Louise Ch. 15


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"Ok guys." Juliette said. "You know the drill. As soon as we get back, you get ready for bed, say thank you and good night to Mr. Hans for the nice evening and then you hit the sack."

Surprisingly, no one argued with her. As soon as they hit the door, all three started their night time routine. All three were tucked into bed and asleep within forty-five minutes.

"Would you like a cup of coffee?" Juliette asked.

"I'm fine thank you." Hans replied. "Come sit next to me."

Juliette paused and then sat down on the sofa next to Hans. She didn't object when he took her hand in his and stroked the back of it before turning it over and stroking the palm. Her breath caught when he brought her hand to his mouth, gave the palm a quick but light lick; and then kissed it.

"Tell me what you're thinking." He said.

"I'm thinking that I can't possibly stay here." Juliette replied deciding not to prolong things. "I can't uproot my kids for what could be a fling; they had a hard enough time when their dad and I split up. They like you and if this didn't work out; they would be devastated."

"Do you really believe that this is a fling?" Hans asked.

"Maybe." Juliette replied. "But even if it isn't, there are other issues. Believing you about being a vampire isn't one of them. I saw you levitate remember?"

"The children." Hans said. "I understand your concerns; how can I alleviate them?"

"I don't know that you can." Juliette replied. "If it were just me I'd say the hell with it and go for it; but Hans, I can't do that no matter how much I may want to. Do you understand?"

"I understand, but Juliette; how much of this is your being frightened?"

"I'm not scared!" Juliette exclaimed.

"Aren't you?" Hans countered. "Everything that you've said involves the children. Please don't misunderstand, they are a very important part of this but you have to be honest about your own feelings too."

Juliette hesitated before she spoke again.

"I told you that this was too fast. The last time I met a man, we clicked just like we did. He said that he liked kids and that he wanted to meet mine. I liked him and went for it. We took the kids to a movie and they liked him. The next thing I know, I'm getting the you're a nice person speech and I had to deal with some very hurt children."

"Did Celeste like him?" Hans asked already knowing the answer.

Juliette frowned.

"No, she was the only one who didn't. Why do you ask?"

"Have the children met any of your other dates?" Hans asked.

"No, after that one time, I never allowed it to happen again." Juliette replied.

"May I be honest with you?" Hans asked.

"Okay." Juliette said nervously.

"I think that you know that this isn't a fling as you call it. I also think that while your concern for the children is valid and understandable, you're using it to hide your own fear of failure in a relationship. I don't know what happened in your relationship with the children's father; but judging by the way the children talk about him, he loves them very much and he loved you as well.

I also know that in human terms that this is fast. That is why I told you that I would give you all the time that you needed. I am fully prepared to do the human mating ritual if that's what it takes. I also told you that I would relocate to be with you and the children; but you don't believe me."

"No I don't." Juliette confirmed. "What man leaves a good job to move to a city where he knows no one except for a woman that he's known for a week?"

"A man who knows where his future lies." Hans replied. "You and those children are my future. I knew it from the moment you walked into the hotel. Juliette, I love you and those children. I don't expect or want to replace their father; but they are already loved as if they were of my blood."

Juliette's heart and mind battled with her mind winning.

"I can't do this now. If we were staying, I would love to do the human dating thing with you; but we're leaving."

They talked until early morning. Juliette finally told Hans about Angel.

"I was the one who messed up so I guess you're right; I'm afraid that I'll screw up again."

"You are now a different woman." Hans said. "You have matured and you are raising three beautiful children. I see you not only as my mate and mother of my children; but as someone who isn't afraid of work and who will work by my side."

"You seem sure that I'll say yes." Juliette said.

"That is because I know that it will happen." Hans said with a smile.

"I have a question for you." Juliette said.

Hans nodded his consent; he knew what was coming.

"Who was the woman that turned you away?"

"Before I tell you that, I want to reiterate something. She has nothing to do with what I told you. Her rejection of me has nothing to do with my wanting you."

"Barb." Juliette whispered. "It was Barb wasn't it?"


"'Let me guess." Juliette said. "You don't have enough money for her and you didn't put up with her crap. No wonder she looked like she swallowed a lemon when you came to breakfast with us!"

"You're not angry?" Hans asked.

"Why should I be?" Juliette asked. "Her loss is my gain, but I have a question. How did you get out of it? I mean, I thought that the mate thing couldn't be broken."

"Believe me when I say that I pestered the fates so much that one of them paid me a visit. They told me that the decision had been made and that I needed to deal with it."

Hans told Juliette about the night at the club.

"By that time, I was going to accept her as my mate and find a way to coexist with her. Had she accepted me, I would have fought to the death for her. But she didn't, she refused me several times with two of those times being in the presence of the vampire that she went home with. When that happened, I planned to spend eternity alone and I was fine with that. Imagine my shock when you walked into the hotel."

"Did he hurt her?" Juliette asked.

"It depends on your definition of hurt." Hans replied. "At the very least, I'm sure that he hurt her pride."

"She must be furious with us." Juliette said. "Barb always wanted so much but we were never able to afford the things that she wanted."

Juliette told Hans about the poverty of their childhood.

"Things were so tight sometimes we didn't where the money for electric was going to come from; but it always worked out. We may not have worn the latest styles but we didn't starve and we had clothes even if they were hand me downs. I guess it affected Barb more than it did the rest of us."

"I understand poverty." Hans said. "My family lived from day to day not knowing if we were going to find a safe haven or not. We could live on blood but we also needed human food. There were times when we didn't eat human food for days. By the time we reached Lund, we had nothing except for the clothes on our backs.

One night my brother Rikard came home with a satchel filled with food. As soon as we saw it, we set upon him like vultures. My father stopped us and we couldn't understand why. After all, we were starving for human food; why would he deny us?

My father asked Rikard how he had come by the food. At first Rikard lied and said that he found it. Of course we knew that he didn't find it, but that didn't matter; we wanted it. Finally, he confessed to stealing it. He tried to explain to my father that he was helping and that he couldn't bear to see us hungry."

"What happened?" Juliette asked.

"My father made him take the food back. We all objected and begged to keep just a little of it, but father would hear nothing of it. When Rikard returned, father sat us down and explained why he made Rikard take the food back.

We are Ahlbergs he said. We do not steal for any reason. Once you do it, it becomes easier to steal the next time and the reason will be less pressing. We do not use others to satisfy our hunger. He said that because it came out that Rikard compelled the people to give him the food.

Father went on to tell us that there is nothing more important than family and integrity. I believe that is why my family has remained so close. If one was in need, someone stepped in and helped. There was no taking advantage of each other. It is still that way between us."

"Did you eat that night?" Juliette asked trying to imagine what it must have been like to be so close to food and then to have it taken away.

"No, but we did the next night. It was food intended for the pigs, but it was a feast to us. Things slowly got better once we moved to Lund. My father found work with a vampire who was building a home in the country. Since we needed food and lodging more than money, my father worked for nothing in exchange for the things we needed.

When the house was completed, the vampire gave my father a letter of reference. That letter opened doors for us. Our family name became well known because of our hard work and honesty."

"That's quite a story." Juliette replied.

"It's true." Hans said with a smile. "My point is this, millions of people are poverty stricken and they work to better their station in life. They don't wait or look for someone to take care of them nor do they hurt their families to get what they want.

I hope that your sister realizes that there is more to life than money and that it doesn't guarantee happiness."

"Do you think that there will be someone for her?" Juliette asked.

"Who can say? Our fates are temperamental. They must have been in a good mood when they decided to give me another mate."

"Hans, I'm not saying no."

"I Know you aren't" He replied. "I need to go; the children will be stirring soon. May I take you and the children to the gathering tonight?"

"We would like that." Juliette replied.

Before she could change her mind, Juliette leaned over and kissed Hans' cheek. Her nipples tightened when her lips touched the smooth skin of his jaw.

"Do you feel it?" Hans asked softly as he took her face in his hands. "Trust what you know to be true."

He leaned forward and brushed his lips lightly across hers before kissing her. All too soon, Hans broke the kiss.

"I will see you tonight." He said and then vanished from where he sat.

"Stick to your guns." Juliette muttered to herself. "Stick to your guns,"


Louise laid in bed her head resting on Nathan's shoulder. She couldn't get Barb out of her mind. A baby she thought to herself. She couldn't imagine not wanting her baby, but then; she and Barb were in two different places in every possible way. The problem was she didn't know how to close that gap.

"You're thinking too hard." Nathan said softly.

"I know; but I can't help it." Louise replied.

"Sweetheart, I owe you an apology. I shouldn't have argued with you about seeing your sister alone. I know that even at her angriest she would never hurt you. You have enough to deal with without me adding to it. I'm sorry."

"Thank you." Louise said. "I appreciate that. How do you think Thorne is going to react to the news?"

"I don't know him, but judging from what I saw at the club; not favorably. Lou, you do understand that Thorne and Barb are mates don't you? That's the only way that she could have gotten pregnant by him."

"But wasn't your grandmother raped by your grandfather before your father met her?" Louise asked. "Your father is your grandfather's son."

"That's true and I have no explanation for how or why that happened." Nathan replied.

"Do you think that Barb and Thorne were meant to be together from the beginning?" Louise asked

"Are you asking if the fates made a mistake when they paired her and Hans? Possible although I don't think they'd admit to it. I think that it was a combination of things that caused the change including the fates screwing up."

"Well, it looks like Barb's going to get what she wants." Louise said. "I hope that it's all she thought it would be."


Leon stayed awake with Gene following his lead. They talked when Gene needed to talk, kept quiet when he needed quiet. It was during one of the quiet moments that Leon wondered if he should tell Gene about the job offer. The topic of his job and living situation came up at least once an hour.

Finally, he understood what was happening. Gene was trying to get him to change his mind. It was confirmed during the last conversation they had.

"You know what I was thinking?" Gene asked. "I was thinking that maybe we should live together. It would cut expenses for both of us."

"Shit." Leon muttered under his breath as he debated what to do. Finally, he made his decision. He would tell Gene about the job offer. If he didn't, Gene would think that he could change his mind and it wouldn't be any easier later on.

Gene woke up two hours later, used the bathroom and started making plans again.

"Maybe we could fix up the house and sell it." He said as he sat down again.

Leon let him talk until he stopped to wait for a response.

"Gene, I'm moving to California."

"But you don't have a job." Gene said heatedly.

"Actually, I do. I just haven't accepted it yet; but I'm going to." Leon replied.

"Doing what?" Gene asked. "There aren't any steel mills out here and when did you go job hunting?"

"I was approached." Leon said

Leon watched as a look of understanding crossed Gene's face.

"Who was it?" he asked.

"Nathan." Leon replied. "I'll be renting a house from him."

The old Gene raised his ugly head.

"It figures!" he snapped. "Your head was so far up his ass .... How much of this has to do with that woman?" he demanded.

Leon didn't respond immediately. He wanted to give Gene a chance to regain control of himself. Fifteen minutes passed before Gene contritely apologized.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay." Leon said. "It takes time to teach yourself how to react differently."

"So tell me about this job." Gene said.

"School? You?" Gene asked laughing. "You hated school."

"I still do, but I want to do this." Leon replied. "I'm tired of the Pittsburgh winters."

"I hear you." Gene replied. "What about your apartment? Aren't you ahead in your rent?"

"Yes and I'll need to talk to my land lord about that." Leon replied an idea forming in his head. "I'm going to Nadine's for lunch today; will you be alright by yourself?"

"I'll be fine and besides, I have a few other people that I need to talk to." Gene replied and then hesitated. "Leon, I really am sorry about my reaction. Congratulations on everything and good luck with your lady."

"Thanks." Leon said. "I'm going to hop in the shower; I'll talk to you later."

Gene went to his own suite, picked up the phone and called Juliette. She was next on his list of those he wanted and needed to apologize to. After he hung up, he went online to find a meeting.


Several hours had passed since Gene told Kevyn what he had done and what he was thinking about doing to her. During that time she alternated between rage, sadness and pity at her brother. Gene she knew, was capable of many things, but to plan the murder of his own sister?

During one of her calmer moments, she recognized that he didn't have to tell her. He could have gone home and she wouldn't have been the wiser. Something was happening to him and it was for the better but then she would get angry again.

Patrick didn't say much, but offered emotional support. The fact was, he identified with Gene. It hadn't been that long ago that he had to confess his past to Kevyn. He vividly remembered the fear and anxiety that he experienced when he told her. He saw the same fears in Gene.

He also saw something else; he saw the beginnings of change in Gene. He saw a man who was beginning to accept the consequences of his actions and was trying to make amends. He saw the beginnings of the man that had always been there but had been hidden beneath layers of insecurity and self-doubt.

"How could he have done this?" Kevyn asked again.

She wasn't expecting an answer and was surprised when she got one.

"Fear can make us do many things." Patrick said softly.

Kevyn turned to look at him surprised that he wasn't angrier.

"You're defending him." she commented.

"No but I understand." Patrick replied. "I am angry, but sweetheart, he didn't kill you because he couldn't. In the end, when it counted; he was going to kill for you. He was going to go to prison to save you. That doesn't make anything that he's done right, but I think he's trying to make his amends."

Kevyn was quiet as she thought about what Patrick said. He was right. In the end Gene had chosen family over the power and money that he craved. The ball was now in her court as to what happened next. Gene had mentioned that there was more but she hadn't been in the mood to hear it. Now she was.

She wrapped her arms around Patrick and kissed him.

"Thank you."

A few minutes later, she was on the phone with Gene.


Leon finished his shower and went to check on Gene. Anxiety hit him when he saw that he was gone.

"Damn it." He grumbled but then he saw the note written in Gene's fancy handwriting.

"I went to my room to make some calls. I'm okay.


Leon let out a sigh of relief and continued to get ready for his lunch with Nadine. As he dressed, he wondered what she had to tell him. Whatever it was made her nervous which in turn made him nervous. He thought about Gene's question. "How much of this has to do with that woman?"

It was a valid question even though it had been asked in anger. He had been telling himself that he would move even of things between them didn't work out; but was that the truth?

"No it isn't" Leon murmured.

While it was possible that he would have moved anyway, it was doubtful. He was moving for one reason only... Nadine. He was still nervous about the speed in which their relationship seemed to have taken off and he hoped that lunch with her would relieve some of that anxiety.

Now that he was dressed, Leon turned his mind to other things. The house. Gene had made a good point when he said that the house needed to be fixed up. The thing was; Leon didn't want to sell it.

Not only did he see it as a place of happy memories, he saw it as the place where his life began again after his recovery from his drug addiction began. He called a realtor friend in Pittsburgh and asked him to do an appraisal on the house. His plan, if Gene agreed was to buy it and to fix it up in a way that their parents would have liked.

If Gene agreed, he would approach the others and ask if they wanted to contribute to the renovation. When the house was done, Gene could live in it or it would be a place for them to stay when they went home to visit.

Leon opened his laptop and started a new document entitled "House "

Before he knew it, it was time to leave for Nadine's house. His stomach fluttered with nerves and rumbled with hunger. He checked to make sure that he had his cell phone and that it was on just in case Gene called.

He left the room with a sense that he wouldn't be leaving California as he had planned to. He didn't know or understand why he felt that way, but he didn't discard the thought.

"We shall see." He murmured as he walked toward the elevator.


Nadine checked the jalapeno bread that was baking in the oven and smiled in satisfaction. She had gotten the recipe from Louise who assured her that she couldn't go wrong with spicy food.

"He loves the stuff." Louise told her. "I'm surprised that he doesn't have problems with his stomach."

Nadine herself wasn't a fan of spicy food and made plain bread for herself. Actually, she didn't enjoy cooking but conceded that it was probably because she didn't like cooking for one.

She peeked into the pot of vegetable soup simmering on the stove. It was a recipe that she and Hans used to make when she lived with him. It was simple but filling and she could continue to work on her thesis while it cooked.