Little White Lies Ch. 13


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Don frowned, glancing down at her. "The talk?"

She nodded. "Deal breakers."

"Oh," he said. "Uh... sure."

"It's not too soon, right?" she confirmed.

"Nah," he said.

"I just... I really had a good time and I'm sensing that you did too," she revealed. "I haven't had a date this nice in a very long time and my guts are telling me that it's too good to be true."

Don chuckled. "I know how you feel. I keep expecting something to fail."

She kissed him again, sending happy little impulses dancing and cavorting through him.

"So..." she prompted. "Shall I go first?"

"Sure," he said.

"Okay..." she replied. "Well, besides the obvious: you're not a criminal and you've got a stable job."

He chuckled. "I'm not a criminal and I'm happily well-off."

"Good," she said. "Well, then... you're not racist, homophobic, transphobic, or anything?"

"Nope," he replied, amused at her line of questioning.

"Good," she said, rewarding him with another kiss, then left her arms around his neck. "I can't really think of anything else at the moment, though maybe it's because I'm only wanting to really do one thing right now."

He kissed her again and pulled her tight, a delightful moan of pleasure coming from her as he did so. She broke the kiss a second later and pushed him back, scowling playfully.

"Quick... tell me some of your dealbreakers," she said.

"Hrmm..." he said, pausing to think. "Well... are you crazy?"

"Rarely," she admitted. "Keep going."

"We've covered the lying and the hate," he said.

"I'll always be honest with you and I'm definitely not a hateful person," she said, biting her bottom lip.

"Mmm... so... I guess that's it," he said. "Wanna go out again?"

She smiled widely and kissed him. "Yes," she said. "When?"

"As soon as possible," he said with a chuckle.

"Come on," she bade, sliding from the seat and reaching for his hand.

Don quickly dropped a twenty on the table for the waitress and took Candy's hand, letting her lead him from the bar.

Back in the truck, she immediately leaned over the console and turned his face toward her as he was starting the engine. Her lips felt incredible on his as they pressed together wetly, the warmth of her tongue tantalizing as it probed against his.

"Mmm... no," she groaned, sitting back. "No... no... no... bad girl," she muttered.

Don looked over at her in amusement. "Troubles?" he asked.

She sighed deeply and nodded. "I've got really naughty thoughts running through my head."

He smiled and reached over to take her hand. "I promise not to push," he said. "I've waited this long. I can wait longer."

"You're not pushing," she replied. "But I do appreciate that you're such a good guy."

"Home then?" he asked. "The sooner I get you there, the sooner I get to see you again."

She giggled and rolled her eyes. "That sounds good. I can't promise that the kiss good night is going to be 'G' rated."

"What happened to no more kisses until I text you again?" he asked.

"Totally your fault," she said. "You shouldn't be so damn handsome."

With another chuckle, he put the truck in reverse and slowly pulled out of the lot.


Pulling up to the house, he hopped out and walked her to the door, her hand automatically sliding into his. Turning as they reached the door, she pulled him down for a kiss. That turned into her pulling him back to slide into the door as they made out like teenagers. Eventually, she broke the kiss and put a hand on his chest.

"If... I promise to behave myself... would you consider coming in for a few minutes?" she asked, looking up at him innocently.

He smiled and brushed a lock of blonde hair from her face. He really wanted to go in with her. She was sexy, beautiful, and obviously wanted him to. Why shouldn't he? Situations like this weren't likely to happen often for him, in his opinion. He quickly decided to seize the opportunity before he did something to spoil it.

"I'll come inside... as long as you understand that I'm not just looking for sex," he said.

"I know," she said, smiling genuinely at him. Kissing him again, she turned to unlock the door. As she pushed it open, though, the two of them were immediately greeted by loud moans and cries of pleasure from somewhere inside. She immediately shut the door again and turned back to face him, blushing intensely.

He looked at her with a mixture off surprise and amusement. "Impromptu orgy going on in there?" he asked.

"God," she said, leaning her forehead into his chest. "I'm so embarrassed!"

He pulled her face back up and kissed her, then silently stared into her eyes. "I'm going to see you again soon," he promised.

"You better," she said, pulling herself tightly against him. "Thank you for a fun evening."

"I had an amazing time," he told her.

"One last kiss?" she asked, looking up at him with a hopeful expression.

With a chuckle, he leaned down and kissed her, pulling her tight and feeling her melt against him.

"I better hear from you soon," she said. "I mean... I know I should be playing this cool and not getting my hopes up... but... you better call me."

"Count on it," he said, smiling warmly. "I'll call you tomorrow if that's okay."

"I mean... it's not tonight... but I guess it'll do," she told him, then smiled happily. "I'll talk to you soon," she said, turning and opening the door. Moans and cries of pleasure escaped in the few seconds it took for her to rush inside and shut the door.

Practically dancing to the truck, he got in and drove home, humming a tune and not even trying to wipe the grin off his face.



"Maybe I should sneak out of here when you go to sleep," she ventured, her lips scrunched up in thought. "That way, I could say I'm sorry properly. I'd have your brother's cum in my ass, your cum in my pussy, and your dad's in my mouth. I'd be totally set!"

"You could," Dex replied without missing a beat. "The only problem with that is that he told you to behave yourself around him."

"Boo," she said, rolling her eyes. "That's just so boring."

"I'm not saying you need to," he pointed out. "I'm just saying that he told you to behave yourself."

She traced a finger along his naked chest playfully. "So... if I were to wait up for him and try to convince him to let me apologize my way..."

"If he lets you, then I'm good with it," he said. "Just brush your teeth before you kiss me again."

She burst out laughing then playfully slapped his chest.

"Honestly though," Dex said, "I don't think he'll be down for it. You're welcome to give it a shot, though."

"You're probably right," she said. "He hasn't responded very much to my flirting lately, and now that Jack is back in the house..."

Dex nodded. "Yeah, there's that too." He looked up and offered a conciliatory smile. "I'm sorry babe."

Giggling, she looked back up at him and shrugged. "It's not like I'm not going to try my best. You know how persuasive I can be."

"Just... try not to get too physical with dad if my brother is around, you know?" Dex asked. "He's not used to you yet."

"What if I can convince him to?" she asked playfully.

Dex shrugged. "I just let him fuck you in the ass, honey. I think I'm good with you giving him head if he's okay with it. I just don't want it to get any weirder for the men in this house."

"Don't suck anyone's cock in front of another family member," she said, and nodded firmly. "Got it."

He chuckled quietly before pulling her close to him and giving her a passionate kiss. "Have fun," he whispered. "I'm beat... and I'm going to sleep."

"Okay," she said, smiling happily at him in the dim light. "I love you."

"Love you," he said, shuffling around in the bed and pulling the covers up.

Silently sliding from the covers, she crept from the room and down the stairs to wait.


After taking the opportunity to straighten up the kitchen, she went to the living room and turned on the TV to wait. Finding something to keep her occupied, she got up and went over to snag a blanket to shield her from the chill of the house.

Just before midnight, she heard the door open and looked over, prepared to beckon Don into the living room so they could talk. It wasn't him, though.

Jack came through the front door and the kitchen but paused at the stairs. She waited as his footsteps grew closer before his face appeared, poking around the doorframe and spying her immediately.

"Oh... hey," he said, offering a wave.

"Hi Jack!" she said happily. "Have fun after you left Dex and I?"

"Meh," he said with a shrug. "It was okay, I guess. No luck with the ladies."

"Aww," she said sympathetically. "I guess it's good that you got lucky earlier then," she said, smirking at him.

"Yeah..." he replied with a chuckle.

"Want to join me and watch some TV?" she asked.

"Nah, I'm pretty beat," he said with a shrug. "You good?"

"Yep," she said with a smile. "Dex and I came home and wore each other out. He's upstairs sleeping now."

"Ah... right," he said. "Well... night, Jessie."

"Night, Jack," she said with a slight wave.

Another twenty minutes went by, and she was just about to call it a night and head back upstairs when Don finally made it home. He was obviously trying to be quiet when he came in but peeked into the living room as soon as he heard the noise from the TV.

"Oh... hey Jessie," he said.

"Wait... who?" she asked, frowning at him.

"Oops," he said with a chuckle. "Spitfire."

"That's better," she said. "Come tell me how it went!"

He paused briefly in the doorway, but then joined her on the couch.

Listening attentively as he talked about what they did and how the date went, she couldn't stop herself from laughing when he told her how he'd flubbed the initial greeting. She only interrupted him when he got to the part about her and Dex.

"Yeah..." she said, giggling at him. "I'm really sorry about that, Papa."

"Candy didn't seem to mind, actually," he confessed. "We went to a bar after we left here and talked it out."

"Still, though..." she said, and subtly let the blanket fall from one shoulder as she leaned over, revealing her nudity. "I'm sorry that we put you in that position."

Don looked down automatically as her naked breast came into view.

"Did you guys get to play any?" she asked, reaching up and dropping the blanket from her other shoulder.

He chuckled and shook his head. "No, and no..." he said, reaching over and pulling the blanket back up, "I don't need you to take care of me."

She frowned. "You're no fun at all."

He laughed, then fixed her with a questioning stare. "Did you stay up late just to see if I wanted to have sex with you?"

She smirked for a moment before giving him her best innocent look. "Of course not, silly! Dex doesn't let anyone else but him have my pussy anymore, remember?"

He sighed, raising a single eyebrow at her.

"I was just gonna offer to suck your dick, honest!" she protested.

"Oh... right... well, that makes it okay then," he replied with a chuckle.

"Really?" she asked, smiling hopefully.

"Good night, Spitfire," he said, standing.

She stood up as well, letting the blanket drop as she stepped up and hugged him.

"Night Papa," she said. "I'm glad that you and Candy had a nice time."

"Me too," he murmured, gently stroking her back.

Retiring upstairs, both returned to their respective rooms without further incident.


Snoring greeted her when she woke up the next morning, and though she'd only slept about six hours, she practically leapt out of bed with renewed energy.

"Morning," Dex muttered grumpily as she danced naked around the room and sang cheerfully.

"Morning, baby!" she said. "Did you sleep well?"

"Awesome," he said flatly, not moving.

With a giggle, she slapped him on the ass, eliciting a grunt as she turned and danced from the room. Humming to herself, she went to Dex's bathroom without bothering to dress, and took a few minutes to do her morning duties. After finishing those and brushing her teeth, she saw Jack step in through the door and stop.

"Oh... sorry." His eyes lingered on her nude form for a few seconds.

"For what?" she asked.

He looked at her as if the answer were obvious.

"You can come in," she said. "I'm just about done."

"Uh... thanks." He didn't move, though, and continued to wait at the door.

She turned after rinsing her mouth and rolled her eyes. "Jack..."

"I'll wait," he said, waving his hand dismissively.

"You've had your cock in my mouth and my ass..." she pointed out.

"Yeah..." he said, though he didn't move from his spot.

"Suit yourself," she said with a shrug, and resumed humming.

After taking a second to clean up sink and put her toothbrush away, she purposefully dropped a hand towel on the ground.

"Oops," she said, covering her mouth and looking over at him. "How clumsy of me!"

Turning away from him, she bent over to pick it up. Keeping her knees straight as she leaned over, she intentionally took her time grabbing the towel before slowly standing up straight. Looking at him again, she saw that he'd undoubtedly watched her show, but was disappointed that he still hadn't moved.

"All done," she said, walking over toward him. Pausing as she reached him, she turned and made sure that she was uncomfortably close. "Is that from me?" she asked, gesturing to his obvious erection.

"Morning wood," he said, smirking at her.

"I'm pretty sure that you know a good spot to put things like that," she said. Turning around to illustrate the point, she put her hands on the other side of the door frame and poked her rump out at him.

"Jesus..." he said. She almost squealed in delight when he turned and started to reach for her hips. He stopped just before his hands made contact though and pulled them back as if he'd been burned.

"You know... you don't have to fuck my ass if that's not what you want," she said, spinning around. "What about a blowjob? Or... you can just jerk off and cum in my mouth!"

She saw that his was fully erect at this point and reached out to touch his cock. He side-stepped before she could, though, and immediately turned on the water to the shower.

"I'll take that as a no then," she said with a frown. "By the looks of things though, I'd make that a cold shower."

"Oh... it is..." he said, still facing away.

"You'll get used to me," she said with a giggle, then and left the room.

As she'd expected, Dex was still being a lazy butt when she got back to his room. Scowling, she went over and smacked him on his ass again, eliciting another grunt of protest.

"Come on already!" she said. "I'm hungry."

He sighed deeply and slowly turned over, wiping the sleep from his eyes.

"Morning," he said.

"We've already done 'good morning,' silly," she said. "Let's go get breakfast."

He groaned, forcing himself up and yawning deeply. He looked up after a few seconds and sighed when she smiled at him again.

"Why did I have to fall in love with a morning person," he sighed, rubbing his eyes again.

"Cuz I'm irresistible!" she announced and twirled around to start getting dressed.


Twenty minutes later she'd finally gotten him up and dressed, and they were headed to go get breakfast together. Pulling into a fast-food place, they hopped out and went inside.

"So... did you have any adventures after I zonked out last night?" he asked as they sat across from each other and ate.

"Not really," she said. "I saw Jack when he came home, but he looked weirded out so I left him alone."

"I appreciate that," Dex said. "Just... give him time."

She smiled and nodded. "I tried to get flirty with him this morning, but he elected to take a cold shower instead. I got to apologize to your dad last night, but he declined my other offer."

Dex chuckled in amusement. "Well... I'm sure you'll have plenty of time today to get flirty with folks. Speaking of," he said, taking a drink. "What are our plans?"

"Ugh," she said, sighing. "That's really up in the air now. Alec and Erin want to hang out, but Donna is also doing something."

"I guess we'll just play it by ear?" he asked.

"I guess," she said. "We can head over and check in with them after this, if you like."

"Sure," he said.

"Oh... I also told her that I'd ask you to not have sex with Daisy," she said.

"I wasn't planning on it," he said with a chuckle. "You're the one that makes all that happen."

"Oh, whatever!" she protested. "I'm pretty sure that size of your cock is also to blame."

"Mmm... yep, it's my dick's fault," he said then looked down into his lap for a moment. "Bad dick."

"You know what I mean," she said, snickering. "You rope these helpless girls in with your good looks and before they know what hit them, big-ass-dick."

"Ha!" he scoffed. "It certainly doesn't have anything to do with my girlfriend's scheming."

She knew there was no use denying it. "Just please do me a favor and..."

"Babe... I'm not going to sleep with Daisy," he assured her. "No matter how sexy she is," he added.

Jessie giggled. "She seems so... pent-up too," she added. "That night that I sucked off Jack in the parking lot, she pinned me up against a random car when we were going back inside and kissed me after I had swallowed his cum."

He didn't immediately respond, so she looked up and saw him with a curious expression on his face.

"What?" she asked.

"Just trying to figure out if I'm supposed to be turned on by that or not," he said, then grinned cheekily.

"I'd bet money that you are." She smirked at him as he chuckled and resumed eating.

"I was just so scandalized when I heard about you flirting with him in the bathroom this morning." She looked up and rolled her eyes at him.

"It was barely flirting at all," she said. "I was naked, of course, and just bent over in front of him."

"Mmmhmm," he said, his tone illustrating his disbelief.

"Well... I may have told him that he knew a spot that he could put his dick... and may have turned around for him to do so..." she admitted. "But that's it!"

"And he didn't go for it?" he asked, giving her a look of irritation.

"Nope!" she said, giggling at him.

"Bastard," he said, and pulled out his phone.

"What are you doing?" she asked as he began texting. He finished typing and sent the message, then showed it to her.

It read, "Listen here you sumbitch, Jessie told me about the bathroom this morning."

"Dexter!" she cried.

"He's going to know that I'm kidding," he explained.

A few seconds later a reply came through. Dex read it first, chuckled, then handed her the phone.

"Dude... she's so hot... but it just feels wrong."

"Aww, he thinks I'm hot," she said, giggling at Dex when he looked at her incredulously.

"He needs to lighten up," he said, shaking his head. "I don't know what to tell him."

She smirked, then flashed a mischievous look at him after an idea popped into her head.

"What?" he asked suspiciously.

"Give me his number," she said. "I'll handle it."

Briefly giving a her a suspicious look, he eventually shrugged and gave her Jack's number.

She added it to her contacts and opened up a text message.

"Don't worry so much." She sent the text message off, then smiled at Dex.

"Who is this?" he responded.

"You had your cock in my ass last night," she replied.

"Hi Jessie," he replied after a long pause.

She giggled and showed Dex the progress she'd made. He rewarded her efforts with a laugh and a resigned sigh.



A little later, he was following Jessie into the apartment and Tyson was the first person that he saw. An immediate frown came to the other guy's face and Dex could only sigh at the unwarranted hostility.

"Hey there," Tyson said, leering at Jessie as she stepped up to give him a hug.
