Sexual Adventurers Ch. 02


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Also, I often wondered, how he was in his meetings and dinners with Richard. I have never been in a situation where I have been required to meet with someone whose partner I am having an affair with so I had no conception of what it would feel like and how I would act. Knowing Ash quite well as I did now, I was pretty sure he would handle it in the calm way that he seemed to handle everything in which he was involved.

Although we rarely talked about our personal lives and I had no idea whether he was still sleeping with Esthel, he let out a few things that suggested that I was not his sole companion in this sexual adventure lifestyle. I did not pursue those conversations as, quite frankly, I did not really want to know, but equally I did not really care. Again the compartment concept came into play.

After our trip to that sex club, we went out a few times together, but never to restaurants or clubs in the West End as he was worried of being seen by the paparazzi.

Twice, after dark we went for walks in Green Park. Each time I was not wearing underwear, something that excited both of us very much. As an example of the depth, or height depending on your viewpoint, of our relationship, one of those times I wore just a Burberry raincoat and heels. I had massive turns on going down in the elevator with Ash holding the coat open and revealing my nakedness, walking through the lobby of The Ritz holding the coat together as I did up the buttons and belt and strolling down Piccadilly naked under that. And of course the turn on for both of us reached its pinnacle when he fucked me up against a willow tree in the park.

As well as more deviant or, as some might call it, kinky practices, our sex also became a little rougher, more experimental with a touch of BDSM and D/s role playing as well. He would smack my breasts or pussy quite hard and I enjoyed it. He pulled my hair and I enjoyed that too. He even spanked me a couple of times, but I didn't get too much from that and we were both fearful of the red marks on my bum, not clearing up before Richard got back from his latest trip

"Go into the bedroom, undress to your knickers and lay on the bed on your front," he said just after I arrived one evening, having been collected by the Roller and delivered to The Ritz.

As he said that he hardly looked up from his laptop and gave me no further greeting, not even our usual kiss.

I did as he said. I got quite a buzz from him ordering me around.

"Put this on," he told me giving me a blindfold.

I did as he said and was lying on my front on the bed when I heard him come in. Taking my wrist in one hand, he rubbed that against him. He was naked and erect.

"Mmmmmm nice," I whispered wrapping my finger round his cock.

Then I felt something cold on my wrist. He pulled that above my head and I heard a click as he clearly handcuffed me to the bed.

"What the hell?" I grunted as he took my other wrist and repeated the action. 'Christ,' I thought. 'He's handcuffed me to the bed.

"Be quiet Cat, you'll love this."

David and I had messed around with tying up a few times, but had usually used my panties or tights, not bloody handcuffs. I had found being restrained quite exciting as he did, but we didn't get too far into it. This, however, was a completely different ball game, for in addition to being manacled I was also sight deprived. I had never had that before and surprisingly, I loved it.

"Kneel for me," he told me.

I did.

"Keep your face on your hands."

I did.

He began to massage my shoulders in slow, sensuous movements. This was one of a number of things that I particularly enjoyed with Ash. He has this way of introducing complimentary aspects and differences into our sex. Aggressiveness and gentleness, sordidness and decorum and romance with raw sex. The combination of being handcuffed and blindfolded with a languid, sensual, caressing type of massage was a classic example. As were the words he used.

"Your tits look fantastic like that, you sexy, dirty bitch," he said pulling my panties down to mid-thigh but not removing them.

With one hand he softly massaged my back and with the other he pinched my nipple hard making me gasp with the sudden pain. His hands slowly moved down my arms, pausing to touch my breasts softly before cupping them and then, after removing his hand slapping them, again making me jump and gasp with the sharp pain. He moved on and down to my hands that he massaged not missing a finger.

Maybe wrongly, but I was sinking into a deeply relaxed state as he turned his attention to my back and buttocks. I didn't object or try to wriggle away when he massaged between my cheeks passing right across my anus.

"Hold this," he said passing me something that was fairly heavy and cold. "Warm it up."

I held it in my hand pressed against the bed as he rubbed warm oil into my buttocks, thighs calf muscles and feet. It was lovely. Then his hands were between my legs and he started to stroke my sex. My first impulse was to push back against his hand and open my legs more to give him greater access. I guessed, though that if I did he would only push me down again so I stayed as I was and revelled in his fingers applying slow, sensual and so fucking sexy strokes to my slit.

My skin tingled when he leaned forward and hovered his body over mine, kissing softly the back of my shoulders. He took the mysterious object from my hands and I felt more oil being dripped onto my back. His magic hands continued their seduction of my skin; I could have purred.

Comfortable?" he whispered right into my ear.

"Mmmmm blissfully so," I sighed.

"You need to pull your knees more under you, but keep your head on the bed.

I did as he told me aware that my bum was very much on display. I felt totally exposed and vulnerable. In addition to the pleasantly erotic sensation of the sight deprivation, I was pleased that I was blindfold for, in a way it gave me a degree of anonymity although I knew full well he could see everything; a female sexual adventurer's tortuous logic perhaps!

He covered my back in light kisses and soft licks, gradually moving further down my back. Then, my insides somersaulted when he ran his tongue from the back of my neck all the way down to my clit in one long lick. That was sensational.

He whispered in my ear. "Cat, I need you to stay relaxed and not overthink what I am going to do. In a moment I am going to prepare you for the fuck of your dreams, but you must trust me. Ok?"

He said that with that sexy as fuck voice that continually mesmerised me. He could have been saying anything to me and I would have gone along with it. With one hand under me cupping and squeezing my breast and nipple rather hard as had become more the norm recently, he gripped the slight excess of flesh on my hip with the other. His fingernails dug welcomingly painfully into it, reminding me to work harder at the gym.

He licked and kissed from the bottom of my spine to my clit that he sucked into his mouth. He sort of growled as he often did when aroused before saying.

"You are fucking beautiful down here Cat, you have a gorgeous cunt and arsehole."

"Mmmmm," I sighed probably too far gone to put a full sentence together.

He muttered. "Don't move." Then his mouth was on me. His fingers parted my folds for his tongue to inflict the maximum devastation on my self-control. Licks, kisses and flicks of his tongue all over my pussy and clit quickly had me panting and wanting to plead with him to put me out of my misery and fuck me. But I didn't. I was becoming a junky for his continual torment, but was both pleased and relieved when I felt his fingers sliding up me. I writhed against them in an effort to wring every last bit of pleasure from the penetration. Somehow, he managed to get his tongue on my clit at the same time and that made me feel as if I would cum, and heavily.

Just when my release was imminent, he stopped and removed his fingers. I thought I might explode with frustration until I felt his finger pressing on my anus gently probing it. It went in quite easily, probably up to the knuckle. Then so fucking frustratingly he removed that too. I almost screamed with the loss of that degree of pleasure. Then I felt warm oil being drizzled on to my lower back and gained a lovely sensation as it ran down between my bum cheeks. He rubbed me there including on and just inside the hole.

The pressure on my bottom returned, but it was different and increasing. At the same time, his fingers slipped back inside my pussy and began pumping slowly up and down it. That together with the increasing pressure on my anus created a feeling of sublime fullness that was accompanied by an inexplicable expectation, but I had no idea of what.

The pressure against my vaginal wall was increasing from both sides, but for a moment or two I could not work out how or why. Then it hit me. He was penetrating my anus with either, a dildo of some form or, a butt plug. Then, of course it hit me that was what he had asked me to warm up; it was a butt plug, another first for me

Ash again managed to get his head between my legs and quite unexpectedly, he sucked hard on my clit. The combination of everything that was going on was far, far too much and my orgasm exploded over my body and in my mind seemingly with the force that water crashes over Niagara.


"No it won't be a big do," Richard had said when he told me that we would be going to a charity dinner and auction at the Victoria and Albert Museum in a couple of weeks' time. "I think there are only a dozen or so tables with ten per table, black tie and posh frock though."

We were in the bedroom getting ready for bed. I was down to my bra and panties, Richard was in his shirt and boxers.

"These bloody cufflinks," he moaned as he fiddled with the two little gold, oval plates connected by a thin gold chain. "I can never get them off."

"Here let me," I said moving close to him and taking the cuff of his shirt between my fingers.

"Do we have one or two tables?" I asked as I fiddled them out of the cuffs. "See easy."

"Just the one," he said putting his arms round me and kissing the top of my head. "Thanks."

"So who is going?" I asked feeling comfortable in his arms. I slid mine round his waist

"Us and Herbert and Jane from the firm, a couple from Goldmans, the couple from Apple who you met at Ascot last year and Ashiree and his wife, what's her name Esthel?"

His words crashed into my mind. I had been to just one company function with Ash there since we had started and I had no idea how I would handle it.

"Mmm, right sounds good," I mumbled as he pulled me to him.

He was hardening as he kissed me and pulled me against his erection. Whilst it felt good, as it usually did nowadays, the introduction of Ash into the conversation changed things a bit, well a lot actually.

Ash, what we did and the whole sexual adventurer thing was our 'compartment.' Only he and I had keys and could get in there. When we came out, we locked it and forgot about it until the next time we opened the door. During that time, our paths did not cross, there was no contact, no email, phone calls or texts until I would receive one telling where and when we would next open it up.

This changed things. Not only having his name mentioned as I was about make love to my husband, but also knowing that I would have to spend an evening in his company.

Richard was undoing my bra as he kissed me long and deep. Although Ash was in my mind, I reached down and slid my hand into my husband's boxers and gripped his erection.

At first when I started with Ash, when I was with him, I compared him to Richard and when with Richard I compared him to Ash. This was with what each other did, how they performed and the size and feel of their cocks. I had stopped that a few months ago now and when I was with either of them the other did not feature in my thinking. That had made the odd situation I was in and the lie I was living with Richard, both bearable and manageable. Now, however, it all came back and as I gently rubbed my husband's manhood I could not help recalling how Ash felt and how thicker and longer it was. I knew this was wrong, but there was nothing I could do about.

As equally, there was nothing I could do about comparing the way that Richard finished undressing me, gently and caringly removing my bra and panties to how Ash would often simply tear them from me. Additionally, as I lay on the bed in Richards arms

I could not stop thinking of how his fumblings compared not too well to Ash's confident and vibrant caresses. And of course, when Richard made love to me, as gentle, caring and affectionate as it always was, my mind and body could not stop itself thinking about the aggressive and at times almost violent ways that Ash usually fucked me.

I was absolutely flabbergasted when Ash came up to Richard and me at the reception and introduced his companion. I had expected the slight trauma of having to meet again and be with his wife Esher or Esthel, I still wasn't sure which. I had not at all expected to be spending the evening with my lover and his 'Promotions Manager!'

"Hi Richard and Cat," Ash had said shaking Richard's hand and kissing me on the cheek, which sent shock waves of desire through me. "May I introduce Sunya, she has recently joined us as Promotions Manager," he went on putting his arm round the stunning, black girl beside him. We all shook hands as Ash explained to Sunya who we were.

We made idle conversation as we waited for the dinner to start. That was to be followed by an auction on behalf of a charity that Richard's firm supported.

Sunya was absolutely gorgeous. She was tall, probably up around five feet nine inches and slim although her tight, white sheath dress clung provocatively to her breasts showing them to be reasonably full and round. The three-quarter length dress had slit up both sides and when she moved they opened and her long, legs were revealed at times almost up to her hips. She was wearing a gold pleated, thin belt round her what seemed to be impossibly small waist and matching gold, mid-height heeled, strappy sandals. Her jet-black hair was half up with ringlets hanging down her face and neck, she wore little make-up or jewellery. Her every move seemed to be witnessed by most people in the room who appeared to be obsessed with her, me included.

The overall image she portrayed was of a beautiful, highly sexy and confident young woman.

The whole evening was hell. That was due to a combination of my lust for Ash that had reared up immediately I saw him and did not abate all evening, my concern at Sunya being there and just who she was and the conflict due to being with my husband and lover at the same time.

I sat apposite Ash on the ten person round table. Every time I looked up, his gaze seemed to meet mine and that started my heart pounding. His dark, 'I am going to fuck you eyes' locked on me stripping away my clothes and baring my body to him. Continually I felt shivers go through me as I imagined myself sitting there naked with the others looking at me. It was just like it had been when I first met Ash. I wanted him so badly and I doubt I would have objected if he had fucked me the table between us.

"What the fuck's going on Ash?" I asked quietly with a big smile on my face making out we were having an ordinary conversation standing by the bar

"How do you mean my dear," he smiled back lifting his glass of, naturally, Crystal Champagne to an acquaintance.

"How could you bring her here? Who is she?"

"What I said and she organises all our event, including this."

"This, what do you mean?"

"We are sponsoring this."

"I thought Richard's firm is."

"No we are and Sunya has organised all of it."

"Oh I see," I replied feeling a little guilty."

"Oh hi darling," I said my heart thumping as Richard wandered up to us.

"How are things Ash?" he asked almost immediately starting to talk business.

With me looking on and sipping my champagne they gabbled on about business for a few minutes before Ash said.

"I bet he hasn't shown you the Beckham exhibition has he?"

"No, I know nothing about it."

Between them they explained that there was an exhibition of the ex Spice Girl's clothes that she has worn and that she was donating one to be auctioned later this evening for Ash' charity.

"Why is she doing that?" I asked.

"Ash knows David well," Richard explained adding. "He is a main investor in the soccer team David is setting up in Miami."

I was amazed that I did not know that. I was even more amazed that after sleeping with Ash so many times now, I still hardly knew anything about him. But then I reconciled, we were sexual adventurers and our relationship was based purely on sex and in that field I knew plenty about him.

"Well if you are not going to show your wife the exhibition Richard, then I will," Ash said taking my arm. "Come on Cat."

Glasses of champagne in our hands, Ash steered me out of the room.

"What was all that about?" I asked feeling my arousal building up as we became alone walking through the museum.

Turning a corner into a narrower and less well lit corridor Ash said. "I had to get you alone, I want you so badly, it's hell in there looking at you and not being able to touch you or fuck you."

His words sent my temperature up and my pulses racing. He was saying exactly what I felt.

We turned another corner and we were in a deserted, almost dark corridor. Taking my glass from my hand he put that with his onto a ledge and pulled me into his arms and kissed me. His hands went to my bum and squeezed it.

"Ash we can't not here."

"Shush just be quiet and kiss me you horny bitch."

I knew that it was crazy and at any moment someone could come along, but I could not bring myself to resist him. Not when he continued kissing me, not when he cupped and squeezed my breast, not when his hand went up my skirt at the back and not even when he tried to wiggle his fingers between my legs. I was helpless to stop him when he pressed his full erection against me, I could not stop him when he pinched my nipple or when he forced his fingers between my legs that to my shame I opened. And I could not resist or stop him when he pulled the gusset of my panties to one side and finger fucked me to a quick, strong orgasm.


As Ash was using the car, I had travelled into London by train to Kings Cross then by tube across town. It was only ten days after the do at the V & A museum, the shortest gap there had been between our assignations.

It was early evening on a Wednesday, Richard was in America and Ash had asked me to stay the night at the Ritz. I rang him as I came out of Green Park station and he confirmed that he was in the suite and said.

"Come straight up."

He opened the door dressed in a knee length, white silk dressing robe. He looked fantastic and my knees felt weak simply looking at him.

"I have just had a shower so that I would be ready for you Cat," he said pulling me against him and kissing me deeply. I kissed him back loving being in his arms and the feel of him against me. He pulled me into the lounge from the entrance hallway still kissing me. In there, we continued the kiss and his hands pulled my skirt up until it was bunched around my hips and he could stroke and squeeze the cheeks of my bum; he loved doing that almost as much as I loved him doing it.

He undressed me quickly. Leaving my clothes on the floor of the lounge of the suite, he took me to the bedroom and laid me on the bed. He slipped the robe off and stood there flaunting his gorgeous nakedness and deliciously rampant, thick cock at me.

"Come on Ash," I groaned holding my arms out to him.

"What do you want Cat?" He replied approaching the bed.