Recipe for Adventure Pt. 02


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"Try and stop me," I said as I lined up my cock and slid into her cunt.

She let out a grunt of pleasure as I lifted her up and off the bed. I turned, walked to the wall and pressed her back against it. Felicia lowered her head and pressed it against my chest as her legs wrapped around my waist. I began moving and Carol urged me on. The louder she got the harder I thrust into Felicia. I stopped suddenly and she lifted her head. I began pulling out of her and she stiffened.

"What are you up to?"

"No good," I said as I pressed the head of my cock against her asshole.

"I told you no... unnnnn... you are an evil fucker... aw god the head slipped inside of me... you really are going to break me... wait not the shaft too... wait... unnnn... so fucking thick..."

Soon I was thrusting nice and slow. Felicia's head returned to my check as she softly cursed me and my cock. I had a nice strokes going where I pulled most of my dick out of her and then thrust it back in harder and harder. Felicia's was cursing again and being resistant to the end.

"You just had to have my ass tonight didn't you," Felicia whimpered.

"Yes... I can stop if you want," I threatened and her entire body stiffened. "I'll take that as a no. Be honest and tell me how much you like it."

"Never... UNNNNN... I hate your cock up my ass... MMMMMMM... oh god I am going to cum with a cock in my ass... damn you professor... and your delicious cock..."

"I told you he'd do it," Carol giggled. "He's a sucker for a tight little ass like yours."

"I love it... harder... fuck my ass harder!"

I was slamming my dick in and out of her now. The lewd slapping sound of my balls against her ass cheeks was louder than I expected. Felicia's nails dug into my back flesh and drew blood. She was begging for my cum in her ass now. I didn't disappoint. I jackhammered in and out of her now with complete abandon. I clenched my teeth and was panting as I got closer and closer to climaxing. Felicia beat me to the point and cried out as she came. Her orgasm pushed me over the edge. I bit my lip so hard that I broke the skin. I was standing there with my cock still buried in her ass when Felicia slapped me.

"What was that for?"

"For fucking me in the ass," she growled as she lifted her head and kissed me tasting my blood as she did so.

"What was that for?" I asked after she broke the fierce kiss and blushed furiously.

"For making me yours," she purred as she lowered her head trying to hide her face. "I love you..." Felicia whispered.

"I love you..." I replied and looked over my shoulder and locked eyes with Carol.

"I love you too..." Carol said grinning and pressing her body against my back. "...Round three?"

I looked at the clock and nodded. I had time for one more round of love play. The girls focused on me and once I had fired a load down Carol's throat they paired off so I could catch my breath. While the girls 'meditated' I decided to get some fresh air. I sat on the front porch which faced east and waited patiently for the sun to rise. I tried to clear my head. The three-way had been amazing but lurking in the back of my mind was Fetch and all that entailed. My understanding of reality had some serious holes poked in it. Finding the scroll and taking the elixir had only been the beginning. Now layer by layer things I never believed existed outside my grandmother's tales of the old country were making themselves known to me.

I stared at the street light and used it to push out those pesky thoughts of ghouls and goblins. The longer I stared the brighter the street light became. The glass fixture now had a faint halo around it. After a few more minutes the halo was quite prominent. I looked away and noticed how clear I could see the surrounding area. What had once been shrouded in shadows was now crystal clear. What the hell was going on? I stood up and walked to the space between houses and looked around some more. The details I could see were amazing. It was like a whole new world just opened up. I prowled the backyard and took in everything I could see. I felt like I had been blind and was seeing for the very first time. Was this how cats saw the world? Is this another manifestation of the elixir?

I closed my eyes and listened. At first there wasn't anything to hear but slowly, just as my eyesight had, I heard subtle sounds from all around me. The soft breeze as it flittered through the trees, the almost silent padding of the alley cat behind me and the soft sounds of love play coming from my bedroom. Jeez, they are still going at it. It seemed like Carol was hard at work on making Felicia come again. I moved back to my seat on the front porch and the let the girls play undisturbed. I enjoyed the new world that was available to me. As I sat there I pushed the limits of my sensory input. I was so caught up that I missed the sunrise. I heard the girls come down and walk towards the front door.

"Your keys are in the box on the radiator," I said startling them both.

"How the hell," Felicia gasped.

"I'll teach you after work tonight," I replied and heard the noise they made. "Is today Saturday?"

"Yep, now be a good boy toy and wash your mommies up or we will punish you," Carol said surprising me.

"Yes Ma'am," I said getting to my feet.

After a quick shower I sat the girls down in the living room. I closed all the blinds and pull the curtains making it as dark as possible. I managed to find a single candle in one of the drawers. I lit it from the stove, dripped some wet wax on the wooden floor and stuck the base of the candle. We formed a circle around the candle and I told them to stare at the flame. I watched them and had to bite my lip when I saw the transformation. It was like seeing eye shine from a cat. I told them to look around the room and saw as their expressions brighten.

"Whoa," Felicia gasped.

"Amazing," Carol said as she got up and looked around just as I had. "I guess this is like the other things that have been happening."

"What other things have been happening Carol," Felicia asked her concern evident.

Carol giggled and she bent over and moved into a handstand. I was about to ask what was the big deal when she shifted to a one handed handstand. Felicia was mirroring Carol in no time at all. It took her a few tries but soon they were both inverted. Not to be outdone I joined them. It was a lot easier than I thought it would be. Maneuvering to one hand was a little tricky but I wanted to see how far I could go. I shifted to fingertips but when I went for a two finger stand I lost my balance and fell. I knocked over the candle and ended up with hot wax on my arm. Carol was opening the drapes and lifting the drapes as Felicia helped me to my feet.

"Just had to one up us huh," she said laughing.

"It's a guy thing," I said as an explanation.

As I fixed breakfast the girls went around and let the sunlight in. They put on enough clothing to cover up the naughty bits and keep the neighbors from losing their collective minds. While I scrambled eggs we talked about any and all changes that we might have noticed. We all had noticed the unlimited energy and endurance that we all shared as well as the increase in strength. Felicia told me that her scores at the police firing range had jumped dramatically since she had taken the elixir. I told them my memory and recall over written material was nearly perfect now. So the effects weren't limited and had affected every part of our bodies. Carol reminded me of my eyesight at our first date at the coffeehouse. It made me think I needed to begin pushing myself physically harder.

"I looked at the gemstones," Felicia said changing the subject. "Selling them will be tricky. They are all large high quality stones. I can't grade them the way a jeweler could but we could retire on them."

"Shouldn't you be turning them in," Carol asked. "They are stolen merchandise after all."

"How do I possibly explain finding them? A stinky homeless guy that lives in my lover's basement gave them to me. I don't think they'd understand that or the mummies in that hidden room."

"I see your point. Can't tell the authorities we have an infestation of ghouls. What is the name for a group of ghouls?" Carol ranted for a bit.

"I think they are called a pack," Felicia offered.

"I am going to put them with the other stones in my safety deposit box. I want them in a safe place while we are in Egypt. Speaking of Egypt, if you don't have a passport now is the time to get one, eat up!"

We sat around the kitchen table and ate. Carol was multitasking with her tablet computer and slid it over after a cry of glee. I turned the tablet so I could read the article. It was an obituary for Isaac Goldman. In the article it listed when and where he was to be laid to rest. I was surprised how recently poor old Isaac had bit the dust. It said he had been 73 when he died and was surprised by one brother and two sisters. Well we had an address but we had a while before the cemetery would open. After we finished eating we got dressed so that we could go to the grocery store and stock up before we went to check up on the last resting place of Mr. Goldman. I was tying my shoes when I heard a squeal of delight from the other room. I raced in and there was Carol bent over with her head peering out a window. I licked my lips when I saw her panty clad ass aimed in my general direction.

"What is it," I asked as I dropped down to one knee and finished tying my shoe.

"It's snowing," she squealed again.

"Oh is that all, I thought the Professor had snuck up behind you or something." Felicia said as she entered from the bathroom.

"I guess I should wear boots," I said thinking out loud.

"Maybe we can build a snowman later," Carol said with a gleam in her eyes that was hard to argue with.

"Let's see how much snow we get first," I said and she nodded.

Once makeup was applied, hair was done and clothing chosen we were able to leave. I let Felicia drive since she was a professional after all. Once we got to the grocery store I understood what my mother meant by herding cats. So this is what a parent goes through all the time, yikes! Carol went in one direction, Felicia another and I checked my account balance. By the amount sitting in my checking account I had gotten a hefty raise. I liked being a consultant. I began with the produce section and worked my way through the store. Felicia and Carol would appear with random items from other parts of the store. Carol seemed to like the snack aisle while Felicia was restocking our alcohol supply. Was I the only one picking out realistic items for the house?

We checked out and I was thankful for the raise in my salary. Granted I had a small fortune in cut and uncut gemstones at my fingertips, but I still had to find buyers without drawing too much attention. I didn't possess those sorts of connections yet. We drove by my bank before it closed to store the diamonds Fetch had given me so he and the others could stay. If this was first month's rent we were going to be set for the next century or two. After the bank we drove to the cemetery to see what condition of the late Mr. Goldman's resting place. We parked and I had to hold hands with Carol to keep her from running off and playing in the snow. She seemed quite oblivious to our surroundings. I spoke with one of the caretakers and he helped me find the vault that Isaac was resting in. He led us inside and pointed to a vault that held the earthly remains of Isaac Goldman. We weren't alone though. A short thin man in his late sixties stood in front of the crypt cursing under his breath.

"Do I know you?" Jacob Goldman asked noticing that we were staring at him.

"No," I said. "We came to pay our respects to Isaac."

"Phooey," he cursed. "If you knew my rotten no good brother you must be one of his victims or his cronies. Wait, I know you." He said staring at Felicia. "You are that lady detective that worked the break in a couple of years ago."

"You have a great memory Mr. Goldman," she replied.

"Please, call me Jacob, Mr. Goldman is my father god rest his soul. What brings you here? Are you looking into the theft?"

"What's been stolen?" She asked taking charge of the situation.

"That thieving no good brother of mine took the Seven Princes with him to his grave."

"What are the Seven Princes?" She asked leaning close.

"My great grandfather cut them himself," Jacob said his eyes large and bright as he spoke. "They were cut from a raw stone the size of a softball. It was called the Heart of the Yellow King. He was able to cut seven large gems of unparalleled beauty. The smallest was twenty carats and called the Little Prince. The largest called the Would Be King was nearly forty carats. Isaac stole them just before he died and if I don't recover them it could bankrupt a business that has been in existence for six generations."

"Did you file a police report?" Felicia asked and Isaac looked down at his feet. "You didn't did you... the Heart was stolen wasn't it?"

"It was discovered in a lost temple and it might have been hidden from custom officials. Am I in trouble?"

"I think the statute of limitations has passed on that. However, whatever nation it was removed from might have a legitimate claim to those stones. Since I am in Homicide now, I will consider the stones out of my jurisdiction."

"You are an angel," Jacob said smiling up at her. "I just wish I knew what he did with them."

"Maybe he had them buried with him," Carol said and I glared at her.

"Nah, the only thing that went into his coffin was a silly box with a bunch of glass. I should know I checked every last one of them. I buried the worthless things with my worthless brother."

He spat on the cover plate of the vault. He kissed Felicia's hand and left us to stare at the undamaged resting place. How the hell had they entered and stolen the box? A passing employee of the cemetery stopped seeing the expression on my face. He asked if he could be of help. I asked about vault security. He assured me none of the vaults could possibly be tampered with. He pointed to Isaac's vault as an example and pointed to the screws that were untouched. They are designed to show any sort of wear and thus alert any employee. I thanked him and walked to the outside and scratched my head. Had they stolen the box before he was placed in his vault? No way, their stench alone would alert anybody to their presence. I looked down at the ground that now had a light dusting of snow upon it. They lived in the tunnels beneath the university. Could they have somehow tunneled upwards into the vault? How the hell could they possibly know which one was Isaac's?

"I just don't get it." I said as we walked back to the car.

"SNOW," Carol said as she broke free and danced among the falling snowflakes.

"Let 'er go," Felicia said as she took my arm. "There's no snow in Egypt."

"Speaking of, I am going to have to run by the Widow's place to see what progress she's made on picking out my team." I said and she gave me a funny look. "She has experience in this sort of thing."

We loaded up the trunk with supplies and headed off to the Widow's house before the snow storm hit in earnest. It took almost an hour to reach the private street that led to the Squire residence. The snow was falling faster and thicker now. The wind had picked up and was blowing the flakes sideways now. My headlights illuminated the dimly lit area and something was definitely wrong.

"Where are all the wind chimes?" I said as I parked the car. "She had like a gazillion freaking wind chimes."

"Maybe she put them inside," Carol offered.

"I doubt it," I said as I opened the car door and stepped out into the whirlwind of flurries.

I knocked on the door but no one answered. I looked in through one of the windows and saw a nearly empty house. I tried the front door and found it unlocked. Sitting on her living room table was a single large manila envelope. Leaning against the table were what I suspected were Squiggles' paintings I had seen on my earlier visit. I sat down and opened the envelope. The cover letter said it all. The artifacts had been returned to the university and the Widow had headed for parts unknown. The other papers were a detailed budget for the dig including contacts in Egypt and a list of suggested applicants to work the dig.

"She left... she was scared shitless of leaving this place and then suddenly she fucking leaves."

"What's going on?" Felicia asked.

"The Widow skipped town," I said. "But she did what I asked her to do beforehand. She left me the paintings from the basement. We should leave."

"I agree. The weather is turning to shit out there."

It took one trip to carry everything to the car. Felicia was right the weather was turning to shit. The trip back to the house took over an hour. It was the first real snowfall and everyone was driving like idiots. Carol sat in the back with her face plastered to the window. She was giggling like a kid still. I had never seen this side of her before. By the time we pulled in front of the house Carol had settled down a bit. As we carried in the paintings and the food she apologized for her behavior. I just smiled and told her it was okay. She had told me how strict her upbringing had been maybe this was her chance to let it all out. I was happy to see her excited over something as simple as falling snow.

The girls volunteered to put the food away. While they did that I removed the brown paper covering the paintings. I set the paintings against the walls and admired the skill of the artist. Squiggles really did have a gift for capturing light and depth. I couldn't help but lean close and peer at the detail of the snowscape. The dark stone protruding from the ice and snow gave me a chill that the winter storm had been unable to. I could just make out a few of the arcane symbols carved into the Precambrian basalt. I had read his notes on this dig. I remembered the dating results of some of the artifacts. No wonder the university had hidden the objects that had made it back to civilization.

"Pretty," Carol said as she came in and hugged me from behind. "Do you think we can make a snowman tomorrow?"

"If it quits snowing, has anyone been listening to the weather reports?"

"Two feet or more," Felicia replied as she stood next to me. "I guess we are going to be snowed in. What a pity."

"Oh whatever will we do to pass the time," I said and they both giggled. "I want some hot chocolate."

"Ooh, I love hot chocolate," Carol squeed in my ear.

"It is settled then, I will make us all some," I said offering to take care of my girls.

"I want the little marshmallows in mine," Felicia demanded.

"ME TOO," Carol howled as she added her two cents.

I stood by the stove as Felicia and Carol sat at the kitchen table. I went to the cabinet and pulled out the bag of tiny marshmallows and the girls cheered. I smiled at the joy of this simple moment and it would stay with me through darker times to come. Felicia stole the bag and opened it and popped a few of the tiny white treats into her mouth. Carol was eager to do the same. I watched the interaction between the girls and it was more like sisters than strangers that had become so much more. I sprinkled marshmallows into three tall mugs and poured the hot chocolate on top of it. I reached into the fridge and took out the can of whip cream. They both giggled like school girls as I topped all three with a tall cone of cream. We all laughed when I took my first sip and ended up with whip cream on the tip of my nose.

"So when do we get to meet your mom," Felicia asked me.

"UM... are you sure that's a good idea?"