said Peter laughing. "One of my mom's friends, a little younger, maybe middle thirties. She'd been divorced for about six months, and one weekend the kids were with their father. I was helping her move some stuff, heavy stuff, and I just happened to be looking down when she was on her knees checking some boxes. She leaned forward and I could see down her sweater, 'cause it was kind of loose. She wasn't wearing a bra, and I could see clear down to her nipples.

She looked up, caught me looking, and glanced down at what I was looking at. She looked up and grinned at me, then stood up, stripped off her sweater and handed it to me. She stood there with her hands on her hips and just said, "Well, what are you going to do about it?" He paused, and Cathy scowled.


"And next thing I knew, we were in bed together, screwing like crazy. I thought Donna had taught me a lot, but Ellen completed my education." He grinned. "Including the creative uses of the mouth."


"Oral, yes."

"How long for?"

"About twenty, twenty-five minutes," said Peter, deadpan.

"Ha, ha. Very funny. How long did that last?"

"Most of last summer, whenever the kids were with their father. Ellen met someone at Christmas, so that's over, more's the pity, because she's great in bed. Now, Cathy, what about you?"

She grimaced. "You're about to become my fourth. My first time could probably best be described as rather like your high school friend. Stacey?"

"Stacey, yes."

"Like Stacey. A group of us were at a party. We'd done a little drinking, and I guess my reservations got kinda eroded. Anyway, this guy Eric and I got together in one of the bedrooms and goodbye Cathy's cherry. We got together a couple of times after that but there was no sparkle, so it sort of fizzled out. To our mutual relief, I suspect."

"That's one. Two to go."

"Benny was my brother's best friend, a couple of years older than me. I was alone at home one evening when Mom was at one of her evening classes and Tony, my brother, was out. Benny had called by on the chance of seeing Tony, but he'd just phoned to say he'd be late. So, to quote you, 'next thing I knew,' Benny and I were in bed together. My best time, up to then. We only just got up and dressed before Mom got home. That was the only time with Benny, as he'd just enlisted and had to report next day to begin his induction training." Cathy paused, and grinned. "Guess I gave him a good send-off, huh?"

"I guess," said Peter, laughing. "Last one? Well, last before me?"

"Another friend of Tony's. Tony and Curt -- that's his name, Curt -- borrowed a cabin for a weekend, along with another friend of Tony's, Dave. Well, Curt's girlfriend gave him the heave the previous week and he was going to cry off, but Tony suggested he ask me. Kinda took me by surprise how pleased he was with Tony's suggestion. Heck, surprised myself, too, when I accepted. There were three rooms at the cabin. Tony took one with his girlfriend, Stella, Dave and his girl, Karen, took another, which left the third for me and Curt.

"Well, Curt was going to be a gentleman and sleep on the floor, but I told him not to be a fool and just to get into bed. We managed to keep our hands off each other that night, but we gave in to temptation next morning and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. I got a couple of funny looks from Tony, but heck, I'm an adult. Curt's another one in the services, Navy this time, and he's away until Christmas, but we write each other occasionally and I'm looking forward to seeing him again. I made him promise not to try to be a monk because, well, as you will shortly discover, this gal sure ain't no nun!"

"I'm pleased about that. I think bare skin suits you better than a nun's habit would." Peter was having great difficulty keeping a straight face, but Cathy grinned.

"Don't you like girls in uniform?"

He laughed. "Depends on the uniform. Nun, no. Lady cop, maybe. I think it's the handcuffs."

"Kinky, huh? Might be fun, but that's enough talk, hon, let's fuck."

"Anything to oblige a sexy lady with no clothes on."

"Anything?" Cathy arched her brows, then batted her eyelashes seductively.

Peter laughed. "Well, anything that isn't too kinky."

Cathy stepped towards him, hanging her arms around his neck. She kissed his nose. "This first time? Let's just go for straight vanilla missionary, okay?"

"Definitely. That way I can watch your face when you come." He released her and took her hand. "This is my bed, and look -- I actually remembered to make it this morning!"

"Good for you," said Cathy, laying herself down on the bed, holding out her hand to him. "Come here, stud. You look as if you might be my biggest yet, but you still need to be closer than that." She was fighting giggles.

"Guess I do at that," said Peter, lying down beside her. He slid his left arm under her neck and bent to kiss her, a soft, sweet kiss, this first one, but the moment took them again and the kiss deepened, strengthened, until they were grasping at each other, trying to get closer. Shuddering, Cathy broke the kiss.

"Fuck me," she whispered.

"I will," he promised, "but first I want to eat you!"

She stared at him for a moment, then smiled. "Oh, yes! Please, yes!"

He kissed her, quick light, a promise. "Lie back and relax, sweetheart, and enjoy!"

He kissed her again, then began to kiss his way down her body, trying to remember the things he'd learned from Donna and Ellen, enjoying exploring the toned and tanned body next to him on the bed, kissing her nipples, sucking them, feeling her shudder. Lower he went, and he could smell her now, the rich, complicated utterly stimulating smell of a woman in heat. He let his tongue trail down over her body, pausing to stab it into her navel, hearing her stifled giggle as he did.

Lower he went, letting his tongue trail over her mons, through the peach-fuzz of hair, down towards her cleft, teasing her, pausing, letting his tongue flick over the dip between mons and thighs, avoiding her clitoris for the moment, kissing her labia, pointing his tongue, pushing it into her folds. He heard a soft moan and managed to look up to see her face, a face with eyes tightly closed, lips parted, as his mouth worked its magic on her.

His tongue stroked over her labia, pressing into her, licking, sucking, moving constantly, flicking at her clitoris, lightly, not ready yet to take her further. Her breathing was deepening as his mouth worked on her, almost panting, her fingers in his hair, gripping, gripping.

She was trembling, moving ever closer to orgasm, and he let his tongue move over her clitoris more often, licking, sucking. Her breathing changed, she was almost gasping now, and he intensified his attention to her clitoris, sucking, kissing, chewing lightly with his lips. Her fingers in his hair were almost hurting him, and he knew she was close, her gasping a continuous moan, a keening of want, and he let her feel his teeth, nipping lightly. She screamed, and came, but he knew that as he was almost drenched in her juices. Her stomach was rippling as her orgasm washed over her and he let his lips keep working on her, until she pushed his head away, trembling in her release as she came down from her sexual high.

His cock was hard as steel beneath him, and as he lifted himself to ease his position, Cathy saw it and pulled at him.

"In me, please, put it in me! Now, Peter, please, now!"

He moved up, and over her, and she seized his erection between trembling fingers, guiding him to her opening, gasping as he pushed into her, straight into her, her copious juices easing his way. A soft moan came from her as he pushed into her. He paused a moment, enjoying the snug clasp of her pussy around his cock, then began to move, pulling back, pushing into her again, the ages-old rhythm of love.

Her breathing had eased a little and her eyes were open now, gazing into his as he moved within her. There was a soft smile on her face, sweat beading her brow in the summer heat.

"Thank you," she whispered, "no-one ever did that for me before."

"You enjoyed it?"

He could read her answer in her smile, but she spoke it anyway. "It was incredible. And the way your cock feels in my pussy, well that feels pretty damned good as well."

"Thank you, because your pussy feels pretty damned good to me as well."

She stretched up and kissed his nose. "Good. Now, honey, concentrate on your own pleasure, because I've come and you haven't." She grinned up at him. "You are my biggest, you know?"

"Glad to serve, ma'am."

"Idiot! Now, shut up and fuck me!"

"Yes, ma'am."

They were both breathing easily as he moved, but their breathing deepened as he moved steadily into her, on that slow, inexorable climb to climax, moving faster now, but as fast as his hips were pushing him into her, so were hers pushing back at him. He'd hoped, prayed, that this joining of theirs would be good, that she'd enjoy his lovemaking, but the realities were proving even better than the anticipation.

Cathy was almost panting beneath him as he thrust, and his own breathing wasn't much better, and he could feel that incredible, building tension that presaged climax, feeling himself getting ever closer.