Louise Ch. 08


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"Where are we going?" she asked already half-asleep. Her admission seemed to have drained the rest of her energy from her.

"It's a surprise." Nathan said kissing her, "and I need to go check on it before I take you. Now get some sleep."

A few minutes later Louise was softly snoring nestled in Nathan's arms. As she slept, Nathan said a prayer that nothing serious happened to Barb. He had spoken the truth when he said that he didn't see any redeeming qualities in the woman but she was the sister to his mate and he would treat her with respect and extend his protection to her for that reason.

Louise tensed, muttered something in her sleep and relaxed again. He wondered if she was feeling something concerning Barb and shielded her. He had the feeling that she was going to need all of the rest that she could get.


"Stupid!" Kevyn yelled as she paced their bedroom. "How fucking stupid can she be?"


"No, really! How stupid can she be? Even without him, being what he is its risky behavior! And for her to laugh at Hans like that?"

Patrick didn't try to interrupt again deciding to let her vent. When she was finally through, he stood up and hugged her. He could feel her trembling, she was scared and feeling a little guilty.

"Maybe we should have let her stay here or given her a really nice room..."

"Kevyn, sweetheart, it wouldn't have made a difference...."

"You don't know that!" Kevyn said interrupting him.

"Yes I do." he replied. "Lou knows it and so do you. She chooses to treat people the way she does and she was given every chance to leave with us but she chose to stay and think about it, Blackwell did nothing but present to her what he had to offer and left her to make her choice. That's why we couldn't forcibly take her and if we did, she would have only gone back. As much as I hate to say this... maybe she needs a good scare."

"But he'll hurt her and she doesn't deserve that." Kevyn replied.

"No she doesn't." Patrick conceded, "But what happens now is in her hands and by the way, you have no reason to feel guilty for anything that you did. She didn't deserve to have the red carpet rolled out for her but I still maintain that she needs a good scare."

Kevyn sighed and relaxed into Patrick's arms. He was right she realized, she had nothing to feel guilty about and maybe Barb did need a good scare but did it need to be by a vampire who was obviously dangerous? Silently she cursed Barb for her greed and stupidity and then she prayed that she would come to her senses and come out relatively unscathed.

"So what's the deal between you and Blackwell?" Kevyn asked.

"It isn't just me, it's the Sinclaire family as a whole and it goes back centuries. What really happened depends on who you talk to, them or us."

"Is this a Hatfield and McCoy kind of thing?" Kevyn asked.

"Well... I guess you could say that except that there were no murders that I'm aware of." Patrick replied.

"Then what? Why does he hate this family so much?" Kevyn asked.

"Let's get into bed and I'll tell you." Patrick said taking her hands and pulling her toward the bed.

"Oooh a bedtime story!" Kevyn said teasing him.

"With a few adult intermissions." Patrick replied his eyes gleaming.

Seconds later, they were on the bed naked and Kevyn was pressed tightly against Patrick. She closed her eyes and inhaled. The scent of his cologne, her favorite, 'Aramis'. She remembered her trips to the malls just to look around and stopping at the cologne counter smelling all of the scents and being drawn to that particular scent. She started asking for samples and when she had enough, she would send them home to her dad.

When she heard that he had died, she bought a small bottle, took it home and put it on her father's face during the family's private viewing. Afterwards, she laid the bottle next to him in the casket. Even with that memory, that scent remained her favorite.

Patrick stilled knowing that she was thinking about her father. When she told him the story, he stopped wearing the cologne thinking that it would upset her. When Kevyn found the cologne, she wanted to know why he didn't wear it.

"I didn't want to upset you." he replied.

"It won't... I love it and it gives me good memories not bad so will you wear it every once in awhile?" she asked.

This night was one of those nights and he was glad that he was wearing it. He began a slow exploration of her body with his hands. His fingertips barely touched her skin as he traced her full lips with the tip of his tongue before kissing her slipping his tongue into her mouth and gently touching hers urging her to offer hers to him.

Kevyn moaned into Patrick's mouth as she offered her tongue and ground against his erect cock that was trapped between them. He pulled his hips back, lifted her leg, slid his cock between her legs, and began moving back and forth, the length and hardness of it running across her clit.

Kevyn's move counter to his thrusts and within minutes was moving erratically. Patrick stopped her by placing his hands on her ass and holding her still. He slowed and then stopped moving giving them both time to catch their breaths before he began moving again, slowly sliding his cock back and forth over her swollen clit slowing or stopping when she was about to come.

Kevyn broke the kiss, put her mouth at the spot where his neck joined his shoulder and bit. Patrick moaned against her head and lost what little control he had left. He flipped her onto her back and slammed into her coming as he did with her orgasm starting just after his.

He rolled to the side of her pulling her into his arms as he moved and took a moment to thank her for being with him.

"I know that you don't think that it's necessary but for me it is. Your being here is something that I never want to take for granted and I want you to know that. Now, do you still want to hear about the Sinclaire's and the Blackwell's?"

Kevyn snuggled closer and got comfortable.

"Okay, I'm ready."

Patrick started the story at the beginning.

"We were actually friends and allies at one time. Centuries ago, it wasn't uncommon for different families to form alliances not only against other families but also against the hunters that were so rampant back then. We were such an alliance. The Blackwell's were every bit as powerful as the Sinclaires were so we made a formidable pairing. There weren't many who chose to go against us."

"Were you alive then?" Kevyn asked.

"No but Martin and Ethan were but they were quite young. I came into being a couple of centuries after the rift between our families." Patrick replied. "Anyway, from what I was told, things were going well until one of the Blackwell's... Hunters trapped Darien. He begged for his life and when asked what he had to trade for it, he offered to take them to the home of other vampires...."

"Yours." Kevyn murmured.

"Yes... since we were allies, ours was the first name that popped into his head. The hunters had no idea of what we were and how they knew what the Blackwell's were is a subject of some debate but at any rate, the hunters thought that they had win the lottery and came to the house. Fortunately, no one was there, the family had already changed locations. The hunters thinking that Darien lied to them took him to his family home where they thought to kill everyone there. In their eagerness and stupidity, they lost track of time and almost all of the hunters were killed. When the dust cleared, there were bodies everywhere.

When Darien's father asked him how he came to be with hunters, he lied. You have to understand that Arthur Blackwell was a very stern father and tolerated didn't weakness of any kind. He tolerated betrayal even less. Darien couldn't tell his father that he had led the hunters to our home first; he would have been severely punished. So he told his father that a Sinclaire had set him up.

"And he believed that?" Kevyn asked.

"Arthur believed him because he didn't think that any of his children would lie to him. Had he taken the time to question Darien more thoroughly, he would have uncovered the truth. Instead, he and the other males in his family went to our home, burned it and came to the home where we had moved. It was common practice for allies to let the other know where they were going. That way if there was a problem, help could be found.

When they showed up, my father thought that something had happened and went out to meet them. Instead of asking my father about the accusation made against the family, they attacked. By the time the battle and that's what it was, was over, Arthur Blackwell, his oldest son Horace, the next to the youngest Darien and the middle son Lee were dead. Thorne and his youngest brother Noel were the only ones left standing.

"Did they explain why they attacked?" Kevyn asked fascinated,

"Not really, the story didn't come out for a long time and when it did, my father tried to talk to Thorne and his brother. By then, they were convinced that Darien had told the truth but he was dead, the truth dying with him. For several years after that we tried to tell them that we had nothing to do with the hunters but they wouldn't believe us."

"Wait... how did you find out? Darien was dead." Kevyn asked.

"Remember that I said that they had killed almost all of the hunters. One of them was found wandering in the woods and brought to us. Under compulsion he told us what happened. We contacted the Blackwell's and asked to meet. The request was denied."

"What happened to the hunter?"

"If you're asking if we killed him, the answer is no although it was well within our rights. We erased his knowledge of that night and us. We also told him that there were no such things as vampires or any other being and took him home."

"And you've never run into the Blackwell's again?" she asked.

"We knew that they were here but we make a conscious effort to avoid any trouble with them. On occasion, just to remind us that they're here and that they haven't forgotten they'll do something like buy tickets to one of Katrina's fundraisers. They never speak to us or approach us and when it's over they go home."

"And now Barb has opened another can of worms." Kevyn sighed. "I'm sorry." she added.

"Don't be." Patrick replied. "Something was bound to happen anyway."

Kevyn closed her eyes wishing that she could erase the negativity of the past weeks and that Louise and Nathan would have had time to work out their relationship in peace. She tried to concentrate on the positive with the biggest one being that Louise was finally going to be happy if they could get Barb taken care of.


Barb watched them leave the club and pushed away any urge to follow them out. Of everything that had been said to her, Ethan's words had hit her the hardest. How he knew that she was ignoring her gut she didn't know but in the end, she had disregarded him too. The thing that she had wanted most was within reach and after only one night.

She chuckled as she thought about her and Hans together. Louise had to have been desperate in order to say something like that. She had never thought about Hans in that way and it wasn't going to happen, not ever. As she made that resolve, she felt a twinge actually more of a pain in her chest. She frowned and went to place her hand on her chest but the sensation was already gone.

Thorne watched Barb as she watched her family leave. She was wrong about her sisters and if there were any way he could have gotten his hands on either one of them, he would have tossed Barb on her ass. The one that really had intrigued him was the one who had thrown up. He realized that of the three sisters she was by far the strongest and a true empath... one of the strongest that he had ever encountered. However, she was mated and off limits... too bad he thought. He would make do with the one he had.

"Are you ready to go?" he asked lightly touching her back.

"Don't you have to stay?"

"Another perk of my position." Thorne said smiling down at her. "I can delegate."

"Then I'm ready whenever you are." she replied with a coy smile.

"Excellent! Give me a few moments to wrap things up and I'll have Allen bring the car."

He bent down and kissed her cheek, "I'll be back." he said and walked away.


Thorne found Allen in the office.

"Go get the car... the limo and bring it to the front. We can give the bitch a little of what she wants."

Allen smiled and then frowned.

"Why did you agree to let her go if she wishes?" he asked.

"Why not? They must be going out of their fucking minds worried about her and we'll get to fuck her good and proper before she realizes that she's getting more than she bargained for." Thorne replied as he picked up the phone.

"So we're not going to...'

"No, we're not going to mar or kill her. She'll serve as a constant reminder to them that I'm still around but what will make it even sweeter is that she's consenting. They can't go to the council with it."

Allen smiled again, "I like the way you think."

"I'm glad that you approve now go get the car." Thorne replied.

After Allen left, he made a phone call.

"Noel? Thorne here... how are you? Good. Are you behaving? Good, I can't wait to see it and you. Keep being good for mother and I'll see you soon."

Thorne hung up, and blinked back tears. Noel should never have gone with them that night. He was far too young and too sensitive for the violence that had happened and was going to happen. He had tried to convince his father to let him stay behind but he had refused.

"He is a male in this family and it is his duty as such to defend it!"

"Please father, let him stay here with mother. He can protect her from any other hunters who are in the area."

"He comes." his father said and walked away.

Noel had never been the same. Seeing so much violence was contradictory to his naturally kind, artistic nature, it had destroyed him. It was one more thing to hold against the Sinclaires. Thorne squared his shoulders and left the office to meet Barb at the table.


Barb sat at the table and began to feel the niggling of doubt forming but she pushed it away just as Thorne walked up to the table.

"Milady, your chariot awaits." he said holding out his hand.

Barb giggled, took his hand and followed him through the club. She relished the envious and downright hateful stares she got as she allowed Thorne to lead her to the car. She almost melted when his lips lightly brushed across her temple. She smiled when someone called out "Good for you!"

Thorne helped her into the car making eye contact with Allen. He had decided to take her to the beach home furthest away from the city. One, he had no close neighbors and two; it was where a majority of his toys were. As he smiled down at her, he found himself that he had one of the other sisters instead of her. Instinctively he knew that she wouldn't last long, which meant that he had to be relatively gentle with her.

Barb squirmed around the back seat of the limo like and excited schoolchild. She tried to look out of the window to see where they were going but couldn't because they were so dark. Seeing what she wanted, Allen opened the moon roof and watched as she stood up in the seat and squeezed her upper torso through the opening.

Allen closed the roof just enough that Barb couldn't get free, glanced back at Thorne and winked. Thorne moved over so that he was sitting where Barb would have been sitting and straddled her legs so that her feet were in his crotch.

He ran his hands up her legs and then down again moaning when her feet pressed into his hard cock. When his hands reached the top of her thighs, he stopped and then moved them so that they were cupping the globes of her plump ass. He moaned again when he felt her cheeks tense and then relax in his hands. He found the waistband of her barely there panties and pulled them down smiling as he realized that she was struggling to get free of her makeshift restraint.

His nostrils flared as the scent of her pussy hit him. Even though she was struggling, she was aroused. He brushed his fingertips across her shaved mound sighing as she moved trying to keep his finger in contact with her skin. He moved his hand away and watched as her body searched for his hand. Without further ado, he slipped a finger between her vaginal lips and moved it around avoiding her clit. This was part of the prep. He would tease her until they were almost to the house and then he would abruptly stop but he would have released at least once just from her feet massaging his clothed cock.


Barb wasn't sure of what she was feeling at first. When she tried to get back into the car, she couldn't move and they couldn't hear her yells to be let back in but when his warm hands grabbed her ass... she stopped struggling. It had been a long time since she felt hands grabbing her ass like that and it felt good. She moaned into the warm air when she felt her panties being removed and the exploration of a finger. Her nipples were rock hard and demanding to be touched but she couldn't get to them. Her dress was pulled down tight over her breast so she massaged her nipples through her clothes groaning in frustration when the male hand touching her moved away.

"Touch my clit!" she yelled as she tried to move her hips so that the hand would touch her there just once but it didn't happen. By the time she saw the house that had to be Thorne's she was frantic with the need to come. A few minutes later, the car was parked and Barb was sitting in the seat of the car waiting to be helped out.

"That was mean." she said when Thorne offered his hand.

"Was it?" he asked. "I thought that you enjoyed it."

"I did but..."

"But what?" Thorne asked coolly.

"I didn't come but apparently you did." She replied looking down at the large wet spot on the front of his slacks.

"So it would seem." he replied nonchalantly. "Would you like to come in?"

Barb didn't like his tone but agreed to go in. Her mouth dropped open as she walked into the house where the foyer was large enough that it had a large fountain in the center of it.

"This is beautiful!" she gushed.

"I'm glad that you like it." Thorne replied not caring whether she liked it or not. It wasn't as if she was his mate or anything like that.

"Follow me." he said his tone even cooler than before.

Barb followed Thorne thinking that he was going to give her a tour of the house. She had become determined that she would be living in the house in the future. To her surprise, instead of a tour, he led her to a bedroom.

"The bathroom is over there, take your time." Thorne said and walked through a door that led to an adjoining room.

Barb looked at the closed door, shrugged and went into the most luxurious bathroom that she had ever seen. She took the time to touch the gold plated faucets before turning on the shower and then stripping. She stepped into the shower-taking note of the variety of hair, skin and bath products and realized that her intended was a player.

"Not for long." she muttered as she chose a shampoo and body wash combo. When she was through, she combed her hair, brushed her teeth and oiled her skin. When she came out of the bathroom, a black teddy complete with garter stockings were laying on the bed.

She frowned wondering how he knew what size she wore but decided that he just had a good eye... any player did. She put the items on and sat on the bed to wait.

Thorne entered a few moments later completely nude and looked at her.

"Very nice." he said as he walked over and stood directly in front of her so that his cock was in her face."

"Ummm I don't do that." Barb said understanding what he was waiting for.

"Really?" he replied mildly.