Lost in Texas Ch. 01


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"Great," she said, turning around and finding Jane waiting nearby.

"I take it things didn't go well?"

"I'm screwed. Pardon my French. No one will come get us and my insurance doesn't cover any of what happened. So we're stranded out here."

"Don't worry child. We'll work something out. What you need is a warm meal and a good night's rest. Follow me."

Heather couldn't imagine NOT doing what the tall woman asked. She followed her to the dining room where everyone else was already sitting. The food smelled wonderful, and Heather was about ready to dig in when their hostesses bowed their heads and Michelle actually began to say grace. Alice looked incredibly surprised by this turn of events, but slightly pleased. The guests followed suit, but didn't have to wait long. Even with her thick Texas accent, Michelle said grace very quickly and graciously. But as soon as it was over, the muscular woman was grabbing food with both hands.

The three visitors dived in, and everything tasted wonderful. Even while shoveling food into her mouth Alice seemed to be keeping a close eye on the residents. Jane ate slow, savoring each bite. Freddie seemed to spend as much time playing with her food as she did eating it and Michelle consumed her faire with the ferocity of a shark. For some reason, Alice spent more time watching the latter woman's behavior than the previous two's. She convinced herself it was because Michelle was the most threatening.

"So, what are you young ladies going to do for transportation?" asked Jane.

"I'll call my daddy," returned Laurie. "He and mom should be back from Paris tonight. That's in France!" she finished, as if she had just said something brilliant.

"Technically, there is also a Paris here in Texas, but we understand what you meant."

"Call your dad then, and tell him how you owe me a new friggin' jeep." Heather felt the hostility returning after laying dormant for the meal.

"I'm sure he'll take care of everything," she said meekly, still afraid for her physical welfare.

"Ladies, I must insist on maintaining a civil demeanor while in our house."

"Sorry," said Heather, somewhat insincerely. She then blanched a bit as Jane turned her gaze on the young woman and raised an eyebrow.

"So what happened to your jeep? I don't mean to brag . . ." started Michelle.

"Though that never stops you," interrupted Freddie with a smile.

"Hush you. Anyway . . ."

"I shot a rod and then the engine caught fire. I would have to buy a whole new engine at this point."

"Hmm. I don't think I've got a spare lying around that would fit a four-wheel drive, particularly a jeep. Had you been havin' any oil leaks?" Michelle asked as Laurie tried sinking into her chair.

"No. One of my PASSENGERS failed to inform me she didn't know how to put in the oil when I asked her to do so, and she put in with the windshield washing fluid."

Michelle started to snicker, instinctively realizing who had probably made the mistake. She excused herself from the table and walked outside. The five remaining women heard laughter erupt from out on the front porch. Laurie blushed some more. Michelle walked back in, looked at Laurie and then walked back out again, followed by more laughter.

"Freddie dear, please go make sure Michelle remembers to breathe, and I'll show these young ladies to their rooms."

Freddie gave Jane a quick kiss before heading out to try and control Michelle's fits of laughter. As soon as Jane headed towards the staircase, the three visitors heard Freddie laughing as well. Jane smiled. "Those are my girls." She led the trio of young women upstairs. They had several guestrooms apparently, letting each girl have her own. Which was probably for the best, as none of them felt like talking to any of the others.

"Breakfast is at seven. If you would like to join us, you are more than welcome. We all have a number of chores to do tomorrow, but let us know what you plan to do." With that, she descended the stairs to retrieve her chortling housemates.

"This is insane," Alice said while the girls were still in the hallway. "We have no idea who these people are. Anyone who lives like this . . ."

"Like what? In a nice house with good food? What a bunch of savages!" Heather walked into her room and slammed the door shut.

"How was I supposed to know there was a Paris in Texas," Laurie grumbled. "Do they have their own Eiffel Tower too?" She closed her door.

Alice went into her room. She had to admit it didn't look like a serial killer's room, though she wasn't sure what one WOULD look like. She locked the door and put a chair under the knob. She went to make sure the window was locked, but found herself staring at the magnificent view. Far away from the lights of the city, she saw a night sky that was filled to the brim with stars. She hadn't seen that many stars since she was a child visiting her grandmother's farm. She reluctantly tore her gaze away from the window and curled up, fully dressed except for her shoes, into the warm comfortable bed. Despite her fear and anxiety, she was asleep almost instantly.

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A few hours later . . .

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She awoke in the middle of the night, realizing she badly needed to go to the bathroom but not knowing where it was. She removed the chair and unlocked the door before moving out into the hallway. She knew the two doors next to her led to her companions' rooms, so she headed in the opposite direction. The first door she tried was a closet and the second held a furnace. Then she saw light from underneath a door at the end of the hallway. She crept up to it, but as she put her hand on the knob, she heard giggling inside. Not knowing why, she knelt down and peered through the old-fashioned keyhole.

Her view was minimal, but apparently this was the master bedroom, and the bed was directly across from the door. And all three of the women who lived there were in the bed together. Jane was lying on her back and Freddie was lying on her side next to the tall woman. They were caressing each other's breasts and kissing each other passionately. Michelle was spreading Jane's legs apart, and the powerful woman seemed to be wearing some kind of device. Alice saw the tip of what appeared to be a large, plastic phallus protruding from some kind of special underwear or harness.

‘Good grief,' thought Alice. ‘She's not going to . . .'

But it turned out that Michelle was going to do just that. She pushed the head in between Jane's vaginal lips and into the cavern below. Jane gasped as she was penetrated, but had a look of joy on her face. Michelle began to pump gently, eliciting more pleasurable expressions from the recipient of the device. Alice was aghast that this was occurring under the same roof she was staying. But she couldn't tear her eyes away. She was looking straight at Michelle's taut, muscular buttocks as they thrust forward and then back. She marveled at the strength they must possess.

Suddenly Alice stood up and backed away from the door. ‘No,' she thought. ‘I can't be having those feelings. Not again.' She checked the doors to either side of her and found one of them to be a bathroom. She utilized the facilities and then hurried back to her own room with her heart pounding in her chest. This time, sleep did not come easily as thoughts of Michelle's muscular ass filled her thoughts. At one point, she got on her knees to pray, but realized she had no idea what she was praying for.

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The next morning . . .

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The three visitors were gently woken the next morning by tapping on their doors and Freddie's voice informing them that breakfast was ready. The three girls made their way groggily downstairs. None of them were used to getting up that early. Their hostesses had apparently already showered and gotten dressed. Alice noticed that Michelle wasn't wearing her smock, and that her artificially inflated breasts were partially visible through the front of her plaid shirt.

Breakfast consisted of bacon, eggs and sausage as well as pancakes. The three girls were all quite delighted with it all, and even Heather seemed less inclined to scream at someone that she normally would be. A call from Laurie revealed that her father was still out of contact, as his plane had been delayed. So the girls were still stuck.

"Well," said Jane, "we do have satellite television. Feel free to view it as you like. We will be in and out all day."

The three girls, even Laurie, felt a little sheepish about sitting around the house while the three women who had been so nice to them went out to work.

"Listen," Heather asked, "is there anything we could do to help?"

"What a sweet offer. But you are our guests. We couldn't possibly . . ."

"Want to help me tow your jeep out of our driveway?" interrupted Freddie. "And then I could use a hand in the saloon."

"Freddie, that really isn't necessary."

"No," said Heather. "I'll do it. I didn't really want to sit around here anyway," she added, glaring at her two traveling companions.

"Maybe it is a good idea then," said Jane, realizing that leaving the three young women alone together might leave Jane and her companions with some bodies to bury. She glanced at Laurie.

"I'm . . . I'm not that good at physical labor . . . or anything."

"Nonsense child. I was going to work on redecorating the old general store this morning, and I think you would be a perfect assistant."

"Redecorating?" the girl asked as her eyes lit up. "I can do that!"

Alice felt strangely vulnerable at that moment. Much like Laurie, she had doubts about her ability to be of any help to these women.

"Well," said Michelle, looking the poor young woman over, "I was going to ride down south and check the herd if you're interested. Could use another set of eyes countin' heads."

"Sure," Alice said, almost afraid to meet the woman's eyes. But when she did, Michelle was smiling, and she didn't seem at all threatening.

"But you might want to changed into some long pants so ya don't get burrs on your legs."

"Burrs? Are we going to need to be getting out of the truck that often?"

"Truck? Girlie, I said ‘ride' south. We're takin' the horses."

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Out at the stables . . .

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Alice and Michelle wandered over to the horse stalls, which looked very much like they would have a hundred years earlier. Alice was noticing that some of those ‘dilapidated' buildings were actually holding together quite well. Michelle explained that they were actually restoring the old buildings from the inside out, trying to maintain the old-West flare. They were planning on turning the ghost town into a bed and breakfast tourist spot.

"It'll let us bring in some more cash while still letting us control who all comes on the property," she explained. Michelle had ventured into the stables with Alice close behind. "Ever ridden before?"

"When I was younger," Alice replied softly. Then she found her voice. "My grandma and grandpa had a farm with horses on it. My grandpa taught me to ride when I was six. I used to ride all the time, but haven't done it in years."

"Shame. Once I learned how, I couldn't imagine not bein' able to do it. This here horse is named Wyatt, and I've had ‘em near fifteen years. I've taken ‘em with me everywhere I've gone. He was a gift from my grandpa when I was twelve. My folks didn't think it too seemly for their only daughter to be ridin', but I didn't care and neither did grandpappy."

"Are you an only child?"

"Hell no. You think I got to lookin' like this for my own health? I started exercisin' to keep up with six older brothers." She stopped to toss a saddle onto another of the three horses in the stall. "This here is Josephine, and she's Jane's horse. She's a sweet girl, so you shouldn't have any problems with her." The horse in question was tall and of a deep-red color. Wyatt looked like an old draft horse, gunmetal gray with a splotch of white on the forehead. They got the two horses ready and headed south.

Alice found herself having the best time of her life. Michelle was sharp in both wit and tongue, and she had Alice laughing at her myriad of strange adventures. She had worked as a stable hand, a rodeo clown, an amateur bodybuilder, a waitress and a handy man. She and her brothers had learned to build just about anything from just about everything. She was a good mechanic, carpenter and even electrician. And she only had a high-school education.

Michelle started on the story of how she and Jane had met. She had been working for a company that did general repairs for a large number of apartment buildings in a major metropolitan city. She had got called in to take care of a plumbing problem, and it turned out to be Jane's apartment. She was a professor at a nearby university and best-selling author back then. Michelle thought she had been snooty and uptight at first. But then she started asking questions and taking a real interest in what Michelle was doing. She called her company and asked for her specifically whenever she had a problem.

"One thing you should know about Jane is that the only thing that gets under her skin is thinkin' that there is some kind of knowledge out there that she hasn't learned yet. She is the smartest woman I've ever met. Then she and I got involved and . . . I'm sorry, I keep forgettin' you're probably not comfortable with . . ."

"No, it's okay. I just find the whole issue very confusing."

"So did I. I hated myself for a long time because of how I felt about women. I used to be a lot like you before I turned eighteen and headed off on my own. I spent a lot of time prayin' for myself and everyone else. As it turned out, I kind of liked livin'. And then somethin' occurred to me that hadn't before."


Michelle turned towards Alice and had a look of tranquility on her pretty face. "I do believe in God. And I believe he made all of us and that he doesn't make mistakes. There are a lot of choices to be made that are up to me, but who I'm attracted to ain't one of ‘em. And for me to pretend to be something other than just what I am is to act in defiance of what He made me. And I don't believe he's gonna punish me for bein' who I am. Do you follow me?"

"Yes," said Alice, suddenly feeling much better about everything. She found herself staring at Michelle's muscular ass, bound in denim and bouncing up and down on the saddle. ‘Stop that,' she thought to herself.

They rode over the crest of a small hill and looked down at the grasslands below, and again Alice found herself short of breath. "I thought . . . are those . . .?"

The animals that roamed below weren't the common cows she had been expecting. Rather, they were buffalo.

"What? I just said we were going to check the herd!" Michelle was grinning. She knew the look on the young girl's face as she looked down at the magnificent animals. She used to have that expression on her own face. "Start countin'. We should be at one-hundred and twenty."

The animals were still very much wild at heart, so they couldn't get too close. The two of them rode around the herd, but trying to get an accurate count was hard as the buffalo roamed all over the place. Eventually they wound up with a count that was close to where they thought they should be. At one point, a massive male sauntered over and stood directly in Alice's path. She was amazed at the power and strength of the creature. She also began to realize how much she respected that kind of power when used wisely. The beast wasn't looking for a fight, it was just letting her know who was boss on the range. But the bull wandered off when Michelle rode up.

"They're magnificent!"

"If you think that's cool . . ." said Michelle as she moved her horse closer to the main group. The buffalo started moving, slowly at first before moving to a full speed sprint. Alice and Michelle rode beside the herd at full gallop. Alice's heart couldn't have beat any faster without turning into a medical condition. Buffalo at rest were impressive enough. When they were surging across the plains like a living tide, they were beautiful. The whole of Texas shuddered beneath their hooves. The wind whipped through Alice's hair and the sun beat down on her face. She wasn't just listening to thunder; she was riding along side of it. Finally the herd slowed and stopped at a water tank.

"That was incredible!" Alice shouted. As Michelle rode up next to her, Alice threw her arms around the muscular woman's neck. "Thank you," she said.

Even Michelle was a little taken aback by the girl's change in attitude. The mistrust was gone. The fear was gone. The young woman seemed to be truly alive for the first time in her life. And . . . and she had been holding on for much longer than necessary.

As her arms encircled that powerful neck, Alice realized how wonderful Michelle smelled, musty and thick. ‘No, I can't think that . . .'

"Uhm, sweetie? You can let go now." There was a pause. "But you don't have to if . . . oh hell!" Michelle grabbed Alice by the waist and pulled her into the powerful woman's lap. She looked into Alice's eyes. "I knew it. I was right about you wasn't I?"

"But . . . how?"

"No one clings to the cross like you do without being at least a little afraid of being devoured by the lions. You've been running for a long time, and you've been staring at my ass for half the trip out here." Alice blushed furiously. "But you need to be sure. So maybe you should think about . . ." She was cut off by face-full of young woman.

Alice whispered into Michelle's ear. "I've spent my entire life either hating who I was or being afraid of who I might become. Right now I feel good, and I don't want that feeling to go away."

"Girl, feeling good is just the beginning."

"But what about Jane and Freddie?"

Michelle smiled. "Don't worry. We've all gone explorin' off the home range from time to time, and we're all good with it. Hell, I'd be willin' to bet they're trying to get into your friends' pants right now."

"They aren't my friends."

"Maybe you should think things over and give them another chance. But for right now, we need to get to get our own business done." Michelle pulled the young woman against her ample chest and kissed her. There was no hesitation on Alice's part, which was encouraging. She was willing, though not experienced. Michelle pushed her tongue past the young woman's lips and explored her mouth. Alicia tentatively responded in kind, and Michelle moaned her approval. Michelle grabbed the younger girl's hand and slid it into her shirt. Alice got a firm grip on one of those enormous, firm breasts.

Alice broke the kiss, but out of need for breath rather than from second thoughts. "Did it hurt? Getting these put in?" She squeezed the breast again, enjoying the sensation.

"There was discomfort at first. They needed to be massaged for weeks. Ooh! Kind of like you're doin' now."

Alice stuck used her other hand to pull the end of the shirt out of Michelle's skintight jeans and unbutton it, leaving both breasts free for her eager hands. She fondled, groped, pulled and prodded Michelle's enormous tits. She felt the steel-like muscles of her abdomen and traced the muscled along the small of her back.

"I don't know what you're lookin' for hon, but I think it's a little south." Michelle reached around her own back, grabbed Alice's hands and placed them firmly on the muscular woman's denim-clad ass. "You know, this would be much easier on the ground."

"So you want to get off?"

Michelle grinned. "That's my plan little one." She lowered Alice to the ground before swinging down herself. She pulled the saddle blankets from the horses and threw them onto the ground. Alice was staring at the other woman. Her shirt had fallen to the ground, leaving the muscular woman standing in the tall grass wearing nothing but tight jeans, a cowboy hat and a smile. Alice felt herself getting even warmer. Michelle move at what might best be considered a mosey, unzipping her jeans as she went. Once on the saddle blankets, she shirked her boots and pants. She wasn't wearing any underwear. "Is this what you want?" Alice's hand found their way back to Michelle's ass.
