It's a Dead Man's World Ch. 04


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The Dragon's Breath was mounted on a pedestal at the top of the ramp where the portal was going to be opened. The World Council and American government had decided to keep the initial reopening somewhat guarded until the stability of the new portal could be properly assessed. The general public had been informed that the bridge would likely be reestablished "soon," but only official personnel would be allowed through on the first couple of days.

Valar had been meditating for almost an hour, trying to get a clear picture in his mind of what he was going to try and do and how he could convince The Dragon's Breath to do it. So Eliza and her troops wandered the floor, trying not to look too bored.

Finally, Valar seemed to be satisfied with his mental state.

[[ Eliza, could you come here for a moment? ]]

Eliza rolled her eyes, then turned around and wandered up the ramp. Valar was back in a position of power, and Eliza could only expect him to rub her face in it.

[[ I think I'm ready. I would appreciate it if you would stand by in case the influx of magical energies becomes overwhelming for me. ]]

Eliza was a bit confused. There were a number of other Terrans he could have called on to help manage the power flow if necessary. [[ Why me? ]]

Valar shook his head. [[ Because you are more familiar with the magic of the Living Jewels than anyone else, though you yourself have never wielded one. ]] Surprisingly, his voice softened. [[ Though I acknowledge that you have felt their power in a less . . . controlled fashion. ]] He looked down the ramp and saw assorted diplomats and officials gathering, waiting for the "grand opening." [[ Eliza, I believe I owe you an apology. ]]

Eliza was more than a bit distrustful of that statement. Valar had never sincerely apologized for anything in his life, at least not as far as she knew. [[ For what? Have a sudden change in heart about lesbians? ]]

[[ Not at all, ]] he replied, averting his gaze for a moment. [[ I don't agree with your lifestyle or your adaptation of human customs. I didn't like your decision to 'mingle' with a human partner back when you were pure vampire. I certainly don't approve of your physical attraction to members of your own gender. ]] Eliza started to speak, but he silenced her with a wave of his hand. [[ But you don't need my approval, ]] he said, looking like he actually meant it. [[ I didn't get that until our recent conflict. The vampire race, as a general rule, believes in its traditions and cultures. You believe in breaking rules. You don't think like any vampire I know, and you don't so much walk your own path as you do blaze your own highway. And our two worlds are about to be recombined because of it. You don't need me to like you or accept you. You don't need that from anyone. You do what needs to be done in whatever way you can, generally in ways no one else would think of. And even if that doesn't earn you friendship, it most certainly warrants you respect. I have never shown you respect, Ms. Eliza Msabdteelfinclor, and for that I apologize. ]] Valar returned to concentrating on the Living Jewel before him, leaving Eliza to be . . . stunned. So stunned in fact that she was almost caught flatfooted when Valar grabbed The Dragon's Breath and uttered the words, [[ Let my will be done. ]]

It started as The Dragon's Breath projecting a bright red pinpoint of light at a particular point on the wall. Then the point expanded until it was about the size of the manhole cover, and then kept growing until it was about ten feet in diameter. Valar was beginning to sweat. This was considerably more difficult than simply accessing his home dimension as he had done in his fight with Kertosis Ithslerorvana. It might best be equated to the difference between trying to push a needle through cloth versus trying to slowly push a coffee can through while creating a smooth hole. Then, Eliza could almost see the "bridge" being built, almost as if it were vanishing into a television screen. Its structure was clear in her mind's eye, but she could tell the three-dimensionality of it was purely illusionary. She saw the other end of the bridge approaching what she assumed was the "wall" for the world of Terra . . . a wall lined with . . . splotches.

[[ Valar, wait! ]] Eliza exclaimed.

[[ This . . . is not . . . a . . . good time! ]] he returned tiredly.

[[ Look at the walls! Aren't those t-port mines? ]]

[[ Impossible, what would . . . wait, you're right!?! What are those doing there? ]] he asked, ceasing his push.

[[ Someone . . . trying to prevent the portal from being reopened, maybe? But it couldn't have been someone from this side of the breach. Kertosis would have been the only one with enough knowledge of teleportation, and he wasn't there when the Purity used The Heaven's Eye. They would have had to had been put there right before it was closed, or someone would have noticed them. But why? ]]

Valar was struggling to think while he maintained the tunnel he had already constructed. [[ We may have overlooked a very annoying possibility. We've been assuming that the 'Purity' movement only existed on the Earth side. ]]

[[ So maybe there's a similar group on Terra that, as much as it pained them, conspired with a bunch of humans to separate the worlds and keep them separated? It makes some sense. They set up the traps at the appointed time to keep Terrans from using magic to find a way back to Earth, but they didn't worry about hiding them from viewers on this side . . . ]]

Valar caught where she was going. [[ Because they didn't know about the Living Jewels. They assumed there would be no way of anyone on THIS side being able to find a way of crossing the barriers. ]] Valar actually felt quite proud of himself. [[ Do you think you can disarm them? ]] he asked.

Eliza looked them over. [[ There's too many. And if one goes, they might all go. I don't know how the caster or casters set it up. But we might be able to use that to our advantage. I know this has been a bitch, but do you think you could open the portal again? ]]

[[ After a lot of rest, yes? Why? ]]

She smiled, laying one hand on The Dragon's Breath and feeling it's power and feeling the ambient magic from her homeworld of Terra. [[ Because I'm going to toss a stick into a room full of mouse straps and see what goes off. ]]

[[ Why must everything with you end in explosions? ]] he asked. Actually, he was impressed with the idea. He felt her drawing power through the Living Jewel much like he had done the week before, then she sent of a series of telekinetic pulses into the breach. The use of magic near the t-port mines caused many of them to explode at once.

[[ Close the breach! ]] she screamed, and Valar let go of his hold with an almost audible "snap." The breach closed just as the explosion was trying to escape out the portal.

"What the hell was that?" Veronica yelled as she ran up the ramp.

"T-port mines," Eliza replied. "Nasty little spells that some succubae sorceresses devised during a Blood War with a vampire nation a number of centuries back. Vampires had been teleporting behind enemy lines for millennia, so these succubae came up with a way of setting up pockets of unstable magic within dimensional fabric. Whenever a vampire tried to teleport through an area with t-port mines, the magic would quickly and explosively try and flow into the 'dimensional bubble' created when someone tries to teleport." She went on to explain to Veronica and a number of other bystanders about the conspiracy theory that she and Valar had proposed. The two of them were fairly confident that they could still safely open the portal, but they needed to clear a path first.

"Crap!" said Veronica at last. "I thought the fighting was over!"

Eliza hung her head a bit. "It is, at least for us. We have no authority on the Terran side, so we'll have to let them deal with it." She turned to Valar. [[ You really should rest before trying again. If we didn't get them all, you're likely to trigger them again or . . . ]]

[[ Or possible mess up the very fabric of space, ]] he added drolly. [[ I agree. We've waited a year. Our people can wait one day more. ]]

Valar and a number of officials began clammering and chattering as they set up a time to try again the next day. Eliza and Veronica made their way down the ramp.

"So," Veronica began, "up for a little dinner? We haven't had much besides blood recently, and I'd kind of like some real food. And . . ."

As they got to the bottom of the ramp, they found a couple of familiar faces. It was the succubus Terillia and the troll Tiny.

"What's up?" Eliza asked. "I didn't think they were going to let you guys cross for a couple days at least?"

Terillia was gently biting her bottom lip, making the attractive young creature look even cuter. Veronica involuntarily took a step forward, positioning herself between Terillia and Eliza. "No kissing," she flat out stated.

Terillia blushed blue. "I apologize again for my behavior. I was simply so . . . swept away in the moment . . . I didn't mean . . ."

"It's okay," Eliza said, enjoying her girlfriend's jealousy.

"It's just . . . while this fine troll and I are both going to go home for a while and visiting, we were talking about it and . . . well, we'd both like to return to Earth and work . . . here . . . for you."

"Excuse me?" Eliza said.

"We weren't sure if you were even interested in expanding your organization, but it would not help us NOT to ask. We both admire you and your group . . ."

{{ I'll bet she does, }} Veronica mentally grumbled, causing her lover to chuckle.

"Terillia, the group hasn't even decided if we are going to continue working after this. We don't really need the money anymore, but a number of my people acknowledged that they couldn't imagine actually RETIRING. It would be so . . . dull."

"I understand," the dejected young succubus replied.

Eliza felt bad. She hadn't meant to crush the young woman's spirits. "Listen, why don't you get in touch with me once you've had a chance to visit. I'll probably have a team meeting in the next couple of weeks anyway, just to discuss what we're going to do next. I'll bring up your request then, okay?"

"That would be a most joyous opportunity," Terillia squealed, then made as if to hug the Hybrid warrior. But Veronica stood firmly in her way.

"No hugging or kissing," she warned.

"My apologies," she said, blushing and smiling. Then she turned away. Tiny had already wandered off to talk to Thug, and it was amusing to watch the twenty-foot circle that cleared out around the two trolls when they were conversing. Trolls made people nervous.

Eliza looked after the retreated job candidate. {{ She IS kind of cute, }} she thought, trying to raise Veronica's ire.

{{ I don't care how cute she is, }} the blonde woman replied, {{ as long as she keeps her tongue out of your mouth. }}

Eliza actually managed a full-throated laugh. "Weren't you saying something about dinner?" she asked grabbing Veronica's hand.

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Several hours later . . .

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Eliza had talked to their employers and arranged for her team to get some rest. Most of the group had gone back to the hotel while Eliza and Veronica had a belated anniversary dinner. After dinner, they had gone to a pool hall and Veronica had tried to explain the intricacies of nine-ball to her girlfriend. After several drinks, a lot of lost games and enduring having both her and Veronica get hit on almost endlessly, Eliza decided it was time to head back to the hotel.

Even as they got out of the cab, Veronica started to get clingy. The driver got an eyeful as Veronica waited for her lover to pay for the ride, then kissed her deep and grabbed a double handful of muscular ass and gripped it tightly.

{{ What's got into you? }} Eliza mentally moaned as Veronica drew her inside the building, kissing her on the lips, cheek and neck.

{{ Do I really NEED a reason to want to make out with you? }} Veronica responded, pulling her girlfriend into the elevator.

{{ Not that I'm aware of, }} came the response, {{ but isn't this a bit public? }}

Veronica held her girlfriend's head and kissed her again. {{ No one can see us, }} she said, {{ and even if they could, I don't care. I've got a hot woman who keeps saving the day no matter what the problem is. }} Veronica turned around and hit the "Stop" button on the elevator. {{ And I love a woman who can improvise. }} At that point Veronica pounced on Eliza, pushing her to the mirrored-side of the elevator and latching her lips onto Eliza's neck.

It was still a bit odd for Eliza, being so open in a relationship. True, they had made love in some fairly open places, but never somewhere like this where Eliza almost expected to get caught. For almost a century, she had hidden her sexuality, and now she found herself with a woman that made her want to put it on display. She pushed her hands under Veronica's stretch pants and pulled on her ass cheeks, then slid one hand down between the woman's legs so she could stroke her lover's cleft through her silky g-string.

Veronica responded by intensifying her kisses and pulling up on Eliza's shirt so her own hands could reach those small but firm breasts. Eliza had actually word a black-lace bra, which she only wore when she was hoping to get lucky. The former vampire knew that Veronica liked to unwrap her presents before she played with them.

As badly as she wanted Eliza to keep doing what she was doing, Veronica wanted to get her girlfriend naked. She stepped back, causing Eliza to break her attentions, then grabbed the white-haired goddess's hands and pinned them above Eliza's head against the wall of the elevator. {{ Keep those hands right there, }} she ordered. Then she got on her knees and pulled down Eliza's pants, revealing a tight pair of short-style panties. Once Eliza had stepped out of her pants, Veronica pushed the girl's legs apart and kissed her right on the crotch, nuzzling her mound through the fabric. Then she licked a long swathe right up Eliza's slot, pushing the material of her panties into her crotch with that skilled tongue.

Eliza was still holding her arms over her head, but was pushing her crotch against Veronica's lips. She wanted that powerful little muscle inside her, and the waiting was killing her. And apparently, Veronica was getting just as impatient. She pulled Eliza's panties down to the floor. She just stayed on her knees for a while, licking her lover's pussy with increasing speed. Eliza was so wet that she was already beginning to drip down her thighs. Veronica slowly rose to her feet, kissing her way up Veronica's abdomen while her fingers went to work in that moist cunt. She licked and nipped Eliza's nipples through the lace of the bra as she worked the clasp with her free hands. She had it off in a matter of seconds, marveling at the reports of teenage boys' ineptitude at completing such a simple task. That left Veronica with free access to tantalize those warm tits with her tongue. But she never stopped moving her fingers, pumping them in her girlfriend's box with a vengeance. 'Has her pussy actually gotten tighter?' she wondered. She wished she could push her fist up there again, but this wasn't the place for something like that. This was just about satisfying lust as quickly as possible.

Eliza started to whimper as she felt her innermost recesses tighten up and prepare for a sexual earthquake. Veronica sensed the imminent approach of a climax and aided it along by teasing the clitoral hood with her thumb. Just as Eliza's pussy began to spasm, Veronica turned her lover around and pushed her hard against the mirrored wall of the elevator. Eliza was confused but it was too late to stop (even if she wanted to). As the dam broke and her cum erupted from her body, it began to flow down the formerly pristine reflective surface.

{{ Just marking our territory, }} Veronica thought wickedly, holding a shaking Eliza until that woman's head cleared and she was a little more capable of remaining upright on her own. Then Veronica stepped back and pulled her own shirt off as Eliza watched hungrily. Then she turned around and placed her hands on the far wall. Eliza took her cue and approached, pulling Veronica's pants down to her ankles and exposing that well-rounded, g-string clad ass. Before Veronica could step out of her pants, Eliza gave one cheek a swift spank, then kissed the pink spot that appeared. She repeated this with the other cheek, then ripped the fragile underwear off her lover's body.

{{ Just marking my territory, }} Eliza said, gripping the now sensitive skin of Veronica's butt. She cut off her lover's objections by burying her tongue between the lover's butt cheeks and rimming her asshole. She buried her hand between Veronica's legs and started thrusting with two fingers, using them like a miniature dildo. She pushed the tip of her tongue into Veronica's back door, then withdrew, causing Veronica to groan loudly.

Eliza lay back on the floor of the elevator. {{ Why don't you have a seat? }} she thought, half-closing her eyes. Veronica grinned in response, kicked her pants away and slowly knelt with her knees on either side of Eliza's head while facing down Eliza's body. Eliza's tongue was already busy at work, spreading those inner labia out as far as they would go and delving into Veronica's depths.

Veronica just grabbed Eliza's nipples and tugged, holding on for dear life as her lover's oral attack went into overdrive. She felt her inner labia being sucked into Eliza's mouth and pressed between her gums. Then she felt fingers prodding at her asshole as Eliza stuck two fingers from each hand at the entrance to Veronica's sphincter and proceeded to shove them inward. Once in, Eliza began pumping those fingers, periodically stopped to stretch that opening a bit. And her tongue seemed to be in Veronica as far as it could go,

{{ Faster, }} Veronica thought, her mind in a state of pure bliss. {{ Please hurry! }}

While Eliza DID want to get her girlfriend off, she didn't want to make it go too fast. For a few minutes, she toyed with her food, bringing Veronica close to the edge without allowing her the sweet release of going over. But as was the case when both her pussy and ass were being stimulated at the same time, Veronica finally achieved orgasm. Her body shook violently as she came on Eliza's face, holding her opening fast against her lover's head until every last drop had fallen.

{{ Since I'm here anyway, }} she thought, then collapsed forward into the sixty-nine position and began to eat. Eliza was still recovering from the mouthful of girl-cum she had just ingested, so she fell behind in their new little race. Veronica just sank her tongue in until her lips were resting on Eliza's mound, then began licking like child with an ice cream cone. But Eliza quickly re-entered the competition, sucking on Veronica's clit while stimulating the woman's asshole with one hand and pussy with the other.

The race only lasted for a few more minutes, as both women were feeling a sense of urgency. The sound of slurping and licking filled the small area as they tried feverishly to get one another off.

{{ I'm so close, }} Veronica sent, feeling a familiar sensation building up inside. {{ After this, I'm going to take you to our room and drink of you until your brain explodes! }}

{{ Then I guess I'd better finish you off, }} Eliza replied eagerly. She'd been hoping for a good bite on the neck for a week. She was wiggling her tongue inside Veronica's opening with reckless abandon, and she managed to bring her girlfriend to climax just as she herself was feeling its familiar stirrings. Simultaneous orgasms were relatively common for the two women, due probably to their strikingly powerful mental and magical connection. When the both started to come, they actually rolled over several times, letting each woman drip their fluids onto the other's face while being on top. Finally they stopped, panting and sweating like racehorses after crossing the finish line. Then unexpectedly, the elevator began to move again.