Stranger Than Truth Ch. 08


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"I'm sure a talented Domme such as yourself can think of something, or are you really a submissive in disguise?"

The gasps from around the room filled what would have been a deathly silence otherwise. Valerie felt Rachael's leg on one side of her head and hand on the other. Their presence was reassuring.

"No pain? No pleasure? Okay, how about this?"

Valerie stiffened as she felt a light touch to her foot. Biting her lips to keep quiet and still, Valerie's toes twitched as Sandra started to tickle her foot. Val breathed in the chuckles threatening to burst forth, her inhalations and exhalations becoming staccato as she fought to keep silent. Val knew that without the tight bondage on her legs, she would have kicked them, dislodging the trays placed there. Rachael's hand stroked the side of her face. The torture continued for almost a minute before Stephanie called out.

"Sandra, dahling, stop hogging the buffet. Give someone else a chance. I'm sure that if she was going to fail, she would have done so already."

"Yes, Steph, I suppose you're right." The voice moved away slightly. "Rachael, this is a much better toy than that slut Giggy. Would you consider selling her to me?"

Valerie stiffened at the question, her mouth almost opening in protest. Rachael's hand pressed firmly against her head.

"I'm afraid that isn't in the cards. She's on loan, not mine for good. Anyway, I like this toy too much to sell her, at least not to you." The acid in Rachael's voice was more corrosive than concentrated hydrochloric. The sharp intake of breath was enough to let Valerie know that this was an ongoing feud between the two.

"That slut's nothing special. It certainly can't be trusted with anything. Look how you had to tie it in place. You certainly don't trust it."

"I trust Valerie with my life. Even more important, Valerie trusts me."

"A loaner? Loaners don't trust."

"Why don't you put your money where your mouth is?

"Fine, I'll wager $1000 that I can think of an order it won't follow."

Rachael smiled as she stroked Valerie's face through the hood. "You're on. What's the order?"

"Come outside, I don't want it to be able to psych itself up."

There was movement and the murmur of excited voices. A couple of minutes later, Rachael and Sondra returned.

"You ladies, clear the buffet tray." Rachael's voice did not betray the nervousness she felt. When Valerie was cleared of snacks, Rachael untied her bonds, helping her stand. "Remember your orders." Val nodded as she stretched her stiff muscles.

The crowd moved to the back of the house and the expansive yard there. Dominating the back yard was a gorgeous pool. Rachael led Valerie to the edge of the pool. Without a word, Rachael strapped Valerie's legs together, rendering them useless. Valerie felt something being added, something that pulled down on the straps a bit. Standing next to the bound woman, her Mistress stroked her face through the leather of the hood.

"Do you feel where you are?" Val, feeling the water slosh against her feet as she stood in the edge drain of the pool, nodded. "Valerie, I won't be disappointed if you safe word. This is what I want you to do. You're facing the deep end of the pool. Throw yourself in."

Valerie stiffened, fear and trust warring in her mind. While she struggled with her choice, she heard Sandra's derisive laughter. Without another second's thought, she took a deep breath and tilted herself into the pool. She was enveloped in water and sank to the bottom, dragged down by the weights on her straps. Rachael, who had stripped earlier, plunged in right after her. Rachael stood Valerie up in the three feet of water in the shallow end of the pool and unzipped the mouth of the gag, letting the water pour out.

"Sandra, I expect a check before you leave. Stephanie, I've had enough fun for one day. If I can borrow your changing room for a few minutes, I'll be on my way. It was a great party, in spite of Sondra."

Several people were applauding. One could be heard stomping across the concrete of the pool's edge.

"I'll have your legs free in a moment Val. Then we'll dry off and go."

Rachael dove under again and released the straps. Able to walk again, Valerie was led to the changing room. Rachael pulled the hood off and dried Valerie with a tenderness that Val did not expect.

"I'm so proud of you Val. You're free to talk if you want."

"Today is so hard, Mistress."

"I know. It's going to stay hard. I'm going to use you for what I want all day. There still won't be any pleasure for you other than knowing you've pleased me."

"Have I pleased you so far?"

"Yes, very much so."

"Even though I used my safe word this morning?"

"Even then. I want to take you to your safe word without pain. I want to see you trembling with fear and humiliation. I want you in tears, aching for a kind word that doesn't come. Can I have that?"

Valerie shuddered, fearful that Rachael was a person quite capable of bringing her to just that point. It was only the thought of Rachael's enjoyment that enabled her to respond, "Yes, Mistress, anything that pleases you."

"You're frightened of me." It was a statement, not a question.

"Yes, but I trust you too."

"I know. Let's blow this joint."

Rachael put the hood back on Val's head and led her to the car, buckling her into the back seat again. From there, it was another half hour drive. The car stopped at a cheap motel that Rachael had, earlier, rented for the day. She put Val's coat on her again and led her into the room. The smell of stale sex and cheap cigarettes, overlaid with the pungent odor of pine cleaner, permeated the room.

"Keep your eyes closed." The hood came off, to be replaced by a blindfold. "Kneel here. Don't move until I come back."

Rachael stepped outside where the people she had arranged to be here were gathering. If Valerie could see, she would have recognized every one of them. There was Steven and Robert, her fellow submissives under Charles, along with Marcia, the black teacher that served with them. Calvin and his slave, Susan, were there as was Fred (Daphne was watching Sally).

"I'm glad you could all make it. It's important that no one speaks, or the impact will be lost. Marcia, are you up to this? You had the hardest time with it when it was your turn, two years ago."

"I'm okay, Rachael. This is going to be so hard on her. Are you sure she's ready for this?"

"I'm sure she will use her safe word if she isn't. She did use it when she was my dog."

"Okay, I trust you."

"Right, no talking. Let's go and use this slut whore."

Valerie heard the door open and the movement of numerous pairs of feet on the cheap carpeting. She struggled to not react at the presence of who knew how many witnesses, strangers, to her submission.

"Valerie, There are four men and two women here who have paid $50 each to receive a blow job from you. Please them or I will be disappointed."

Valerie gasped in horror. Rachael had sold her like a cheap whore. Seven months ago, Valerie had been almost broken by simply being mistook for a prostitute and had to face the knowledge that she held a bigoted attitude towards that class of people. Now she was to actually be one, to perform sex for money. Tears streamed from under her blindfold.

"Mistress, please, no?"

"Valerie! That mouth has only one purpose right now, whore, to bring these people off." Rachael turned to the crowd and asked, "Who's first?"

Calvin walked up first and grabbed Valerie's head. As she sobbed, he thrust his erect cock into her mouth. Valerie was given no chance to use her skills at giving head, he simply fucked her mouth with a viciousness that overwhelmed Valerie. Rachael knelt beside Valerie.

"That's right, make your Mistress happy, let this ugly creep fuck your throat. I love seeing you belittled and used like the cheap slut you are."

Valerie sobbed in humiliation and grief. She didn't know how she could endure this six times. She tried to focus on Rachael's words, on how happy her Mistress was to see her demeaned like this. Hanging on by an emotional thread, Valerie sobbed through Calvin, Marcia, Steven, Robert and Fred. Calvin had insisted that Susan be last. On his orders, his slave had not cleaned her cunt all day and the stench of dried urine and pussy juice assaulted Valerie's nose as Susan came forward. Valerie gagged at the smell and pulled back without thinking. Rachael's hand pressed her forward while Valerie fought to stay away.

"Valerie, get in there and lick."

Valerie tried to make herself stop fighting, but felt, for the first time in months, the old revolt towards lesbian sex. "Yellow light," she cried.

Everything stopped. There was silence, except for Valerie's tears.

"What do you need, Val?"

"She's not clean. Please Mistress, clean her first."

Rachael bent down and sniffed, gagging herself. She shot Calvin a look of anger. This was not part of her plan. Rachael was no fan of water sports or scat and considered dirty cunts as equal to those games.

"You're done, Valerie. I'll refund her money. Just one more thing to do."

The others gathered around Valerie so that Rachael could take a picture of the group. She ushered them out, instructing Valerie not to move. Once outside, she lay into Calvin.

"Calvin, just what kind of shit were you pulling in there?"

"I thought it would make the experience more memorable."

"You ass! The plan was to humiliate her with the belief that she had been whored out, not to gross her out so she threw up. I trusted you Calvin and you betrayed that trust. You interfered with another dominant's scene. You know better than that. Get out of here before I do something we'll both regret."

Rachael stormed back into the room, calming herself before she interacted with Valerie again. Making sure the drapes were closed, she took Valerie's blindfold off. The tear streaked face underneath caused Rachael to smile.

Still sobbing a little, Valerie looked up at her Mistress. "Did I please you, Mistress?"

"Yes Val, very much. How are your arms?"

"Very sore, Mistress. I think a couple of fingers are starting to go to sleep."

"Let's give them a break, shall we?"

Rachael took the straps off her arms, letting Val move them for the first time in several hours. Rachael sat in a chair and Valerie just rested her head on Rachael's lap, letting her tension ease. Valerie knew there was more to come and dreaded it all the while craving the chance to please Rachael even more. Rachael had known, ever since watching Valerie's first auction, that she would be an exceptional submissive, driven by the need to please. The depths to which Valerie was subjecting herself warmed Rachael's heart and drew out her sadistic side. She almost regretted her commitment to a pain free domination.

After half an hour, Valerie's tears were dried up and Rachael motioned her to her feet. Coat back on, Valerie was blindfolded and buckled into the back seat. Once they were back in Rachael's house, Valerie was led to the bedroom again.

"I want to dress you up for our next outing. Let's start with this corset."

Valerie turned around and let Rachael lace the black corset up, squeezing her waist three inches smaller. By the time the lacing was done, Valerie's breasts were pushed up and together, creating a deep, tight cleavage. An equally black shift was snapped to the bottom of the corset, covering her waist area down to her mid-thighs. The heels from earlier were back in place and Rachael stood back to admire her minimally dressed submissive.

"Yes, that will do just fine."

The two items on her body were opaque enough that she would pass muster for being decent (barely) yet draw stares at how much was revealed. However, the shift could be flipped up, revealing the enticements hidden behind it.

"Come dear, we have an appointment."

Valerie, not bound this time, followed Rachael to the car again. Soon, however, she realized where they were going. She turned to Rachael.


"Yes, Valerie?"

"Divine's Devils?"


"Please, don't do anything to me there."

"Are you using a safe word?"

With a quiver in her voice, Valerie replied, "No Mistress. It's just that they make me feel so small there."

"I know, that's the point."

"Yes, Mistress."

Valerie was glad this was not a repeat of the experience she had the first time. Rachael had gone out of her way to arrange for Valerie to be humiliated in front of the workers in the auto shop across the street. This time, Valerie had enough modesty allowed to handle getting to the door. Once inside, Valerie cringed inside herself. Dominance oozed from the walls, the residue of hundreds of Doms and Dommes exerting their personalities on the site.

"Rachael, how wonderful to see you again. What can we do for you?"

"I'd like to have this toy marked with a tattoo."

Valerie gasped in shock. Charles had forbidden her to get a tattoo for Sally for months. What was Rachael playing at?

"Mistress, Master has forbidden…"

"I have his permission, Valerie. Keep quiet."

Just like the last time, Rachael had become even harsher than she normally was while inside the store. Divine's Devils was a BDSM fetish shop that catered to the most extreme of dominants. In addition to a wide selection of bondage and discipline tools, the shop would provide services for marking slaves and submissives. These services ranged from permanent collars and cuffs, such as what Valerie wore now, to tattooing and branding. Since her last visit, Valerie had learned that Divine's Devils also provided slave training services. They were reputed to be able to train anyone to perform any service and enjoy it.

"Come on back, Rachael, we have a table open right now. Do you have a design in mind?"

As they walked to the back, Rachael handed a folded up piece of paper over to the clerk. "It's a surprise, so don't let it see the picture."

"Of course. We'll blindfold her before we start."

He took a look at the design, whistling as he did. "Do you want this done all at once?"

"Yes, it has to be finished tonight."

"This will take about three hours, I think. We'll check with Chuck. Chuck, we've got a job for you!"

A small man, covered in tattoos, looked up from a book of designs. "Rachael! Who's the meat?"

"This is my toy for the day. It's name is Valerie. I'm giving it a surprise tattoo."

"Well, let's get it strapped in and then we'll take a look at the design."

Valerie climbed onto the table and let Chuck fasten the straps to hold her down. Divine's never operated on unrestrained slaves. By the time she was fully bound, Valerie's head, fingers and toes were the only parts of her body capable of movement. Her shift was flipped up and she was blindfolded.

"Ah, this is quite complex. I hope you have about four hours."

"I've got all night." Rachael braced herself for the reaction that was to come. "I'd like it right here."

Rachael placed her hand on the mound of flesh just above Valerie's pussy. When Val felt that, she cried out in panic.

"No! Mistress, please not there, that's for Sally!"

"Valerie, that is where I want my tattoo. What do you mean that's for Sally? You are not in control of your body, your Master is."

"Please Mistress, I want to put Sally's picture there, to show my love for her. Please don't take that away from her."

Valerie was in tears, her heart being rended by the upcoming loss.

"Who's your Mistress right now?"

"You are," Val sobbed.

"Who's your Master?"

"Charles." Tears flowed freely.

"Then this will happen."

"Please Mistress, I love her so much. I want to show her forever. Please don't take this away."

"Can I have some time alone with her?"

The men left Valerie and Rachael alone. Rachael stroked Valerie's hair and held her hand.

"Valerie, I'm going to do this. It will please me. Don't you want to please me?"

"Yes, Mistress," Val gasped, trying to hold her tears in. "But it's for Sally."

"I know. She will understand that it wasn't your choice."

Valerie could only sob with grief. Rachael watched as the emotional wringer she had put Valerie through reached its peak. Her plan to break Valerie, to give her the ultimate submission was almost complete. One more straw was needed to break this camel's back.

"Valerie, only your safe word will stop this. Do you want to please me enough to not use your safe word? Do you trust me enough to not use your safe word?"

Inside, Valerie felt her choices leaving her. Not being taken away, but leaving of their own accord. As she sobbed in grief, she felt something snap and knew she could not safe word to stop this. She trusted Master and Mistress too much. She trusted that they knew best. She felt what Sally felt when Sally had given up her safe word, the need and ability to trust so completely that she would dive, helpless, into a pool. She trusted so much that she would let herself be sold to strangers for sex in a cheap hotel room. She needed to trust enough to give up her special tattoo for her lover.

Choking back a sob, Valerie nodded her head, saying, "Yes, Mistress. Mistress, would you gag me so I can't change my mind?"

"No, dear. You must tell Chuck that you approve. I'll be right here, holding your hand. You can cry as much as you want. I know how hard this must be. You're making me so happy, pleasing me so much."

"Thank you Rachael, I need to know that. Can we start now?"

"Of course."

Rachael waved Chuck over. He set his tools out and started the long process of transferring a work of art from paper to flesh. Valerie's tears flowed slowly as she felt each poke of the needle leave its dye in Valerie's skin, taking away that precious spot. For four hours, Rachael held Valerie's hand and whispered how proud she was, how pleased she was in Valerie's obedience. Valerie was fed during this time, taking dinner from Rachael's hand while blind and bound.

When it was done, Val's shift was put back into place and she was released. Valerie reached to look and Rachael's hand took hers.

"Not until you're back at your house."

Rachael took Valerie back to her house, where Giggy was waiting, having gotten home form work while they were out. Inside, Valerie collapsed at Rachael's feet, feeling the need to be submitted just a little longer. With her head resting on Rachael's lap, Valerie tried to recover from her day long ordeal.

"How did it go, Rach?" Giggy asked.

"Valerie was very pleasing. She let me take her to a depth she has never had before, didn't you Val?"

Valerie nodded her head. "It was…I feel…I don't know what I want to say. It hurt so much, all of it. Being just a thing, a pet. But I wouldn't trade today for anything."

Giggy knelt beside Valerie. She stroked Valerie's back with comforting pressure. "Did you safe word?"

Valerie nodded, tears flowing at the remembrances of the two times. "I wish I hadn't."

"Don't, Valerie. I expected you to use them. Both times, it pleased me when you did use them. It was a pleasant surprise when you didn't at Divine's."

"She didn't? You mean she let you…"

"Yes, she gave it up. That broke you, didn't it Val?"

Val nodded, her sobs returning. "What will I tell Sally?"

"That you were obedient. She'll understand, she really will."

"I hope so. She's been looking forward to her tattoo for so long. Mistress?"

"Yes, Val?"

"Can I please you one more time?" Valerie rested her hand on Rachael's leg, partway under the leather skirt.

"Of course you may, Valerie."

Rachael pulled the skirt up, revealing her pantiless pussy. She spread her legs and scooted out where Valerie could reach her. Valerie bent her head forward and licked at the edges of Rachael's pussy with tender kisses. Giggy stroked Valerie's hair as Val brought Giggy's Mistress to a slow arousal.