Paid to Seduce His Mother V. 02 Ch. 08


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She pulled his head down so she could whisper to him. "You wanna fuck her? I bet if we told the guy he could fuck Maggie and Anna, he'd let us have her."

"No! First, I'm not interested in fucking her, and second, aren't you the one who insisted on including the no pimping rule in our open marriage rules?"

"Okay, sweetie. Just checking. I guess, then, you'd object if I..."

"Yes! Christ! Is this what open marriage means to you? I think you and I need to go talk to my Uncle Jim and his wife."

"That's a good idea. Maybe Wednesday, after we go see my mom."

Maggie and Anna had found a soft grassy spot to lay out the blanket and towels they had brought. With barely a glance at the other couple, they stripped off their bathing suits. When the younger members of the party saw them, they quickly followed suit.

Even from across, and down the length of the pool, they could hear the angry snort from Ted, Marty's companion. Without seeming to, they watched as he hurriedly pulled on his suit. Marty, on the other hand, took her time, making a show of fitting her thong and bra so all her 'vital' areas were covered.

As they exited the pool area, Marty came over to Mike. "I just wanted to warn you. The water seems extra cold today. Don't dive in, and be sure to protect your jewels or they'll disappear, even those big ones," she said, glancing down to his crotch.

Sara came up to them and slipped her arm around Mike's waist. "Don't worry, Marty. I'll see that he takes very good care of them. You'd better watch out for Ted; he's giving Maggie a close once over, even though he considers her an older woman".

The trio glanced over toward the opening, where Ted was standing, trying to not look like he was ogling Maggie. Marty laughed then turned to Mike and Sara. "We're going down to dinner in an hour or so. Why don't you join us? There's only one other couple our age, and they're so wrapped up in each other and being married, it's impossible to carry on a conversation with them."

Before Mike could answer, Sara spoke up. "That would be lovely, but we have to decide on whether or not this is the right investment for us, and we don't have much time here. But thank you for the thought."

Marty looked at Sara and then at Mike. "You're sure?" she asked, looking at Mike.

"After the incident in your cabin this afternoon, we're sure," Sara interjected, making Mike recall how he felt seeing Ted's hands gripping Sara's breasts.

He nodded. "We really do need to discuss our impressions privately, Marty, but thanks for the invitation."

Marty's expression turned sad. "Okay. I'm sorry, but I understand. If things work out, maybe I'll see you all here next year. Tell Harry I said hi." She turned and walked away, hitting Ted on his shoulder when she reached him, and pointed at Maggie's nude body. As the couple left the pool area, Marty glanced back over her shoulder and winked at them.

Part CII

It took them about a half hour over dinner to come to the conclusion that the inn was something they wanted to try. As they exited the dining room they saw Stevie and invited her to join them for a drink. Over the drink they arrived at an agreement regarding price and got a list of precisely what was included, in terms of buildings, equipment and supplies.

They all agreed to meet at the realtor's office in Glens Falls the following noon, after the house tour, to formalize the deal. As they strolled back to the cabin, Maggie placed a call to the law firm her lawyer in New Haven had recommended and left a message for them to call her first thing in the morning, telling them the reason and the money amounts involved.

Back in the cabin, Sara put her arm around Mike's waist and turned to the two older women. "Before lunch, in Marty and Ted's cabin, I showed Mike one of the down sides of an open marriage and promised to show him one of the benefits tonight, but I need you two to help me. Will you?"

"What would we have to do," Anna asked, her curiosity evident in her voice.

Sara smiled at her. "Yesterday, Anna, I came close to torturing you. Tonight, you have a chance to get even. I'll let you secure me to the bed and then, within limits, you do whatever you want to my body, while Mike and Maggie make love and watch us. Then, when Mike climaxes, you and Maggie switch roles. Finally, when he comes again, he and Maggie would switch."

"Dear, as delightful as that sounds," Maggie interrupted, "I'll let Anna use my time, too. I think Mike's first climax will come so soon she won't have enough time to exact a satisfactory revenge."

Sara laughed and nodded. "Okay, but after he comes in you a second time, we get to watch while he makes love to Anna, or you can spend the time bringing me to climax, unless that's Anna's method of torture."

"Climaxing as torture? That's an interesting concept," Mike said. "I don't think I've ever heard of it."

"Then forget I..." Sara started.

Maggie interrupted her. "Think, Mike, what it would be like if you were in a situation where your penis was being constantly stimulated to the point of orgasm, no matter how long it took to get there. Think what condition you would be in, it would be in. Think how it would feel when there was no more opportunity for you to renew your supply of seminal fluid, let alone semen.

"As bad as that might feel, it is worse for a woman because the orgasmic experience involves so much more than just her genital area. I know it does for men, too, with the elevated heart rate and more rapid breathing, but with a woman, almost every muscle in her body is affected to some degree. It doesn't take long before the experience is no longer enjoyable, and then it is a short trip to painful, and a much longer trip until you look forward to the pain of orgasm."

"Is that the voice of experience?" Anna wanted to know.

Maggie shook her head. "No, but when I was modeling, I had an assignment with a couple of older Oriental models. There was something about their eyes...We got talking one night, and it eventually turned to sex. They offered to demonstrate on me and the other girl working with us. I said no, but Elsie... after her first climax, in twenty minutes she was begging them to stop.

"They had put a small vibrator inside her vagina and used their tongues and fingers on her clitoris. After they stopped, she was sobbing for an hour." She looked at Sara. "As bad as the tickling was, I would choose it any time over being made to climax constantly."

Anna nodded. "Damn, girl, now I have to change my plans," she laughed. "Well, lets get started. Everyone naked?" she asked, looking at Sara.

"Seems best to me," she said, pulling off her shirt. "Anna, if you want to use them, there are feathers in the box in my suitcase, on top of my clothes."

"I don't think I'll need them, but these scarves you brought along will be helpful. Lie down in the middle of the smaller bed, please." Sara complied, smiling, thinking she could withstand anything now. She had really been afraid Anna would use the feathers, and Sara was unable to withstand any prolonged tickling without losing her bladder.

Maggie and Mike took their place on the king bed, Mike spooning Maggie, his cock positioned right at her introitus. As Anna looped scarves around each of Sara's limbs, Mike pushed in, burying his glans in Maggie's pussy. With each tie down she completed, he pushed further in, achieving full penetration as she tied down Sara's second leg.

Anna stood back and looked at Sara, naked in the center of the bed, spread-eagled, her dark nipples erect and sticking up like the cherry on a sundae. The dark nest in the center of her body seemed to punctuate the paleness of her skin where it was protected by her bikini bottoms.

She casually disrobed and watched Mike begin to pump his hips against Maggie's ass. She stretched her hand down to rub her clit as she watched them, getting it ready for the task at hand. "Sara," she finally said, "you have shown yourself to be pretty much of a take charge person. I know part of that is your police training, but I suspect a large part is your basic personality.

"Until this is over, any orders or directions you give will be totally ignored. You can beg, wheedle, plead, direct, order, beseech, pray, entreat, whatever, and it will do you no good. The three of us will do to, or ignore, you, as we wish.

"Now, as I understand our purpose this evening, it is to show Mike what it would be like to watch another person making love to you while he is busy screwing someone else. Therefore, instead of exacting retribution in the fashion you imagined, I am going to make love to your body while you are powerless to respond anyway but vocally, which I will ignore. In fact..." and she picked up another scarf to push into Sara's mouth.

"Can you breathe okay?" Anna asked, and when Sara nodded, leaned down and began to place butterfly kisses all over her young friend's face. Her hands softly, slowly caressed the young brunette, moving from her shoulders to her hips, touching her as lightly as a feather. Sara pushed up into her, reveling in the contact---the sensation and her emotions surprising her. She had never allowed anyone to restrain her before, and found it unexpectedly arousing.

Anna's hands continued their explorations of Sara's body--gently moving over her shoulders, her abdomen, her breasts, and down through her thatch to her labial crease, spreading the labia, searching for the little nub which distinguished her external pleasure center. Caressing it as lightly as she had the rest of Sara's body, Anna soon had the policewoman's hips thrusting upward as she moaned in pleasure and need.

The older woman's lips moved to the area just in front of Sara's ear and then, using tiny lip nibbles, slid along her jaw to the tip of her chin and down to the valley between her breasts.

Anna moved her lips to the bottom of the younger woman's left breast where she began mini nips and kisses leading to the outer line of her areola, then around to the top of the bosom, never touching her erect nipple. She moved up to the top of the breast to the juncture with her chest and nibbled her way to the other small hillock, reversing the sequence, still avoiding the nipple.

Sara's moan voiced her discomfiture as she twisted her body, attempting to push her mammaries into Anna's face, trying to force her to attend to her very erect, very sensitive nips.

Anna continued the bites and kisses on a crooked trail to Sara's navel. There, the bites became just noticeably harder, the licks more featherlike. In Sara's aroused state, the licks soon became arousing, to the point where she pushed her hips and back off the bed, arching her body like a longbow.

Anna continued moving down Sara's body until she passed through the nearly coal black thatch, pushing her tongue into the space between her victim's labia, searching for the young policewoman's clitoris.

When Sara's body arched off the bed, it proved too much for Mike and he exploded in his mother, and as his spasms abated, he collapsed behind her, where he lay during his recovery. Lying there, he became aware of Sara's muffled voice, imploring Anna to attend to her needy pussy, to make her come. He also heard Anna's soft, sultry laughter, as she enjoyed her period of payback for the near torture of the previous morning.

He could feel himself wilting in his mother's vagina, and pushed his hips closer to her in an attempt to maintain penetration while he looked over her shoulder to see what Anna was doing.

Her face was buried between Sara's thigh's as she obviously performed the tongue tango over Sara's quim. He felt his cock grow in Maggie, confirmed by her low throaty growl.

Anna swung her right leg over Sara's left and moved up over her, so her thigh was tight against Sara's vulva, then lowered her self so hers was against Sara's thigh. "Remember this, Sara sweetie? I'm so glad you taught it to me," she whispered in Sara's ear as she removed her gag. Pressing her lips to Sara's, she began to move so she was rubbing both quims at the same time.

From the king bed, she heard Mike's orgasmic grunt, signaling his second expulsion of sperm into his mother's vagina, confirmed by her moans of pleasure. "You ready to take over here, Mike?" Anna asked.

"No, no! Don't stop; not now," Sara pleaded, her voice tight with passion and need; "please, don't stop now!" Anna answered by pushing her arms under Sara in a tight hug and increasing the frequency and force of her thrusts. At the same time, she locked Sara in a fierce kiss, using her tongue to imitate a cock fucking a pussy. It was enough to push Sara to the brink of orgasm, attested to by the answering thrusts of her own hips and squeal she made around Anna's tongue.

For several seconds both women engaged in a frenzy of orgasmic thrusts, screams and moans as they climaxed simultaneously. Mike was not surprised when Maggie started to shake under him as her pussy started to clamp down and pump his cock, which had not gone soft the last time he came.

Anna started to pull her arms free when Sara spoke. "Anna," she said softly, "would you untie my arms so I can give you a hug? Please?"

Anna looked into her eyes and saw no duplicity, so nodded and reached up and released the younger woman's arms. Sara quickly embraced her and whispered, "Thank you. That was one of the best orgasms I've ever had, other than with Mike. I guess pleasure can be a form of torture, and vice versa."

Anna grinned. "Well, Mike?" she asked, leaning down to give Sara a gentle kiss.

"I'm coming," he said; "I mean, I'll be right there," he clarified, laughing, when the women laughed. Anna pulled herself free of Sara and joined Maggie on the bed. Mike stood by the bed, contemplating Sara's body, still tied to the footboard. "Hmmm," he intoned, smiling.

"Mike? What are you thinking?" Sara asked, a note of alarm in her voice.

With a boisterous grin, he shook his head and knee walked up onto the bed and threw his leg over Sara so he was facing her feet, his semi-erect cock at her mouth. With a hum of pleasure, she slurped it up as Mike bent down to commence his clam feast.

In a few moments he felt the tingle which signaled he was close to coming. He pulled himself from Sara's mouth and knelt between her knees. After releasing the ties on her ankles, he pulled her feet up over his shoulders and entered her. Crossing his feet behind him, he pulled her to his chest and sat back so she was nearly bent double, impaled on his staff, in a variation of the Tantric Lotus position.

"Mmm," she said, kissing him, "this is nice. Can we fuck in this position?" In response, Mike began to raise and lower his knees a couple of inches, eliciting a broad smile from his fiancé. "Wow! Probably not real good when you're in the mood for a frantic fuck, but a great way to end up or take a break," she observed, delivering a string of kisses over all of Mike's body she could reach.


"So, the good side of our open marriage idea..." he started.

"Mmhmm, the show, the chance to watch each other with someone else, knowing you were being watched and it was okay. Did you enjoy watching me and Anna? Did it turn you on? Was it better, being with Maggie, knowing I was watching you and wanted you to enjoy it?"

"Did I enjoy it? I...don't know. It turned me on for sure; I came two or three times, and was hard most of the time...but I had to keep reminding myself to keep an open mind, that we were still experimenting. Was it better with Mom knowing you two were aware of us and what we were doing? I don't know, but it was good not having to worry about how much noise we made," he said with a grin.

Sara stuck her head through her legs and kissed him. "Well, that 's something. How do you feel now, balls deep in me, with your mother and her lover watching us? I know they seem busy with each other, but they are very aware of us and what we're doing, just like we...I'm aware of them, I don't know about you. Men have a different focus when they're having sex.

"I know Maggie didn't come when you were in her, but she still enjoyed the connection; Anna didn't come with me until the very end when we came together, and you -- you came two times, once about half way through the episode and again at the end. Can you tell me how many times I climaxed?"

"Uhh, just the one time, at the end, and you were wrong about Maggie. She came at the same time you did, so I'm not surprised you missed it. I was only aware of it because she squeezed my dick so hard she almost broke it off.

"Are all open marriages like this?" he asked. "I think I'd be okay with you having an occasional one nighter, but I'm not sure I want to watch it happen, just like I don't want to attend a...what's the word...swingers party."

"So, it didn't make you feel good to see me enjoying being with Anna? Or having an orgasm? Or to see Anna enjoying herself with me?" She nuzzled into his shoulder. "Our having a good time didn't add anything to yours?"

Mike's face scrunched up in puzzlement. "I'm not sure what you mean. I could see you were both enjoying yourselves, but I can't say it added anything to my experience with Mom."

"And you didn't mind my having sex with Anna, or even watching it, but you wouldn't have liked it if it was another man?" Mike nodded. "What if, say we were visiting your Uncle Jim and his wife and they invited us to spend the night, and swap; would you be okay with that?"

"Yeah, I guess, if you were."

"What if that restaurant guy and his wife came to visit, would you want to swap with them?"

"I don't know, maybe but...what's this all about? I thought we had this all worked out?" He leaned back on his arms so he could get a good look at her face as she answered.

"Well, if it doesn't add to your enjoyment seeing me enjoy being with someone else, and you are really selective about whom you would share me with, then maybe we're looking at the wrong model of open relationship. You'd be perfectly happy with the three of us plus your sister and my mother, right? And you wouldn't mind if we swapped partners with some select couples?"

Mike nodded and opened his mouth to speak, but Sara silenced him with her finger. "What we're talking about then is a sort of group marriage, sometimes called a polyamorous relationship, or simply polyamory. Everything we discussed coming up here this morning fits, except the other members of the group also have to agree to the conditions, and we might have to change the frequencies of your visits with them."

"How is it different from what we talked about, Sara" inquired Maggie, taking a break from Anna's quim.

"There are two major differences. The first is what ties us all to the relationship, and that is the love and affection we all have for each other. Without that, it doesn't work.

"The other major difference is who is available as a sex partner. In a truly open marriage, there are no limits; if someone catches your fancy, you're free to fuck them with no repercussions to your marital relationship. In a closed polyamorous relationship, your primary group are your sex partners, very much like a traditional marriage, except you have more people to choose from.

"Then there are degrees of openness, allowing 'outsiders' in for a limited time or special occasions. For example, if your mom or brother were to visit, in a semi-open group, we could include them while they were here. While they are your family, they are not part of the core group, but would be welcome to participate while they visited."

"I think I like that better than the open marriage we talked about," Mike said. "Somehow, it seems to fit better."

Anna laughed. "Is that your big head talking, Mike, or your little one?"

He laughed. "In all truth, I think this time they agree with each other."