Ray's Ring Ch. 11


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She shuddered. "I...i...it's just that......that I hate losing......control.......like .....this."

Ray was running his tongue up and down her outer lips, gently pushing them open to reveal the inner pink of her pussy. When they were wide open, he attacked her inner lips, pulling each in turn into his mouth for a pointed attack by his tongue. "Nnnnnnnnggggghhhhhhhhuuuhhh!!!"

She tried to sit up, but only got her head off the pillow. "W.....w......w...hat are y...y...yyou doing to meeeee. Omigoooood i'mmmmmmmgonnnnaaaaa cummmmmmmmmmmming.!!!"

As she thrust her hips into Ray's mouth, he switched locations and sucked her joy button into his mouth, sending her to a higher level orgasm. "You mother loving son of a bitch, STOP, I can't take anymore. Omigod omigod Omigod oh Oh Oh Oh." As she fell to the bed, Ray helped lower her and repositioned her in the middle of the bed. She lay there, softly moaning.

Slowly, she became aware of Ray looking at her. "You okay?" he asked, gently.

She took as deep a breath as she could and slowly let it out. "Will be, in three or four years. Nobody has ever made me do that before, I ...I can't even begin to describe it." She looked at him. "We weren't linked. That was all me! Oh, shit. How in hell are you going to survive if you have to keep six of the horniest women in the country like that?" She rolled over and straddled him. "It's your own fucking fault! You are just too damned talented. At first, I was just going to come along to keep Ginny company when she moved here. Now I see I'm going to have to do battle with her over you."

She raised herself up, felt for Ray's shaft, aimed it at her wide open quim, and slid down it, taking him into her moist tunnel. It was his turn to moan. Without moving her body, she began to work her tunnel muscles, massaging his rod. Di leaned down to lay on his chest, extending her legs along Ray's. When she was fully extended, she rolled to the side, taking Ray with her, wrapping her arms and legs around him when they were both on their sides. Using her heel, she pushed Ray's upper knee forward, opening his butt cheeks. Positioning her head so Ray couldn't see, she wet her longest, the middle finger, then reached down and searched for his rosebud. Finding it, without ceremony, or warning, she thrust it into him, at the same time, clamped down on his shaft with every muscle in her sheath. The effect on Ray was instantaneous–his legs straightened, his back arched, and his hips thrust forward, driving his cock through Di's cervix. Oh. Yes, he ejaculated, several spasms.

When she felt the spasms die away, Di withdrew her finger. She looked her son in the eye, and with a warm smile said, "That'll teach you to fuck around with your mother." Then, more seriously, "You okay? You seemed to disappear there for a bit."

"Oh, yeah," he replied, taking a deep breath and releasing it. "Come like that all the time. But I would ask a favor. Don't ever teach that combination to Amy or Beth. They will kill me with it." He wrapped his arms around his mother. "Did anybody ever tell you how fantastic you are. I have had some great, some fantastic times this week, but that was absolutely senfuckingsational."

"I'm glad you approve. I will find some beta in the area to use to masturbate with, but I'll save my love making for you.

"Are you ready for our ritual fuck now?" She was leering at him. He felt her pussy walls beginning to massage him again.

"Plus another to get you preggers, right. Christ, I hope Tom was right in saying my recovery time is going to shorten to practically nothing, and I'll have the stamina of a stallion."

Di laughed. "Don't worry about getting me pregnant. We did that last night, Daddy. You must have potent pre cum, or came without knowing it. With both you and Jake, I could feel it when my egg was quickened. I felt the same thing last night just before I fell asleep.

I'll talk to Amy and Beth about their cycles. I'm pretty sure we're going to make a boy. So, two more girls? Then when you're in your early forties, you can teach them all they need to know about pleasing a man." She leaned down to kiss him. "Course, I'll be the randy grandmother, teaching them on the side, grooming them for my son. My younger son."

Part 11-C (The girls get their gifts)

When Di left, Ray fell back on the bed, his head buzzing. He had just expected to enhance and expand his healing ability. Until they had talked last night, he had had no idea of the role his biological mother had played in the adept colonies. If there had been a kingdom, she would have been the king's consort, if not his queen. There was no woman in the whole loosely united constituency who was ranked higher, or who had more personal or political power. When she had gone underground, the colony essentially disappeared. She had suspected what would happen when Ray matured, and had resolved to wait for him. The only contact she had maintained with her old life was her weekly telepathic link with Ginny, who had kept tabs on him through Tom and Carolyn. She was sure that once word got out that an alpha alpha had appeared, the rest of the colony, especially her generation, would come out of hiding.

He had picked up the equivalent of four years of college education last night. He had been right to start with Ginny. Not much of what he had learned would have made sense without her background material. Now he had the knowledge to plan his strategy to get rid of the hunters, their masters, and the owners of the rings, who were using them as a buffer against the masters of the hunters.

After a welcome nap, troubled by some unremembered dreams, he sent out a telepathic call to Ellen. In a few minutes she came bouncing into the room and jumped on the bed, acting more like a teenager than the 30+ year old she was.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you," she said, showering him with kisses. "Did you mean to give me all the powers you did last night? 'Cause not only can I communicate with you guys now, I cam also communicate with my baby. I know it sounds silly, what can a week old embryo communicate? But I'm aware when it divides, I can sense it's going to be a girl, and I can sense that it is healthy. 'N' you passed on the time thing, too. Me and the girls sort of have been dueling with it."

Ray wrinkled his brow. "Dueling with it?"

Her face turned bright red. "Well, with you in here screwing up a storm, we were all a little horny, so we sort of took matters into our own hands, and tongues, so to speak. Then without warning us, Amy started manipulating time, slowing it way down, so Beth, 'cause she was so close to coming, took it back to normal. Then just to see if I could, I tried to speed it up, and I did. And that sort of started a time free for all. And we all got silly and started coming so hard we all peed ourselves." She noticed the question on his face. Yeah, it was pee, all over the guest bed."

Ray laughed, imagining the scene. When he finished, he said, "I know I promised that you'd be the first after I finished with my Moms and Ginny, but I really need to see Amy for a few minutes first. Give me half or three quarters of an hour, then we have the rest of the day. Okay?"

She leaned forward to kiss him. "Take as much time as you need. I'll be here whenever, however, you want me. I told you yesterday, I'm not leaving the family, especially now, after meeting Diane and Ginny. They make me feel even more safe and secure than I did with you and Amy and Beth." She stopped to think. "Will my boys be telepathic, too?"

"I don't know. According to Di, Jake didn't have the ability. Since you picked it up so easily, it must run in your side of the family. Unless there is a latent ability, it wouldn't have taken. So, maybe. We won't know until they're well into their teens."

"I hope so. I'd really hate to see them left out of this. I'll go tell Amy you want her," she said, sliding off the bed. "Oops. Don't have to go, do I? Can we just target a single person, even if we don't know where they are?"

"Sure, close you eyes and try to pick out her energy signature, then follow it back to her. It takes a little practice, but...I see you found her." She nodded.

"She's on her way." She bent to kiss him again. "Whenever, however, wherever."

As she left the room, Ray got up and went to the bathroom. After pissing what seemed like a quart, he washed his hands. Looking at himself in the mirror, he thought something was different, but couldn't identify it. He heard Amy come in, and went into the bedroom to talk to her. When she saw him, she gasped.

"My God, what's happened to you? Look at you! You must have gained 20 or 25 pounds! And, while you weren't soft, now you look like...I don't know what...that guy with abs of steel, and you have to be three inches taller. What have you been doing in here?"

"Obviously not just what I thought. We'll have to check it out with Di and Ginny.

"Stand still a minute. I want to try something." Amy was swearing mid thigh length tennis shorts and a tank top. While she was braless, Ray did discern, barely, a bikini panty line. As Amy stopped, Ray concentrated, and in a second, she was nude, her clothes in a pile on Ray's dresser.

Amy gasped, jumped a little, then laughed. "When did you pick that up?"

He thought a second. "Dullah told me I could manipulate small objects as long as I knew the path they would travel, and then Priest said it was more than that, real telekinesis. This is the first time I've tried using it to strip someone, though."

"It was weird. All of a sudden, there I was, everything hanging out. Do you think you can put them back? Or do we have some other business first."

"A lot of business first," he said, drawing her to him. "Were you aware that you gave Ellen the ability to manipulate her perception of time?"

"Me? I did that? How?"

"I don't know. I suspect it happened when you were fooling around while you were...fooling around." His face got serious looking.

"After all that has happened today and yesterday, do you still want to marry me? It's not going to be anything at all like we thought when I asked you."

"Are you trying to weasel out of your proposal, Ray Edwards? 'Cause if you are, I don't care how big you've gotten, I'll flatten you! Mmmff"

The kiss silenced her enough for Ray to resume. "I'll take that as a yes," he grinned. "With that, I'm going to alter, only slightly, my proposal. Besides my wife, I want you to be my equal in guiding the colonies, not just the local one, the world wide... bunch, I guess, but all of them, everywhere. It's what Di is now, and she will teach you what you need to do, and I am ready to give you the mental powers you need right now."

Amy was stunned. "You said world wide? You are in charge of all the telepaths in the world? And you want me to be able to do that with you? I...I...I can't ....Ray, I love you more than I ever conceived of loving someone growing up, you know that. And I would probably die for you if necessary, but I can't see me as a ... what, queen, or empress."

Ray pulled her toward the bed. "Amy, sweetheart, a week ago I was a farmer. Arrogant, hot headed, and stubborn, but just a farmer. Then I found this fucking ring and my life changed. There is a very good chance that when I cured Ellen, I shortened Jake's life. There is no way to tell, it may simply have been his time, but it led to another life altering event, we found Diane. When I was born, she was only three or four years older than you are now, if that. But she held the position I want you to have. If you agree, she will be your, our advisor and guide. She will teach you, just as she has already taught me a lot. And will continue to teach me. But I want you at my side, as my wife, my friend, my advisor and my partner, and my lover."

"Oooo, damn you! Yes!"

Ray hugged her tight as he pulled her over him, laying down on the bed. "Fuck me," he whispered. In a second, he was deep in her body. Her eyes opened wide. "Something else has gotten bigger," she gulped. "It wasn't easy, but I used to be able to get all of you in my pussy. Now it feels like there's some of you still out there."

Ray reached in between then, feeling for his shaft. He was able to get two fingers between their bodies. "Mmm, about an inch"

"God, Ray, what did those women do to you? Not that I'm complaining, mind you. It'll just take some work and some getting used to."

"Let me know when it's comfortable for you." Ray closed his eyes and concentrated. Slowly Amy became aware that he was shrinking inside of her, not going soft, but getting shorter, thinner.

"How....?" Suddenly she realized he was adjusting his size to fit her, he was making her his ideal size. "There," she said, "that's good." He was stretching her walls just enough to feel tight, and he was long enough to bump her cervix, and short enough so her clit would constantly be stimulated. She bent down to kiss him, her breasts brushing his chest. "I know how much you love me. You just showed me two different ways. Do you have any idea how much I love you? I doubt it, so I'm going to spend the rest of our lives together showing you. I don't care whom you've been with, or who you screw. I just want to know about it from you. And, when you come home to me, however you want to use it, my body is ready for you."

Ray moved his legs so they were outside of Amy's. and wrapped them around her thighs, then he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to him as tight as he could. His tongue slipped into her mouth, engaging hers. He sent her a vision, optical and sensual, of her vaginal wall muscles rippling around his cock. She correctly interpreted his request, and attempted the activity. When she was successful, she broke the kiss and gave out a triumphant laugh. Ray just grinned and pulled her back for another kiss. This time, he created a mind link. And in less time than it took to write this line, Amy had the same powers he did, with the biological exception. But there her abilities exceeded his anyway, in some regards.

He began to move in her, slowly, making sure each stroke stimulated both her G-spot and her clitoris. He also increased her sensitivity to his caresses, inside and out, so that even in normal time for them, she had all the sensations she felt in slow motion sex. Within a few minutes he heard her breathing change, and her muscles began to tense. "Omigod, what did you do to me? I'm so goddam close already, Rayyyyyy, now......pleaseeeeeeeee!!! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Yyeyeyeyeyeyeyesssssssssssssss!!!!"

It was not the usual explosive climax she was used to with him, not the ones that started at her center and traveled outward like a tsunami. This had felt like she was being filled with pleasure and when she was full, it just spilled out and washed over her like a warm waterfall. Only when Ray stopped moving was she aware of the extra warmth in her vagina from his spend. She kissed him, gently, almost chastely. "That was....I can't think of words to describe it. We've never done that. It was like being filled up with the most loving sensations you can imagine. Promise me we'll do this a lot."

Ray's face was glowing with love. Over the past week he had made love with some of the most beautiful, sexiest women he had ever known, including both his biological mother and his step mother. He had found ways of satisfying them and him that he had never even imagined; had had experiences other men could not even dream of, conceive of. He was looking forward to a life, he was told, where he could have any woman on the planet, simply by crooking his finger and telling her to follow him. But here, wrapped in his arms and legs, engaged in the tongue duel to end tongue duels, was the only woman he wanted, the one he knew completed him.

"Damn!!" he said. "I just realized the down side to this ceremony."

She raised her shoulders so she could look at him. "What's that?"

"We have to do this every day until you get pregnant." He was not totally successful in suppressing his grin or the twinkle in his eye.

"Oh." She paused, then pushed herself up and tried to extricate her legs, "if you don't want to..." He pulled her back into a kiss.

"And every day until it's dangerous for the baby," he continued. "Stay while I finish up with Ellen and Beth. The next several weeks are going to be difficult, and we are going to need each other and all the support we can give one another."


"I'm not trying to avoid your question, but you need to start exercising your abilities. Like Ginny told me, when you know the questions to ask, look inside. You have the answers." Ray sent out a call to Ellen and Beth. While they waited, Amy reviewed the adepts' history.

"Jesus, Ray! What are you going to do?"

"Other than going on the offensive, I'm not sure. We're going to have identify some folks in the area who are adepts, who can help us. That will cause some exposure, but I think I can minimize that."

The knock at the door announced Ellen and Beth. Verbally, Ray suggested Amy strip Ellen, using her telekinetic ability. She looked doubtful, but nodded. As the two women entered the room, Ray removed Beth's slacks and blouse with a blink. Amy succeeded in tangling Ellen's top around her head, and her shorts around her ankles. "Ooops!' she said, "what'd I do wrong?"

"Just visualize them gone, in a pile somewhere," Ray advised. And in an instant, they were on the dresser, with her clothes. Ray got up and led Ellen to the bed.

After a warm kiss, he asked her how the baby was doing. She just rubbed her belly and nodded, indicating she was fine. "After she is born, when and if you are able, I would like to make a baby with you, unless you have found another mate."

Ellen looked at Amy. "Unless Amy objects, because I know you promised yourself to her, you are the only man whose bed I want to share. If I can, I will be happy to have your child. But that, too, is up to Amy."

Amy smiled and kissed Ellen, engaging her tongue. "I think the three of us are going to be sister wives. We have a while to work out the logistics, but that will be our goal." She looked at Ray. "Is that what you were shooting for?"

"Not quite, and I'm not sure this is the time to settle it. Ellie, come sit. Do you know what Mom vision is?"

She laughed. "Are you referring to the ability to know where my kids are and what kind of trouble they are getting into? Then, yeah. Doesn't every mother?"

"That, and a little bit more. When we were growing up, whenever we were about to get involved in something too big or too complicated for us to handle, one or both of our parents would suddenly be there to bail us out. D'you guys remember that?" They nodded, smiling, and started to speak. Ray shook his head and put up his hand to stop the recollections. "Anything like that sound familiar to you?" he asked Ellen.

"Yeah, something like that happened a few times. They're pretty good kids and don't get into much..."

Ray nodded, "How about with Jake? Anything?"

Her smile faded. "Yeah, more than a few. Remember that wind burst the day he was shot. I knew that was him, getting hurt. And all the way to the hospital, I knew. I could feel the pain, right here," she said, pointing to the spot where Jake had been wounded. "There were other times, too. Near accidents, fights." She looked at her lap, watching her hands twist. "There were even a couple of times I could sense when he was with someone else."

Ray drew her close and kissed her. "I didn't mean to bring up bad memories, but I had to be sure you had the foundation for the ability I want to give to you. The older generation referred to it as foresight. In you, I want to tweak it, make you more sensitive to a special kind of threat, and make you a Seer. I want you to be our first line of defense." He kissed her again, more deeply this time and pushed her to lay back on the bed. He moved over her and used his knees to open her legs. Once in position, he entered her and forged the link. They lay there, not moving for a few minutes.