Naga Special Massage


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"Relaxed?" Amanda breathed.

"Yes," Ken sighed.

"I think it's time to talk about extras." Amanda twisted him back around until he was facing her again. The full curves of her dusky breasts hovered right before his face.

"Extras?" Ken queried.

"Fun," Amanda elaborated with a mischievous smile.

Ken knew what she meant. That put him in a dilemma. Her upper body was jaw-droppingly beautiful. Was he going to violate his own morals? Could he? She wasn't exactly human.

"I have a confession," Amanda said with a sly smile. "I'm a terrible control freak. There's one thing I find more fun than anything."

She pressed Ken's face into her cleavage and rubbed the soft globes of her breasts against his face. Ken felt a sudden constriction across his chest. It was a powerful muscular tightening sensation that grew in strength.

"I really love breathplay," Amanda said, her eyes twinkling.

Ken's lungs deflated as he wheezed out a stale breath. His chest fell and her coils immediately tightened to occupy the space his falling chest had left behind. Amanda looked down at him and her bright eyes flared. She licked moist lips.

Ken only managed a shallow little breath. His chest could only rise a little as her coils tightened around him. He expelled that breath and her body squeezed down even tighter.

"Mmm. What greater control can there be than deciding when and if your victim can draw their next breath." Her face was serene as she flexed her muscles and her body squeezed tighter and tighter.

Ken couldn't breathe at all. Her coils were pressed tightly all around his chest. His rib cage couldn't move. His lungs couldn't expand. He couldn't inhale.

She was squeezing him to death.

The image of her coils constricting and constricting until his rib cage cracked and the splintered bones slashed through his lungs entered his mind and refused to leave.

Panic erupted throughout his body.

This time he really couldn't breathe.

Amanda pressed her body forward, smothering his face in her generous cleavage.!

Ken thrashed his head from side to side. He had to get free. Must be free! Must breathe!

Suddenly the constricting force was gone and Ken was lying back on her slack coils. She put her hands on either side of head, holding it still while she pressed her luscious lips against his in a kiss. Ken's panic subsided as Amanda moved her lips against his and her tender tongue flicked against his.

"Sorry," Amanda said as she broke off the kiss. "Too soon. You're not ready for this kind of play."

"My fault," Ken said. He realised now she was only playing and meant him no harm.

"That's quite a bad case of claustrophobia you've got there," Amanda commented.

"Yeah," Ken said. "I've been stuck with it ever since I did a stupid dumb thing as a kid. I was lucky not to die, so I suppose an inconvenient phobia is a small price to pay."

They'd been playing in a building they shouldn't. It had fallen down. It was so long ago Ken's memories of it were hazy. The only tangible thing left was this damn terror of confined spaces.

"We'll beat it," Amanda said, kissing him on the cheek. "I'm really good at this. That's why Inari sent you to me."

"You have an unusual office for a therapist," Ken said.

"You should see my other room," Amanda said. "It's a dungeon," she whispered in his ear.

That knowledge didn't surprise Ken much. He suddenly jolted upwards as he felt a tickling sensation against the underside of his balls. The tip of her tail, he realised.

"Now about those extras..." Amanda said, pouting her luscious, full lips.

The tip of her tail slithered up and coiled around his cock.

"I think it's time we fucked." she said. Her tail gave his dick a little pump.

Ken hesitated. It wasn't her alien appearance; her upper half was easily gorgeous enough to compensate for her exotic lower half. It was the knowledge he was paying for sex. Creature of myth she might be, it didn't change the fact he was about to give her money so he could fuck her.

She sensed his reluctance, but her tail continued to playfully squeeze his growing cock.

"I sense some hesitancy," she said. "It's not a lack of attractiveness. I can tell from your breathing and the excitement of your little man you'd like to fuck me, so it's not that."

She lazily pumped his cock with her tail.

"Inari did say you were single, but these things can change. No, I don't think so. Not this time. You wouldn't have responded to my kiss the way you did if you were worried about being faithful to a new sweetheart. Correct?"

Ken nodded. Her tail, coiled around his cock, was rather...arousing.

"Hmm, so that leaves..." She looked down at Ken and flashed him a smile. "You're not trying to be one of those silly gentlemanly types, are you?"

"I'm not totally comfortable with the idea of paying for it," Ken said, his cheeks reddening.

Amanda laughed. Her body moved--lightning fast--and once again Ken was wrapped up in her constricting coils. This time Amanda was also wrapped up in them with him. She embraced him with her arms around his back and her soft breasts pressed up against his chest. Her serpentine lower half encircled both of their bodies.

"You misunderstand, Mr Stoker," Amanda said, her emerald eyes sparkling. "You're not paying for sex; sex is your payment for my therapy."

A muscular coil constricted around their waists, squeezing them together. Ken felt his cock plunge into a warm, moist and tight orifice.

That answered the question of whether she had the appropriate machinery.

More than answered. The inside of her pussy was ridged, heightening his pleasure as his cock slid into her slippery vagina.

"Relax," Amanda whispered, her flickering tongue tickling his earlobe. "You don't have to do anything at all."

Ken wasn't about to do anything. He couldn't anyway. She moved for both of them. Her coils tensed and relaxed around them, forcing him to thrust in and out of her juicy pussy, those soft ridges within her driving him crazy as they rubbed down his shaft.

"I did warn you I was a control freak," Amanda chuckled dirtily in his ear.

Ken wasn't complaining. It meant he could lean back and totally luxuriate in the pleasure as her sinuous body squeezed against his buttocks, driving his cock deeper into the lush warmth of her vagina.

Amanda put her hands on either side of Ken's head and planted her soft lips on his for a luxurious kiss. Ken did...well Ken did nothing. His arms were pinned at his side. He moved his lips against hers and lost himself in the pleasures of her embrace. All of Amanda's coils were in motion now, squeezing and rubbing against him. That he was all wrapped in up her constricting coils didn't unnerve him at all. The pleasures of her body took his mind off it completely.

Amanda thrust against him harder and faster. He felt the increasing moistness of her pussy as her arousal grew. He wasn't far either. Those fleshy ridges along the wall of her vagina made the sensation of thrusting back and forth into her incredible. He felt a tickling sensation on the underside of his balls and realised she was teasing him with her tail again.

Again and again he plunged into her. He couldn't hold on for much longer.

"I'm coming," he whispered against her supple lips.

Her snake-like lower body constricted hard around them, jamming their bodies tight together. His cock plunged all the way into her quivering warmth and she held him tight against her body.

Oh fuck.

They weren't ridges. They were like the scales a snake has on its underside to allow it to move, but soft like rubbery flanges. He felt them stroke and brush against his cock of their own accord. She held him deep within her as those wonderful flanges stroked and tickled his cock into ecstatic submission.

Ken stood no chance of holding out against that. He let out his pent-up breath in a gasp and ejaculated deep within her undulating pussy. Her inner flanges continued to brush and stroke against him, milking stronger and stronger spurts of semen from his cock until completely spent, Ken let his head tip forward to rest on Amanda's shoulder. Even with Amanda doing all the work, he still felt out of breath from the force of the orgasm. He rested in her embrace, enjoying the warmth of her naked flesh against his.

"Oh yes," Amanda murmured in his ear. "That was delicious."

She suddenly leaned back and looked at Ken, her eyes bright.

"You're not doing anything that involves heavy exercise for the next few days? No football matches or anything like that?"

" Why?" Ken asked.

"Good," Amanda replied.

That was all the answer Amanda gave him as her tail suddenly whipped around his upper body. His cock was still nestled inside her pussy as she coiled her lower half around his chest and stomach and tipped him back until he was lying flat.

"What I'm about to do is a little naughty, so don't tell anyone, okay. Especially not Inari," Amanda said as she stared down at him. His body was totally cocooned in her coils.

Amanda murmured words in a language that sounded older than Christ and fouler than the dankest sumps of hell. Her eyes flared with purple light as darkness seemed to clot and coalesce in the air behind her. She held out her hands and continued to chant. Sigils etched in glowing purple light flashed along the length of her body.

Ken felt fear then. Primal fear that clutched his heart and squeezed it between icy talons.

Not creature of myth; demon.

The coils around his body constricted and squeezed. Tighter, tighter, tighter; beyond the point they should have choked off his breath; beyond even the point they should have crushed his bones.

Amanda loomed over him, arms outstretched, eyes glowing like a demon's as she whispered words that screamed abomination right to the depths of Ken's soul.


That's what her coils were squeezing. His soul.

His cock was still buried deep within the hot sheath of her vagina. The squeezing action of her coils had forced his blood down into his erection and he was rock-hard and throbbing. Those soft scales within her pussy were once again rubbing against him, stroking him to indescribable levels of bliss.

Ken gave a long, drawn out groan as he came inside her, repeating far faster than he ever thought himself capable of, and this time with an ejaculation that seemed to have no end.

"More!" Amanda cried, her whole body shuddering with orgasmic pleasure. Her eyes blazed with purple fires.

Then she really began to squeeze him. He should have finished ejaculating by now, but she kept squeezing him and he kept coming, as if his cream was icing being wrung out of a bag. Tighter and tighter her body squeezed and more and more cum spurted from Ken's cock. The pleasure kept growing and growing.

He couldn't take it any more.

Too much.

Overloading him.


Ken toppled backwards into a darkness that reached up to embrace him.

* * * *

Ken came to on a bed made out of loops of Amanda's body. Her upper body was leaning over him as she massaged his back and shoulders with her hands.

"Mmm, you tasted so delicious I had to have more," Amanda said.

"What did you do to me?" Ken asked. His nerves were still tingling from the aftermath.

"I drained some of your energy with a sexual soul squeeze," Amanda said. "Don't worry," she said, feeling the sudden tension between his shoulder blades and immediately setting her fingers to work on it. "You'll feel a little weak for the next couple of days, so don't exert yourself, but after that you'll be perfectly fine."

Her hands moved up and down his back with light chopping motions.

"Did you enjoy it?" she whispered in his ear.

"It was intense," Ken replied.

Was that what they meant by mind-blowing sex? His memories of it were more like jumbled up fragments of a puzzle.

"Well let's keep it as our little secret," Amanda said. "I'm not supposed to be using any dark sex magic."

Her hands moved up to his neck and she kneaded the muscle underneath with circular motions of her thumbs. Ken luxuriated in her attentions.

"You did well," Amanda whispered, close enough for her warm breath to tickle his ear lobes. "I think we'll be ready for a little light breathplay by our third session. You'll enjoy that." She reached between his legs and gave his cock a playful squeeze.

Her hands continued to roam across Ken's naked back.

"I'm not going to remember this," Ken said. "I'm not going to remember you, not the real you as you are now."

Amanda stopped massaging him. She turned him over so he was lying on his back and staring up at her bright green eyes. Her expression was unreadable, although there was a little smile on her lips.

"No one talks about gorgeous girls with the lower halves of snakes hiding out in the basements of massage parlours," Ken continued. "Those stories don't exist. Not even in the Sunday Sport."

Amanda smiled at a secret she wasn't about to share.

"You don't exist to the rest of the world," Ken continued. "That can't be an accident."

Amanda lay down and embraced him. She pursed her lips and exhaled a cloud of pink perfume into Ken's face. His head was enveloped in the scent of summer blossoms laced with the heady aroma of sinful incense. Thoughts flew apart and swirled to the floor like the first snows of winter.

"Very perceptive," Amanda murmured in his ear, her soft words burying him in a thick layer of eiderdown. "You won't remember me, not as I am. Instead you'll remember receiving a wonderful massage and sex from a lovely human girl that looks just like me. And you'll come back again because she's helping you overcome your crippling claustrophobia."

Ken was sinking back into a deep, soft bed. His eyelids felt weighed down by anchors.

"You don't remember what happened in that collapsing old house. You only remember the terror at being trapped alone in the darkness and the guilt, because you were older than them and should have dissuaded them from going in. It was you who saved them as that floor fell in. Without you those two boys would have most likely died. I saw; I tasted your soul.

"Inari sent you to me for a reason. You're a good person. Existence may not care either way, but there are those of us that have come to understand that the good must not go forgotten and unrewarded if this world is to survive."

Amanda whispered more alien words and exhaled another cloud of soporific perfume into Ken's face. His eyes closed and he drifted off into a comfortable darkness.

* * * *

"So how was it?" his therapist, Inari Kitson, said on the phone.

Ken was a little embarrassed to talk about it.

"It was...good. Not at all what I was expecting," Ken said. He was still amazed he'd actually had sex with his masseuse. He hadn't intended to go that far, but it had seemed sort of...right.

"See, I told you. She's a lovely girl. I knew you'd get on well together."

Amanda was bright, bubbly and a lot of fun. It had been a lot of fun. Ken didn't feel dirty, or unclean, or like he'd taken advantage of her, or any of the other negative emotions he associated with massage parlours and paying for it. It had been fun.

Just that, fun.

And he couldn't wait to go back.

"It was good, but how is this supposed to help my claustrophobia again?" Ken asked. That did puzzle him.

"You should trust your therapist," Inari said, curt but with good humour. "Sex is nearly always the best therapy."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

will there be a part 2?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I really liked this story!  I especially liked the stuff Amanda said before putting Ken to sleep because that was not only really sweet, but also a large part of my own philosophy.  Good things should happen to good people to give them more reasons to continue being good people because good people make the world go 'round!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Great story I wish you could write more stories about Lamias/nagas

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
on board the entire time

i was for sure just gonna be totally happy with just the massage and no sex in the beginning lol. the massage part was so pleasant to read that i was like, ok, lol, im actually a pretty satisfied customer now.

oh btw ken and amanda are so cute together. theyre also just some really sweet people that give others a chance once they get to know them. im sorta hoping that theyll become a couple btw but thats just fanciful thinking lol. loved your writing!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
More please!!!!!

More of her in any case, she is wonderful!!!!!

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