Ringside Seats Ch. 02


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"I called your parents," Deborah said, still standing in the doorway. "I told them you had 'left the company,' and wanted to return some stuff you had left at the office. So they told me where you had moved to. I'm a little surprised . . . I thought you would be going to school far away from here."

"The Philosophy Department here is pretty well known, so I'm . . . Did you tell them . . . my parents I mean . . ."

"Why you left?" Deborah finished. "No. I figured I'd leave that up to you. Your uncle doesn't want to get in the middle of anything . . . "

"Imagine that," Lilly grumbled. "Uhm, please . . . come in," she said at last. "The place is kind of a mess and . . . and why are you here?" she asked, her eyes narrowing.

"You mean figuring out why you, out of the blue, pummeled a professional wrestler into a fine pulp isn't a good enough reason?" Deborah sat down it the crappy computer chair that campus housing had provided.

"I didn't like her attitude," Lilly replied, sitting on her bed.

"Neither did I, but I was just planning on getting her reprimanded, not going 'Rambo' on her. Don't get me wrong . . . it couldn't have happened to a nicer person, but what set you off?"

Lilly blushed. "Promise you won't say anything?" Deb nodded, so Lilly continued. "I didn't like the way she was talking to Tiffany. What she did to Francine sucked too, but Tiffany never did anything to her except point out what a useless ass clown she was . . . but in nicer words." Lilly wasn't sure how Deborah was going to react to that, but the woman surprised her by smiling.

"So you have a heart after all," she chuckled. "I thought we might have to send you to the Wizard of Oz to get one." Deborah looked over her niece. When her hair was down and her tight sleeveless shirt was showing how toned her body was, the girl was actually very pretty. Deborah couldn't figure out why she didn't look that way more often. "I know you probably don't think much of me . . . no one does, but I'm very grateful . . . in a strange way . . . for what you did. If Tiffany had gotten her hands on Gabby, she'd be out of a job. And I think Tiffany can really make it if she just keeps focused. I'm sorry you lost your job though . . ."

"I'm not. Sorry, but I just don't like wrestling that much. Too much backbiting and conniving to get ahead. If someone is going to stab me, I'd rather them do it from the front than from behind. I can find another job to help out."

Deborah had a feeling that Lilly had probably been the recipient of such treatment in her own life. It would explain some of her anti-social behavior. Deb had seen it before . . . people who had no friends couldn't be betrayed. "Why now?" Deborah asked. "I mean, I'm glad you stood up for her, but Tiffany had been getting spit on for a long time now. It hasn't been until recently that some of the rest of us began standing up for her. So again, why now?"

Lilly's mouth hung open for a moment as she formulated her answer. She couldn't tell Deborah the truth . . . that she had a crush on Tiffany and wanted the powerful athlete to like her, but that she was slow to trust people. Deborah might ask why, and Lilly wasn't ready to drudge up those memories and those reasons again. So she settled on a partial truth. "I respect Tiffany . . . a lot. She works twice as hard as anyone else but only gets half the credit. I mean, I'm not the most sociable person in the world, but . . . I want her to like me. And I've been trying . . . and it just pissed me off that some stupid bitch was getting away with treating her like that just because . . ." Lilly quickly shut her mouth. As much as she disliked her uncle, she didn't want . . .

"Just because she's sleeping with my husband?" Deborah finished. "Yes, I know all about it. And no I'm not going to divorce him. Like I told Tiffany, if I divorce him, he might get the wrestling company, and I'm afraid of what would happen to some decent people if he did that. And I have other reasons as well," Deb finished. She was afraid that she wouldn't be able to find another man or woman who would want to settle down with an aging former adult film star, and being alone scared her. All her money was tied up in a couple of strip clubs and the wrestling organization, and while she would probably never exactly be starving, she wouldn't be living the life she was used to anymore.

"You really love this business, don't you?" Lilly asked. Like a lot of people, she had "issues" with her aunt's history in the adult film business, but she found herself liking the woman. This wasn't some bimbo without a brain in her head . . . Deborah actually had a plan. Her plan simply wasn't going as smoothly as she had hoped.

"More than just about anything."

"Why?" Lilly asked. Deborah smiled and began talking about her father. The conversation moved on to other things after that, including Deborah's introduction and exit from adult films. Lilly was actually holding back tears when the other woman told of how many friends she had lost do to AIDS or other STD's, drugs, shady characters and backroom dealings. The younger woman began to realize just how lonely her aunt must feel, and she began to wish she had gotten to know Deb better over the years. Lilly was a bit tight-lipped about her own past, but she was beginning to think she might be able to trust the buxom woman. And for Lilly, trust didn't come easily.

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The next day, at The Dark . . .

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Deborah, Jeanna and Vicky were sitting at the bar, being quiet as mice while Tiffany served a couple down the way. Deborah thought one of them was an "upscale" actress who she knew to be married, and the other looked like a businesswoman. But who they were before didn't matter once they entered The Dark. With no other immediate customers, Tiffany rejoined her friends, wiping down the bar and shining up the glasses.

"So that's all she said?" Vicky asked. Deborah had recently recounted some of her conversation with Lilly, but she had kept some tidbits and her natural intuition to herself.

"Yep. She didn't like Gabby, she didn't like someone who would laugh after hurting someone else, and she REALLY didn't like the way she was talking to Tiffany here," Deb said.

"Good for her," Jeanna said. "Shit, that little chick showed some moves! How come we didn't know that she could do that?"

"She's got a lot of surprises, I'd imagine," Deborah responded, taking a sip of her drink.

"Sounds like she's probably been made fun of a time or two," Vicky said. "It scares me a little . . . how nuts she went . . . but it's nice to know that we aren't the only ones who won't let Tiffany take that kind of stuff," she added, leaning over and giving the bartender a hug. "And YOU need to keep cool. Don't let Gabby get to you."

"I try. She's just so . . . so . . ." Tiffany actually growled, then went off help a customer.

Deborah watched her friend walk away. She couldn't help but think that Tiffany's life was going to be getting a little more interesting soon, and in a way she hadn't expected.

"So are we going out tonight after the show?" Vicky asked. The blonde girl was always in the mood dance, even after a long hard match. Especially after a long hard match.

"I'm always up for it," Jeanna said, patting her girlfriend's ass and kissing her on the cheek.

"I should be able to get away. John is going up to San Francisco for a few days to try and secure a venue for a show up there." Deborah had found herself with a kind of energy she hadn't felt since she was a teenager ever since she began hanging out with the girls and getting out more often.

"I can't," Tiffany said as she returned. "My grandfather is bringing Sally tonight . . . we figured it would be okay since I won't actually be wrestling . . . and I promised her that we could take grandpa to McDonalds for dinner. I know she's just after the Happy Meal toy, but I DID promise."

"When does the little munchkin start back to school?" Vicky said.

"Next week. Her school is actually going with uniforms, so I have to pick one up on Monday." Tiffany was glad she had gotten some good tips that week, otherwise she would've struggled to find the cash for the uniform. And she'd be able to save a little bit on daycare, because Tiffany's sister Betty was going to look out for Sally until Tiffany got out of work.

"Want some company?" Jeanna asked.

"McDonalds?" Vicky said, looking down at her perfect body and flat tummy.

"They have salads," Jeanna grumbled. She was bound and determined to make her girlfriend gain a pound or two . . . she was so perfect it was almost disgusting.

"Okay!" Vicky said. She had kind of wanted to hang out with Sally a bit anyway. They were buds, after all.

"That would be cool," Tiffany said, feeling good about not being left out. "Hey, do you think we should . . . I don't know . . . maybe invite Lilly?"

"I think that would be a fine idea," Deborah said.

"Not that I'm trying to condone what she did to Gabby or anything," Tiffany said quickly.

"Of course not," said Jeanna with a smile.

"It's just that she's been trying to be nice recently . . . except to Gabby."

"Of course," chimed in Vicky.

Tiffany looked at her three grinning friends, then dropped her head and sighed. "Okay, it's because of what she did to Gabby. And John. And . . ."

"We thought so," said Deborah. "I got her number yesterday, so I'll give her a call just before the show."

"The show . . ." Vicky said excitedly, checking her watch. She sighed. "The show is still four hours away. I guess we could go in early . . . REALLY early and . . ."

Jeanna interrupted her lover with a kiss. "Or we could do something else for the next hour or so," she said. "Wait . . . sorry, Tiffany. I forgot you're not off work yet."

"Not for another hour and a half. But you two crazy kids have fun. Heck, take Deborah. Her breasts are distracting me," Tiffany said.

"These little old things?" Deb asked, pushing her thirty-eight double-d tits together and making them almost pop out of her top. "Are you sure you don't want me to stick around? I don't mind . . ."

"Nah, go have some fun. I mean it. I've got some tedious crap to do, so at least one of us should be havin' a good time."

Vicky grabbed Deborah by the hand and dragged her toward one of the dark backrooms with Jeanna following close behind. The dark-haired girl was grinning. Vicky was especially cute when she had found a new toy.

Vicky and Jeanna hurried Deborah into one of the many dusky rooms The Dark had to offer. They all wish Tiffany could join them for a spot of fun, but the woman had work to do. Deborah found herself pushed back onto a couch, with both of her young friends feeling her tits through that silk blouse.

"These things are so huge," Vicky mumbled, unbuttoned the blouse so she could get a better peak. "How big were they before you got them . . . you know?"

"Closer to Jeanna's here," Deborah responded, letting her own hands slide under that woman's tee-shirt to grip those smaller but still sizeable breasts. "Sometimes I miss having something a little more manageable," she added, pushing Jeanna's bra up and sucking on one of her nipples.

"I like 'em," Vicky said, squeezing them with her hands as if they were water balloons. "If you get rid of them, can I have 'em?"

Jeanna chuckled. "Honey, I think I like your body the way it is."

"I agree," Deborah said, shoving her hand into Deborah's pants to rub the girl's clit through her thong panties. Jeanna helped out by pulled her girlfriend's pants off and tossing them on the armrest.

"Deb . . . will you teach me to do the stuff you can do with your tongue? I want to get better at . . . eating . . . girls," Vicky said, actually blushing.

Jeanna was taking off her own skirt, but stopped to smile amusedly. "Vicky, have I EVER complained about your oral skills?"

"No . . . but I know I can do better," Vicky responded, almost pouting. She wanted to please Jeanna so badly . . . maybe so that her girlfriend would finally be willing to go public about their relationship.

"She's such a student," Deborah said, pushing Vicky's beautiful legs apart and kissing the moist piece of cloth covering the entrance to her paradise. She placed her mouth against the fabric of Vicky's underwear and sent a series of hot puffs of air through the material. Deborah could sense the moisture of her breath mingling with the moisture of Vicky's vaginal opening, and the recipient of her attentions began to moan ever so lightly.

"Jeanna, come here," Vicky moaned, her brilliant eyes lighting up. Jeanna stood on the couch, grabbed the back and straddled Vicky's face. Jeanna wasn't wearing underwear, so Vicky just began breathing across the sensitive skin of her crotch.

"Now, you don't need penetration to make cunnilingus successful or enjoyable. That's what sex toys are for. Play around the surface for a bit," Deb said, licking slowly along the outside of one of those plump out labia, then picking her tongue up and swirling over the other side. Vicky groaned and put her new skill to use of Jeanna's box.

"I still don't think you nee a tutor," Jeanna said, but couldn't help but wonder what new treats she had in store for her. She hated the idea that Vicky thought she might be insufficient in some way, because Jeanna was more than happy with her lover just the way she was.

Whatever Deb did, Vicky followed along. The former porn star spent quite a bit of time exploring Vicky's pleasure hole. Deb knew from experience how wet her young protégé's orgasms were, and she was looking forward to the type of drink she couldn't order up at the bar. Well, maybe with Tiffany she could. She peppered Vicky's pussy with kisses before sucking on those inner lips. They were so delicious that Deb was quite content to play with them for a while.

Jeanna was biting her bottom lip and relishing her girlfriend's attentions. She began to thing that maybe taking cunt-lapping lessons wasn't such a bad idea. Jeanna herself might have to partake of Deborah's wisdom, because Vicky was doing some incredible things to Jeanna's box! After sucking on her inner labia, Vicky had moved on to something new. Upon Deborah's coaxing, she inserted the tip of her tongue no more than a quarter of an inch into Jeanna's honeypot and ran the length of her opening at that depth. Jeanna was wishing they had brought a toy, because all that teasing was making her nuts!

"Deb, could you do something that gets her off? I'm at wits end here!" Jeanna growled.

"I'll set what I can do," Deb said. Slowly she took the area around Vicky's clit in her mouth, but didn't make direct contact with Vicky's clit with either her lips or her tongue. But she did provide a tremendous amount of suction on that area. Then she curled a couple of fingers into the girl's lower slot and began to pump them rapidly, curing them inward as she went. She could already hear the wet smacking sounds of Vicky's wet pussy being penetrated and preparing itself for release. She also heard Jeanna groaning as Vicky continued passing on her new sexual tools.

"I think she's just about ready," Deborah said in her most sultry voice after releasing Vicky's clitoral area for a moment. "Now Vicky, good oral skills may not REQUIRE deep penetration, but it certainly makes things more fun!" She reattached her lips to Vicky's crotch, but this time sucking on the clit more directly. And she was thrusting three finger's into her young lover's cunt all the way up to the knuckles.

"Oh fuck!" Vicky said, unable to keep up anymore as her body trembled and shivered. "I'm gonna . . ." She was cut off as Jeanna grabbed her head and pushed it back into the dark-haired girl's pussy.

"You aren't done, sweetheart!" she moaned as Vicky simply began licking and sucking on Jeanna's clit. The girl was too far gone to use her fingers, but she wasn't going to let Jeanna down.

When the first splash of cum hit Deborah's face, she wished she had brought a snorkel, or at least some safety glasses. Vicky squirted so much that for a second, Deb couldn't see or breathe. Her fingers and hand were soaked and slick, and they were making squishy noises as they pumped Vicky's pussy.

"Fucking good God Almighty . . ." Jeanna said as Vicky pushed the dark-haired girl over the brink of climax. Jeanna's expenditures were a mere trickle compared Vicky's flood, but to Vicky it tasted quite sweet. She nuzzled her girlfriend's crotch, rubbing her nose, cheek and lips against that moist opening. She inhaled deeply, savoring the musky scent.

Deborah smeared some of Vicky's juices onto Deborah's enormous breasts. She got up and knelt on the couch, offering one glistening globe to Jeanna. That woman gladly began to lick her girlfriend's juices off the older woman's chest.

"Almost as good as getting it from the source itself," Jeanna murmured as she dragged her tongue across that vast expanse of breast flesh. Vicky joined her, licking her own cum off of Deborah's other tit.

As they suckled, Jeanna pushed her hand between Deborah's thighs and started to rub the older woman's pussy in small circles. "I think it's time for YOU to have some fun," she said wickedly.

"Whatever did you have in mind?" Deborah replied as innocently as possible.

"Sit on my lap and I'll show you," Jeanna replied. As Deborah climbed onto her friend's lap, Jeanna pushed four scrunched up fingers into the woman's snatch. Deborah got the idea and began to ride those fingers as Jeanna continued sucking on the woman's massive tits.

"But what can I do?" asked Vicky in a pout. Then she got an idea. She stood behind Deborah and pushed a couple of fingers into her asshole. She knew that Deb often liked having something back there when her front door was occupied. Then Vicky pushed herself against Deborah, shadowing her as she humped Jeanna's fingers.

Deborah realized what an incredible team these two young women were, both in and out of the ring. They had her sandwiched between them, and she very much enjoyed being there. And Jeanna was good at breast play. Deb was beginning to wonder if she could actually get hickies on her nipples!

Jeanna was sucking to her heart's content as her head was almost enveloped by Deborah's tit-flesh. The woman's bodyweight was pressing down on Jeanna, and that feeling was compounded by Vicky's body pressing on the other side. Jeanna reached her arms around Deborah so she could caress her girlfriend's body. 'How did I get so lucky to find this girl?' she thought. Vicky was beautiful, sexual, fun and completely compatible with Jeanna. 'Does that mean I love her?' Jeanna thought. 'A strange notion considering I have a different girl on my lap, but yes . . . I think it DOES mean I love her!' That thought imbued Jeanna with a state of euphoria. As soon as they were done making Deborah cum, she was going to have another crack at her girlfriend. But first things first.

Deborah turned her head and received a kiss from Vicky. The young blonde was stretching Deb's asshole like it was going out of style, and Jeanna's fingers seemed to be getting deeper inside her body with every humping motion. She had gone from a long dry spell to swimming in an ocean of sex.

"If you suck on my tits any harder, you might have to take one home with you," Deb joked. Jeanna pinched a nipple with her teeth.

"If that's an offer . . .," Jeanna said, teasing the offended nub with her tongue.

Deborah was bouncing faster and faster, and Vicky was finger-fucking her ass harder and harder. With two openings full and her breasts being ravaged, it was Deborah's turn to cum, which she did with great abandon. She was bouncing like a pogo stick on Jeanna's fingers as her juices leaked out onto her thighs, grunting as she came. Then she collapsed against Jeanna's chest as Vicky withdrew her fingers from Deborah's behind.