Saving the Company Ch. 02


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"I'm sorry," Bethany said, "But I disagree."

"I can prove it," Bradley junior argued. "Our numbers..." Bethany surprised herself by interrupted him.

"It's not just what we're making that makes a company survive," she said. "It's the future potential." Bethany turned toward Judy. "Judy, what percentage of your current prospects are either directly or indirectly related to Joe?"

"More than half," Judy said. This made her go up another notch in Bethany's eyes. It wasn't easy for someone in Judy's role to give credit to someone else for more than half of her prospects.

"You can't be serious!" Bradley junior nearly cried.

"Maybe more," Judy sighed. "First, he has really good relationships with most of his old company's clients. I started getting calls a month after he started. People aren't exactly flocking to us, but on the other hand my people are getting access to potential prospects that we would never have expected because they heard Joe was here."

"Also, he's done such a good job cleaning up the implementation area that those clients he does interact with are starting to talk positive about us. That hasn't happened in years," she added dryly.

"I like Joe, but I think you are both giving him more credit then he deserves," Bradley junior insisted. "It only makes sense that the clients of his old company start looking around." Silence fell briefly. "You're also missing one important point."

"What?" Bethany asked.

"What about the effects of losing Karl?" Bradley junior asked. "He may leave if I don't put Joe under him." Judy literally snorted.

"He's not going anywhere," she said with conviction.

"I'm not sure I'm willing to take that chance," Bradley junior finally sighed. "We can't afford to lose Karl."

Bethany was sorely tempted to say exactly what she thought about Karl, but it would be a mistake. He and Bradley junior were friends for years. It could only hurt Joe's case.

"It's your decision," she sighed, trying hard to keep her tone level. She felt like crying.

"Let's think about it overnight and meet again in the morning," Bradley senior said. "Son, will you come to dinner tonight? We're having rib roast."

"Sure, dad," Bradley junior said.

Bethany went back to her desk in almost a haze. She knew exactly what young Bradley was going to do in the morning and it saddened her. He would reorganize and Joe would quit. The thought of his leaving depressed her.

The rest of the day went slowly and Bethany had problems focusing. It was a little after five when she started packing up. She was thinking about her years of employment at the company. They were mostly good times. The last few years were the exception. It was almost physically painful to watch the company slowly degrade.

Joe's arrival had seemed a minor miracle. He gave her hope for the first time in years, and Bethany knew she wasn't the only one. Claire from the implementation area was with the company even longer than Bethany and she was talking about retiring before Joe joined. She never brought the possibility up any more.

Joe's departure would hit many people badly. Claire would certainly retire and other would follow. Bethany would stay and slowly watch as the stock Bradley senior gave her slowly became worthless.

"That's silly," Bethany said to herself.

"What?" Sarah, a woman who was sharing the elevator asked. Bethany hadn't realized she was talking aloud.

"Sorry, nothing," Bethany said, but she wasn't really paying attention. She shook her head as she realized that staying was a mistake.

She decided right then and there that if Joe left she would get one of the Bradleys to buy out her stock while it was still worth something and then quit. She was too young to retire, but her expenses were still relatively low. It would be worth leaving even if she had to change her life style a little. She couldn't live through watching as the company slowly disintegrated.

"Bethany, are you okay?" Sarah asked in a worried tone. Bethany smiled and nodded.

"I'm fine," she replied. "It's just been a long day. I'll see you tomorrow." Sarah nodded as the elevator stopped at the ground floor. She still looked worried as she left the elevator.

Bethany knew that leaving the company would be sad and difficult, but doing so would free her in many ways. One of them stuck in her mind as she pressed the elevator button that would return her to the office. The fingers of her left hand gently caressed her lips as she remembered Joe's kiss.


"Clark, do you have the final version of Parken's proposal?" I asked as I entered his office.

"I will in about an hour," Clark replied. "Claire and John reevaluated some of the estimates and I have to tweak the final document in a few places. The estimates are still pretty rough, but we should be in the ballpark." I nodded, but then frowned as I remembered something Clark mentioned a few days before.

"Doesn't your son have a playoff game tonight?" I asked. Clark's oldest played baseball for his high school.

"Yes," Clark replied, looking surprised that I remembered. "I should be able to catch the end if I hurry."

"I was planning on sending the proposal Monday," I said. "Why not call it a night and finish it up in the morning?"

"No, that's okay," Clark replied. "My deadline is today and I hate missing deadlines."

"You always were a stickler about dates," Bethany said to Clark as she walked up. I was surprised to see her. I thought she'd be mad at me for quite a while longer. Yet, there she was smiling at me. Not only that, but the smile was one of the sexiest I ever saw.

"What brings you here?" I asked in honest curiosity.

"I'm hungry and I don't feel like eating alone tonight," she replied. "Care to join me?" I could feel Clark's smile as my jaw pretty much hit the floor.

I thought I'd be able to convince her to go to dinner with me eventually, but I hadn't expected her to ask me and certainly not this soon! The fact that she was asking in front of a fellow employee was even more of a surprise.

"Are you serious?"

"Of course," she replied. "Interested?"

I looked at her and slowly shook my head. Her smile was still driving me to distraction as I stood there and tried to figure out what was going on. Finally, I just shrugged to myself.

"Just let me get my brief case," I replied, and then turned back to Clark. "Look, I'm leaving for the night so even if you stay and finish the document, I won't be here to review it. Go see your son's game and finish it in the morning." Clark hesitated.

"Oh, just go!" Bethany snapped, surprising Clark. "How often does your son have a championship game?"

"Well, I guess I could come in early tomorrow and have it on your desk before you get in," he rationalized.

"Sounds fine to me," I said. "See you in the morning." Clark left almost at a run.

"I hope he doesn't break the sound barrier on his way home," Bethany grinned.

"I remember those days," I smiled. "My daughter was a pretty good soccer player."

"Mine was a cheerleader," Bethany said. "I can still remember when we went down to Florida for the championship."

"So, where do you want to go for dinner?" I asked, changing the subject. Bethany shrugged.

"I was thinking about making my famous fettuccini," she said. I frowned. Was she inviting me to her home?

"Famous?" I teased.

"Well, my daughter raves about it," she smiled in reply.

"Sounds good to me," I replied. Bethany took a pad and pen from Clark's desk and wrote something down.

"Here," she said handing me the paper. "It's my address. I'll go home and start cooking. You stop and get a bottle of white wine you like and meet me at my place." I nodded, but I couldn't help but look at her oddly.

"Was the kiss that good?" I finally asked.

"Frankly?" she asked, and when I nodded she smiled and added, "Yes, most definitely."

"I thought you didn't want to date someone who works for your boss?" I asked, still trying to come to grips with the change in her attitude.

"You don't have to come to dinner if you're not interested."

"I'm interested," I said. "But you can't blame me for my curiosity."

"Have you ever heard the saying, 'Don't look a gift horse in the mouth'?" she asked with a grin.

"Point taken," I laughed. "I'll see you in a little while. I think I'll stop home first and get changed if you don't mind."

"Take your time. How does seven thirty sound?" she asked.

"Fine," I replied, but then frowned and added, "You don't by chance have a split personality?"

Bethany walked up to me and kissed me soundly on the lips. It was a quick affair and she was grinning when she pulled away.

"Maybe," she said as she turned and left Clark's office.

"Well, just make sure this personality is in control when I arrive at your place!" I called after her. I heard her laughter drift down the hall.

"We'll see," she called back. I didn't know what got into Bethany, but as she inferred, I would have to be pretty stupid to pass up this chance.

Dinner turned out to be better than I expected and her place was nice and homey. We finished the bottle of wine I brought and one she had in her cabinet. Bethany was wearing a loose fitting outfit that looked not only comfortable, but tantalizing as well. Somewhere in the middle of the meal I realized that she knew exactly what she was doing to me.

"Now what?" I asked once we finished the meal.

"What would you like to do?" she asked with a slow smile.

"You're kidding right?" I asked in disbelief. Bethany's smile widened and her eyes shown enticingly.

"That sounds nice to me," she replied.

"Okay," I sighed. "What's going on?"

"What do you mean?"

"Oh come on!" I snapped. "No one changes their mind so completely based on one kiss! In fact, you reacted rather angrily right afterward."

"Well, it was rather presumptuous of you," Bethany said, changing the direction of the conversation.

"Granted," I said, sighing again. "But you're the first woman close to my age that I've been interested in, in years."

"Like them young, do you?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Normally," I said honestly. "But there is something about you that's got my blood boiling."

"So then what the problem?"

"Nothing, I guess," I replied. "I'm just waiting for the other shoe to drop."

"Maybe I just decided to enjoy myself this once without worry about the repercussions," she said with a sigh of her own.

"Do you think that's wise?" I asked.

"Of course not," she said with a shrug. "But we can forget about it if you're not comfortable with my behavior." I could tell that Bethany was still hiding something from me, but it was obvious that she wasn't going to tell me any time soon.

I had a choice. I could enjoy the moment or dwell on what she was hiding. That wasn't much of a decision. I stood and took Bethany's hand, leading her toward the couch in the living room. Halfway there she took the lead and redirected us toward her bedroom.

"Sit there," she directed me toward the edge of her bed. I sat and she stood in front of me.

She removed the clip that held her hair up and I was surprised at its length as it fell. She moistened her lips and looked deeply into my eyes. I reached up and undid the ties that were holding her outfit together. It dropped to the floor revealing stylish black lingerie.

"You like?" she asked with a warm smile.

"Amazing," I said, my desire plain to hear in my voice.

"Not bad for some so close to your age?"

"You are absolutely beautiful for a woman of any age," I replied, surprising myself with the fact that I really meant it.

"Very smooth," Bethany teased.

"Come here," I demanded huskily as I reached out for her. She came to my arms and we lay together on her bed. Her kiss was like fire on my lips. My cock stiffened and pressed against her stomach.

"Mmm...very nice," she murmured.

I brushed her lips with my tongue and they parted. Our tongues touched gently for a moment before we both became more insistent with our kisses. I used one of my hands to caress her breasts through her bra. She moved one of her hands down between us. I felt it touch my cock through my pants.

"Why don't you get comfortable?" she asked as she broke our kiss. It actually took me a moment to realize she meant for me to get undressed. I smiled, stood and took off my clothes as she watched. She was smiling and I made an effort not to rush. It was harder than you would think considering she was lying there with desire sparkling in her eyes. I got back into the bed and pulled her to me.

I reached behind her and unsnapped her bra. She smiled as she removed it, and then she reached down and slipped off her panties. We were both now naked in her bed.

"It's been a while since I felt the warmth of a man next to me in my bed," she said, as if just realizing it. I moved on top of her and let some of my weight press against her.

"If I'm extremely lucky," I began, taking a moment to kiss her gently before continuing. "You'll never be able to say that again." She pulled my lips back to hers. We continued to kiss for a while.

I could feel the warmth of her stomach as I pressed my cock against it. Unable to resist, I reached between us and gently rubbed the head of my cock through the tuft of hair between her legs. It was already moist and I had to fight to stop myself from taking it to the next step too soon.

"Stop teasing me!" Bethany finally panted. "Take me!" I smiled and sunk deep into her. I moved slowly and watched her face as she accepted me.

Her first orgasm came only moments after I was fully in her. Bethany's eyes snapped open and she looked startled as the orgasm hit. Her surprise lasted only a moment and then her face tensed in intense pleasure. It lasted some time and as she thrashed under me I felt my own orgasm threaten!

"Damn!" I cried as I flooded her pussy with my cum. This sent Bethany over the edge again. She cried out and continued to shudder under me. We both came down slowly and I rolled off of her.

"It's been years since I had an orgasm that quickly," I said.

"Or that intense," Bethany added. I couldn't argue with her. She smiled and added, "I guess an old guy like you is probably done for the night?"

"Usually," I replied, but I already felt a tingling in my cock that surprised me. "But I think today will be an exception."

"Good," she said with conviction, and then smiling again added, "I'd hate to have to trade you in for a younger model."

"Ouch!" I laughed.

"Hey, you're the one who brought up age," she smirked.

"A bit sensitive, aren't you," I joked.

"Not really," she replied with a shrug. "I've earned the years I've lived and I can accept that. The question is can you?"

"You are an odd woman," I said. "Especially if you really can accept getting older. Most people have issues with it." She shrugged.

"You still haven't answered my question?" she prompted. I smiled and shook my head.

"What question?" I asked in reply, stalling for time.

"Don't be dense," she sighed. "Is my age going to be an issue for you?"

I thought about what she was asking and wondered why I always dated younger woman. It wasn't something I usually dwelled on. It only took me a moment to come up with a shocking revelation.

"Not your age," I replied honestly. She caught my meaning.

"Men are such babies," she joked with a shake of her head. At least, I thought she was joking. "Getting older is just a part of life."

"I know," I replied. "But that doesn't mean I have to like it."

"What are you afraid of?" she asked.

"How much time do you have?" I asked in reply. She rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"This is a conversation for another day," she said.

"Amen!" I replied, causing her to laugh. I think we were both trying to figure out how the conversation ended up here.

We remained silent for a time as she cuddled closer. I could feel the warmth of her body against mine. I let my hand drift down to her ass and slowly start to massage it. She leaned forward and kissed me tentatively. I pulled her on top of me as we continued to kiss. I used both hands to caresses her bottom. It felt wonderful. She felt wonderful!

Still, I was surprised at how quickly I became hard again. Bethany noticed immediately and smiled. She reached between us and slipped the head of my cock into her once more. She rested her hands on my chest as she slowly took me in. She had her eyes closed and was biting her lower lip as she finished. I reached up and caressed her top lip with my fingers. She opened her eyes and smiled down at me.

It was at that moment that I realized I was falling in love with her. I refused to dwell on it though. I was afraid of what my reaction would be once I had time to think about it. Instead, I took her hips and pulled her tight against me. This caused me to slip a little deeper into her. Bethany gasped and then started to slowly ride me.

I reached up and gently rubbed her nipples. They were small compared to her breasted, but obviously very sensitive based on Bethany's reaction. I don't know how long we remained like that, but eventually Bethany came again.

Her weight was pleasant against my chest as she shuddered. I continued to hold her. The smell of her was almost more then I could bear. I thought she had fallen asleep when she spoke.

"It's your turn," she said as she moved off of me. I thought to argue, but she took my cock in her hand and slowly started stroking it. All thoughts of protest disappeared. Bethany smiled one more time before lowering her head and taking me into her mouth. I sighed.

She caressed my balls with one hand as she licked up and down my length. I couldn't help myself. I groaned loudly. Bethany looked up at me and smiled briefly. She obviously loved the fact that she was getting to me.

It wasn't long before I was close to cumming and she knew it. She started seriously working my dick. I fought for as long as I could.

"I'm going to cum!" I cried.

"Yes!" she cried in reply and took the head of my cock into her mouth. I came and she seemed to really enjoy taking it all in her mouth. I could see her throat move as she swallowed my cum. Her eyes were locked with mine the entire time.

"I would never have guessed that you were such a sexual animal," I said once I was done. Bethany smiled seductively.

"I can be for the right man," she replied.

"Me?" I asked with a smile.

"You," she said confidently. I pulled her up and kissed her. It was supposed to be a brief kiss, but it quickly became something far more. I was amazed when I felt another stirring.

'Oh, come on!' I thought to myself. It had been years since I was able to cum twice in one night. Three times would be a miracle! Yet, I could feel myself stirring. There was obviously something about Bethany that caused me to react on a level I hadn't been to in years. I rolled her onto her stomach and lifted her hips.

"Not again!" she laughed.

"I can't help it," I replied. "Your drive me crazy!" My cock slipped into her pussy from behind and she gasped.

"Oh yeah!" she cried and pushed back to meet my thrusts. It wasn't long before I was holding onto her hips and slamming into her with everything I had.

"Cumming!" she cried. I could feel her pussy spasm around my cock.

"Me too!" I growled as I filled it with my cum for the second time. I rolled off of her and lay there on my back panting. Bethany rested her head on my shoulder and draped her arm across my chest. We both fell asleep moments later.


The alarm rang and both Joe and Bethany stirred. They were spooning and for a moment they both smiled remembering the night before.

"Good morning," Joe said.