Invasion Force V


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"Are you a freak," Harry asked between his second and third cookie.

"Only in the bedroom," she replied as she used the kitchen sink to wash up. "Out in the real world I am an upstanding citizen that educates the young. In the safety of my home I can do whatever I want."

"Oh okay," Harry said. "I guess I understand, all but the splooge in the face thing. That is pretty wackadoodle."

"Oh Harry, you have only scratched the surface of my depravity," she moaned. "Can you go again?"

"You mean fuck... yeah sure why?" He asked as she looked over her shoulder and smiled.

"Come here and I will give you a peek into how much of a freak I am." Helen purred.

Harry finished the milk in his glass and got to his feet. Helen grabbed the edge of the sink and walked her feet back until her spine was parallel to the floor. He was hard by the time he was standing behind her. There had been something intoxicating about her expression, something seductive. He did as she told him to the letter.

"Take your cock and put it between my ass cheeks," Helen purred. "Okay, now just rock your hips as if we were making love. How does that feel?"

"NNNNN Nice," Harry moaned.

"Good, I knew you'd like that. Now be a dear and slide that fine horse cock of yours into my pussy and thrust nice and slow."

"Sure," he said and eased back into her tight pussy. "It feels better than last time."

"Is it nice and slick now?" she asked her head down.

"Yep, slick as glass," Harry said. "Why?" She told him what to do next. "You want me to put it where?"

"In... my... ass..." she ordered.

Harry paused and looked at the tiny puckered hole. There was no way his thing could possibly fit in there. Helen cursed at him and he pulled out of her pussy and lined up the head as she demanded. He began pushing and met resistance. Helen was moaning and praying as the tight muscular hole opened reluctantly and gobbled up the head of Harry's dick.

"Holy Moses... it went in," Harry cursed.

"Damn, I wasn't sure there myself for a second," Helen said tears streaming down her cheeks. "Now push the rest in slowly and I do mean SLOWLY."

Inch by inch Harry fed Helen's ass the entire length of his manhood. Helen was shaking when it was buried inside of her. Harry waited patiently until she was ready. With a nod he began to move. Sweet Jesus in Heaven her ass was tight! Her pussy was nothing compared to this. Harry reached down and found Helen's clit. He teased it lightly as he slowly thrust his hips. Helen fired off twice before he was close to his own orgasm. He had a nice steady rhythm going when she told him to break her. He refused as his cock swelled inside of her ass.

"God damn it Harry, break my ass or as god is my witness...!"

Harry slammed into her as hard as he could. He pulled her towards him as he drove his cock into her. Helen screamed as his cock got bigger and bigger inside of her. Harry warned her but she had fallen strangely silent so he gave her one final thrust and spilled his seed into the depths of her ass. He lay on top of her panting and wheezing. Helen seemed to stir at last and asked if she had passed out. Harry told her she had gotten real quiet there at the end.

"Oh my goodness Harry, you fucked me unconscious! I've never fainted while having sex before!"

"Um, for what it's worth you were my first for three things today. I think that will be a record for a very long time to come."

"Same time tomorrow," Helen asked as she counted those three things in her head.

"Um... less freaky stuff," Harry asked and she nodded.

"I doubt my ass will be ready for a repeat for at least two months," Helen said. "Kidding... you are off limits to my butt. No way are you ever going near it ever again."

"Please..." Harry said as he slowly pulled out.

"Okay, maybe just one more time but no more after that," she said halfheartedly.

"I love your cookies by the way," he said and she pressed her body to his.

"You can eat my cookies any time you want big boy," she purred.

The rest of the day followed a definite pattern. Lonely women some married some not that were in desperate need of physical love. Harry felt bad for them actually, the married women especially. Didn't these guys want to have sex? Geez, these women were really attractive and eager to have it. The single gals were a bit more complicated. They wanted the sex without the emotional ties involved. But it was the single gals that said something that made Harry see another pattern.

"My boyfriend hasn't called me in weeks. He goes to work and then back home, that's it. We don't go out dancing or to the movies, nothing. It's like he has another girl but I've asked around. No one is dating him, they all said. It was like all the guys in town, except Harry were getting their sex from somewhere else, but where? The strangeness didn't end there. Why had Johnny's mom called him to shovel the snow? It wasn't for the sex, yet. Johnny was a big strapping guy. Why wasn't he shoveling snow?

He needed time to discover what was going on. Jennifer was at the center of this somehow. He didn't know how or why but she was a link in this weird chain. As Harry walked home the sun set and the temperature dropped. It was only then that he saw the strange pink glow coming from the houses, all of the houses except his. What the hell was going on? He raced home and nearly slipped twice on the ice. He unlocked the front door took off his boots and looked up. Jennifer was standing in the doorway to the living room. There was something in her hand. There was a flash of pink light and everything went dark.

He came to in his bedroom. He was naked and shivered as he got to his feet. He quietly slunk to the door and opened it. He listened and the only sound was strange noises coming from the attic. Harry went to his mom's room and found her fast asleep. She was safe, that was good. He went to the bottom of her closet and got his father's service revolver. It was loaded and ready for action. He took it as he went to the attic to confront Jennifer and discover what was going on. He took each step very slowly. The closer he got the more he could hear.

"I have found the one," Jennifer said excitedly.

"We have seen the report," another feminine voice said. "His FMEEM levels are off the chart. He must be taken alive. Forget the others his man juice will power the war effort for years."

"It will be as you say," Jennifer replied.

"Report back to us Agent Deep Throat as soon as you have the specimen secured."

"Deep Throat out," Jennifer said and the weird pink radiance faded.

Harry reached the top of the stairs and leveled the weapon at her.

"Don't move Jennifer, or should I say Deep Throat," Harry growled. "I knew I couldn't trust you."

"It isn't what you think," Jennifer said her hands up in surrender. "My people are dying. We have been at war for centuries. You are our only chance at ending this conflict for all time. With your man juice we can power our Sexnaughts and defeat our enemy. We just want peace."

"So you have seduced all the other men in town?" Harry asked and she nodded. "You saved me for last, why?"

"On my world there are only females. But from our observations we have seen that human females prefer strong outgoing males. It isn't that you aren't handsome, you are. You are more intelligent than most of the other males as well. But I felt your shyness a genetic weakness but I was wrong. Your man juice is especially strong. Will you help us?"

Harry thought about it. If he were to shoot her they would only send more agents like her and it would start all over again somewhere else. Or they would capture him while he slept. He had to end it here and now.

"Wait, what are you doing Harry," Jennifer cried out. "Put that gun down."

"If I kill myself your war effort fails here and now," he said the business end of the pistol aimed at his brain. "Unless..."

"What do you want? I will do it." Jennifer said her voice becoming sultry and soothing.

"If you promise to take me and me alone I will go with you. You can never come back to the earth."

"I can't make that promise Harry," she said and he pulled the hammer back on the pistol. "NO wait; I will contact my superiors, only they can make that kind of bargain."

"Do it," he snarled.

Jennifer turned to the wall where a painting hung. She made several passes with her hands and that sickly pink light spilled from the hidden communicator. Harry could barely make out two naked women hovering in the air. They seemed upset that they were being interrupted.

"What is it Deep Throat," one asked.

"The specimen overheard part of our last communication. He has made demands for his safe passage."

"What sort of demands," the other woman asked.

"His death at his own hands or the safety of his entire world," Jennifer said grimacing. "If we take him we may never return here ever."

"Is he serious about self-termination," the first woman asked.

"Very, he has a loaded weapon pointed at his cranium. It will surely kill him if the weapon is discharged."

"Very well," the second woman said obviously annoyed. "The Hyper Sluts of Planet V will never attempt another landing upon the face of the Earth. Is that acceptable?"

"Fine," Harry said lowering the pistol. "We have a deal. So what happens now?"

The pink beam struck Harry mid chest and he fell forward. When he woke up he was once more on his bed and naked, still. The sky was just beginning to lighten; dawn was an hour off at most. He sat up and grabbed his head. He was dizzy from that pink beam's effects. He looked around and found his room practically empty of all his possessions. He stood up and began searching the entire room. None of his clothes, models or comics was there. He was just heading for the door when Jennifer appeared. She kissed him and he didn't know if he wanted to kiss her or hit her.

"What is going on," he asked once she broke the kiss.

"I gathered up your things. I thought it would make the transition to my world easier. I do have a favor to ask though. I made a promise and I would hate to break it before we left. There are many lonely women in this town. During my mission I found one that is in desperate need of a mind blowing orgasm. I thought you might help me."

"So one for the road eh," Harry said and Jennifer smiled. "Oh, what the hell..."

Jennifer took his hand and led him downstairs. Jennifer explained that the woman had a fantasy she wanted fulfilled. The woman was bent over the dining room table. She was almost naked, almost except for the intricate web of ropes and knots all over her body. He could see that she was blindfolded as well as gagged. This mystery woman wanted to be fucked by a stranger while she was hog tied. It wasn't Helen otherwise he would have thought it was her.

Jennifer knelt down and began stroking and licking Harry. There was a strange energy in the air and he couldn't tell what it was. Harry looked back and forth between Jennifer and the woman bent over mom's table. He could see how eager the woman was. There was a shiny trail on her inner thigh from her special place. Jennifer stopped once he was at full staff. Harry knew that this was his last time to have sex with a human so he made the most of it. He eased inside of her and she moaned loudly as he filled her up. He grabbed her by the hips and began moving.

"This is the last time I'll ever make love to a human woman," he said as he thrust harder and harder.

He repeated that line over and over until he stopped when the woman's pussy clamped down on him as she climaxed. That's one, he said as the started moving again. He found her clit and teased that as he thrust slower but letting the entire length move in and out of her. Jennifer watched intently as Harry pleasured the woman. He thrust faster now and the woman panted and cried out as her fucked her senseless. The nameless woman climaxed again and again and again. Harry was jackhammering her now and his cries drowned out her own.

"Damn... that is intense," Jennifer said watching the event as it unfolded. "Shoot it inside of her."

Harry howled as his cock swelled up and with a final thrust buried his spurting member deep inside the woman. Her last orgasm coincided with his. Harry pulled out reluctantly and turned to face Jennifer.

"Thank you for helping me keep my promise," she said.

"Your people will keep theirs," he said and she nodded. "Okay, I'm ready to go,"

Jennifer pushed up her sleeve to reveal a device on her forearm. She pressed a series of buttons and a shaft of pink light appeared around her. She motioned for Harry to join her and he did.

"What is wrong," Jennifer asked.

"I just wish I could say goodbye to my mom," Harry said.

"Oh that," Jennifer hit another button and a beam streaked out and disintegrated the ropes binding the woman leaning over the table. She turned and tugged off the blindfold and the gag. It was of course the Widow Koch. "Bye Mom..."

"Harry?" the Widow asked.

"Mom," Harry screamed as he disappeared from her sight.

Key West Florida: Summer 2015

The sun was setting as the large catamaran dropped anchor off the Florida coast. The crew consisted of the captain and two scantily clad crewmembers from the local strip club. As the sun slipped beneath the horizon the captain eased into the younger of the two strippers. He drove his cock into her depths as the second girl planted her soaked sex over her best friend's face. The three moved, swapped and fucked until late into the evening. The girls fell asleep and the captain looked up at the stars.

"I remember a story my mom used to tell me when I was little," he said to the slumbering beauties. "It was about my great-great grandfather. It was during the cold war and people were seeing flying saucers all over the place. The town I grew up in is pretty much a ghost town now. But during his time it was a thriving little thing. It was classic 1950's with the fine rides and the finer girls. It was so much tamer than now. You got porn all over the place now but no one back then ever heard of threesomes, or anal or even bondage. It was a time of innocence really.

Anyway, if you believe such things, the original Harry Koch of whom I am his namesake saved the entire world. Yeah, it's true; there was this freaky redheaded alien chick that came for our man juices. She seduced Harry and took him away on her mothership. The weird thing is that those weird cosmic rays got grandma knocked up somehow and generations later here I am. Pity, they'll never come back. They promised they'd never set foot on the face of the earth ever again. I'd really like to see what banging a space chick would be like."

Harry Koch IV lay down on one of the deck chairs and stared up at the heavens. His eyes fixed on a falling star trailing a strange pink mist behind it. As he watched the thing got closer and closer and brighter and brighter. The thing splashed down near the catamaran sending a wave that nearly toppled the boat. Harry was thrown to the deck and hit his head. When he woke up someone was standing over him. He blinked a few times to clear his sight. The woman wasn't either of the strippers and she wasn't dressed like a sailor either. He sat up and saw the long mane of dark red hair and he smiled.

"But I thought you couldn't come back," Harry said.

"Does this look like the surface of the world Harry?" Deep Throat asked.

"Well, no... it's the surface of the ocean," he replied.

"Exactly, take my hand..." she said extending a slender appendage.

"Why, what's going on," he asked as a shaft of pink energy formed around them.

"It's your dad, well the first Harry Koch... he needs your help!"

The pair disappeared in a flash leaving the catamaran, the strippers and the world behind.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Delightful and sexy. Sometimes you just need a laugh and an enjoyable read. 5/5

GreywolfrisingGreywolfrisingover 2 years ago

What an easy fun read, would love to see a part 2????

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
A very good, easy to read erotic story.

Blaster, where have you been??? Stories like this one makes this site so enjoyable.

Lost Boy, thank you.

blaster666blaster666about 5 years ago
That was good.

Truly enjoyed this. Really different than all the other stories on here. Thanks for sharing.

kdeville87kdeville87almost 6 years ago

from shy to stud my that alien did him a favor

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