Pauls Story


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"Damned straight I would."

"My hero. Protecting me from the scum."

"I didn't do it for you, although I would have fought to protect you."

"Then why did you get in his face?"

"He disrespected me and I won't stand for that."

"He dissed you? How?"

"By ignoring me and going after you. If he had come up and asked me if I would mind his asking you for a dance, then everything would have been okay."

"What would you have said if he had asked you?"

"I would have said that I wouldn't mind, but it would have been up to you."

"Well, just so you know, I would have said no. He is an asshole and thinks he is God's gift to women. He has been after me ever since I came to work. He just won't take no for an answer and just keeps coming back."

We had been dancing while, talking, and she had moved into me. Her leg was rubbing my hard-on and her tits were pushing into my chest.

"Do you have any idea of what you are doing to me?" I whispered in her ear.

"Of course I do. Everyone in here sees it and the word will go out that I'm taken and all of the wolves will leave me alone from now on."

"No they won't. The male of the species comes from the factory programmed to seek out the opposite sex, and some women are more seekable than others. You, fortunately or unfortunately, are one of those who is more seekable. Married and with five kids, men are still going to hit on you."

"You are good for a girl's ego. I may just have to keep you."

Like I could be that lucky, I thought to myself. We stayed out on the dance floor for the next two numbers and then the band took a break. When we got back to our table we found an extremely good looking blond sitting there.

"What are you doing here, Amy?"

"I saw the way your date sent Ray running and I was wondering if I could talk you into letting his umbrella of protection cover me."

Angel introduced us and then asked, "How about it, Paul?"

"Just from Ray, or from all the men who will be asking you to dance."

"I doubt that anyone other than Ray will ask me."

I raised an eyebrow at that, but no explanation followed. We talked for a bit and then the band came back and Angel told me to take Amy out on the floor for a whirl, so I asked Amy if she would like to dance and she said yes. Curiosity got to me and as we moved through a waltz I asked:

"You are a damned good looking lady, so why would you doubt anyone would ask you to dance?"

"I'm the company trouble maker. I've gone to HR several times over unwanted male attention. Men stay away from me now."

"So why stop in here?"

"I like to have a drink or two with the girls I work with, but they've all left and gone home. I still had an almost full drink in front of me and I decided to stay and finish it. Ray saw me sitting alone and headed my way so I got up and went over to your table thinking he would stay away from you."

"I'm sure you could handle Ray."

"Yes, but it would have created a scene and I didn't want that. And by the way, thank you for the compliment."

The music stopped and we returned to the table and my next surprise of the evening. Ray was sitting in my chair talking to Angel. Whatever he was saying she was shaking her head no to. Amy might not have wanted to create a scene, but it wouldn't bother me and I'd already let the asshole know I didn't want him bothering my date. When I got to the table I grabbed the back of the chair, tilted it back and dumped him onto the floor. Before he could recover from the surprise, I put my foot on his neck with my 205 pounds pushing down. He struggled to push it off, but the way he was laying gave him no leverage.

I looked down at him and said, "I told you that my date was mine for the evening and suggested you walk away before I hurt you. When I lift my foot and you get up, you had best run for the door and leave this place. Any other action on your part will lead to an ambulance ride for you."

I lifted my foot and stepped back to see what he would do. He got up and ran - actually ran for the door. Angel was smiling at me and Amy was looking at me with a stunned expression. I pulled Amy's seat out or her, and after she sat down I picked up my chair from the floor and sat down at the table. I'd no sooner sat down when the waitress showed up with a round of drinks.

As she set them on the table she said, "On the house. The manger says thank you for getting rid of the trash."

"Can I look forward to this much excitement every time we go out?" Angel asked.

"God I hope not. I lie my evenings out to be more on the peaceful side."

The three of us talked, drank and danced until the band call it quits for the night. On my last dance with Amy she slipped a piece of paper into my suit coat pocket and said, "If things don't work out with Angelina, call me."

As I was driving Angel home she asked me what Amy had put in my pocket, and I told her.

"That bitch! And after I was so nice to her."

"Relax. She told me to call her if things didn't out with you so I guess the question is will there be anything between us?"

"I sure as hell hope so. That is what was behind my asking you to take me to Andy's promotion party."

"So what is the next step?"

"If I wasn't afraid it would make the wrong impression I'd ask you in when you get me home and fuck the socks off of you. But I guess we will have to date several times and work up to it."

"I felt an instant attraction to you at our first meeting and you won't be making the wrong impression on me if you really want to ask me in. In fact as far as I'm concerned the sooner we find out if we are sexually compatible the better."

She gave me a long look and the said, "Okay sweetie, you're on."

Deerfield had to have been an idiot to run around on Angel. If I'd been wearing socks when we went to bed, she probably would have fucked them off me. We did it all. I ate her pussy and she sucked my cock. We made love in the missionary and then sixty-nined. We did doggie and more sixty-nine. Then she asked me to take her ass. When we finished, she washed my cock and then we went sixty-nine again until she got me up, we did one more missionary and then I was done. She tried hard to get me up for one more, but she couldn't make it happen. She snuggled up to me and we fell asleep.

In the morning, she fixed us breakfast as I sat at the kitchen table drinking coffee and watching her. She looked over at me and asked, "Think you could stand a steady diet of what happened last night?"

"No doubt in my mind. None whatsoever."

"I don't have any plans for the rest of the weekend."

"What a coincidence; neither do I."

"Think we can come up with something to do?"

"I wouldn't be at all surprised."

We found plenty to do for the rest of the weekend, and I barely had enough strength to drag myself into work on Monday. The weekend set the pattern for the next six months. We were constantly together and spent almost every night of the week together either in her bed or mine.

It wasn't going to last, and I knew it. I'd ride for as long as I could, but I knew the train was going to leave the tracks sooner or later. The train wreck came at the end of our sixth month together. It was Friday night and we were finishing off a night of drinking and dancing with a spirited romp on my bed. I got us both off and as we were resting up for another go as Angel played with my cock in an effort to hurry things along, she said the fourteen works that sent the train roaring off the rails.

"Are you ever going to get around to putting a ring on my finger?"

Then again maybe it was my one word answer that caused the wreck.


Her hand left my cock and she looked at me in silence for about ten seconds before saying, "Mind telling me why?"

"Because I don't trust the female of the species." I proceeded to tell her why.

She listened and didn't speak for maybe fifteen seconds and then said, "That's it? A bunch of adolescents in your past are going to control your life?"

"It is more than that, Angelina. Do you remember our first meeting?"

"Of course I do. What has that got to do with this? I thought we had something good going."

"Actually we had something great going, but my past, together with what caused our first meeting is what has me saying no."

"I don't understand what our first meeting has to do with it."

"You were married to Tom, but you had no problem with fucking another man behind his back to get what you wanted. Could I trust you to never do it to me if it was something you wanted badly enough? I don't know, and I'm not willing to take the chance of finding out."

She got up, dressed and left without saying another word. Was I sorry to see her go? Of course I was. Like I said, we had something great going for us, but that didn't make my reasoning any less valid.

Given the way Angel had left, I didn't see any sense in trying to call her. For the next six weeks I was back to using my two escort ladies and then I got a surprise phone call.

"Good morning. This is Bob."

"I am disappointed in you. I asked you to call if things didn't work out between you and Angelina."


"Why didn't you call?"

"To be honest, I was in no mood to deal with another woman at the time."

"Are you ready yet?"

I was, and I said so. "How about dinner tonight and we can discuss it?"

She gave me her address and I told her I'd pick her up at six. We walked into the Red Lobster, and wouldn't you just know it? The first person I saw was Angelina sitting at a table with two other girls. She saw us and her face took on an expression I couldn't read.

Amy and I were shown to a booth and we ordered. Half an hour later I had to use the restroom and when I came out I found Angel waiting for me.

"Didn't take long for you to get over me did it?"

"Who says I'm over you?"

"Why haven't you called me if you feel that way?"

"To what purpose? The way you left told me all I needed to know. Now if you will excuse me I need to get back to my date."

When I took Amy home she kissed my cheek and asked, "Can we do this again?"

"I certainly hope so. How about this Friday?"

"I get off at five."

"Six work for you?"

"It will." She kissed my cheek again and I went home.

When I got home from work the next day and was starting to fix my dinner, the phone rang and it was Amy.

"I'm calling to cancel our date on Friday. Angelina came up to me at work today and told me that she wasn't happy to see me messing around with her man."

"Her man?"

"That's the way she put it. Messing around with her man. I thought you guys were over."

"I thought so, too. We haven't seen each other in over a month."

"I was looking forward to Friday, but after talking with Angelina I have to cancel. I need this job, and given my already gained reputation as a trouble maker, I can't afford any more hostility."

"I understand. Thanks for calling."

As I hung up the phone I was already trying to make sense out of things. She walked out on me without a word and then never called, but I was her man? I couldn't make sense of it so I stopped trying and finished fixing my dinner. After eating I tried watching TV, but my mind kept going back to Amy's phone call and what she'd told me. If I was Angel's man why hadn't she called me? She had a key to my place so why didn't she use it?

I finally figured that she thought she had me sewn up and I would call and beg her to come back, and she was waiting for a call that was never going to come. Did I want her back? Yes I did, but I'd meant what I said when I said no to a ring. Foolish of me, maybe, but that's the way I was. My stance was never going to change.

Angel might never cheat on me, but might not wasn't the same as never. When you said "Might not" it was understood that "Might" was there, also, as in "Might or might not." No! As much as I wanted Angel, I knew I'd never trust her, so there was no sense in my calling her.

Another three days went by, and then I came home from work one day and found a dress on the floor when I walked in the apartment door. In a trail leading from the dress to the bedroom door were a pair of high heels, a bra, a pair of pantyhose and at the bedroom door a pair of panties hanging on the door knob. I opened the bedroom door and found Angel on my bed.

"It's about damned time you got here. Get that silly look off your face, get your clothes off and get your butt over here."

I stripped and as I approached the bed she said, "None of that time wasting foreplay; just get on and let's do it."

I smiled and said, "Yes dear" and then did what the lady wanted. After I got us both off (or she got us both off) and pulled out, she spun around and took my cock in her mouth. Not one word had been spoken since my "Yes dear," so I kept my mouth shut and watched her work at bringing me back to life. Once she had me hard she got on her hands and knees and said:

"Doggie this time."

Realizing I was being a wise ass I once again said, "Yes dear," and then once again I did what the lady wanted. We both got off and then Angel fell forward and rolled onto her back.

I fell to the bed beside her and as we both stared up at the ceiling trying to catch our breath she said, "You do know that you are an asshole right?"

"Why do I have to be an asshole?"

"Because you didn't do what you were supposed to."

"And what was that?"

"You were supposed to come after me and beg me to come back. You were supposed to pull a ring out of your pocket and say something like, "Put this on and promise to never leave me again." But did you do it? Ha! Not even a phone call. My problem is that I have been so damned miserable without you. I finally accepted that I need to be with, you ring or no ring. If I can get you up again will you do my butt?"

Once again I said, "Yes dear."

It took a year of living together for her to get a ring on her finger. At first she refused it, and it took me a couple of months to finally get her to take it. Why the turnaround on my part? Ralph and Richard. Who are Ralph and Richard? The twins that Angel and I managed to make.

She told me she went off birth control so I'd get her pregnant, and then she would have something of mine when I finally got tired of her and kicked her out. When I told her we needed to get married to make the baby legitimate (we didn't know it was twins at the time), she said, "No! Our deal was no ring and we would live together as friends with benefits."

I kept after her and she kept saying, "No. I will not have you going through life thinking I deliberately got pregnant to get you to marry me."

I didn't quit asking, and then one day she handed me a piece of paper and told me to read it. It was a prenuptial agreement that stated if we ever divorced for whatever reason she would leave the marriage with only what she brought into it, which was her maiden name. It gave me sole custody of the children and it had her notarized signature on the bottom.

We went ring shopping the next day and were married in a civil ceremony two weeks later.

Fourteen years and five kids later we are still going strong.

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AnonymousAnonymous11 days ago

Love it Bob, keep going...

a_reader_from_germanya_reader_from_germanyabout 1 month ago

Good read. I like a happy ending once in a while, improbable as it may seem in this case. Let's be real, Angel qualified as a whore by sleeping with her furure ex-husband's boss to get more money after a divorce (unless I misunderstood something here). The statistics are also very heavily stacked against the sustainability of a marriage that follows two divorces, but stranger (and worse) things are happening.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Well Bob, you did it, you succeeded in writing a total piece of shit story. Not one character in your tale was likeable or interesting. It read like it was written by a little wimpy dude who dreams of being a big badass and your Angel is a typical entitled slut who needs to be controlled by big bad asshole. Nothing noteworthy about your boring tale, Bob. 2/5.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago


Calico75Calico754 months ago

Five kids! Who does that these days? Good story.

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