Sexiplicity Ch. 03


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It was impossible. First the blowjob from my sister. Then mom sucks my cock to measure it and tosses me off. Then we shaved Becca, make her cum and then she jacks us off onto the desk. Then mom again and the oral and tittyfucking! All this in less than 24 hours! All because of this new fucker in my head!

My cock had never cum so much in my life. How it continued to get hard and ejaculate so much semen was a marvel. Probably because I've been masturbating so much to keep from having the dreams, my body has been increasing the output to keep up. The nightmare is now real.

"Let's make a bet, pussy..."

"A bet about what, assface!" I said.

"I'll bet you if we pick the lock on the bathroom, get naked and climb in the shower with Tiffany, she'll welcome us with open mouth and legs," he said.

"The fuck she will and the fuck with trying!" I shouted.

"So you're betting she'll kick us out?" he asked.

"I'm not betting anything, because we're not going to try!"

"I'll take that as you think she'll kick us out," evil Peter said.

"Were not doing this and yes she would kick us out." I said.

"Oh, so it's a bet?"

"I didn't say that,"

"Yes you did and here is what the winner gets," he started to say.

"No... no... no we're not doing this," I screamed silently in my head.

"If I win... and Tiffany welcomes us, I get to fuck Becca tomorrow. And if you win the bet and Tiffany kicks us out, then you get to fuck Becca and I won't interfere," evil Peter said.

This made me pause. I wanted to be the one in control for my first time and with Becca. If I was right and Tiffany freaked out on us, then he would be bound to let me. Could I trust him? Probably not but, if there was a chance I wanted to take it.

"What do you say, loser?" he asked.

"Who's in control when we go into the bathroom?" I asked.

"Me of course, you'll just fuck it up like last night," he said.

I was still considering it because I figured Tiffany would freak out the moment she saw us, regardless of who was in control.

"Fine... you got yourself a deal," I said.

My control was suddenly gone and I was now just a passenger in my body as he found a wire coat hanger to pick the easy bathroom lock and left my room. We didn't see my mother as he snuck us down the stairs and hall to the bathroom. The door was locked... a good sign for me... but he easily stuck the coat hanger in the small hole and opened the door quietly, shutting it just as soundlessly. The shower was hot, the bathroom steamy. We could see the tan shade of Tiffany's body behind the fogged up shower door. Our cock moved in our pants and I was amazed it still had potency. Evil Peter started undressing us as quiet as he could until we were naked. My stupid cock was half erect with excitement before we even approached the door.

He waited until she was under the water and facing the showerhead before sliding the door back and stepping in. The image of my naked sister under the water was shocking. She was gorgeous. Her ass was unbelievable! Tight, toned and she had no tan lines, tanning naked at her gym. Her long legs were toned as was her back and arms. My cock was throbbing and huge as we stood there watching her rinse. She turned around under the water and with her hands on her head. Our mouth dropped open when we saw her perfectly round breasts. Much smaller than Mom's but wonderful to look at. Her nipples were slightly erect, pulling the areolas tight and our cock lurched again as we viewed her naked body. She kept herself completely shaved below with no sign of any pubic hair, letting us get a glimpse of her sex. The soap bubbles ran down her body, over her tan breasts, down her flat stomach and legs. We didn't blink.

But then she opened her eyes and saw us.

"Peter! What the fuck! Get out! Get out you pervert!" she said but not very loud, not wanting Mom to hear.

"Quiet, sis... mom's going to hear you," the evil Peter said back.

"I don't give a rat's ass, now get out!" she said a little louder, covering herself as best she could.

"Oh, come now... I know you want my cock... it wants you... just look at it," he said.

This made her look down where she was trying not to look.

"Fuck! That thing is huge... I don't care though... you messed up last time, brother and I won't be burned again... now go or I will really scream," she said.

"No you won't... what would Mom say... what would she do if I told her what you did to me last night?" he said.

"You little punk... you're blackmailing me now?" she asked, still trying to cover her sex and breasts with her hands and arms.

"No... no blackmail needed. I know you want it... it's written all over your face."

"You're wrong, that isn't what's written on my face," she said moving toward us.

She suddenly reached out and smacked our face and opened the shower door, pushing us out.

"And stay out!" she pretty much screamed.

Evil Peter and I felt the heat on our cheek. We were both stunned. He was still in control and slowly got dressed and we left the bathroom and returned to the attic.

"Looks like I won the bet," I said.

No comment from him.

"Becca's mine now... you lost."

Still nothing from him... except he gave me control back.

"I told you I knew my sister well. And your silence is just fine by me."

Still nothing and I welcomed it. It was also good to know that I could get control back without having to cum. But what was the best thing ever was I would have Becca all to myself.


Dinner was awkward to say the least. Both Mom and Tiffany were quiet, all of us had secrets now and neither really wanted to look at me. Asshole evil Peter still hadn't said a word. He was the one that had caused all these problems with my family and now he was silent. I guess he didn't take rejection well. When Tiffany did look at me it was a glare of death. I didn't think our relationship would ever be the same. I was almost wondering if it would have been better to have done more that first night with her when she seemed to have wanted it. Making her leave my room and the way I acted was what pissed her off and made her think she had made a big mistake.

So after a pretty awful dinner, I got up from the table and told Mom I was going to take a walk. I had to get out of there. I headed in the direction of Becca's house. She didn't live very far from me and was how she walked the soup over. As I approached her house, I saw her on the front porch just as the sun was setting and the light wasn't that great. As I got closer I could tell she was crying. She didn't see me approaching until I spoke.

"What's wrong, Becca?" I asked.

She looked up, tears streaming down her face, and saw me. She tried to wipe her eyes but it was pointless. Her face was red and puffy and her makeup, the little that she wears, was a mess.

"Oh, Peter... I made a bad mistake... I can't go out with you tomorrow... or ever!"

"What? Why not?"

"My mother... my mother found out," she said, bursting into tears again.

I went up and sat next to her, putting my arm around her heaving shoulders.

"It's okay... just tell me what happened," I said.

"It's not... okay... my mom's furious... After your house... I came home and was really itchy from the hair left over from you trimming me so I got in the shower to wash off and while I was in there I decided to shave the rest, all the way. Well, my mother came in the bathroom and caught me shaving down there and went ballistic! I'm grounded forever and I can't ever see you again. It kind of came out that you convinced me to do it."

"Oh... wow... this isn't good. But, Becca... you're eighteen... you're considered an adult... she can't ground you."

"She can if I'm living under her roof," she said.

"Well, then move out," I suggested.

"What? I can't... I have no place to go and I'm not even done with high school yet."

"You can stay at my house... we only have a month and a half of school left... you should just stay with me."

"My mother would... she'd have an aneurysm."

"She's already mad and she's being unreasonable and we know it."

Right then, the door to her house opened and her mother came out yelling at me when she saw me. I stood up and I swear I thought she was going to hit me she was so mad. She looked a lot like Becca, with dark hair, large breasts that jiggled as she yelled and shook her fist at me. She had glasses on and looked like a strict nun in a skirt. I backed away from her as she yelled for me to get off her porch and leave her daughter alone.

Suddenly, Becca jumped up, yelled at her mother and ran toward me.

"Stop it, mother! Stop yelling at him...I love him... and I'm going with him," Becca said, grabbing my arm.

The reaction from her mother was priceless. She stopped screaming at me, went as white as a sheet and I thought she was going to pass out. Together we ran off with Becca pulling me down the street. Once we were out of sight we slowed down.

Becca turned to me and said, "I can't believe I did that... it felt so good!"

"I'm surprised to..."

"I've never felt so free," she said, grabbing my face and kissing me on her tippy toes.

I kissed her back and we paused for several seconds on the sidewalk kissing. We finally broke apart and she looked up at me and seemed the happiest I've ever seen her.

"Now what?" she asked.

"Now we go talk to my mom... see what we can do about finding you a place in my house. We're going to have to tell her what happened and why."

"Will she be alright with all this?" Becca asked.

"I think so... she likes you."

"I hope so."

We headed toward my house and as we walked up the front walk, Tiffany was just leaving for the evening.

"Hi, Tiffany," Becca said, jubilantly.

"Hi, yourself," she said, knocking my shoulder as she passed by. She turned around and yelled back at us, "Watch yourself around him, honey," before getting into her car and driving off.

"What's her problem?" Becca asked.

"I have no idea," I lied.

Mom was inside sitting in the living room when we walked in. She got up, wringing her hands and then put on a smile when she saw Becca.

"Becca, how nice to see you again so soon," Mom said.

"Thank you... it's nice to be back."

"Mom, we need to talk to you," I said.

"What about, Peter... everything okay?"

"Well, not really. Becca needs a place to stay... I've offered our house for a while."

"Oh... oh my... what's happened?"

It took about fifteen minutes to explain Becca's mother to my mother and the reason she left, leaving out the part that I was the one that trimmed her first. It was a little awkward to discuss this with both Becca and Mom in the same room but we managed.

"You poor thing... I'm sure this isn't the only thing your mother has tried to control. We'll figure it out. We don't have much room but we'll find space."

"Thanks mom," I said.

"You and I need to talk about your sister... somethings bothering her and when I mention you it makes her even more ornery."

"Okay, maybe later," I said. "After we get Becca settled."

Mom's phone started vibrating and she pulled it out before she could say anything.

"I'm sorry... I have to take this it's my work," she said.

She disappeared into the kitchen and Becca and I sat down on the couch and listened to a muffled half of the conversation. It didn't sound good... Mom kept getting cut off. She finally hung up and came back into the living room.

"I have to go into work... on a Saturday night of all times... Mr. Howell needs me... some big presentation to the board Monday and he can't figure out the computer or printer... I guess it's better than Sunday," Mom said.

"Oh, well that's crappy," I said.

"Peter... you'll just have to fix up the couch for yourself and Becca can sleep in your room tonight until we figure something else out. Oh... you might want to change your sheets," mom said, giving me a look.

"Okay, mom... we'll manage."

"Good, honey... I'll be back... well, I don't know when," she said, finding her keys and leaving pretty flustered.

Becca and I watched the door close and then we turned to each other.

"We're home alone?" she asked.

"Yeah... weird."

"It kind of is... I guess we should do what she said and make up the bed and couch," Becca said.

"Okay, follow me."

She followed me to the linen closet and I got new sheets for my bed and headed up the stairs. In my room, I was about to take off the old sheets when Becca stopped me and pushed me onto the bed.

"We might as well make sure they need to be changed since no one's home," she said, climbing on top of me.

It was something evil Peter would say and do, not Becca but Becca was different now, ever since we trimmed her pubes and even more now that she yelled at her mother and left her. She crawled up my body and kissed me, mashing her huge breasts on my skinny chest. I kissed her back, felt my cock lurch in my pants as she put her weight on it and kissed me more.

"I'm ready to not be a virgin anymore, Peter... and I want you to be the one," she said, breaking the kiss.

I was sure I'd hear something from evil Peter then but he hadn't said a word since Tiffany slapped us.

I was so taken aback I couldn't speak, so Becca just kissed me again. We made out, grinding and kissing until I was rock hard and her nipples were too. She broke the kiss again and pressed into my cock with her pubic bone.

"You're ready... I can feel it. I just want to say I wasn't able to finish shaving, so it's like half done."

"That's fine... I don't mind."

"Okay... I'm kind of nervous as well... because you're really big down there but I still want you to be my first."

"I'll be as gentle as I can," I said.

"Good, then we should probably take our clothes off," she giggled.

We both started taking our clothes off and I watched her and she watched me. I had yet to see her breasts uncovered all the way and was waiting with anticipation for them. She finally removed her bra and let her breasts free. They were spectacular. Large and perkier then I expected for their size. The last time I saw them was the locker room but she was trying to cover them up then. Now she proudly presented them to me. My cock throbbed all the more. She shimmied out of her panties and I noticed her half shaved sex. It did look kind of funny but I didn't say or act like it at all. All her chubbiness was in her face, breasts, hips and legs. Her stomach was actually flat and toned. She looked amazing.

"You're beautiful... amazing, Becca," I said, reaching for her.

"You think? I'm so self-conscious of my body... but less now without all the hair. It's kind of funny looking now but it won't be after I shave it all off."

"You look gorgeous," I said.

"You're not half bad yourself," she said, reaching for me and together we hugged naked for the first time.

Flesh against flesh felt wonderful, her breasts with the hard nipples smashed against me and we rolled over until I was on top of her, kissing. My cock was between her legs but much too high to enter her but pressing against her half shaved pubic area. My hands finally found her breasts for the first time and it was heavenly. They were soft, even larger than my big hands could hold with flesh spilling out both sides as I gently squeezed them. Her nipples were hard on my palms and the sensation and excitement made my heart race in my chest as I fondled my first set of breasts without evil Peter's involvement. She cooed and moaned as we kissed and I played. I knew the wetter I could get her the better, remembering what Mom had taught evil Peter and me just a few hours earlier.

I broke the kisses, moving down her body with my lips, kissing her upper chest, breasts and finally taking a nipple into my mouth for the first time. It's hard to describe how awesome it felt and how I just wanted to eat her up and lick and kiss everything all at once. I took a while with her breasts, making sure they got equal time in my mouth and hands before sliding down to her half shaved sex. This was where I took evil Peter's experience to heart and went slow, licking around her legs and inner thighs before ever touching her sex and lips. This had a large effect on her, because when I finally did lick her flushed lips she moaned loudly and arched into my face. I opened her up with my tongue, finding her extremely wet and tasting even better than my mother. Her clit was huge already, just begging to be touched but I made her wait, licking all around it before finally touching it with the tip of my tongue.

The reaction from her was intense, she literally screamed and started to tremble and it only got worse the more I licked and flicked her clitoris. She was climaxing seconds later she was so worked up. She was moving so much I just had to put my mouth on all of her and do what evil Peter did by moving it everywhere. Her vagina was extremely tight, my tongue almost didn't fit and I was really worried I was going to hurt her bad with my cock so I kept eating her and sucking and licking her clit for a long time even after she had stopped climaxing. She finally stopped me.

"Peter... that's enough of that... I want you in me."

"Okay," I said a little reluctantly.

"I know you're worried about me but it has to happen and I'm as ready as I can get."

I smiled up at her and moved back toward her face with mine until my cock was inches away from her drenched sex. I could feel the heat on my head as the last inch was gone and I made contact with her vagina. I wasn't in her, just the head against her taut opening and I could tell it was going to be really tight. Moving forward, our eyes locked and we both felt the strain. I stopped, not wanting to hurt her but she had other plans.

"It's going to fit," she said, grabbing my hips and pulling me into her.

There was a pop and she let out a small yelp but my cock entered her and into hot, tight, wet velvet the likes of which I had never felt before. We both froze as the reality set in. It was just half of my cock but we both knew we were no longer virgins. She was breathing heavily below me and I could see a little pain on her face but she was hiding it well. I was afraid to move, holding myself above her with my arms and keeping my lower body still. The heat coming off of us was intense and we savored the moment of our lost virginity for probably almost a minute.

"I'm okay, Peter... you can let yourself down," she said.

I did, slowly and the rest of my long cock eased into her body. Talk about incredible! The heat and sensations around my cock were beyond anything I've ever felt. I was so turned on, I almost nutted as soon as I was all the way in. I lowered my upper body down onto her breasts and we kissed, and treasured our first time. My cock just throbbed and throbbed inside of her without me even moving.

We kissed and held each other, rocking a little and before long we were making love, with just small movements of our bodies but it was enough to stimulate me. I soon moved more of my cock out of her and could see the result on her face. I had hurt her more than she was letting on. She saw my concern but wouldn't let me stop.

"Keep going... I want you to climax. You have too... its part of sex," she said.

"Okay, I'll try and hurry," I said.

Which, even after all the orgasm and buckets of cum in the last 24 hours wasn't as difficult as I thought it might be. She was just so hot and tight, I quickly achieved orgasm and flooded her newly deflowered pussy with a large load of semen. We both moaned and I shook as she held me while my cock contracted and unleashed inside of her. My first time was incredible. I couldn't say the same for Becca but she put on a brave face, cringing as I pulled out of her.

The sheets really did need to be cleaned now for sure.

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prop69prop69over 5 years ago
Baca is #1

Who will be #2?

prop69prop69almost 7 years ago
Glad you're back. Keep writing

Glad to hear he got Becca.

Loved the tender sex & the voice was gone.

How soon for the next chapter?

No birth control.

Will she be pregnant

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

I'm really liking this story but I'm confused about something: in the first chapter Peter barely recognizes his sister because she's much hotter. What happened there, and did it happen to the other women? (transformation like that is one of my favorite tropes so I hope the answer is yes lol!)

Turtle1952Turtle1952almost 7 years ago

hope you keep going with this I am really enjoying the interaction between the characters and cannot wait for him to do his mom and sis.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

There's nothing better than a mother who swallows

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