Golden Desire Ch. 07


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"But it's Saturday, people will be home all day. They'll see me arriving," she protested weakly.

His hands slipped down inside her dress and she felt that familiar heat begin to slide through her body. No longer caring about what people might see or think, she dropped the boot before falling onto the bed with him. A shuddered sigh slipped through her lips as her dress joined it on the floor.

A little more than an hour later she managed to steal away without waking him. She hurried down the early morning streets and walked in the door of her boarding house just as dawn was breaking. She tiptoed up the stairs and managed to make it to her room without any of her housemates seeing her. Her clothes once again landed on the floor before she slid into bed and fell into a contented sleep.

Daniel was also just going to bed, having stood watch by the window until he saw her heading back home. Taking notice of her undone hair and flushed cheeks, he felt anger and betrayal clutching at his heart. They had both lied to him about knowing each other, obviously to cover the fact that they had had an affair. She had evidently come to Oregon City to get away from him but he had come after her. Daniel was surprised to find that jealousy now joined his other emotions. How could he still want her after she had lied to him? After discovering that she harbored such wickedness? He rolled over in bed and decided to wait until after he had slept, perhaps things would be clearer then.

Hours later, Nicholas groaned with frustration as his hands stretched across the cold, empty sheets. Sitting up, he looked about the room, hoping she was still there, perhaps dressing. Seeing that both she and her clothing were gone, he peered at the mantle clock. Ten o'clock. He wondered what time she had left at. Most likely before dawn. Falling back against the pillows, he ran his fingers through his hair. Even though he was frustrated that she had managed to sneak away, he couldn't help but smile. Seeing her at his front door earlier that night had sent his spirits soaring. Once she knew he was there, she hadn't been able to stay away, even if it had been only to demand that he leave. He couldn't help but hope that a small part of her had wanted what had eventually transpired, that that was really why she had come.

When Daniel awoke he had an idea of what he should do. As he breakfasted he seriously considered Victoria. How did he feel about her? Was she still worth pursuing? Would he ever be able to trust her? He continued to ponder these questions as he dressed and left the house. He arrived at his destination and taking a deep breath, firmly knocked on the door of the large blue house.

He tried to hide his admiration of the fine furnishings as he was led into a sitting room. Nicholas was waiting for him, standing by the mantle. Daniel's eyes swept over the other man, taking his measure in a different manner. In the bank it had been as a client, here it was as an adversary.

The butler announced Daniel, causing Nicholas to turn. He could tell from the look in the younger man's eyes that this was not a friendly call. Surely Victoria hadn't told him of her early morning visit. Hiding his suspicions he greeted Daniel cordially. "Good morning, Mr. Sinclair."

"Good morning, Mr. Andrews," he replied stiffly.

As Daniel remained standing, Nicholas invited him, "Please sit down. Would you care for some coffee?" he asked, pouring himself a cup from a service on a side table.

He perched on the edge of a chair and replied in the same stiff voice, "No, thank you." Looking Nicholas in the eye he said evenly, "I've come to ask you something and I want a straight answer."

Feigning casualness, Nicholas leaned back, sipping his coffee. "Of course. What do you wish to know?"

"Why did you lie to me about knowing Victoria Somerset?"

Nicholas raised his eyebrows in surprise. "What makes you think I know her?"

Daniel struggled to keep his temper in check as he said through clenched teeth, "I saw her come here early this morning."

Again sipping his coffee he replied, "Ah yes, that would make my previous statement a lie then, wouldn't it?" Setting down his cup, he leaned towards Daniel and asked, "What is your concern with whether or not I'm acquainted with Victoria?"

"I'm courting her, sir. I think I have a right to know if she's...being intimate...with another man," he stated defensively.

Leaning back again, Nicholas replied, "Then perhaps you should be asking her what the purpose of her visit here this morning was."

"I think the purpose of her visit was rather apparent since she did not emerge from this house for several hours."

With a small smile, Nicholas commented, "You seem very well informed of her actions. Were you spying on her?"

"I happened to be standing by my window and saw her walk by. Worried, I followed her. You can imagine my surprise when she came here. Of course, I was curious and waited until she came back."

"You stood outside that whole time?" Nicholas asked, clearly surprised.

"No, I waited at home, watching the street." Realizing that he had been maneuvered away from his original quest, he paused. "What I want to know is, what are your intentions with Victoria?"

As if the answer were very apparent, Nicholas responded simply, "I intend to marry her."

Daniel stared at him dumbfounded. He had not expected such a blunt answer. "You and she are to be wed?"

Chuckling, Nicholas explained, "Now, that's not what I said. I intend to marry her, however, she's not quite yet convinced." Taking pity on the younger man, he confessed, "If it makes you feel any better, the reason she came here this morning was to request that I leave. To leave her alone and to leave this city."

"It took several hours for her to make that simple request?" Daniel challenged, not believing him.

"Oh no, her request only took several minutes," he answered, with an amused gleam in his eye, picking up his coffee again. "My argument as to why it should be denied took a bit longer."

Daniel again stared at him. He couldn't believe what Nicholas was insinuating. He had feared it, but to hear this other man all but admit that they had been together was astonishing. For Victoria's sake, he should be denying that anything improper had taken place.

Narrowing his eyes at Daniel, he asked, "And may I pose the same question to you? What are your intentions with Victoria?"

Assuming a superior attitude, he replied, "I also intend to marry her."

Smiling, Nicholas said, "Well, then. I guess the lady has a choice to make."

Daniel rose to leave and as Nicholas was seeing him out he asked, "By the way, does she know of your intentions?"

"No, she does not," Daniel answered, his hand on the door knob.

"Well, as I've already declared myself, I suggest you pay her a visit as soon as possible."

Daniel only glared at him before flinging the door open and storming out. Frustration joined the anger and betrayal he was already feeling as he made his way to Victoria's. He walked slowly, trying to calm down and think about what he was going to say to her. It surprised him that even after all he had found out about her, he still wanted to marry her. He didn't have to worry about any shame or scandal as she obviously had no desire to flaunt her indiscretions. Nicholas would also most likely leave if he and Victoria married. No, not if, when he married her. She had gone to ask him to leave. She didn't want Nicholas, she wanted him. With that thought, he arrived at her boarding house and knocked on the door.

Nervous about seeing him, Victoria entered the parlor trying to appear happy at his visit, but the grim look in his eyes stopped her cold. Thinking there was no way he could know of her early morning activities, she asked with concern, "Daniel, what is it? Is there something wrong?"

He rose, and taking her elbow, guided her outside. "Let's go to the garden. I wish to speak to you."

"What about?" she asked nervously, as they stepped outside.

Without responding, he walked her over to a shaded bench and only after they were seated did he speak. Unable to look at her, he asked, "Why didn't you tell me you know Nicholas Andrews?"

When she didn't respond immediately, he continued, "I saw you last night. Saw you go to his house and not emerge for several hours."

"How did you see? Were you spying on me?" she accused, trying to buy some time to think.

"No, I happened to be by my window when you went by. I was worried and followed you." He could feel his anger rising and after taking a deep breath, he continued. "I'm not going to ask why you went there or what happened during those hours, but there is something I want you to know."

Finally turning to her, he looked deeply into her dark blue eyes, "It cannot have escaped your attention that I have grown quite fond of you Victoria. And, for some time now, it has been my intention, my wish, that we would eventually be married."

She could only stare at him. Of course she had known that one day he would ask her, but to have two men announce their intentions in one day was a bit more than she was ready for.

Clearing his throat, he continued, "I hadn't planned on making my declaration so soon. I had hoped for us to get to know each other better and I had also hoped that the atmosphere in which it was made would be more romantic, but as you know, my hand is being forced."

"What do you mean, forced?" she asked, scared that he knew more than he was letting on.

Suddenly realizing he may have slipped a bit, he stammered, "I fear that you have feelings for Mr. Andrews, and that I may lose you to him, so I am making my feelings and intentions known to you prematurely." He did not want her to know that he had visited Nicholas that morning, worried that she would accuse him of meddling in her affairs. After all, even though he had told Nicholas that he had a right to know what was going on, he feared Victoria might think differently, that he had no right to that at all.

Looking down at her hands, she replied, "I appreciate that Daniel, but I think you are owed an explanation. I met Mr. Andrews in San Francisco. He pursued me romantically, but my only concern was to leave there as soon as possible." She told herself that this was mostly true, thus it did not count as a lie. "I didn't think he would follow me here. I was quite shocked when you told me his name." She took a breath before continuing. "My only purpose in visiting him this morning was to request that he leave Oregon City and to leave me alone."

Daniel had to bite his tongue to not ask why that had taken almost three hours. Instead he asked, "So, you have no intention of seeing him again?"

She couldn't look at him as she answered quietly, "To be completely honest with you Daniel, I don't know."

Taking a deep breath, he took her hand in his as he said, "Please Victoria, think about what I've said. I can give you a good and happy life. I would be a caring and devoted husband."

She finally looked up at him, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "I know you would."

He kissed her on the cheek before he rose and left. He had done all he could, he just hoped it would be enough.

Victoria remained in the garden for a long time after he had left. She hadn't known what to expect at Nicholas' that morning. Once she knew he was there she couldn't stay away, she needed to see him. She wondered if her sole mission of asking him to leave was only an excuse, a rationalization? She searched her heart and had to admit that a small part of her had hoped that he would want her, would try and seduce her. Convincing her that he had not forgotten her.

She had been truly amazed when he had stated that he wanted to marry her. But what should she do now? Daniel had said the same thing. Who should she choose? Who did she want? Daniel, of course, was the logical choice, the one her head was telling her to choose. But Nicholas was the one her heart, her entire being wanted. But was he the right choice? Did she love him?

She knew she didn't love Daniel, but did it matter? What he had said was true, he would give her a good and happy life. But what if she deserved more? Nicholas had once asked her if she hadn't wanted to wait for a man that not only loved her, but that she loved as well. She hadn't loved Henry and she had been happy enough. Back when she didn't know any different. Now she did. It had been reaffirmed several times earlier that morning.

She put her head in her hands. Why couldn't she and Henry have just stayed in Albany? Life had been so much easier then, so much simpler. Ever since they had come out here, ever since she had met Nicholas, she was constantly confused, constantly torn about what to do. She needed someone to talk to, but who? Her mind immediately conjured up an image of Mrs. Fraser. She shook her head, there was no way she could trust her.

"My dear, I only tell people what they need to hear. Have you ever heard me telling people something they have no business knowing?" Victoria was sitting in Mrs. Fraser's parlor having hesitantly asked for her advice.

She thought a moment and realized her employer was right. She told her an edited story of Nicholas, how she had known him in San Francisco, and how he had come after her, claiming to want to marry her and then about Daniel's visit that morning, and him claiming the same thing.

"Mrs. Fraser, what am I going to do?' she asked, her voice choked with desperation.

She thought for a moment before asking, "Have either of them actually proposed?"

Slightly taken aback, she replied, "No, they haven't. Daniel says he's not quite ready and Nicholas feels that I'm the one who's not ready."

"So, what you really need to decide is who to keep seeing?" she asked. When Victoria only nodded, she continued, "My child, you already know the answer. But you're afraid to admit it to yourself. Daniel is the safe choice, but it's Nicholas you really want, isn't it."

Mrs. Fraser could see the struggle in the young woman's eyes. "I'm not sure," she finally lamented.

After Victoria had gone, Mrs. Fraser decided it was time to do some promotional work. She wrote a quick note and had it delivered. It was about time that one of Oregon City's wealthiest citizens discovered her little bakery.

Nicholas didn't pay much attention to the advertisement to Fraser's Bakery until the part about their baker having been trained in New York. He remembered that Victoria was from Albany, New York and that while in San Francisco she had tried to get a job in a bakery. Perhaps here she had successfully found one.

He decided to wait a couple of days before visiting the bakery, give her some time to think.

The following week Mrs. Fraser looked up from the front counter to see a well appointed carriage pull up in front of her shop. Her eyes widened in admiration at the handsome blond man who emerged from the cab. So, this must be Nicholas Andrews, she thought. She watched as he straightened his jacket before opening the door.

"Good afternoon," he greeted her with a dazzling smile.

"Good afternoon," she replied. "Let me guess, you must be Mr. Andrews," she said, returning his smile.

"Yes, how did you know?" he questioned.

Tying a string around a cake box, she answered, "Oh, I know just about everyone around here. I've heard about you, and when I realized that you had not yet visited my shop, I sent you that little note, inviting you." She put the cake box up on a shelf and asked him, "What can I get for you? We have wonderful breads, pastries, cakes, pies, anything you want."

His mind went back to Victoria in his home, covered with flour and the aroma of pies in the air. He also recalled how delicious they had been.

"Pies," he said. "Are they made by your baker from New York?"

Her eyes twinkling with delight Mrs. Fraser replied, "Yes, they are. Would you like one?"

"Yes, I would. A couple actually. Do you have any available?"

She scanned the display case and the shelves behind the counter. "I don't seem to have any right now, but I could have them at the end of the day if you like," she suggested.

"Does your baker work that late?" he asked.

"Oh yes. We get special requests all day. Let me just check if she'll have time." Mrs. Fraser turned to the doorway leading into the back and called out, "Victoria, do you have time to make a couple of pies?"

Nicholas' breath caught in his throat as she appeared in the doorway, brushing a damp lock of ebony hair from her brow. Her cheeks were flushed from the heat of the ovens. She was about to speak when she saw him.

"Nicholas," she whispered. She quickly stepped back from the doorway. "That's Nicholas," she hissed at Mrs. Fraser. "What is he doing here?" She began fussing with her hair. "Oh, I must look a fright," she cried.

"You look fine, my dear. And I would guess he's here because he wants some pies and a bakery is usually where one goes for that." She couldn't help but smile at her flustered employee.

"Pies," she said, as if trying to recall how to make them. "Pies," she repeated in a whisper, recalling that she had baked him pies once before. Turning to Mrs. Fraser, she asked, almost in a daze, "What kind does he want?"

She returned to the front as Victoria anxiously waited. Mrs. Fraser returned with a smile tugging at her lips. "He wants to talk to you about what kinds of pies you know how to make."

"Oh no," she moaned, twisting her hands. "Tell him I don't have time to bake pies. Make him go away," she pleaded.

"My dear, I know how you feel about him, but I am not about to begin turning business away." Giving her a gentle push, she urged, "Go on. It'll be fine."

She took a deep breath and walked to the doorway leading to the front of the store where Nicholas was waiting. Hesitating for only a moment, she proceeded to the counter. Her eyes met his and as always the heat that they radiated caused her heart to skip a beat.

They stared at one another, lost in each other's eyes. Nicholas finally smiled and spoke, breaking the spell with a simple greeting. "Hello, Victoria."

She tore her eyes from his and staring at the counter, returned his greeting. "Good afternoon, Nicholas."

He reached out and touched the tip of her nose causing her to start and step back. Holding up his whitened finger, he said, still smiling, "You have flour on your nose." His voice dipped low as he continued, echoing his words from months before, "I gather you've been baking."

She couldn't help but smile, the tension between them breaking.

"Will you bake me some of your delicious pies?" he asked.

"I can bake you an apple and a cherry today. Anything else, I'll need a couple of days notice to get the ingredients," she replied, her eyes traveling over his face, drinking in his handsome features.

"One apple and one cherry will be fine," he answered, still staring into her eyes.

Dropping her gaze, she said quietly, "Two pies is an awful lot for one person."

Placing his finger under chin, he tipped her head back up. "I was rather hoping you would join me for dinner tonight and help me eat some of them."

"No, Nicholas, I can't," she breathed.

"Yes, you can," he replied. "We've had dinner together many times," he reminded her. Still seeing the doubt in her eyes, he continued, "I'll be on my best behavior, I promise."

When she still didn't respond, he reached out again and taking her hand his voice dipped to the silky smooth whisper. "Please Victoria. Just dinner, that's all."

Unable to resist that tone, she nodded. "Yes, I'll come."

His full lips broke into a wide smile. "I'll send a carriage for you at seven."

Knowing that a carriage would raise questions, she hurriedly said. "No, that's not necessary. I'll meet you at your house at seven, with the pies."