Mom & Me + Alien Abduction = Incest

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Human sex had a special fascination for them, the BEMs.
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Human sex had a special fascination for them, the BEMs.

This is a true story. I don't expect you to believe it, however. My mother and I were abducted by aliens from outer space. They were not little green men. They were BEMs, Bug Eyed Monsters, though actually they treated us quite humanely. My mom is letting me write this story, since in this genre and on this site, anyone who reads it will naturally think its fiction. But I wanted to tell the real story. Because someday if the Mother-Ship lands on the White House lawn, and they ask about June and Daniel DeLayne, then our story will be available on the Internet and the tale confirmed.

Our tale of abduction begins not unlike a number of others, though I cannot substantiate the veracity of any but our own adventure. I had finally finished High School in our small mid-western town and just had turned 18 and I wanted to 'see the West' for my graduation present. My folks would not let me go alone, though I did have use of the family's old car I for the trip. Mom volunteered to accompany me, since dad had to work, but he would then join us on the last leg in two weeks for the drive up the coast of California. I wanted to see the Petrified Forest, the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone geysers, the La Brea Tar Pits, those sorts of geological sites. I was a rock-hound since third grade.

I know you might be thinking that we passed Area 57, and that was where we had our encounter of a close kind. But actually we hadn't even gotten out of our home state, but when we finally arrived at where we were held captive, we knew we weren't in Kansas anymore. Though it might have been Los Vegas for all we could tell, but that comes later. Mom and I had started out in the morning, and were switching off driving every two hours. Cruise control makes a big difference on long distance trips. We had a nice picnic lunch and ate dinner at a stop on the thruway. It was just past twilight, and we were soon to be at a motel where we had reservations on line. We never got there.

The car seemed to stall in the middle of nowhere, farm fields for miles each way. But with modern communications and the fact that any moment somebody would pass us whom we could flag down, we were not worried. Mom got out of the car; she was the mechanic in our family. I followed her, as much to stretch my legs as for any help I could lend. There was no sound of their ship until it appeared, hovering above us. The only sound there was from the ship was just a low thrumming hum and a light down draft. I looked up at the same time mom did. We both saw the same thing, as we compared notes later. A large round (about the size of a basketball court) silvery UFO From underneath it was round and convex, but I couldn't see if it was saucer shaped with my perspective.

There wasn't much time to get a gander at the gizmo as we each blanked out right then. When we came to, we were in a light blue colored room and were being sent through a machine that could have well been an MRI, except it was silent and had a ring big enough for us to fit through together. We were both without a stitch on, side by side, sliding through this huge machine. There were no beings to see, and when the scan [such as it was] finished, we blanked out once more. Next we woke in a room that might have been a small suite in a hotel, one double bed, which we were laying on. It was furnished with dresser, two easy chairs and a sofa, small table with two chairs; plus it had a kitchenette area and a bathroom, no door. In fact, no doors anywhere. No way out or in which was obvious to us.

We looked at one another.

We were still only in our birthday suits like we were when scanned We turned this way and that sitting on the bed's edge. Both of us felt slightly wobbily, so neither of us immediately stood up we looked at each other once more and said together, the common phrase our family uses when confounded by things we find confusing or frustrating, or when we didn't give a good goddamn. We spoke as one, "WHAAT THUH FUUCK?"

I know you are reading for the sex and I will get to that, but my purpose in writing this all down is to convey the whole of our experience. The next part actually explains much of what happens, but not the mechanics nor the technology behind the how. If you want to skip to the sex; scroll down to you see "WHAAT THUH FUUCK?" again. But you won't understand a lot, just the erotic parts. That's okay, but come back to this section after the sex section and you've had a good cum. I think that it helps to give the reader a sense of what we dealt with. It happened toward the end, but I stuck it in early.

There was a TV in the place, and it got satellite reception unless the BEMs were piping in a direct feed. This wasn't done until the end. Then this one BEM beamed [he was smiling] out from our television set and had a conversation with me. Mom was relaxing in the tub and missed the original Q & A, but they provided a replay for her, before they sent us back. Not that we had actually left earth, we were still on the planet, but not in their ship it turned out.

It was the morning after mom and I had fucked for the first time. She decided she wanted some time alone to think about what had just happened. She ordered a bottle of wine and munchies from 'room-service' and drew a tub to soak in. Privacy, as much as there could be without a door on the privy so to speak was minimal, so I was out of the sight-line of the lavatory, as had become our custom. The TV came to life on its own, the head-shot of a plain looking guy appeared. This was new. I yelled, "Mom! We have contact with 'them', a man just appeared on the TV!"

"Tell the bastards I want the hell out of here, but I ain't getting out of the tub at this late date, for no son-of-a-bitch alien!" Mom could be feisty. I didn't blame her for being pissed. But since I had just gotten to make love to her and had just smoked some pot I was in a little more of a mellow mood.

The human-looking BEM spoke first. "Danny, congratulations, you have accomplished your goal! Tell your mother that you both will be set free shortly."

I did. A string of scatological language, enough to scald the ears off the toughest ET, if they have hearing appendages, emitted from the tiled walls where mom was.

"Have you been observing us?" I asked.

"Yes, that is a logical conclusion. We have watched your actions with great interest and scrutiny, recording everything scrupulously."

"Then you have been watching us screw, in the last few hours." It wasn't a question.

"Certainly, that actually was the idea."

"Did you realize that we are mother and son, that we have committed incest, which is a taboo -- you're familiar with that word?"

"Oh yes we did come to understand your relationship. That made our vigil even more intriguing!"

"Why? I mean why us, and why watch us having sex, and why should you care if it was incest?"

"Ah. I will explain. It is first a set of scientific experiments that we are running with pairs of humans. Not unlike putting a culture in a petri-dish, but in this case with just two specimens. Or like when humans try to breed animals to produce new strains, or preserve a species, like some zoos do."

"But here you are inbreeding, though I doubt that mom's pregnant."

"Our motives are of course different. And she is with child, but that is not a concern, it won't come to full term."

"I just got done making love to her!"

"Nonetheless, with our advanced science, we can tell."

"Superior science, eh?

"Science is not superior, it is the same if it is a true study of knowledge and understanding of natural laws. But just because one might know more physics, chemistry or biology doesn't negate the real facts that earlier technology discovers. The electron microscope doesn't see different things than an older optical instrument, just sees it better. We have more advanced applications of engineering, but not superior science."

"What were your motives for abducting us and holding us for nearly two weeks?"

Partly it was like a documentary, and also sort of a reality show for entertainment."

"Entertainment?" Their gall flabbergasted me.

"Think of it like an art form, like watching a free-form ballet performed."

"We had sex, that's what you wanted right? That's why our clothes were taken away. Why there was some kind of aphrodisiac in the food; the generous supply of drinks or even providing marijuana. All that was to get us to fuck, right?"

"Think of it like watch human sports, a boxing match, or wrestling. But also it was a sport like dog fights, or cock fights. But in this case, instead of a competition of bodies and a form of combat; it was a contention of wills and striving to have mating. More like the horse races, or roach races are even more apropos."

"Roach races?"

"Where you put two cockroaches in the middle of the circle, and see which is the first to cross the circumference? They use it in New Jersey to predict the gubernatorial outcome. The insects are right seventy-five percent of the time. And of course, we bet on the results."

"You bet? What, on whether I would make it with my mother?"

From the tub, mom yelled out, "ASK WHEN WE CAN LEAVE?"

"Tell your mom you both will be released in about twenty-four hours."

"IN ABOUT A DAY MOM! SO SAYS; What was your name, you weren't polite enough to introduce yourself."

"You can call me, Bemet."

"BENNETT! I called to mom the thing's name. You don't look like an alien."

"Bemet, B E M E T. What you see is an animation for your benefit, produced by sophisticated software, as is the translation and trans-vocalization of my words. My real image would scare the shit out of you. The earth culture had a word for us. BEMs"

"Bug Eyed Monsters."

And also Extra Terrestrials too, so B E M - E T, Bemet. If I were to appear to you it would give you nightmares for years. My real voice would be terrible to hear, like a cross of fingernails on a blackboard and flatulence, but so loud that it would break your eardrums. So we . . uh, tone it down if you will. That way we can communicate with you. I am what you might think of as your handler."

"So we were a dog and pony show, for your amusement?"

"I saw the dog position, which one was the pony?"

"You damn BEMs bet on us? What, how many times that we would do it, how many positions, how long we went at it? What?"

"How long it took you to finally have copulation. The other factors were used as what you would call side bets."

"Mom is pregnant?"

"We will remove the gamete before releasing you both."

"Then what, you breed a race of slaves to serve alien masters, or do you raise us for food?"

"YUK! You humans taste awful. We do make copies of the gamete, clones, and encase them in plastic. They sell as souvenirs. This whole thing of observing humans having sex is a craze in our civilization. It's like the Superbowl, Kentucky Derby, and moon landings all rolled in to one. Everybody who can, watches live, or sees the recording. It's Galactic-ly popular! "

"Souvenirs, That's inhuman!"

"Precisely! But then that's what we are. Do you not have baby chicks at Easter? And you humans eat the meat of the adults. How is what we do so different from throwing away biological waste from abortion clinics or disposing of the millions of strays cats and dogs euthanized at municipal pounds? 'Let he who is without pride of specie's superiority, hurtle the first asteroid.' So our great philosopher, # @ ~ & & % )-( + # * = <> , [which is as good an approximation to the name he screeched/farted out] has said."

"So where are we? In the mother-ship?"

"No, you are on your own planet, in a secret facility."

"Somewhere, in the desert, or under a mountain?"

"Nah! We rent this big warehouse in Jersey city. We call it 'Arena 75', in-joke, alien humor. Much easier to hide in plain sight."

"How do you knock us out?"

"We have a ray that is focused on a certain part of your brain. Like when the doctor shines a light in your eyes, they dilate? It's a reflex. Well, humans have a part of their gray matter, actually that piece is white matter, that when you focus the right sort of sound waves; they're different than ultrasound, but it's still subsonic to you; it does the trick. Like rubbing an alligator's tummy puts it into a trance."

"How do you BEMs know so much?"

"When we first arrived we stole television sets."

"How long have you been here?"

"On earth? Since }}{}{{ or 1960 your reckoning."

"So the UFO reports were right after all!"

"Oh, we have cloaking devices, we don't know who the Blat those other mothershits are."


"Mother-shits, like motherfuckers in your language, but much worse."

"You're talking to a mother-fucker you know!"

"TELL THEM THEY HAVE GREAT WINE!" Mom yelled from her wet haven. It sounded like she was mellowed out now too, the liquor and grass were somehow made extra potent.

"What do you put in the food and drink, that made us so horny, and . . uh, inebriated?"

"Trade secret. Wouldn't want the whole of humans to be mellow-heads, Prime Directive and all of that!"

"That's Star Trek!"

"We adopted it in modified form, not a bad idea. Like sex, what a crazy way of propagation! We are trying to see if we might develop sex for our species. Presently we have parthenogenesis. No fun at all. That's why we like to watch you guys, guys and gals that is. Guys and guys, or gays as you call them, are alright but they don't provide souvenirs. Same with the flip side of a double-header coin, or two tails, except that monkeys are the ones with tails. I'm sorry; some things get added with translation."

"Why don't you just watch porno videos, if human sex is so interesting to you? That way you wouldn't have to hold anybody captive. Like us, 'CAUSE IT REALLY WAS INCONVENIENT; HEAR ME? MOTHERSHIT!"

"We have quite sensitive microphones, and your tone of irritation would be noted by our instrumentation as well, so there is no need to shout. I understand that you were put-out by being shut-in. But we need to use live subjects; volunteers are never the same sort of fun. Even if you watch a tape of a ball game, if you already know the score, it's not as exciting, is it. In this case, the balling might be of a different sort, but the outcome is unpredictable. That way we may enjoy our gambling on your gamboling, to make an attempt at human humor."

"We are not amused." I quoted, sarcastically, "Just let us go. PLEASE!"

"OH! You'll be back on your trip. You'll meet your father in L.A. as scheduled. Sorry about missing the other places, but I'm sure the gold nuggets you'll find will pay for another trip."


"We'll give you the GPS coordinates, you get them as, well, souvenirs."

"Better than a little sibling who's an off-spring also!"

"We would never let that happen! What kind of beings do you think we are? Alpha-Centurions?"

With that the transmission ended, just as my mother came out from her bath and went over to the kitchenette. "I'm still hungry, want anything from 'room-service', Sweetheart?"

"Yeah, mom. But what if it makes me horny like it has before?"

Mom beamed at me and tilted her head, with a gleam in her eye. She said, Well . . ." We said it together, "WHAAT THUH FUUCK!"

Continuing the narrative from when we revived the second time, finding ourselves in what would be our 'cell/petri-dish/sexual race track' for the next ten days or so.

We explored our new surroundings. No clothes, drawers for clothes, but none in them. In the kitchenette here was a little white box that looked like a microwave, but it didn't have any controls on it, just a handle. A small refrigerator, but nothing in it. The bathroom had the standard stuff, but instead of towels there was a warm air dryer thing you stood under. The temperature was fine for being naked, but we sort of didn't look at one another. Except of course I did, since I have had the hots for my mother for a while. But I had to sneak peeks. Eventually, my mom said, "I could use a drink!" The fridge pinged thirty seconds later and there was a chilled bottle of a white wine in it.

I figured, 'whaat thuh fuuck!' and said, "If I only had a joint!" The microwave box thing dinged a minute later and a doobie and disposable lighter appeared. There were glasses, dishes, and an ashtray in the cabinets already, stainless-steel eating utensils in a drawer. Nothing fancy, standard stuff, but was somebody reading our minds, or listening in? I thought, 'beer' looked in the fridge. Nope, none. "Beer!" I said. 'Ping!' Yup! So they were listening! Mom looked at me with the joint and just shrugged her shoulders. She poured herself a glass of the chilled wine, I lit up. I popped the top of the beer, and took a swallow, then let out the toke.

"Well, if you get busted, then we get busted out of here!" Mom philosophized.

"Where did the stuff come from? The beer is cold, the wine chilled, but they weren't in there a moment ago."

"I guess its alien 'room-service', order some steaks and caviar! She laughed, slightly hysterical at the absurdity of our predicament. Hardly a minute went by, when 'ping' . . . 'ding' the fridge and the white box nearly went off simultaneously. There was caviar in the chiller, and hot juicy steaks, Porterhouse, in the white box. So we served ourselves and ate. It had been who knows how long since our last meal, I found myself hungry, but only the meat appealed. Mom ate some of the salty fish-eggs on crackers that were on the platter. We put the left-overs in the fridge. The steak leftovers disappeared, but the caviar remained.

Now I was feeling full. So after using the facilities, I lay down. Mom explored a little bit then she lay next to me. Suddenly she was crying and turned to me. I held her as she wept. I understood, the whole thing was traumatic. I did enjoy the feel of her naked body against mine, even though I was not about to take advantage of her in her vulnerable state. In fact, I was determined to be the noble son and manly hero as much as I could. Unfortunately, my manhood had ideas of it's own about being up-standing. But I tried to not nudge mom with my erection. Eventually we both fell asleep in each other's arms.

Life in the alien cage was boring. We watched TV, but had to agree on programs, since there was only one screen. We played cards, but after several days that too was dull. We didn't get books. There was fine food and booze and pot to smoke from the machines. Fresh sheets were supplied in the drawers, the old ones disappeared if stuffed in them. The air temperature and humidity remained constant, comfortable considering we were a nudist colony of two. After a while, it too became routine; though we went around the corner, out of sight-lines when the other wanted to use the john. But eventually, mom didn't care if I watched her shower, since nudity was our common condition.

The third night though, I got horny after having our dinner, which was just burgers and beer and ice cream. We had discussed our situation, early on, the second day. Though we had no clocks, the biological urge to sleep was night, the waking period was daytime. We agreed on our observations from when we had been abducted, by the - flying saucer? And held captive by - aliens? Who else had the technology? It was our best working hypothesis. We lay down to watch some doctor program which mom loved and as I lay there I got the urge. Hormones didn't stop just because the aliens put you up in the Martian Motel 6, or the only female was your mother. On the contrary, being constantly around her and sleeping with her the close naked contact was exacerbating my incestuous desires.