Obsession Ch. 02


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He sat down in a chair that was set up near the couch.

"Mindy, this is Kyan Channing. Kyan, this is Melinda Hathaway, but call her Mindy."

"Hi Mindy, it's nice to meet you."

Mindy nodded at him half-heartedly. "Kyle has his dad's last name and that's the only thing that prick has ever given him."

Kyan was confused. What did that have to do with anything? He glanced at Natalie, who, in turn, nudged Mindy.

"I was explaining why I have a different last name. People usually ask...Sorry. I'm in a weird mood today. Um. It's nice to meet you too," Mindy explained.

Kyan didn't know what to say. Jasmine's lessons on social etiquette hadn't extended to this kind of situation, talking to crazy pseudo-moms. "Uh. Okay. Glad that's cleared up..."

"Kyan was the one who helped us out in Mimi's last week, Mindy."

Mindy sighed. "It wasn't one of my best moments and I didn't want to leave him. Something....came up. Something very important."

Kyan almost asked what that something was, but he kept it to himself. Instead he nodded and made a noise he hoped sounded encouraging.

"But, really, I didn't think that this would happen," Mindy continued.

"Start from the beginning, Mindy," Natalie encouraged her.

Mindy's sigh was heartfelt that time. "Well, to be blunt, your asshole boyfriend, James, called DCF on me and they turned up at the house yesterday."

Natalie sucked in a harsh breath and growled low in her throat. Kyan knew it wasn't the right time, but that sound had him growing hard.

"He's an ex-asshole boyfriend, Mindy. Remember? Anyway, how do you know it was him?" Natalie questioned.

"He called me, the sick fuck. Right when they rang my doorbell. Apparently, he was sitting outside in his car, waiting. Called up and said 'DCF's at your door, bitch. Hope you can handle the heat.' I asked him who it was and he told me his name straight away."

"That no good son of a bitch. He's lucky he's out of my life because I want to rip him to shreds right now," Natalie ground out.

Kyan stared at her. Her voice had deepened and her scent had changed slightly, going from something sweet and reminiscent of flowers, to something a little more earthy, more...feral. And, damn if it didn't turn him on even more. Fuck, he wanted to bite her right there and drink the spicy hot blood that ran through her veins. Then he wanted to bury himself in between her thighs and make her scream his name.

"What did DCF say?" Natalie asked after she pulled herself together.

Kyan's attention was brought back to the matter at hand. He needed something to focus on to keep him from jumping his mate in front of her friend.

"They interviewed me and Kyle separately and looked around our apartment for any signs of danger or neglect. At least that's what they told me they were looking for. Knowing James, he probably told them I was on drugs or something and that's what they were really looking for. Which I'm not, by the way," Mindy said while looking directly at Kyan.

Kyan held his hands up. "The thought never crossed my mind."

"I could hear the interview because they did it in the kitchen and I was sitting calmly on the couch in the living room. They asked Kyle some general questions about what he usually did and how often he was alone. You know, things like that. Then they asked Kyle about the whole Mimi's store thing. Kyle told them that I hadn't left him alone because he was in the store and you were there, Nat. And then he said he was happy because he loved being with his Auntie Leelee."

That part, at least, made Natalie smile briefly.

"He told them that when I can't stay with him, I bring him to you and that you take good care of him because you're a nurse. Then he said that his new Uncle Kyan was very nice and took him to Chuck's Fun Factory."

Kyan grinned. "I'm glad I made such a good impression on him that day."

"The kicker is he mentioned James. Kyle said that James was mean to him and told him that he was going to try to get him taken away from me so that you wouldn't have to deal with him anymore. He also told Kyle that he was in the way and you would be happier without him."

"He said WHAT?!?" Natalie exclaimed.

"Don't worry, Nat. Kyle doesn't believe it. He knows exactly how much you love him."

"That little boy is very important to me. I can't believe that James would stoop so fucking low."

"Well, I'm glad you dumped him. I was afraid that you were still with him and that you okayed him calling," Mindy commented.

"Never! I would never do that to you or Kyle. I'm so sorry, Mindy."

"Don't worry, Nat, I'm over it. The investigators decided that the accusations were unfounded and they won't be bothering us again," Mindy informed them.

Natalie wanted to be relieved, but she was too busy trying to get over the fact that James had tried to poison Kyle's mind and make him doubt the only stable relationship he had in his life. A warm arm wrapped around her and pulled her close to an equally warm body, settling her immediately.

"Don't worry, babe. From what it sounds like, DCF didn't find anything troubling and hopefully that will be the end of it. But, if James tries anything else, I'll deal with him and after I'm done, he won't be bothering anyone else," Kyan murmured into Natalie's ear.

Natalie could only imagine what Kyan could do to a guy like James. Her ideas were varied, but they all ended with Kyan coming back into her arms and claiming his reward.

"So, are you still dropping Kyle off for the weekend, Mindy?" Natalie asked once she had calmed down.

"Yeah, I'll be back to get him on Sunday. I'm sorry if he is a burden, Nat."

"Stop, Mindy! Kyle will never be a burden. I love that little boy like he is my own and I would do anything for him...and for you. Don't ever worry that he's too much for me. I'm here to help you both."

Mindy smiled and stood up, heading for the door. "Seven p.m. on Sunday, I'll be here."

"See you then, Mindy."

"Nice to meet you, Mindy," Kyan said loudly, just as he heard the door close.

"I'm sure she was happy to meet you too, Kyan."

Kyan laughed as he planted a kiss on Natalie's forehead. "I'm sure. Now, how about a nice relaxing day at the aquarium?"

"I don't think we've been there since Kyle was tiny. I'm sure he'll love it and so will I."

"The aquarium it is, then."


Kyan couldn't remember the last time he had smiled so much. Kyle's fascination was invigorating and Kyan couldn't help the warmth that touched his heart whenever the boy looked up at him, almost adoringly. Kyan could tell that Kyle was searching for acceptance, trying to make sure that he wasn't the burden that James made him out to be. But, Kyan couldn't have been happier, having Kyle along on his date with Natalie. Kyle was a part of her life and he would become part of Kyan's as well.

Kyan had scooped Kyle out of the back booster seat and was holding him in his arms as he and Natalie approached the house. Kyle had worn himself out at the aquarium and was sleeping deeply, cuddling into the warmth of Kyan's body. Kyan stopped abruptly and turned back to his car, remembering the souvenirs that he had purchased for both Natalie and Kyle. He told Natalie to keep going up the walk before turning back toward the car with the small boy still cradled in his arms.

Natalie smiled at the pair as she pulled her keys out of her purse and continued up the path. There was something about the way that Kyan seemed to effortlessly slip into her life that made her slightly uneasy. He was making himself at home in her heart and she wasn't sure she was ready for that. She had just gotten out of a relationship, one that she was more than ready to end, but the fact that she had moved on so quickly startled her.

She was pulled out of her thoughts by the loud clearing of a throat. She had been so caught up that her mind hadn't registered the form sitting on her front porch.

"James, what are you doing here? You have some nerve," Natalie ground out.

James' reply was accompanied by an easy smile. "Hey, baby. You miss me?"

Natalie heard Kyan's approaching footsteps and grinned. "Does it look like I missed you?"

It was a petty dig, sure, but it made her feel good to watch the smile slide from James' face as Kyan came into view carrying Kyle.

"What's he doing here?" James and Kyan asked simultaneously.

"Kyan, would you mind taking Kyle in while James and I talk?"

Kyan looked down into the fiery brown depths of Natalie's eyes. "You know, love, I think this might be better handled by me. Why don't you put Kyle to bed and when I come in, we can figure out how we're going to spend the rest of the night."

Natalie sighed softly as Kyan placed a gentle kiss on her lips and grinned. If she had her way, she knew exactly how they were going to spend the rest of the night. Kyan slipped Kyle into her waiting arms and turned to James who was still perched on the porch.

"I suggest you move or I will move you and I can't guarantee I won't break you," Kyan said, smiling at James like they were old friends.

James stared at Kyan for a second before his self-preservation instincts kicked in. He quickly hopped off the porch and glared disdainfully as Kyan unlocked the front door and ushered Natalie inside.

Kyan closed the door behind his mate and grinned, but it was one that was far less friendly and much more vicious. "You and I need to talk, James."


Natalie stood expectantly by the door, wringing her hands together. It wasn't like her to show such emotion, but she couldn't help but hear the things that James hurled at Kyan. Things about her and her past that she had hoped to keep a secret for at least a bit longer.

But, after all the insults and the jeers, silence reigned and Natalie could only wonder what Kyan was doing. Had he left after hearing about her past? She was relieved that James didn't know her biggest secret. At least, she could hold onto that fact.

After what seemed like an eternity, the doorknob turned and Kyan pushed through the door. Natalie's eyes shot to his form, unsure as to what was going to happen. Kyan gave her a grin and the breath that she had been holding burst through.

"Well, I don't think he'll be bothering us anymore...and if he does, well, it won't be pretty. I've warned him. Let's see if he's smart enough to heed that warning. I have to say, though, he was pretty vile. I'm starting to question your taste in men, love," Kyan stated while walking towards her.

Natalie looked up into those bright blue eyes and returned the smile she was being gifted with. "You question my taste in men?"

"I do. Perhaps you should just give it up for a while. Stick with me, I'll show you the ropes."

"Oh, you're going to show me the ropes?"

"The ropes, the chains, the handcuffs...whatever you want, love."

"What makes you think I want you tying me up?"

"What makes you think I was talking about you?" Kyan replied.

Natalie stared into Kyan's eyes and saw the truth there. "You want me to tie you up?"

"Not just yet. Neither one of us are naked."

"We can remedy that." Natalie could feel the blush rising in her face. She had answered so quickly, Kyan must have thought she was desperate.

Kyan just chuckled. "We could, but there's someone sleeping upstairs. I think I want you to be free to scream my name when we're naked together."

"Or maybe it's you that will be screaming my name."

"Of that, I have no doubt. Your name will be on my lips every time I come inside of your beautiful body."

Kyan's hands began stroking up and down Natalie's curves. His hands rested on her hips briefly, only to pull her against his hard body, before they continued their journey.

"Kyan, if you keep this up, we will be naked."

"Mmm...but I can't stop, love. You're too addictive and I've become obsessed. I dream of you every night and I think about you all day long. You have to know that I'm crazy about you. Nothing anyone can say could make me give you up willingly."

"Not even what James said about me?" Natalie could feel the fear creeping up her spine again.

"Not even that. I think we need to talk, though. I want to know more about my woman before I claim her."

Natalie sucked in a breath at the words and the way they made her body cream. Her panties had sustained heavy damage during their verbal exchange, but the visual that accompanied those words pretty much guaranteed that they were destroyed.

"Fuck, that's sexy, Kyan."

Kyan claimed her lips much like he wished to claim her body. Natalie felt the wall pressed against back before she could even take note of the fact that they were moving. Damn, he was fast.

At the moment, Kyan was her entire world and his lips, his body, and the hard member pressing against her were at the center of it. There was no denying it. He was the one. But what was she going to do about it?

Just as Kyan's hand grasped the bottom of her shirt, his phone began to ring. His first instinct was to ignore it, but the insistent voice of his twin in his head made him have second thoughts.

"Sorry, love. I've got to get this," Kyan murmured as he reluctantly pulled away from his woman.

Natalie nodded while she braced herself on the wall for support.


"Kyan! The babies are coming! Get your ass to the hospital!" Kiran shouted through the phone.

Kyan laughed. "Don't get too worked up. Aren't you the one delivering them?"

"Yeah, but you've got to be there, bro. Jazzy and I both need you."

"Alright. But, for the record, you and your kids have the worst timing."

Kyan closed his phone and turned to Natalie, who was already smiling widely.

"You heard?"

"It was impossible not to. Your brother was obviously trying to alert the entire neighborhood through your phone."

Kyan pulled her close once again and planted a few soft kisses on her lips. "I'm addicted to your taste, obsessed with your body, in love with your mind. I think I'm in trouble. "

Natalie giggled. "I think you'll be in more trouble if you don't hurry up and get to the hospital. Go be with your family. I'll be here waiting."

Kyan gave her one last kiss and rushed out the door. As Natalie watched him drive off, she knew the next time she saw him, it was do-or-die time. She would tell him everything and hope for the best. It wasn't the fact that she had worked at a strip joint that worried her. Kyan already knew about it, James made sure of that, but, by the way he reacted, it didn't bother Kyan in the least. It was the rest of her past, the part that extended much further back in time, that had her doubting herself and Kyan's continuing commitment. Oh well, she could only wait and see.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Thank you!!

It is a cold Valentine Nite! And I'm all alone and stumbled across your story and all I can say is Bravo!!! Thank you for a great read !!

AMHJ89AMHJ89over 10 years ago

This is turning out to be bigger than I thought and James is a sick douche for everything he's done this chapter..would've nut checked him and left him writhing on the lawn

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
He/she was right

Lmfao annonymous was right she is a werewolf

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
as did i

i was thinkimg tshe was a were a some type but now with the strip club leaning to maybe a hooker or call girl

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

without reading 3 or 4 i predict that nat is a werewolf, and thus already like 3/4 immortal if not a w-w then a weretiger or some such and if not a were then a vamp of a different clan

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