Memories of Old Camp


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Gale looked at Carol and then at me, before she said, "Yeah, and a hell of a case of the horny's to boot."

"I've never seen anything like that in my life," Carol said slowly.

Gale giggled. "Oh, yes you have. During and after every football and basketball game we attended this year." This broke us all up.

The laughter got most of the tension out of our systems. When everyone was laughed out, I asked, "Do you have enough pictures for one day? Actually, you have some pictures of a lifetime. Shall we head back to camp?"

Both girls agreed it had been a total success, but Carol asked if there was another way back to camp besides the way we had come.

"Sure we can head off in the direction the deer went, circle down by the bayou, then back up the bank and come out in the field near where you arrived this morning."

That sounded like a plan to them, so we headed off. I angled our direction slightly to the right of where the deer had gone and about a quarter mile later, we exited the woods onto a sandbar along the edge of the water. The sand is pure white and as pretty as any beach, I've ever seen.

When we got to the waters edge, Carol wondered out loud how cold the water was. I squatted down and stuck my hand in the water. "Kind of cool here in the shallows but it would be cold in deeper water," I answered.

"I think I want to wade a little and see. If it's not to cold I might just take a swim," Carol said with a grin.

Gale groaned softly and said, "One of these days you are going to turn into a fish. Rob, anytime she gets close to more water than what is in a glass, she has to go skinny-dipping. Her parents must have conceived her while skinny-dipping. If her mom wasn't such a prude I'd ask her but that would start more shit than I want to explain." She finished with a laugh.

Carol just stuck her tongue out at her friend and hung her camera on a limb on a nearby willow tree. I hung my gun and Gale's camera in the same tree. Carol sat down and pulled off her shoes, before wading out to her knees in the bayou.

"Brrrr, it's a little cold," she said.

I chuckled to myself. The air temperature was in the mid seventies but the water was probable in the low sixties.

Gale was behind me as I watched Carol wade around. Her nude body flashed past me, with two more steps she hit Carol with an almost perfect upper body tackle, and both girls disappeared below the waters surface. Within seconds, they were both back on the surface yelling from the cold.

I was laughing my ass off. That was not the right thing to do because the next thing I knew, I had two very wet women on a mission to drown my ass.

The warm wet wiggly bodies won and I ended up drenched from tennis shoes to my hair. I did get to give several good dunking's of my own plus coping a feel or two, neither seemed to object, so I copped a few more. That got me dunked big time but didn't stop me.

We finally tired out and crawled up on the sand to dry out and warm up. I pulled my shirt off and rung it out, removing my shoes I poured the water out and rung out my socks. Standing, I hung the clothes over limbs on the tree and removed my levies. Those ended up on the tree also.

Carol had shucked the shorts and blouse and was sitting with Gale on the warm sand as they both watched me undress.

When I turned around both girls, faces lit up with big smiles. I looked from one to the other and then asked, "What?"

Gale chuckled and answered, "Carol just lost two bets in as many minutes. When we first got out of the truck, I bet her I would have you out of your clothes before dark and that you were hung better than most guys were. Looks like I win on both counts." She finished with a grin.

I glanced down to where Carol's eyes were riveted and my manhood twitched and slowly started to stiffen on its own. The fact that Carol was openly rubbing and pinching her nipples didn't help matters in the least. One thing I had learned at an early age was that a hard dick wasn't in the least bit shy. Anytime and anyplace was its motto. Now with two beautiful nude young women sitting in front of me was no exception.

"Damn," Carol said. "It just keeps on getting bigger."

Gale didn't answer; she was busy doing some staring of her own.

By now, my shaft was standing straight up tight against my lower stomach, the head three inches above my belly button.

Gale came up onto her knees and knee walked the short distance between us. She reached out slowly and wrapped her fingers around the shaft. Her fingers and thumb just barely touched as she lightly gripped me.

She moved her hand up and down, gently caressing the shaft before pulling it down towards her face. A clear drop of pre-cum was gleaming on the tip. Her tongue flicked out and captured it. Then she looked up into my eyes and grinned. She planted a kiss on the very tip and sat back on her heels still grinning.

Carol had moved over beside Gale and as Gale let go of the shaft Carol made a grab for it and missed. My manhood made a smacking sound as it slapped against my belly. Carol's hand came up and she brushed her fingertips up and down the length of it.

"Damn," she said again softly.

Gale chuckled and said, "I'll second that. It makes my little twat twitch just thinking about it."

Carol laughed and said, "I ain't letting nothing that big even close to mine. A finger is a tight fit for me remember."

Now Gale laughed and looked up at me. "Would you believe a twenty year old virgin is sitting there naked before you stroking your cock?"

I must have had a surprised look on my face because Carol said, "Well, it's true. I'm glad and sorry to say, but that's the only thing virgin about me." She finished with a pointed look at Gale.

Gale blushed slightly but I didn't ask the question on my mind and before Gale could say anything, Carol moved forward and lightly licked up along the full length of my hard shaft, making a shiver run throughout my body.

With a chuckle, Gale moved up beside her friend and took a lick of her own. Quickly two tongues were fighting over my dick. A soft groan escaped my lips as Carol won and tried to fit her lips over the flared head of my manhood. She got the head and an inch or two of shaft inside with her tongue going crazy all over everything. I placed a hand on each girls shoulder as my legs began to shake.

Carol literally popped it out of her mouth and Gale inhaled it. She could cram maybe another inch more than Carol could into her mouth but she had to come up for air sooner. They traded back and forth several more time before I groaned deeply and painted Gales tonsils with the biggest load of my short eighteen-year old life.

She swallowed repeatedly but the excess seeped slowly out at each corner of her mouth. Gale was whimpering softly and her hips were jerking with each spurt that left my body. My knees were trying to buckle and I had to lean more weight on the girls to keep from falling.

When I was finally drained dry, Gale slowly released me and Carol sucked me in and massaged my shaft to get the last drops. When she was satisfied she had it all, she also released me and turned to Gale, licking at her chin and cheeks.

Gale was in a semi daze until she realized Carol was licking her face. Gale turned her head sharply and grabbed the back of Carol's head, at the same time planting a big wet kiss on her lips. Carol jerked sharply then with a groan melted into the kiss.

I went to my knees and sat back on my heels watching them. I still had my hands on their shoulders. When they broke the kiss, Carol leaned back and shook her head hard, her short blond hair flying around her head.

Gale chuckled and then laughed as she reached her hand down between her thighs and felt of the wet sticky mess on them leading up to her drenched sex.

"That's a first. Either I was coming like mad as you came in my mouth, or you shot straight through me. Either way it was quite a feeling," she said.

Carol looked at her friend sharply and stated with mock jealously. "That's what you get for being such a hog. You didn't leave me even a taste."

Then she chuckled and continued in a milder tone, "That's all right though. You had enough on your chin for a good sample and you tasted even better during that kiss. Which brings me to another point? What the hell was that all about? We've never been that way with each other or anyone else for that matter that I know of."

Gale laughed and said, "It was just one of those spur of the moment, heat of the passion, kind of things, not that I didn't enjoy it, because I certainly did. Didn't you?"

Carol grinned. "Well, as a matter of fact I did and it fulfilled a long time fantasy of mine. I had often wondered what it would be like to really kiss you instead of our normal little pecks."

Gale was looking at me with a wide grin on her face. "If lover boy over here ever gets his eyes focused, we need to get back in that cold ass water and clean up our respective messes. Although, maybe I should ask him about his pussy eating skills? If he can eat pussy and can use that big dick equally as well, I may just marry him tomorrow."

With that statement, my eye did focus sharply on Gale. First of all, because of the bluntness of it and secondly, because I had a confession or two to make.

"Uh, Gale, I think I have to tell you a couple of things up front. One is that I haven't had very many girlfriends or even many dates for that matter. I've been way to busy with work and trying to get my scholarship. Second of all that was the first oral sex, I've ever been involved in. Giving or receiving."

Gale's mouth dropped open, Carol laughed and said, "Looks like I'm not the only virgin around here. You just got yourself a cherry, Gale. No wonder he liked to have drowned you."

"Damn," Gale said. "I knew I had wasted a bunch of time by not talking to him at my Grandma's, but I figured he had several girlfriends on the line and wouldn't have time for a part time romance. Now it seems like I've wasted more than time."

She looked over at Carol and grinned. "Think we can teach him to eat pussy?"

Carol's grin was as broad as Gale's. "I think it will be a lot of fun trying. This is going to be something very special. Come on, let's stick our hot little asses in the creek and cool off as well as clean up. We need to wait until tonight so we can do this right. If I, I mean we can wait that long."

Gale laughed. "You better mean we, girlfriend. I sure ain't letting you out of my sight, especially if he's not in sight also."

Gale leaned over and gave me a soft kiss on the lips. "Don't you worry about anything, if you live through tonight, you will be one of the world's greatest lovers. You'll have two of the hornyist, I mean best teachers around, and we'll make you study hard and do your lessons until you get them right. Remember practice makes perfect, or is that perfect practice, makes perfect? I never can remember, so I just keep practicing."

She finished with a laugh, but I wondered if she was joking.

Carol had waded out until she was about knee deep then she sat down suddenly with a squeal from the cold water. "Damn, is there steam bubbling up around me?"

Gale laughed and said, "Wait until I sit down. It will be like sticking a red-hot horseshoe into a bucket of water. Hey, Rob, get your ass in here. It's all your fault and we aren't going to suffer alone out here."

"Hey, you two are the reason I had to get out of my clothes in the first place. I was perfectly happy sitting on the bank laughing my ass off. Of course I wouldn't have missed that blow job for anything in the world," I said with a grin as I waded out into the water. "I don't know why I have to do this. Carol licked and sucked me squeaky clean."

"First lesson Rob," Carol said with a tight smile as she waded toward the shore. "If a woman has to suffer, she will make the man suffer twice as much just because she can."


Soon the three of us were back on the shore shivering and cold. We sat on the warm sand, in the sun and warmed up. I asked them about college and they told me all about it. We talked for nearly an hour as the sun slowly sank toward the trees across the bayou. I suggested that we head back for camp. Carol's clothes were dry but my levies and shirt were still wet.

I laughing said, "It looks like I will have to walk home naked."

Gale looked at Carol and said, "If you will, I will."

Carol laughed and shrugged. "Why not, we seem to be out in the middle of nowhere. Rob, is there anyone around this area?"

"Not within a couple of miles that I know of. There are a few commercial fishermen on the bayou and a few hunters back out along the highway but that's about all. It's one of the reasons I love it out here. I've camped here for weeks on end and never seen anyone that didn't come looking for me. This land belongs to my grandparents. They farmed it long ago and ran a few cows on it but haven't been here in ten years that I know of."

While I was talking, we had gathered up our stuff and were walking through the wood toward the cut in the bank that would lead up to the field near camp. All of us had put on our tennis shoes and that was all.

When we reached the steep trail, I paused to let the girls go up first. Carol led the way with Gale close behind. Sometimes a little to close, as I would hear Carol squeal or giggle from Gale either goosing her or licking her ass cheeks when it got to close.

I will say there is nothing better than climbing a steep trail with two naked women ahead of you for scenery. Once when Gale slipped I caught her by placing my palm flat under her ass and lifting. My middle finger slipped into the crease of her ass causing her to squeal and giggle.

When we reached the top, Carol was standing near the edge of the brush line looking out over the empty field. Gale giggled and walked right on past her out into the road. "If there's anyone around they will get a good show don't you think."

Carol looked at me, shrugged, and followed her friend. I chuckled and followed them both.


When we reached camp, I hung my wet clothes over a limb of a nearby tree and headed to my tent to get a pair of shorts. When I returned the girls had moved their lounge chairs out into the sun and were sprawled out on them. I tossed the shorts on the table next to their clothes and move my chair out near them. The warm sun felt good on my bare skin. The chair wasn't comfortable so I went and got my sleeping bag and spread it on the short grass. I lay down on my stomach and rested my head on my hands.

Carol sat up and looked down at me before getting out of her chair and moving over to lie down next to me. Gale watched her for a moment before joining us. They were lying on their backs but occasionally I would feel a soft hand brush over or against my body.


I must have fallen asleep because I woke to Gale calling my name. As I raised my head, I heard her say. "Hey sleepy head, supper is ready. Come and get it before Carol eats it all."

"And supper to." Carol added with a laugh.

I was covered with a thin thermal blanket and it was dark. One of the lanterns was lit and Gale was dressed in a pair of dark blue sweats. She was holding a pair that I recognized as my own. "Here, you're going to need these or you'll freeze your ass off." Gale said with a laugh.

Throwing off the blanket, I hurriedly climbed into the sweats. She was right the temperature had dropped at least fifteen degrees. After I was dressed, I sat down at the table and said. "Something smells great. Who's the good cook?"

Gale laughed and answered. "It's sure not Carol, she does good to make tea without burning it."

"Hey, I resemble that remark." Carol said with a chuckle. I just grinned and shook my head.

Gale had fixed up a canned stew until it actually tasted good. It, along with crackers and coffee made a meal that hit the spot, especially since the temperature was still falling. As we finished eating Carol looked at me and said, "I think your lesson will have to wait until tomorrow. I for one don't feel like freezing my ass off for the benefit of your education."

Gale laughed and seconded the idea. I looked at Gale and then at Carol before chuckling to myself and getting up from the table. I lit the other lantern as I said, "You two may have to teach me a thing or three about sex but camping in the cold is another story altogether. If you ladies will take care of the dishes, I'll go fire up the heating system."

When they just sat and stared at me, I chuckled and said, "I'm not kidding, give me ten minutes and I'll have us a place as warm as toast to rest and relax."

Gale looked at Carol and shrugged as she said, "Ok, I'll take your word for it. Come on Carol; let's get this place cleaned up."

While they got busy there, I took the lantern and walked off into the cedar thicket on the north side of camp. The thicket is the main reason I chose the spot for my camp; it blocks the north wind. At one time, there had been a barn on this very spot, for the same reason. It had been torn down before I was born to build a hunting cabin down by the bayou. I stayed there the first year I was old enough to hunt but the following year a flood washed it away. My Dad and Uncle were going to rebuild it until I pointed out that it was right in the middle of one of the best hunting areas on the property. That's when we started to camp up here. Now that I'm the only one that hunts here, I had added a private place of my own.

When I returned to camp about ten minutes later, the girls were just finishing up. I rolled up the sleeping bag and blanket and asked Gale to get some pillows. When she had them, I headed back into the cedar thicket, down a narrow winding trail. After about fifty yards, the trail opened out into a clearing about forty feet across. In the center of the opening was a circular wall of sheet metal about eight feet high and about twenty feet across, with a fire pit against the back wall.

A narrow opening in the tin gave access inside. The ground was flat and covered with fine river sand. The pit was dug down a foot or so and held a blazing fire. Wood was stacked on both sides of the pit, in easy reach without having to leave the enclosure. The walls were angled inward except above the fire pit.

Carol helped me spread the sleeping bag as Gale chuckled and said, "Now this is what I call innovative."

Carol laughed and added, "It's warm too."

Gale tossed the pillows on the sleeping bag and picked up the lantern, saying, "I'll be right back, there's a couple of things I want to get before we start. You two behave and don't start without me."

"Who me?" asked Carol. "I wouldn't do that, would I? Anyway, you had better hurry, you know how I get when I start to warm up."

"Uh huh, that's what I was talking about." Gale said with a chuckle as she slipped out the exit. Carol and I were still standing by the fire talking when she returned.

She handed Carol a radio saying, "Here you go girlfriend, find us some good sex education music, something soft and sensuous." She sat the lantern down along with a small brocade bag and her camera.

"Anyone want a coke?" She asked holding up the small trash bag she still held. "If you do, they will be right outside the opening. Its gotten even colder out there, I hope they don't freeze."

Carol had found a radio station that was playing a slow dance song. She stood up and started to sway to the music. Seeing the brocade bag she asked, "What's in there and what do you plan to do with the camera?"

Gale grinned and said, "I'm going to take pictures with the camera silly. Someday we might want to look back and remember this night."

Carol stopped dancing and looked at her for a second before shrugging and starting to move her hips again. "I've never had my picture taken nude, but there a first time for everything, I guess. You're right; I think I would like some pictures of the three of us to remember this by."