High School Again? Ugh! Ch. 03


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I didn't know whose fault the accident, but I'd been in enough of them to know that his yelling wasn't going to help.

"Back off!" I snapped at him. "The police will be here shortly and you can tell it to them."

I thought he was going to continue, but he looked into my eyes and stepped back. It was a good thing too because I think I might have hit him if he didn't.

'What the hell is wrong with me?' I thought. 'I don't get in fights.'

The cops showed not long afterward and started taking down what happened. According to Ms. Valente's story, the guy barreled through a red light and slammed into her side of the car. I'm sure his story was different. I didn't have much to add because my eyes were closed at the time of the accident.

Ms. Valente was obviously upset. The guy's car had hit behind her door. Thankfully she wasn't hurt, but she was clearly shaken.

"Let's get you home," I said once her car was towed. We took a cab that Ms. Valente paid for. I felt weird letting her, but it's not like I had a choice. I didn't have any money on me.

'I really have to deal with that soon,' I sighed to myself as I used Ms. Valente's keys to let her into her apartment. I led her in and asked her what she wanted to drink. She pointed to a cabinet. I wasn't surprised to find alcohol in it.

"Do you want me to call someone?" I asked as she drank half of the stiff drink I poured for her in one swallow.

"No," she sighed. "The only relative that lives close is my sister and she's at her niece's party today."

"May I use your bathroom?" I asked. "I need to wash up."

"Sure," she said, pointing it out to me.

I had to use the bathroom and when I was done I took my time washing my face. I think I might even have stared into the mirror for a while. My whole life this was the face I imagined when I thought about myself. Yet, as the years went by it changed until it was almost a stranger's face. Oddly, now that I was young again, it was like I could see a shadow of what once one. My eyes gave me a glimpse at the old me. They were the one place I could still see who my mind said I was.

"Sorry I took so long," I said as I left the bathroom.

"No problem," she replied. There was something in her tone that made me look for the bottle I used to fill her glass the first time. It was emptier than I remembered.

"Ms. Valente, I think you've had enough to drink," I said, shaking her head.

"We're not in school right now," she smiled, standing and going to her CD player. She put on some music. "Call me Rosa."

"Okay," I smiled and shook my head. "Rosa, I think you've had enough to drink."

"You're right!" she laughed. "But that accident scared me. It's the first one I've ever had."

"You've never been in an accident before?" I asked, taking her drink from her hand.

"Well," she said. "I was in an accident as a little girl. I had to stay in the hospital for three days the last time. I hate hospitals!"

"Why don't we get you to bed?" I sighed, watching her move to the music. Ms. Valente was a good dancer.

"John," she grinned. "Are you being fresh with me again?"

Okay, here is something I may have mentioned before. I loved Ms. Valente's accent. For some reason, it turned me on. Typically it was barely noticeable, but the drunker she got, the more pronounced it became.

"Rosa, would you like me to?" I asked in reply, wondering what answer I wanted to hear. Maybe some time with a woman was what I needed. Maybe not, but Ms. Valente was very hot and I was in no shape to deny her.

"No!" she cried. "You are my student. It would be wrong!"

"Then I guess I'm not," I smiled and moved to turn off the CD player. She let me. She was too busy taking her drink from where I put it down to care. I shook my head as I watched her finish it.

I took Ms. Valente's hand and led her to what I assumed was her bedroom. I pulled the sheets down and pushed her gently into her bed.

"I knew you were being fresh!" she grinned.

"Ms. Valente," I sighed. "You have no idea just how fresh I'd like to be right now. But you're drunk and I'm your student. You'd regret it in the morning."

"You're right," she nodded in agreement, but then smiled sexily at me.

'Damn!' I thought, and pulled the covers over her. 'She's not making this easy.'

"John," she said as I moved toward the door. "Would you stay with me until I fall asleep? I don't want to be alone right now."

"Sure," I said and moved back to her.

"You lay on top of the covers," she smiled. "This way nothing happens."

"Rosa, you're killing me," I sighed loudly, causing her to laugh.

"It's nice to know I can still get to an eighteen year old," she said.

"Please!" I snorted. "If you want I can tell you just what all your eighteen year old students say about you?"

"I don't think so," she grinned, blushing slightly.

I don't know how it happened, but I fell asleep. Ms. Valente's bedroom was very comfortable and she smelled nice. I drifted off probably around the same time as she did.

I had no idea how long I slept, but I woke up when I felt her hand on my cock. Ms. Valente was stroking me slowly.

"I'm sorry," she said. "But I woke up and saw it. It's so big! I couldn't resist."

Okay, she was clearly still drunk. On the other hand I was an eighteen-year-old man in his teacher's bed. I don't care how old my mind kept telling me I was. My hormones took over.

'Yeah hormones!' I thought and then pulled Ms. Valente into a kiss. For some reason she seemed surprised. I guess in her drunken state she thought that playing with my cock was no big deal, but a kiss was. Weird shit!

"John, stop!" she cried. "We can't. You're my student!"

"That went out the window Rosa, the moment you touched my cock," I said, rolling on top of her. "I'll be your student again tomorrow. Right now, I'm a man and you're a woman, and frankly, I think we both can use this." I kissed her again. She moaned into my mouth before pulling back.

"Promise me you won't tell anyone, ever?" she asked suddenly. I looked down at her and shook my head.

"Rosa, you have to be the hottest gym teacher of all time," I said.

"You think?" she grinned and relaxed. I pulled off her top. Ms. Valente's breasts were very nice. They were larger than Tiffany's, though not as big as Mrs. C's.

'That's one thing that's gotten better since coming back,' I thought with a grin. 'My sex life!'

I kissed my way from Rosa's lips to her breasts. Her nipples were thick and soft. I licked and sucked until she started moaning almost non-stop. After that I worked my lips lower, pushing her sweatpants out of the way.

"Yes!" she cried when I burrowed between her thighs. It didn't take her lnog to add, "I want your young, hard cock inside of me! Please!"

I stood briefly and pulled off my clothes. Ms. Valente rolled on her side watched me hungrily. I noticed that her tan lines were sharp and distinct. I looked at her round ass and smiled.

"You like my culo, don't you?" she grinned.

It took me a second to realize she was talking about her ass. She smiled and rubbed her ass enticingly. I growled and rolled her onto her stomach as I climbed back into her bed. I thrust my cock deep into her pussy from behind with one thrust. I was in no mood for foreplay and thankfully she was ready for far more.

"Ay! Si!" she cried, reaching out and placing her hands on her headboard.

I pulled out and slammed deep again as hard as I could. Her hands were the only things that stopped me from pushing her up the bed and into the wall with every thrust. I held her hips tightly as I pulled out and pounded into her again, and again.

I suddenly realized that I was angry, enraged even. I could feel it boiling up inside of me. Rodger was gone and I was alone stuck in his dream, not mine! It wasn't fair. Life wasn't fair!

Thank God Ms. Valente seemed to enjoy rough sex because I'm not sure I could have stopped myself if I wanted to. I rode her hard and her cries, half in English and half in Spanish, echoed throughout her apartment.

"Ay Juan!" Ms. Valente cried, followed by some other words in Spanish.

I'm not sure what she said, but I could guess. Her body locked and a flood of fluid suddenly coated my cock. I refused to slow down and she rolled into another orgasm, and a third one after that!

"Wow!" I groaned, as I grew close to my own release. "Ms. Valente you're a machine!"

"Me?" she moaned in disbelief. "It's you! No man has ever made me cum this many times!"

"I hope you're ready for one more!" I growled, continuing to slam into her. "Because I'm close!"

"Si!" she cried. "Juan, take me! Fill me! Por favor!"

Ms. Valente's arms gave out on my last thrust. Either that, or it was just too strong for her to stop. Her head actually hit into the headboard as my cock erupted in her and filled her pussy with my cum. She cried out and came again. Her pussy milked my cock of all the cum I could give her.

"Are you okay?" I gasped out as Isoon as I could speak again.

"I'm going to have a bump," she laughed, rubbing her head. "But it was worth it!"

"I'm glad you think so," I laughed along as I moved off of her. We lay there catching our breaths for some time.

"Juan, hold me please?" Rosa asked.

I smiled, kissed her once and then spooned with Ms. Valente. She sighed contently and snuggled back into me. Her breathing grew slower as I played with her hair. My own release felt so good that I actually nodded off for a bit myself. I woke up when Ms. Valente tried to slip out of the bed. I pulled her back.

"Rosa, where do you think you're going?" I laughed, but I stopped when I felt her grow tense.

"What have I done?" she asked, sounding sober. "I can't believe that really happened." She looked worried. I guess I could understand why.

"It didn't," I replied. "I dropped you off at your place after the accident and that's the last we saw of each other."

"I only wish it were true," she said sadly. "But what I did was wrong. I seduced one of my students."

"Hmm," I couldn't help smiling. "I'm not sure who seduced who, but let's just say I'm not a typical teenager."

"Now that is true," she smiled, but it quickly disappeared. "What am I going to do?"

"You're going to forget this ever happened," I insisted. "Or maybe think of it as a fantasy that you had once. You are not going to do anything drastic or stupid. You're a good teacher."

"But what I did was wrong," she said.

"Sure," I agreed, surprising her. "But the real question is why did you do it?"

"I don't know!" she cried.

"You do," I disagreed. I decided to try and lighten the mood somewhat. "There had to be a reason other than my rugged good looks." She looked at me and shook her head, but her eyes were smiling if nothing else.

"The accident shook me," she replied. "And I was drunk."

"Not to mention the emotions running wild at school," I put in. "What happened with Rodger is affecting everyone."

"True," she agreed.

"What else?" I asked, looking at her expression. "There's more to it than that."

"Are you sure you're only eighteen?" she asked, looking at me funnily.

"Not really, no," I laughed. "In fact, sometimes I think I'm older, a lot older. Now stop stalling and tell me."

"It's simple really," she sighed. "I'm lonely. I know it sounds silly, but there it is."

"That's not silly," I disagreed. "A lot of people have that problem." I was thinking not only about myself, but Mrs. C too. I still needed to find her someone to make her happy, or at least stop by for a visit.

"I'm the only sibling in my family that's still not married," Ms. Valente went on. "And my parents have no problem letting me know that it's well past time I settled down. I agree with them, but there's only one problem. I can't find the right man."

I lay there listening, letting her share her pain. She clearly needed to. I remembered feeling the same way when I was around her age. Luckily, my sister was there for me. It looked like Rosa needed a friend more than anything else.

"I broke up with my last boyfriend six months ago and convinced myself that I was done with relationships, but lately the loneliness has become worse. I think it's because my birthday is coming soon."

"Birthdays are just another day," I put in.

"Not this one," she disagreed. "I'm turning thirty!"

I couldn't help it. I laughed. I could remember a time in my life when I would have killed to be thirty again.

'I guess I'll get my chance in twelve years,' I thought, but a part of me didn't accept it. I was sure all this would be over before then. I'd either wake from this weird nightmare or Tyche would come back and let me go home.

"What's so funny?" Rosa frowned.

"Sorry," I replied. "It's just that you make thirty sound so ancient."

"It is!" she cried. I took her chin in my hand and made her look directly into my eyes.

"Rosa, you are not old," I said confidently. "You're far from middle aged and even that's not old. Stop worrying about time and focus on living."

"You mean like I'm doing now?" she asked. "Seducing a student? Is that what you consider living?"

"This is a mistake and we both know it," I answered. "An enjoyable one, but not one you should repeat."

"I know that," she sighed sadly. I thought it was time to try and make her laugh again, or at least smile.

"And by a mistake I mean your mistake," I grinned slowly. "Because this is one hell of a conquest for me! I'm the guy who got to sleep with the hot gym teacher!"

"Juan, if you ever tell anyone, I promise I'll..." she began.

"I know a way you can buy my silence," I interjected. Rosa looked at me and shook her head.

"I thought you said what we did was a mistake?" she asked.

"What's we're doing," I corrected. "We're not done yet."

"You can't be serious," Ms. Valente said. "I already feel guilty."

"So?" I shrugged. "You're going to feel guilty whether I leave now or stay. Why not enjoy yourself fully before I go?"

"I can't!" she cried.

"Sure you can," I argued, rolling on top of Ms. Valente and kissing her.

"Juan! This is wrong!" she cried once I stopped kissing long enough for her to breath, but she wasn't trying to get me off of her.

"Rosa, I'm not going to argue with you anymore," I smiled. "And I'm not going anywhere yet. So you might as well relax and enjoy what's coming next." She looked at me in silence for a while. I met her eyes and waited. Ms. Valente eventually smiled slowly.

"I guess you're right," she said. "We've already slept together. Continuing now can't really make it worse."

"Oh, I'm hoping to make it better. A lot better," I grinned.

"I'm not sure that's possible," Ms. Valente laughed. There was something sexual about it that got to me. "But what do you have in mind?"

I decided to show her instead of explaining. Rosa not only appreciated what I showed her, but showed me some stuff as well. Frankly, Ms. Valente was far wilder in bed than any of my friends in high school imagined. We did things that even the old me had never done before.

"Juan, it's getting late and you need to go home soon. Is there anything you want before we're done?" she asked. I looked at her and grinned. She smiled and shook her head, adding, "Just remember, you've already giving me quite a workout. I can't take much more."

"Rosa, you're ass is damn near perfect," I said, looking at it hungrily. I only met one girl in my past that liked guys to pay attention to her ass, but I was willing to bet quite a bit that Ms. Valente did also. I didn't have a lot of experience in this area. On the other hand, the little I had I enjoyed.

"I knew you liked my culo!" she laughed, rolling onto her stomach once more and lifting her ass into the air. It was very enticing. "I'll give it to you as long as you promise one thing."

"What?" I asked. She looked over her shoulder and into my eyes. Hers were alive with desire, belying her comment about being exhausted.

"I want you to take it as hard as you took me the first time," she said. "Promise me you will?"

"Okay," I said moving behind her. I pushed inside Ms. Valente's pussy slowly. She gasped in pleasure, but seemed confused.

"I thought you wanted my culo?" she asked.

"Oh, I do," I groaned, feeling her pussy squeeze my cock. "But I thought you might appreciate a little warm up first."

"It does feel nice," she moaned. I picked up the pace and Ms. Valente once again lifted her hands to the headboard.

I rested one hand on her ass and slowly worked my thumb between her ass cheeks. I circled around the opening for a while before pushing inside. Rosa cried out and it felt like her ass was actually trying to pull my thumb deeper. I pushed it as far in as it would go and worked it around for a few minutes.

"Si Juan!" Ms. Valente cried under me. "I'm close!"

I pulled out of her pussy and lined my cock up with her ass. It was round and had sharp tan lines. The combination of both was very enticing. I pushed in slowly because her butt was very tight.

"Harder!" she gasped. "You promised!"

Who was I to argue? I thrust into her culo with more force. Ms. Valente cried out, but obviously loved what was happening.

"Mas!" she cried, pushing back and trying to take more of my cock inside.

I grabbed hold of her hips and slammed my cock in deeply. There were already bruises on her hips from my fingers, but that didn't seem to matter to Ms. Valente.

"Rosa, you are so hot!" I growled, picking up the pace.

"Si!" she cried. "It feels so good! Mas! Harder!"

I fucked her ass so hard that my balls slapped against her pussy over and over again. It actually stung, but both of us obviously enjoyed it.

"Ay!" she cried suddenly. "It's getting bigger. I can feel it! You're going to cum in my culo!"

"Soon!" I grunted in agreement.

Ms. Valente moved one hand from the headrest and slipped it under herself. She was obviously playing with her pussy and trying to rush her orgasm to coincide with mine. I worked hard at waiting for her. It wasn't easy.

I held Rosa's hips even tighter now and pulled back with every thrust. If I didn't I would have certainty slammed her head into the wall again. Her one hand wasn't going to stop that.

"I can't hold off much longer!" I groaned.

"Ahorra!" she gasped. "Fill me! Fill me now! Ahorra!"

I slammed into my gym's teacher's perfect Spanish ass once more and started filling it with my cum. Rosa's own orgasm exploded and she thrashed under me.

"You have to come visit me after you graduate," she said afterward. I laughed along with her.

"Ms. Valente, I think you'll be busy with someone else by then," I smiled. "But if not, count on it."

"From your lips to God's ear," she sighed. A thought suddenly struck me.

"Do you know coach Bo on the football team?" I asked.

"I've seen him," she said, but then realized where I was going and added, "He's cute, but not my type. I never really understood your American football."

"Maybe he can teach you," I grinned.

"Juan, you are a very strange boy," she said, frowning slightly.

"So true," I laughed. "But that doesn't mean you shouldn't give coach Bo a chance. He's a good guy and you'll make the right man very happy."

"Alright," she sighed. "Maybe it's time for me to start dating again. At least it should keep me out of bed with my students."

"Ms. Valente, relax about that," I said. "It's not like you're a sexual predator or something. It took a lot of things to come together for this to occur. It won't happen again. You're not the type."

"Thanks," she smiled. "I hope you're right."

"I am," I said confidently. "By the way, do you want my help with coach Bo?"

"Please!" she laughed. "Do you really think I need help getting a man's attention?"

"Not if he's straight," I laughed. "Or even gay and questioning."

"Juan, you are so bad!" she laughed. "Now don't you think it's time you left?"