My Sister Made Me Ch. 02


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"It's no trouble, love," the older woman said. "You're a breath of fresh air, and you've certainly got his motor revved up," she said, cocking her head towards her husband. "We just can't have you going upstairs half dressed, now can we. Those heathens would be all over someone as drop-dead sexy as you."

Alex nervously stepped backwards, a wide smile on her face. "I think I'll go check on them now," she said, slipping and falling on the step to the den. The move sent the shirt falling back down and exposed her breast again, only this time she noticed and quickly fixed it.

"See you later, Alessandra," Mrs. Logan called.

Smiling sheepishly, she quickly headed upstairs and stopped at Kenny's door to collect herself. Straightening her outfit, she knocked on the door and went in as Kenny opened and quickly relocked it.

Turning, she opened her arms for the hug she knew was coming, smiling as he wrapped his arms around her.

"You look dynamite!" Bear said, grinning as he stood up from the couch and came over to hug her.

Eric stood then, seemingly always happy to wait until last, and came over. He was short enough to get away with nuzzling her chest, and today was certainly not an exception, albeit briefly.

"You smell good," he said, smiling.

"Thanks, shithead," she said, sweetly and tousling his hair. "Did you get a good feel?" she asked playfully. Blushing, he turned and shrugged, sitting back on the couch next to Bear.

Kenny walked back over to his computer desk and started playing his game again, with Alex coming over to stand behind him and watch.

She watched silently as he loaded his save. It was still very early in the game. "Dude, you shot your own guy in the head. Your aim is awesome."

The computer screen showed an armor wearing Nord with three arrows stuck in the back of his blonde head.

"What do you think you are doing?" the character on the screen said, before turning back around.

Kenny laughed and shot him again.

"Dude, that's like... so wrong. What did that guy ever do to you?"

Kenny shrugged. "He's a cock smoker. He's not helping carry my shit."

"Well maybe you shouldn't have looted the entire dungeon, dumb ass."

"Well..." he started to say. "Fuck you..." he finished, grinning.

Alex laughed. "Good point."

"You making a stealth character again?" she asked, knowing the game well.

He shook his head. "I dunno yet, maybe sword and board."

"What's his name?" she asked, indicating the arrow-headed blonde on the computer screen.

"I dunno," Kenny shrugged. "Lars or something."

"It's not Lars, you fuckin' hoser," Alex said. "It's like, Hrothgar or Sven."

"Yeah. Let's just call him Blondie McArrowhead," Kenny said, shooting another arrow and eliciting the same response from the computer game character.

"The dude looks like he has a headache," Alex remarked. There were a cluster of arrows hanging out of the back of his head. She snapped her fingers. "Ralof! That's his name!"

"I prefer Blondie McArrowhead. Ralof makes him sound like a homo."

He grew bored of playing the computer game and shut it off, sliding backwards in his chair and heading over to watch Bear and Eric play.

Kenny knelt beside her. "Want a massage?" he offered.

"Yes, Kenny, you can rub your wiener into my butt cheeks," she said, giggling and drawing a few seconds of tickling from him.

"You didn't ever tell me you could feel that," he said.

"Of course I could, I just figured it was friction. Besides, it's you," she said.

He frowned. "Gee, thanks," he said.

"Oh shut up, you get to rub your hands on my body and your dick in my butt."

"On your butt," he corrected, laughing.

She laughed as she realized what she'd said.

"Yeah, on," she agreed.

"I was thinking we skipped a couple of steps," he said grinning.

"Besides, I'm pretty sure Reagan Turner wouldn't like you fucking anyone else but her in the ass," Alex said, laughing as he proceeded to tickle her again.

"Bear, is that controller even working?" she asked a few seconds later

Bear, growing frustrated, threw his controller down. "Dude, you wanna play?" he asked, turning and looking at Alex.

"Do I have to get up?" she asked as Kenny moved around behind her. He had slipped out of his socks and shoes but kept his lounging pants and a t-shirt on.

"Nope," Bear said, and quickly went about switching the controller for a wireless one.

Suitably comfortable, Kenny climbed on top of her and put his thighs on both sides of hers. His hands immediately went to her back and began pushing, his fingers finding all the little muscle knots in her back and rubbing them.

"Ohhh, yeah..." she moaned, closing her eyes for a moment. He slowly worked from her neck out to her shoulders, and then down, moving back and forth across her back.

Kenny had given her countless back rubs in the years that she'd known him. She'd noticed that he got a boner when he did though, but she really didn't care all that much. He'd never tried to do anything with it, and she assumed it just because boys got erections around girls. She trusted him completely. Today was no different, but for some reason, she felt herself getting excited, her pussy beginning to get a little squishy in her panties.

She knew now that it was probably just an excuse to touch her, but it really didn't bother her. He'd honestly never tried to push her boundaries. He'd never offered to massage her front for her. There were no fingers where they shouldn't be. It was just a good, hard... back rub.

Bear handed her the controller as Eric proceeded to pick his favorite character.

"Dude, you always pick him," she said. The smaller boy shrugged. She picked her favorite and the two started the first round of fighting. Kenny must have been doing an extra good job because she started to find it difficult to focus, and Eric won the first round.

She grumbled, determined to come back and beat him. When she wanted, she could usually kick anyone's ass at this game and the second round was no different, quickly dispatching the goofy looking character.

The third round came and they started to fight. Eric's character took a couple of hard shots and went down to half of his life.

"Distract her Bear," Eric called. "Help a nerd out," he called.

Bear grinned and before Alex knew what he was doing, had pulled his dick out and thwapped her in the face with it. Cackling, she shook her head and tried to lean to the left, but Kenny was still on her thighs. He quickly joined in and was tickling her.

Bear continued to try to thwap her in the face with his dick as she proceeded to expertly block all of Kenny's character's attacks. Thinking quickly, or perhaps not at all, she turned and latched on to her friend's cock with her lips and caused him to stop. Kenny stopped tickling as well, probably stunned at the sudden turn of events, and Alex launched a quick uppercut into Eric's character, splattering him into the ceiling.

Bear's cock quickly got very erect and Alex pushed him back out of the way. Sliding to her knees, she raised her arms in triumph and cheered for herself.

Eric shook his head and launched himself at her, bringing the four of them down hard on top of poor Kenny.

"God...dammit," he groaned underneath the immense weight. "Get... off," he pleaded.

"Can't," Alex groaned. "Bear and Kenny are busy playing with my tits." Both boys were haphazardly groping at her, and she was doing nothing to stop them. Her shirt had been pulled almost to the breaking point, completely exposing both of her breasts.

Finally, sensing Kenny's apparent impending death by suffocation, the three stood and helped him up.

"Alex," he groaned, holding his chest. "Your tits are out."

She shrugged, feeling delightfully wicked and sat back down, this time on the couch. "Who has next?" she asked.

"Lemme see if I have anything broken and I'll play you," Kenny said, moaning. He limped over to the couch and slipped down next to her.

"Can I distract her again?" Bear asked, grinning.

"As much as you want buddy," Kenny said.

Alex rolled her eyes. "I just kicked Eric's ass with a dick in my mouth, I think I can handle this noob-tard."

"Dude, you stuck your dick in her mouth?" Eric asked. "Where was I?"

"Getting your ass kicked," the other three said, laughing.

She felt Eric come around as the two of them flipped through the character choices. He knelt down in front of her and leaned in as she raised the controller out of his way.

"Mind if I play with your boobs?" he asked, smiling widely.

She shrugged, half-grinning, and selected a character. Eric, looking gleefully happy, quickly began to paw at her breasts again. He wasted no time in "accidentally" pulling her top down. Sighing, she paused the game and stood, quickly stripping off her top and sitting back down.

"Now I don't have to worry about you jerks tearing my sister's top," she said. Eric, still grinning, leaned in and quickly popped one of her nipples into his mouth. On screen, Kenny flew across the screen trying to kick her.

"You're so predictable," she said, uppercutting him. She felt Eric's warm tongue rubbing inexpertly across one breast and then the other. It wasn't exactly sexy, but it felt good, nonetheless.

"You really need to get nipple rings," Eric said, popping it out of his mouth.

"As I said last week, ouch.. no," she said.

"C'mon, you can give it to me for my birthday," he replied.

She glanced over as she punched Kenny again.

"Dammit!" he yelled.

"Your birthday was like, three months ago dude," she said.

"I know, but you didn't get me anything," he said, smiling widely.

She rolled her eyes. "So you want to buy me nipple rings for your birthday? That's retarded."

He thought for a second still groping at her, and shrugged. "I'm good with it."

She shook her head at him as Kenny got in a lucky shot. Her character launched a series of combos that won her the round.

"Damnit," he swore, and then glanced back at Bear as the second round started.

Bear grinned and leaned over the couch, his cock still out, and looking painfully erect. Leaning into her sight range, he ran the tip across her lips. Eric, seeing his large friend perched precariously above him, moved out of the way and around the other side of Kenny where he could see better.

Frustrated, Alex tried to ignore Bear's antics, but Kenny started to get the upper hand. Quickly pausing the game, she turned and wrapped a hand around her large friend's waist and took his cock into her mouth.

"Whoa," Kenny said, echoed by Eric.

"Holy shit," Bear said, groaning.

Alex grinned and ran her lips down his modestly impressive shaft until she was buried in his pubic hair and then pulled back out, repeating the move again and again for about thirty seconds.

Groaning, Bear tried to pull out, but she stopped him with a mumbled, "Un uh," and sucked ferociously down on the tip.

Crying out, he began to cum, filling her mouth with his warm, sticky sweet seed. She gulped down the first shot, and then the second and third. His fourth was weaker than the others, and when she finished, she unpaused the game and round-house kicked Kenny's character in the face, ending the round with a series of combos.

"Dude, since when do you give head?" Kenny asked. "You've never even had a boyfriend that I know of."

She shrugged. "I have a sister."

"Dude, your sister is a dude?" Eric asked.

"No retard, she's got a boyfriend," Alex clarified. Seeing Kenny wasn't exactly playing, she quickly pummeled his character and tore him in half.

"She lets you share Wade?" Bear asked. "Lucky motherfucker," he added.

"Dude, you just got to spunk in her mouth," Eric said. "I think you're the one that's lucky."

"Don't be jealous," Bear said, pulling his pants back up. He knelt down on the floor next to the couch and kissed Alex on the cheek. "Thank you so much," he said. "That was the first one I ever got."

She smiled sweetly at him. "I'm glad it was with me then," she said.

"Fuck, me too," he said, grinning widely.

Knowing what she'd started, she winked at Bear and handed him the controller. Standing, she looked at the very wide-eyed and expectant Eric and pulled him over to the bed. Sitting him down, she unzipped his pants and reached in.

"I'm guessing you'd like one too?" she asked.

Eric's shit-eating grin was all the answer she needed as she lowered her lips to his cock and began to suck. He was a little smaller than Bear, but not too noticeably. She briefly marveled at the turn the day had taken, and wondered if she'd really intended to go this far, unsure of the answer. Whatever it was, she was glad that she had. Her pussy was absolutely drenched and she knew that Toni would be more than ready for her tonight. She began to feel like a sicko for a second, but then shrugged internally and focused on bringing Eric to climax. He groaned and tapped her on the head. She moaned, "Mmmhmm," at him, signalling for him to go ahead and pop-off in her mouth.

Crying out in pleasure, he fell back as he spurted into her mouth. Moaning softly, she swallowed, discovering that boys taste different. Eric's wasn't nearly as sweet as Bears, but again, it wasn't exactly foul. She figured she could easily get used to the taste.

Collapsing into the bed, Eric smiled.

"God, thank you so much, Alex," he said, sitting up after a few seconds and kissing her on the cheek. She giggled and smiled sweetly at him.

"You can go take Kenny's place so that he doesn't feel left out," she said, winking.

"Can I ask you something?" Eric said.

She smiled and nodded. "Of course."

"How does it taste?" he asked.

"Dude," Bear said, looking back.

"Why," Kenny followed with. "Did you want to try some?"

"Be nice," Alex said. "Maybe he's just concerned about me."

"Yeah," he said. "It's just that it's a particular fetish of mine whenever I look at porn and I've always wondered if they're acting or if it really tastes good."

She shrugged. "I'm assuming they're acting like it tastes good. You guys don't' taste bad, but I wouldn't put it on my ice cream."

"Okay," he said smiling. "Thank you again."

"Dude, you don't have to thank me. I enjoyed it," she said, smiling and shrugging.

Eric slid off the bed then and tapped Kenny on the shoulder. He glanced back and smiled.

"Is this gonna be weird for you?" he asked, sliding on the bed in front of her.

She shrugged. "I doubt it. I've had kind of an awakening lately. As long as you guys don't get weird and you can keep this between us, I'm thinking I might enjoy doing this on a regular basis."

He grinned widely then as she unzipped his fly. He was a little larger than the other two, but again, all of them looked average to her. She couldn't really even tell if Wade was the largest that she'd seen.

Quickly taking her long-time friend's dick into her mouth, she began her rhythmic sucking and stroking of his cock, running her lips up and down his shaft for several minutes until she was rewarded with another mouthful of cum. Swallowing him down, she felt him burst again and again into her, swallowing again and again. Some inevitably spilled out the sides and she quickly thumbed it back in, gulping it back down. Seeing a weak little spurt dribble out of the tip of his cock, she leaned forwards and sucked the rest out, running her lips along the shaft until she'd gotten the rest of it clean.

Standing, she helped him to his feet and went back to the couch to wait her turn to play.

"Maybe now you guys will keep your dicks out of my way and let me kick your ass in peace," she said. She wasn't hopeful that they would though, smirking to no one in particular.

She felt Kenny reach around behind her and slowly knead and rub her breasts. After each game, they would switch players and someone would resume fondling or caressing her. By the end of the evening, her pussy and panties were absolutely soaked. Bear checked the clock and realized what time it was. He quickly said goodbye so he could make it home in time for curfew. Alex kissed him on the cheek, knowing his overly strict mother had no patience for excuses.

"See you tomorrow Bear," she said, smiling.

"Thanks again, Alex," he called.

Alex shut the door to Kenny's room then and locked it, turning back and heading back for the couch. She glanced over at Kenny and Eric and laughed. Both were sitting on the bed and stroking very hard erections.

"What?" Eric asked. "We're eighteen years old. We can probably do this all damn night!"

She giggled and walked over. "Okay, but this is the last time for tonight." Kneeling down in between the two, she made them scoot close together and quickly leaned over, taking one cock, and then the other into her mouth. Her lips slid down one shaft, deeply into her mouth, and then popped off and wrapped around the other, a wet schlick sound emanating from her mouth and filling the room. Kenny was the first to cum, filling her mouth yet again. She had just finished swallowing his last drop and slurping the last dribble from the tip when Eric moaned. She leaned over quickly and latched on to the tip of his cock, sucking roughly and causing him to moan loudly. Another mouthful of cum was swallowed and she set to work running her lips along the shaft, slurping them free of any errant sprays.

"God," Eric moaned. "You are amazing."

"Yeah, I'm pretty fuckin' cool," she said, grinning and licking one tip and then the other.

"Coolest chick ever," Kenny said.

"Next time though, Bear gets one first," she said. "He's one down on you two."

Kenny smiled and helped her to her feet.

"Goddamn I can't wait for Sunday," he said, grinning. "We should totally experiment with eating different foods for the week, see if we can make our spunk taste different for Alex."

She giggled and shrugged. "That would definitely be interesting."

"I hear asparagus makes it taste foul," Eric offered.

"I better get going," Alex said, frowning. "I wish I could stay and play though. Maybe Saturday we can swim if it's warm enough and you little hornballs can ogle me in a skimpy swimsuit."

"That sounds like a fuckin' plan," Eric said.

Kenny had collapsed in his bed as Alex and Eric headed down stairs. She didn't see Mr. and Mrs. Logan anywhere, and knew that was probably a good thing. She'd probably do something to set them off again and God knows what would happen.

She drove home quickly, but didn't bother showering. She found Toni already waiting in her room as she entered. She quickly came over and kissed her, then backed up and smiled.

"I've been waiting all day for you," Toni said, then stopped and smacked her lips. "You sucked dick tonight, didn't you. I can taste someone on you."

Alex giggled and attacked her, quickly stripping off her clothes and mashing her lips against her twin's. Toni moaned loudly and shoved her tongue into her mouth, sucking briefly on her tongue.

"Well, it certainly wasn't Wade," she said. "Did you suck off a bum?"

Alex grinned and shook her head, kissing down Toni's body. "Nope."

"Bill Clinton?" Toni said, giggling as Alex sucked on a nipple for a moment.

There was no pretense of foreplay. Alex was thoroughly horny and there would be no stopping her going right for the prize. Sliding down under the covers, she spread her twin's legs and slurped noisily at the waiting pussy in front of her. Toni reached down and pulled desperately at her head.

"It was Kenny, wasn't it," Toni said, groaning.

"And," Alex said.

"Oh my God," Toni groaned. "Eric too?"

"And," Alex repeated.

"Oh my God," Toni parroted, "you are such a nasty little slut."

"I swallowed Bear once, and Kenny and Eric each twice," Alex said. "I could barely control myself. I honestly could have stayed there and done it all night," she moaned, resuming slurping at Toni's cunt.