Mom's Bed Ch. 05


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"Are you crazy?" Francis cried. "You can't possibly be walking out on that! Megan's incredible!" I could hear the desire in his voice. He wasn't even attempting to hide it.

"Cousin, I'd stay away from her," I warned. "Unless you like being dominated. I don't think she's capable of having sex without being the one in control."

"Would that be such a bad thing?" he asked, surprising me. I always knew that Francis and I weren't really that much alike, but if he was asking that question then one of the big differences was obvious.

"Bad? I guess not," I shrugged. "But not particularly enjoyable for me."

"It would be for me," he said half to himself.

"Then why don't you go ahead?" Rhonda asked. Francis had obviously forgotten that she was still in the room. "You seemed to really want to be with Megan and she could probably use some company."

"Oh wow! Rhonda, I'm sorry. That's not what I meant..." my cousin began, but she cut him off.

"Yes it is," she interjected with a smile. "But that's okay. I think both of us knew that we were just having fun while it lasted. If it's Megan you want, then go ahead. I won't hold you back."

"Are you sure?" my cousin asked. I shook my head, annoyed with Francis. I knew he was mostly drunk, but what he was doing sucked. Then again, I'd almost attacked Megan not so long ago. Who was I to talk?

"Go," Rhonda smiled. Francis smiled back tentatively before slipping into Megan's room. I saw Rhonda's smile turn sad and shook my head.

"Dumbass," I said as I tried to figure out if my shirt was salvageable. It didn't take long to realize there was no chance.

"Pardon?" Rhonda asked.

"Not you," I laughed, but then grew serious and added, "Francis. I can't believe he just did that."

"He's not the first guy to prefer Megan," she replied with a shrug.

"If you say so," I shrugged. "But you're a lot prettier than your sister, and frankly much more likable."

"Thanks," she smiled. "You're very kind."

"I doubt you sister agrees," I frowned.

"What happened really bothers you, doesn't it?" Rhonda asked, watching me carefully.

"On some levels," I admitted.


"We don't really know each other well enough for me to answer that," I smiled, trying to figure out what to do about a shirt. Okay, so what I was really doing was avoiding the subject. I didn't want to think about what almost happened, but is that so surprising considering?

"Do you think Megan has any men's shirts around?" I asked. "One that isn't as shredded as mine." Rhonda looked at me in silence for a moment. I thought she wasn't going to let me change the subject, but I was wrong.

"Wait here," Rhonda said and disappeared into Megan's bedroom. I could hear moaning coming from it when the door opened. I had no idea what Megan was doing to Francis, but he was clearly enjoying it. Thankfully, Rhonda was only in the room for a few moments before she came out holding up my cousin's shirt. "He won't need this tonight and you clearly do."

"Thanks. I'm surprised your sister didn't shred it as well," I joked badly. I was obviously pretty shaken by what almost happened. I took Francis's shirt from her hand.

Rhonda's fingers brushed against mine briefly and I swear I felt a shock. Okay, it was something more than that. I totally forgot about Megan, Francis and everything else for a moment as I looked at Rhonda. Her expression was just as surprised as mine. Clearly she felt it too.

"I'll see you later." At that moment, leaving was the last thing I wanted to do, but it was the smartest option. Rhonda seemed to understand exactly what I was thinking. She looked a little disappointed by my reaction, but she didn't try and stop me from going.

"Bye," she said. I left her sister's apartment as quickly as I could. I started my car and sat there for quite a while trying to get control of my thoughts and emotions. I was still there when Rhonda walked out of the building. She was halfway to her car when she saw me. Her eyebrows rose in surprise and she veered toward my car. I watched her make her way to the passenger side door. I unlocked it and she opened in.

"Going anyplace special?" I asked.

"Not really," she shrugged. "I'm not staying there while those two are at it. It won't be long before my sister comes out of her room looking for me."

"Looking for you?"

"Brian, remember the first time we met," she said, seemingly changing the subject.

"Yes," I smiled, remembering the party Lisa and I had thrown. Rhonda had been quiet at first, but she came out of her shell as the night wore on. I remember being jealous of Francis. That only became worse later when I walked in on them in my room. Rhonda was perfectly comfortable with her body and sex. There weren't a lot of people like that. She was obviously something special. I could admit it to myself now that she was no longer dating my cousin.

"Do you remember me flirting with you?" she asked.

"Sure," I replied. "It was just some harmless fun."

"Not really," Rhonda disagreed. "I was attracted to you the moment we met. Oh, at first I figured nothing would come of it, but I couldn't help myself."

"At first?" I asked.

"You need to understand," she said nervously. "I haven't had a normal life. Megan has always been a bit off and domineering. We did things that two sisters should never do." I could see how difficult it was for her to admit the truth to me. I had to be careful here.

"It happens," I said gently, causing her to relax slightly and smile.

"I don't know about that," she said, shaking her head. "But I do know that it happened with us. I also know it happened with you and someone in your family. I remember those nail marks on your back the morning after that party. That's when I thought that maybe something could happen between us."

"And you wanted that?" I asked, my heart beating faster.

"Why else do you think I pushed Francis to invite you tonight? I know how Megan is. Okay, I was hoping she'd be a little less, well Megan, but I did know better. I wanted to see you again."

"And you knew that Francis wanted your sister," I nodded. She shrugged.

"It was obvious from the first time they met. I also knew that she was interested in him if for no other reason than Francis was my boyfriend. I was hoping that they would end up together tonight and I'd get to be with you. Of course, I think that my sister guessed that. That's why she pretty much attacked you. She very controlling."

"Really?" I asked sarcastically, causing Rhonda to laugh. "I would never have guessed."

"Let's get out of here," Rhonda said. "Please?"

I nodded and pulled away from the curb. We drove in silence for a while. I did take the time to reach out and take her hand in mine. It fit very nicely. Rhonda looked from our hands to my eyes and smiled slowly. I couldn't stop my own grin.

"There so much I want to know about you," she said suddenly.

"Ask away," I smiled. "I'm an open book."

I drove around for an hour as we talked and exchanged questions and answers. It was surprisingly fun. We both answered the questions with blunt honesty. It seemed silly not to. We'd both admitted to incest. How many things were worse than that?

I'm not sure when I decided to take Rhonda home with me, but eventually we ended up parked in front of my house. Rhonda didn't notice where we were until I stopped. She looked up, saw the house and smiled.

"I can give you a ride home if you'd like?" I offered.

"No, this is where I want to be," she said. I leaned over and kissed her as if it were the most natural thing in the world, and really, wasn't it?

Kissing Rhonda was different than kissing any other woman in my life. Rhonda was...well, I wasn't sure what she was yet, but I was starting to get an inkling.

"Let's go inside," I smiled, pulling back. "Just be quiet."

"Really, you want me to sneak into your house?" she laughed. "Are we going to make out on your couch? How cute!"

"We're going to do a lot more than that," I said pointedly. Her laughter died down and her smile grew sexy. "I just don't want to bother mom or Lisa. They're probably asleep by now."

"You know," Rhonda said. "You never did tell me who left those marks on your back."

"Come inside and we'll talk."

"I have the feeling that if I do, talk will be the farthest thing from our minds."

"True," I laughed as I got out of my car. Rhonda followed. I took her hand and led her into the house. She giggled almost uncontrollably as we snuck up the stairs and into my room. I sighed loudly and asked, "Are you having fun?"

"I'm sorry Brian, but you have to understand, this is weird for me," she said, shaking her head. "I haven't had many normal experiences a girl has with a boy."

"You consider sneaking into a guy's house so that his mom and sister don't hear normal?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes," she said, but then covered my mouth with her fingers. "Please don't ask about my past right now. I'll tell you if you do, but I'd prefer to wait. I'm really enjoying this moment."

"Okay," I smiled. "But I will ask eventually, but just so it's out in the open. Truthfully, I'm more interested in your present and future."

"I hope you still feel that way afterward," she said, no longer smiling.

"Don't do that," I frowned.


"Worry about how I'm going to react to the past," I replied. "We'll deal with that later. Right now, I want you to go back to giggling."

"I wasn't giggling," she said, smiling slightly. "I was laughing."

"You were definitely giggling," I disagreed. "Here I'll show you." I started tickling Rhonda and she started giggling immediately.

"Stop! I'm ticklish!"

"I can see that," I said, pausing for a moment to kiss her passionately. She returned my kiss with enthusiasm until I pulled away.

"What's wrong?" she asked in concern.

"Nothing," I replied. I was tempted to tickle her again, but the look she was giving me demanded something far different. "I think it's time we go lay down." Rhonda smiled as I led her to my bed. I sat on it and slowly unbuttoned her top. She stood there patiently letting me take my time.

"Now isn't this better than ripping and ruining perfectly nice clothes?" I teased. She surprised me by laughing.

"It is nice," she said eventually. I took my time with her skirt as well, but it was only moments before she was standing in front of me in only a bra and panties. They matched of course. They were pale purple and more cute than provocative.

"Very nice," I smiled.

"I thought you'd like them," she replied. "That's why I wore them."

"So, you didn't put them on for Francis? Or even Megan?"

"Francis prefers sexy lingerie, and Megan prefers none at all."

"Both viable options for the future," I laughed gently. "But I'm glad you wore these. More important, I'm glad you wore them for me." Rhonda smiled contently and stood there, letting me enjoy the sight of her. "Of course, as much as I like them, I hope you don't mind me taking them off you." It wasn't really a question and Rhonda was bright enough to know that.

They came off easily enough and I paused again to look at her. Her breasts might not be as large as her sister's, but they were nice. I loved the way her body curved from her breasts to her waist and out again to her hips and ass.

"You know," she said after a while. "If you don't take off your clothes soon, I might ruin Francis's shirt the way Megan ruined yours."

"And my pants?" I laughed, pulling off the shirt.

"I'll chew through them if I have to," she joked. "You looked pretty good back when you and Megan were having your little spat at her place. I want to see your body again."

"Your wish..." I laughed, pulling off my pants.

"Oh very nice!" Rhonda sighed, reaching out and touching my cock. She looked at it momentarily before glancing up at me. "Can I?"

"Please," I grinned.

"Thanks," she said, dropping to her knees and taking the head of my cock into her mouth. Her eyes locked with mine as she began to suck gently. Her expression was lust filled, just like I remembered from that first night when I walked in on her and Francis. This was the girl I remembered. I'd seen another side of Rhonda tonight that I really liked, one I might even grow to love, but it was this side of her that first caught my interest. It was this side that promised things I couldn't wait to experience.

I took Rhonda's dark curly hair in my hand and pulled it out of the way. I held on to it because as usual, I liked the feeling of control. Rhonda didn't seem to mind. Then again, I'm sure Megan had done worse, a lot worse.

"Tell me," I said slowly, pulling her head back until my cock popped free of her mouth. "You know I'm like your sister at least a little. Are you okay with that?"

"The truth?" she asked with a sexy smile.

"Always," I replied, causing her smile to grow.

"Despite being a controlling bitch and frequently a nasty piece of work, no one has made me feel as good as Megan," she replied. "I like all kinds of sex, but someone taking control really gets to me."

"That's nice to know," I smiled. "I doubt I'll be as harsh as Megan, but I do like to take control."

"So, you're the benevolent dictator type?" she teased.

"Not always benevolent," I answered honestly.

"I can live with that," she said huskily, taking my cock back into her mouth. I enjoyed the feeling and sight of what she was doing for quite a while, but oddly my orgasm held off. Rhonda pulled back, wrapped her breasts around my cock and moved them up and down. It felt amazing, but I was no closer to cumming.

"Is everything okay?" she asked in concern after a while.

"Never better," I groaned, but still my orgasm held off. She nodded and continued to stroke my cock between her tits.

"What's wrong?" Rhonda asked some time later with obvious concern as she moved away from me. I pulled her onto the bed with me and lay down.

"I'm not sure," I frowned. "It's not you."

"Then what?" she asked, not quite believing me. I thought for a moment and then nodded to myself.

"I think I'm still having problems dealing with what happened at your sister's place."

"Please don't tell me that Megan is going to ruin this for me?" Rhonda asked. "Not this!"

"No, she's not," I said, meaning it. "It's just that for a moment there I thought I was seriously going to rape her and it frightened me. That's not something I want. It's making me second guess my need for control."

"Is that all?" she smiled. "Brian, I don't know you very well, but if you were seriously thinking about raping my sister, it would have happened. I do know Megan and she's not the type to back down. It had to be you who stopped it from going further than it did."

"I guess," I frowned.

"I know," she said confidently. "Let it go. What else is bothering you?" I looked at her in surprise. Was she right? Was there something else bothering me? It came to me slowly.

"I don't want to hurt you," I said slowly. "I don't want to force you to do anything you don't really want too. It sounds like you've had enough of that already."

"Oh," she said, obviously caught by surprise. It took her a few seconds to gather her thoughts. I thought I saw tears in her eyes, but I couldn't be certain. They were gone a moment later.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Better than that," she said, smiling once again. "Brian, you are definitely an odd one. How can you be so considerate and controlling at the same time?" I didn't have an answer for that. "Look, don't worry about me. I doubt there's anything you'd do to me that I wouldn't like."

"How can you say that?" I frowned. "Everyone has likes and dislikes. "

"You don't understand," she sighed. She looked at me in silence again for a few moments before taking a deep breath and continuing. "Megan isn't the only twisted one in my family. Maybe it's because of what happened between her and me or maybe it's just the way I am, but I get pleasure from being dominated. I get pleasure from things most people would be horrified over."

"Like?" I asked.

"Brian, please don't make me tell you. I'm pretty sure I'm falling in love with you and I don't want to lose you." Her tone was heart wrenching as she moved farther away from me on the bed.

"And why do you think whatever you say will cause that?"

"It's happened before, twice," she replied. "And I didn't care for them the way I do you. The first guy was horrified and the second downright nasty."

"I'm not either of them," I smiled, taking her hand in mine. "I promise, but you don't have to tell me anything you don't want to."

"I don't?" she asked in surprise.

"Not yet," I clarified. "Not until you're comfortable that you won't lose me over it."

"I don't understand," she frowned. "Why?" It was my turn to look at her in silence for a few moments.

"Because I like you too," I finally answered. "In fact, you may not be the only one here falling in love. I've been thinking about you a lot ever since we met. I want you to be mine. I've never wanted anything more."

"I want that too." Her smile lit up the room. "More than you can imagine."

I pulled her back to me. She came willingly and fell into my arms. We kissed for a very long time before I pulled back and smiled at her.

"What?" Rhonda asked, knowing I had something in mind.

"Well, that's obvious," I said, pushing her onto her back and rolling on top of her. "You've said you want to be mine and I've said I want that too, but you've been Megan's a long time. I need to convince you that it's no longer true. You see, I'm not the sharing kind, at least not with her."

"Brian, I'm not sure that's possible," she said, tearing up. I saw her swallow as she added, "I'm afraid I'll always be Megan's despite what I want."

"That's my problem," I smiled. "Not yours. Now shut up and enjoy!"

"But..." Rhonda started. I stopped her with a kiss.

"Mine!" I said hungrily a moment later as I held her arms over her head. Her eyes grew big as she smiled. I'd told Rhonda I was controlling and she saw my interaction with her sister, but this was truly the first time she was feeling it. I forced one of my knees between her legs and pressed it against her mound. Rhonda moaned.

I continued to kiss her roughly and hold her hands out of the way. Rhonda spread her legs wider and wrapped her calves around mine. I knew what she wanted, but it wasn't time yet. I kissed my way from her lips to her neck and she moaned again. Rhonda's ears turned out to be very sensitive and despite the intensity of my own need, I took my time with them. It didn't take long for the room to start to fill with the scent of her excitement. It was very enticing.

"Brian, please!" she begged, her need obvious.

"Not yet," I smiled, finally shifting from her ears back to her lips. Her tongue danced in my mouth until I started making my way down her body with a trail of kisses. Again, I took my time. Her breasts were exquisite and I seriously enjoying the taste of her nipples, but it wasn't long before my kisses traveled lower still. I had to let go of Rhonda's hands eventually, but she left them over her head submissively. I liked that. She was completely open to me.

My tongue found her center and Rhonda gasped out as I traced her lower lips. She was very wet and I enjoyed more than a few moments of tasting her tangy sweetness. In fact, I forgot myself in it until she cried out and came, filling my mouth and covering my face. Her scream was pretty loud, but at that moment I could care less.

"Wow!" Rhonda gasped. "You're very good at that."

"I'm good at a lot of things."

"Me too," she smiled, reaching for my rock hard cock and looking at me questioningly.

"Go ahead, only keep in mind that I'm close."

"Good!" Her smile turned into a lustful grin.

Rhonda took the head of my cock into her mouth once more, only this time I knew I wouldn't last long. My orgasm grew stronger and closer as she worked at and succeeded in driving me crazy. I grabbed her head with both hands when I was about to lose it.