Incestuous Glamour Photography


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"And is that why you and he took them?"

"Yes, I suppose it is."

"And so do I. I get aroused too."

"At your mother?" I said sounding incredulous, but feeling elated.

"Yes mum, I get aroused looking at you."

"At me or my photos."

He moved even closer, gripping my hand more firmly and said quietly as he stared into my eyes.

"Both. At you and your photos."

"Are you now?" I rather limply asked.

"Yes mum, very much so."

"I'm sorry Peter."

We were silent for a moment or two.

"Cat" he said quietly still holding my hand. "Let me take some of you?"

"Some what?" I asked knowing full well that he meant photos.

"Some shots."

"No don't be silly" I replied feeling a touch of arousal at the idea.

"Why not? You say you like posing and being photographed."

"That's different."

"How is it and why?"

I was feeling flustered and hugely embarrassed at what he was suggesting.

"It just is, those photos are different."

"What, different to me taking some?"


"Because of what you were wearing or..............." he said pausing and looking into my eyes before adding with a slight smile. "What you weren't wearing?"

Despite the gravity of the situation I couldn't help smiling and rather confused I replied.

"Yes, er no. No just different."

"Well let's take some photos and not be different."

"What do you mean?"

He moved a little closer and rubbed my wrist with his fingers as he said quietly.

"If we don't take different photos then we would take similar ones wouldn't we?"

I thought for a moment and then realised what he meant.

"You mean with me undressed."

"Yes then they wouldn't be different."

"Peter, don't be silly" I replied pulling my hand away. "Let's go back to my room."

Glasses in our hands we went into the conservatory.

"Let me get my camera?"

"No, it's ridiculous."

"Mum it isn't ridiculous. I like taking photos, you like being photographed, we have the opportunity, we're alone and I have the means with my new Canon."

"But I'm your mother Peter, not a young girl or a model."

"Yes a mother you may be, but you are also a stunningly attractive woman who I would love to photograph...................." he paused as he walked to the PC, clicked the mouse, filled the screen with a close up of my naked breasts with erect nipples. "Like this."

I jumped when I saw my photo and as he then flicked through several more saying. "Like this" to shots of me from behind bending over, lying on the floor, kneeling and on a bed. Shots of me in thongs, see through bras, basques, French knickers and a waspie. Photos of me in lingerie, topless and naked.

"Peter stop it."

"Don't you like them?"

"No I don't."

"Really Cat?" He asked holding on the screen a photo of me pinching my nipples. My eyes were half closed and my mouth was slightly open as I projected the look of a woman about to cum. "That is about the most erotic photo I have ever seen. I would love to have taken that shot"

"Well for sure you won't photograph me like that."

"How can I photograph you then?"

"You can't."

He walked over and stood close to me.

"Please mum, let me take some, nothing risqué."

"Why do you want to?"

"Having you pose for me would be the most exciting thing I can imagine. Please."

I was now in a quandary. He had sort of backed me into a corner.

"Just dressed as you are Cat. You know you will like it."

He walked out and I knew he was getting his camera.

I felt very warm and I was extremely torn. The idea of being photographed was exciting enough by itself, but the prospect of my son taking them made it even more so. At the same time, though, I knew I had to resist, but I also knew it was what a part of me wanted. There had been this sexual tension between us for some time now and the fact that he had the photographs partially explained that. I worked out that it was around the time he first got them, or when he said he had, that the atmosphere between us had become quite steamy at times.

"Just sit there like that Cat and look over your shoulder at the camera" I heard him say from behind me.

I looked round and as I did he clicked button and shot me.

"Peter stop" I resisted as I saw him turning the lens presumably moving in close. He ignored and shot a few more of me like that. He moved so that he was side on to me, firing away all the time.

"Come on mum, give me something."

"What do you mean?"

"Pose for me, smoulder, love the camera" he went on moving around and taking shots from all angles "As you did when you posed for dad."

That hit home, but despite my extreme reservations I found myself responding. I patted my hair in place and beamed a smile at the camera.

"Mmmm fantastic, you have such a great smile mum. Tip your head back" he went on moving closer to where I was seated on the arm of the settee.

I did as he asked.

"Hurry up Peter" I said not really wanting him to hurry, but felt it prudent to say so.

"Just a few Cat. Would you arch your back a bit please?"

I realised of course that by doing that my breasts would push out and be emphasised. It was then that I should have once and for all stopped him. But I didn't and I did as he asked.

"Oh my god they look fantastic Cat" he said softly clearly focusing on my chest.

That made a little shudder run through me, although I hated myself for being turned on by my son talking about my breasts.

"Stop it" I said probably totally unconvincingly.

"Stand up please mum."

Almost mesmerised now by the heavy sexual atmosphere I obeyed.

"Turn round."

I did as I said. "Why?"

"I want some of you rear."

"My rear."

"I mean your bum mum, you have a great ass."

"Peter don't" I admonished.

"But you do Cat you have a great ass" he retorted adopting a slight American accent to say ass.

"Thank you" Peter I found myself saying as I turned round with him clicking away as I did. He gave me a series of instructions in quick succession.

"Look over your shoulder at me."

"Turn at the waist. To your right and now your left.Hold that and put your left hand in your hair, ruffle it up a bit.Put your hands as far above you as you can get them.Mmmmmm lovely" he breathed. "Bare skin at last."

I realised that my top would have ridden up a bit and that my back and side would be on view to him and the camera.

"Pull it up further Cat."

"What my top?"

"Yes. As if you are about to take it off."

"Now Peter, don't go too far."

"I only said as if you were going to take it off, not take it off, so don't worry."

"Ok, but this is as far as I am going."

I wrapped my arms around my front and reached down and gripped the hem of my top.

"Lift it up a bit mum."

"Just a little then" I muttered now feeling hugely turned on.

I pulled it up so there were a few inches between the waist of my pedal pushers and the hem of the top.

"Oh yes, more bare flesh" he sighed clicking away. "Just a bit further and arch your back a little."

I lifted it further enjoying the sensation of exposing my back to the camera or, I suddenly thought, to my son.

"Ok?" I asked looking over my shoulder at him. He was standing upright and as clear as anything I saw his erection in his tight jeans. It made me gulp, but I wasn't quite sure why. Concern, guilt, worry, want, desire hope? I wasn't sure, possibly all of them.

Our eyes met.

"Sorry" he whispered.

"That's ok" I said secretly pleased that I could turn him on so much.

"Just a bit more."

"What the top?"

"Yes will you pull it up further."

I couldn't see much of a problem with that so I eased it up a little more so that it was nine inches or so up from my waist.

"Pull it up Cat so the camera sees your bra strap."

"Peter this is going too far."

"It's only us mum, no one will see them apart from us."

"You promise."

"Of course you can help me delete them when we've done. Ok?"

"I suppose so."

"Then up to your bra strap Cat."

I lifted it up until the quite thin for the weight it had to support, black bra strap was visible to the camera.

"Oh boy yes" keep turning and looking at me with that bra strap on show, it's awesome."

He clicked away as I turned from side to side and put on a bit of a show by tossing my head back and running my spare hand through my hair.

"Gee that's fantastic. Now keep the top up above the bra strap mum and bend forward so I get more of that lovely bum. How about pulling the top up so it's round your neck?"

"That will mean I show all of my bra."

"Yes mum spot on, come on what's the problem?"

"Me doing this."

"Doing what?"

"Posing like this."

"You've done it loads of times."

"Yes I know, but not with you, my son" I mumbled.

"But you know what I have seen don't you Cat?" He said going to the PC and rapidly bringing shot after shot of me in varying degrees of undress onto the screen. "See I have seen everything mum haven't I?" He went on leaving a shot on the screen of my lying on a bed, just dressed in holdups with my hands wedged between my thighs, which were clamped round them.

"Yes" I said softly, the sheer enormity of him finding the photos again hitting me.

"So really showing me again doesn't matter does it for I will always have them won't I?"


"Lift it up then mum."

I pulled the silky top up so that it was bunched round my shoulder. He took photos of my back then said huskily.

"Will you turn round now please?"

I turned slowly knowing that we were going into very uncharted territory. I was showing my son my breasts in a gossamer thin, near diaphanous bra. I was acutely aware that my nipples were as hard as they could be and that they would be clearly visible to Peter and his camera.

He was shooting fast now, fiddling with the lens presumably zooming in and out on my breasts and nipples.

"Just pose naturally Cat as you did when you posed for dad or........." he paused before adding. "Whoever."

I didn't respond, but felt terrible that he knew I had posed for someone other than his father, which was bad enough in itself. I struck a number of poses, turning this way then the other, putting my hands on my hips then in my hair. Peter ooohed and ahhed as I did that.

"Smashing mum. I can see that I am working with a real pro."

"Now, now I'm not that."

"Ok a gifted amateur then."

"Yes that's better" I replied smiling feeling slightly more relaxed as the mood lightened. He soon changed that though.

He was peering into the camera and not even looking at me when he said very huskily, quite softly and in an almost matter of fact tone.

"Take it off Cat."

I didn't say anything. Equally I didn't do anything, but I just stood there.

"Come on please, take your bra off. We have come this far and I have seen your breasts on the shots haven't I?"

"Yes, but this is going too far."

"Why is it? We'll delete them after" he said holding the camera by his side and standing up straight.

I couldn't stop my gaze running down my son's boy. It locked on his full erection. He didn't flinch or look away when he saw where I was looking.

"See what you do to me mum?"

"Yes" I whimpered.

"So please take the top and the bra off."

Without further ado and hardly any thought I slipped the top off and dropped it on the floor. He took more shots.

"Jesus you look fantastic" he told me as I reached behind me. "Hold it there and turn round I want to get some shots of you taking it off. Thanks Cat."

He snapped away from the back, side and front as I removed my bra and stood before him topless.

"Oh god Cat your tits are awesome, touch them for me."

"Peter this really is going too far. We have to stop"

"No mum it's not, it's perfect. This is the most exciting thing that has ever happened to me Please, please touch them. You did it for dad and you know you enjoy it."

His words and, I have to admit the outline of his hard on in his jeans got me going.

I lifted a hand and gently touched my breast. I stroked it, caressed it. That felt so good.

He asked. "Is that nice mum?"

"Mmmmm yes" I sighed cupping the other breast with my other hand.

"Is it?"

"Yes Peter it is."

"Pinch your nipples for me."

I didn't even think of objecting. They needed to be treated like that. I pinched and pulled them. That felt great.

"Oh Cat this so fantastic."

"Yes maybe it is, but we have to stop now and I mean it" I said picking up my top and bra."

"Ok, but it really has been amazing he said walking over to where I was standing covering my breasts with my top. "Not much point doing that really is there?" He said smiling and gently taking the top from me. Thank you so much mum, you really are an amazing woman.

"And you are a great son" I whispered putting my hand up to stroke his face. Possibly thinking I was going to put my arm round his neck or was giving him an invitation, he slid his arm round my waist, pulled me to him and kissed me, full on the mouth. I fell against him as his arms pulled me to him.

'Jesus his cock is awesome' I was thinking as, momentarily I revelled in the feelings of my son's fully erect, stunningly hard cock pushing into the softness of my stomach. It seemed so big for he was pressed against me from my pubic bone to my navel. Somehow I managed to control myself and I came to my senses.

"Peter no, stop" I grunted slipping away from him.

"Mum sorry, but I couldn't help it. I am so worked up."

"Oh darling" I groaned looking at the outline of his erection in his very tight jeans.

It was so appealing, indeed he was so appealing. I wanted him, but I didn't. I wanted his arms round me, my body against his and his cock squashing into my tummy, but I didn't. I wanted to see my son's swollen cock and hold it and, no I couldn't even think that. I was torn, the conflict was enormous. For months, maybe years I had fantasised about my son and had dreamed of being in this position. I had imagined this happening, but had not thought about my feelings if it did, other than my sexual arousal. I had savoured the physical aspect of my son and me, but not the emotional one and that was getting at me right now. I should have the resolve, the self-control and the fortitude to resist, but I hadn't got it and that filled me with guilt and shame.

We stood close together not catching the other's eyes. We didn't speak for some time.

My sensible, motherly, wifely and respectable side said 'Stop it, move away, do nothing else.' The woman in me argued 'Let him have you, make love to him, have sex with your son.

"We need to talk Peter."


"Very seriously."

"I know."

"How about I call up Chinese and we have that and chat."


We agreed our meal and I phoned and it was on its way. I went to my room, put my bra and top back on, did my hair and rather ridiculously, yet practically changed my panties after washing my pussy. I had become quite wet with the posing, our talk and the kiss.

The food arrived twenty or so minutes later and we ate in my conservatory sitting side by side on the Chesterfield with the Chinese food on a low coffee table in front of us. The PC in a hibernation mode was opposite us and I was very aware that a light nudge would bring those photos of me up onto my very new thirty inch screen. That kept me on tenterhooks throughout the meal.

As it happened we didn't talk about 'it' as we ate. We cleared up and I filled our glasses with red wine.

"So we have to talk Peter" I opened up as we sat back on the couch. I sat at one end my back against the arm looking at him. He was sitting in the middle of the couch leaning forward his arms resting on his knees.

"Yes, what do you want to talk about first?"

"How do you mean?" I asked feeling a little confused.

"The photos or the kiss."

Both options hit me hard. How the hell could I talk to my son about either? What a fucking mess I thought. I knew I had to though.

"Let's leave the photos" I suggested cunningly hoping we could avoid him questioning me on the different camera that had been used recently and the more raunchy look he had seen in them. "I guess they are really part of each other aren't they?"

"Mum I have a really big confession to make" he said hesitantly.

"Go on."

"I don't know where to start" he said quietly turning towards me, his ankle touching my leg as I leaned forward and rested my fingers on his bare arm, just beneath his elbow.

"We have to clear this up love" I said softly. Peter rested his fingers on my hand and quite obviously again looked right down the front of my top.

"I know mum, but it is so difficult."

"Take your time" I told him leaning back.

"You're right" he started hesitantly. "The photos and kissing you are related, they are all part of the same thing."

"I guessed that Peter. I know what you mean."

"Do you, do you really know?"

"Well suspect, but you have to tell me."

He was near to tears. My heart went out to him, I wanted to hold him and console him. I moved closer and put my arm round his shoulders.

"You have to get it off your chest Peter then we can work it out together."

"Together just us?"


"Not dad?"

"No darling" I whispered feeling relieved. I kissed his head as he started to cry.

"Mum, please don't be annoyed" he sobbed his hand falling onto my leg just above my knee. It was like an electric shock, but it felt good.

"You know what I do with the photos don't you?" He stammered not waiting for an answer, but adding. "I masturbate to them."

Of course I knew that. Hearing him say it though was enormously arousing. I cuddled him tighter and whispered. "That's fine darling I understand."

"Oh Cat" he sighed. "Do you really?" He asked turning and putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Yes baby I do. I told you I was the world's most understanding mum didn't I?"

"Yes" he smiled. "And you are, but it gets worse."


"Much worse."

"Tell me."

"I fantasise about you. Well about us really."

I knew what was coming next and in addition to my heart seeming to be in my mouth with nervousness, my excitement level rose enormously. I didn't say anything, but we held each other.

"You know what I imagine don't you Cat?"

"I think so" I replied as I too started to cry, my voice husky with emotion and arousal as his hand slid down my back and pulled me towards him. I know I should have resisted. I know I should have stopped him. I know I should have wriggled away. But I didn't and the top half of my body was pressed against his, my breasts squashed against him. It was so wrong, but it felt so good. It got even better, well more arousing when he mumbled.

"I imagine us having sex Cat. I want to make love to you."

Although I knew what he was going to say, the words crashed into my mind as I felt his lips on my neck. He was kissing my neck as we held each other. I kissed the side of his face. One of his hands was round my hip, the other was still on my knee, but it had moved higher. One of my hands was on his neck stroking his hair the other was resting on his waist. Our knees and legs were pressed together.

"I am sorry, I am so, so sorry" he whispered.

I felt so sorry for him. I cuddled him more firmly and he squirmed his chest against my boobs. We moved our faces and looked into each other's eyes. We smiled and I mouthed.

"Don't worry, we'll work it out."

We sat there in each other's arms for some time not speaking, but just holding each other. It was a very tender and loving, yet guilty few moments. His hands ran very slowly up and down my back and mine were mainly on his head and neck.

After what must have been five minutes Peter said.

"Mum er Cat please let me take some more photos."

"Peter" I whispered. "That's not really a very wise thing is it?"

"No it's not, but none of this is, is it?"