Into the Darkness


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"Don't ever waste my fucking honey." Toni said, "Starting right now.

Jennifer finally understood.

She started with the slime that had fallen on Toni's thigh - dutifully licking it off.

"Smile and thank me for the honey," Toni said.

Gail looked up and painted a smile on her face even though her distaste still showed in her eyes. "Thank you for the honey."

And then she wiped off her face and licked her fingers clean one by one. Then Toni pointed out more places with her honey. On the dashboard. The seat. Even the floorboard.

It was impossible to keep the smile painted on her face when her mouth was full of dirty grime.

"Don't like that much do you?" Toni said. "If you don't want to lick dirt, you better learn to catch my honey when I give it to you." She had made up her mind when Gail had pulled away, she wasn't going to endure what she had with Marcus. The way he had made fun of her. Made her feel small. No, this time someone else would feel small.

"Maybe it isn't my honey that you were afraid of is it?" Toni asked. "Maybe you're just not used to girls? Is that the problem?"

Gail didn't like the 'honey'. Not one bit. However, she didn't say that in fear of angering Toni. And in truth, she was right. She didn't like girls. That was the root of the problem. So she felt it was safe to agree.

"Yes," Gail replied.

"I thought so," Toni said. "Well, we'll have to do something about that."

At first Gail thought that would be the end of it. That she wouldn't have to go down on Toni again. But Toni made her do it every day. Sometimes twice. But was soon to out what Toni had in mind on Friday night. She was invited to a party. Her attendance was mandatory. She had been given very specific instructions not to embarrass Toni. Even once and Toni would show everyone at school and even Gail's parents just what she had been doing with the black girl.

It was with a great degree of trepidation that Gail showed up to the party. It didn't help that she was the only white girl there.

"I want you all to meet my new friend Gail," Toni introduced Gail to the girls she had invited over. "Most of you have been wondering why I let this white girl hang out with me. I've told some of you...." There was some laughter and Gail blushed wondering just what Toni had told these girls.

"The rest I'm telling now," Toni continued. "She's my very own little pussy licker. This girl loves her some chocolate honey. I thought tonight I would share with my home girls."

"I ain't no dyke," a girl shouted above the laughter.

"Me either," another chimed in.

"I ain't forcing nobody to get their pussy licked tonight," Toni said, reaching up her skirt and pulling off her panties. Then to Gail: "Get to it girl. I got some honey ready for you."

Gail leaned in to whisper in Toni's ear. "Please," she said quietly. "I'll do you. But don't make me do them."

"Then you better get down there and convince me otherwise," Toni said. "Besides, it doesn't sound like you have any takers anyway.

Gail slid down into the floor. Her humiliation burned into her soul. There she was, on her knees, moving in close between those dark thighs, all while seven other girls watched on. Seven girls who would think less of her once this was over. Seven girls she didn't want to do what she was doing for Toni. It was bad enough having to do it for Toni. But, with people was mortifying. She began to lick.

"She's doing it," one of the onlooker said. "She's really doing it. Look at her go."

"I told you," Toni said. "She loves some honey."

Gail was glad her face was buried so the girls couldn't witness the humiliation in her eyes. Toni rubbed her foot up and down the girl's sex. Gail could feel herself becoming tingly, but this time she was determined not to give...not to hump the foot, no matter how good it happened to feel.

"She just licks you?" a girl asked Toni. "What do you do to her?"

"Do for her?" Toni said. "I told you. She loves it. That's what she gets out of it. See for yourself. Girl, get on all fours."

Oh God. Gail was mortified. She put her hands on the floor and walked her knees back. She wanted to crawl in a hole and die as Toni slid her skirt up, exposing her sex. Her very wet sex.

"She gets my foot wet sometimes," Toni said. "But she always cleans it off afterwards. Go ahead, you can rub it on my foot if you want."

The hapless eighteen year old was powerless to resist as firm hands inspected her from behind. Then the laughter and crude jokes as she knelt back down with Toni's foot rubbing up and down her sex. The tingly feeling was growing more intense. She became powerless to resist. No matter what she had promised herself only minutes ago, her hips began to pump, betraying her. Fucking the foot. Sliding her wet sex up and down its bony ridges.

"Oh baby," Toni cooed. "You lick that pussy so good. I'm going to give you a big load of honey tonight. You know this morning and this afternoon when I didn't let you finish me off? I've been saving it up for you. A big ass load of honey. I've been leaking just thinking about it."

Dear Lord! This was news to Gail, horrible news. She had assumed Toni had come earlier and there just wasn't the gushing to go with it. She had hoped this was the start of a new trend. A less humiliating and disgusting trend.

"You want my honey?" Toni asked. The answer between her thighs was muffled, but it didn't matter. She was getting the honey anyway.

"Want to see me bust on this white girl?" Toni asked. "I'm getting ready. Ready to bust so fucking hard." The last came out in a growl.

Then Toni grabbed her by her hair and held her about twelve inches from the mouth of her sex. "Open up girl. Here it comes. Here comes my honey. Oh fuck. Oh Fuck." she cried, her hips pumping, the mouth of her sex twitching.

She was a geyser. A volcano of sexual ecstacy. The honey gushed forth and filled Gail's mouth though most of it ran out. She swallowed obediently and quickly as she had been trained. However, before she could open up again, a new geyser had sprung, catching her in the face and in the eye. As Toni relaxed her grip, Gail rushed forward and planted her mouth on the spasming sex. Making a seal and gulping hard. She had actually gotten better at getting it down, had been trained to try her best no matter what, but this time, this time there was just too much. Way too much. She began to choke. Sputtering girl cum out her nose and down the wrong pipe.

She missed the next big gush. It went into her mouth, but went right back out onto the floor. Then she found her stride, the volume became manageable, as she obediently gulped it down and continued licking Toni to the end of her orgasm.

The girls were speechless for a time. Then someone spoke.

"My God."

"And look at that white girl. She's licking it up. Licking it off the floor. She digs it. I can't believe anyone in their right mind would do that, but she digs it."

Gail was humiliated. But hopefully she had done enough to not have to suffer through further indignation.

"You girls can do what you want," someone said. "But I'm going to get me some of this. Larry ain't ever eaten my pussy."

And then a girl was pulling Gail to her. She had already stripped out of her pants. The girl was chubby and had an abundance of pubic hair. Gail didn't even get to see her face.

"Wait - " she managed before she was pulled in tight between those dark thighs.

"Don't worry girl," the new girl said. "That honey on the floor will still be down there when you are finished. Nobody's gonna take that from you. You can bet on that."

Gail tried to resist. Even held out while the girl rubbed her sex with her foot. The tingly feeling was almost overwhelming, but still she resisted. Then the girl reached beneath her bra and tweaked a hard nipple. Gail moaned and began to lick. Unable to stop herself.

She had no fight left. She licked the girl to orgasm and then another took her place. She licked her too. And then a girl propped a foot on the couch and Gail licked her while she stood. And then before she could finish her, another girl had assumed the same position behind her. Gail was turned around and licked this new girl.

"You were working on me bitch," the original girl said, turning Gail back around. "Now lick this pussy."

"Back over here bitch," the new girl said. "Look everyone. I'm givin' this white girl a pussy sandwich."

Being passed between the two girls, made it nearly impossible to find a rhythm. Worse, the girl who made the pussy sandwich comment removed Gail's clothes while she was busy licking the other girl. Then she had taken to pushing her face in the other girl's sex. Telling her to get in that pussy. Poor Gail licked harder not understanding what the girl wanted.

The new girl began to spank her ass.

"I said get in that pussy," she ordered and shoved Gails face into the other girl's crotch.

Poor Gail no longer though of resisting. No longer cared what these girls thought of her. She just did her best to obey. Sinking down into the debauchery going on around her. If the girl ordered her to get in that pussy, she would. She rubbed her whole face on those wet lips and hairy sex. She licked it. She sucked it. She tried to see how far she could stick her tongue in that velvet box. She licked any girl that spread her legs. She licked from the front. From the back. Her face was ridden. She pleased girl after girl. Some more than once.

This was the night that Toni took charge of Gail. She recorded the white girl as she licked and sucked her friends. Now, with her own blackmail material, she didn't need the threat of Jennifer. Toni could deliver on her own threats.

Afterward it was all over, Gail's mouth was bruised. Her tongue ached so much it was hard to talk. She was tired now. Had come several times herself. Had ridden a foot while the girls laughed and pointed. She had climaxed so hard it left her drained. Empty. Her embarrassment had even fled, but she was certain it would return the next day when she saw these very same girls in school.

"You used to it now?" Toni asked. "You going to give me any more bad looks when I give you my honey? Any more lip? We can always throw another party."

"No...." Gail said quietly. And she meant it. No more parties.

Toni didn't even have to use the threat of blackmail anymore. Gail submissively did whatever was asked. Even two months later when she bumped into Jennifer at school one day.

"I still see you hanging out with that black girl," Jennifer said. "Still girlfriends?"

Gail blushed and nodded her head. She wasn't normally shy about admitting she was Toni's girlfriend, but somehow she was deathly so with Jennifer.

"I still watch that tape sometimes," Jennifer said. "I can't imagine what it must be like having that black girl shooting off in your face like that." It still turned her on knowing she had forced Gail into doing just that.

"I'm just surprised you are still with her. That you haven't come to ask me to let you out of it," Jennifer said. "You must have heard I'm not with David anymore. I've stopped being mad at you."

"I'm glad," Gail said. At one time she would have been elated to hear these words, but now all she felt was resignation.

"You know, you can stop seeing her if you like. Enjoy the last two months of school. My present to you."

A tear fell down Gail's cheek. It was too late, much too late for that.

"Toni has her own tapes now," Gail said. "Worse tapes. I can't stop now." This was the truth, but not all of it. Even if there were no tapes, Gail still couldn't bring herself to tell Toni no.

"Well, chin up. You only have two more months," Jennifer said. "And then it will all be over." Jennifer felt better than she had in weeks. The girl who had taken her boyfriend had had her comeupance and she had even let her off the hook. Twas a shame it didn't let her off the hook, but that was between her and Toni.

Gail could see that Jennifer felt sorry for that one day in time. But Gail had to live with it day in and day out. The gushing - God the gushing.

That was the part Gail hated most of all. To lick and to suck. It was becoming old hat. But the come? God, how she hated it. If she were perfect, if she timed it just right, ,she could shut her throat and quickly gulp it down before the next gush. But if she wasn't perfect. She would be coughing...gagging....spattered in the face....

Then would come the task. Of mopping. Wiping. Cleaning every spilled drop of honey. And there wasn't even sex to make it go by in a haze .... like it did when she was kneeling between a pair of dark thighs, rubbing off on a foot or her hand. No, now, she was sober and clear. Cleaning up sticky musky smelling Toni juice. From her hair. Her face. Her sweater. Her skirt. Her SUV. Her parents bedroom. Worse, she wasn't allowed to mop it up with a cloth. Toni insisted she use her mouth. To get all that honey. To not waste a single drop. She had to lick it up. With her mouth. Her tongue. On hands and knees. It was degrading. Humiliating.

"That's what happens to white girls who can't hold their honey," she would say or "I gave you a precious gift. And you just waste it. What are you gonna do about it?"

Toni would usually stand, while Gail was on her hands and knees. Crawling. On a floor somewhere, tongue outstretched, lapping obediently. Her pretty blonde locks, dragging the floor and soaking in the moisture. Down at Toni's feet. A few months ago, there was only the feeling of humiliation. Of obedience. Of being dominated. But lately a feeling had begun down below. A tingly feeling. There was no reason for it to be there, nothing diddling her clit, or rubbing up and down between her lips. Not even a foot. stimulation....nothing but humiliation.

That was the very worst. She could feel herself changing. Jennifer got her wish, Gail no longer fantasized about David. Or even Jennifer's new boyfriend. Her dreams were of women. Dark dominant women. And with every new submission. Every new humiliation. Being shared. Being called "The Licker" Being forced to lick Toni in places she hadn't imagined. Of being used while her parents where in the other room. Of having her brother walk in while she was worshipping Toni's dark triangle. Of lapping girl come off the floor with her tongue while other girls watched and laughed. A part of her was beginning to crave these experiences A part of her dreamed of them at night and left her tingly, trembling when she woke. The year was nearly over and she no longer thought of fleeing. She thought of the darkness. And she was falling into it.

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ic12ic12about 2 years ago

Super. Great humiliation story. She couldn’t deny she grew to love it. Who wouldn’t?

doublebinddoublebindover 8 years ago
Hot, realistic F/f and M/f domination

I loved the realism of all three characters' reactions, particularly Toni's (and also her friends). Very hot stuff! A small point: Somehow the name "Toni" briefly changed to "Tameka" and/or "Takeka".

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
How Is This Not Non-Consensual?

Anyone? I didn't think so...

bighank100bighank100over 13 years ago
another good one

a great story. loved it. kept me hard all wile i read it. thanks for a wonderful story. got my imagination going.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
Darkness was never this sexy

Great story that can be expanded into many parts (at least that is my hope). The problem with Danielle and Jeniffer confusion is minor as are some of the other fibs. However, they do not get in the way of a very hot story.

Great job and hope to read more.

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