Gay for Candy


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"Yeah, I was thinking that, too," Candy said as if it was nothing. After negotiating her way around the deadfall of an old tree, she removed any doubt about knowing Jared was with them. "What do you think, Jared? How do you feel about sloppy seconds?"

"Depends on how your boyfriend feels about sloppy thirds," he said, never missing a beat and clearly announcing where he would expect to be in the order.

"Maybe you're getting the sloppy thirds," Ashton said.

"I guess it depends on how many times Lee gets off, doesn't it?" Candice asked, tossing a playful smirk over her shoulder at the two men. Her little joke had extra meaning for Ashton. He knew how much Candy liked a guy to get off and keep fucking her. Hell, he could wind up with sloppy fourths if she did that to both Lee and Jared before getting around to him.

"Is that how it works?" Ashton asked, pondering the idea. Did people count the number of people or the number of orgasms?

"The Roman empress Messalina did twenty-five guys in a single night," Jared offered, showing off his vast knowledge of arcane information.

"And you probably have the video bookmarked," Ash joked.

Jared's retort was quick and filled with hidden meanings. "Fuck, we watched it together during our first week."

"Why do guys do that?" Candice asked, easily following the path left by their original hike to the clearing. "Why do they watch porn together?"

"All the usual reasons," Jared said with a carefree shrug.

"But what if you get excited?"

"Yeah, what if?" he asked, playfully poking his buddy in the back and earning a stern glare. Ashton had yet to make his confession.

"We should do that more often," Candy said to Ashton. "I like porn." That led to a lengthy discussion about what kind of porn Candy might enjoy watching, who she had watched it with, and how often. Her list of favorites types matched theirs with one notable exception. "I really like watching gay porn. The guys are just so fucking hot!"

* * * * * *

By the end of their second week as roommates, jerking off in their tiny dorm room became as commonplace as seeing your roommate studying or sleeping. Jared set the example that Ashton soon followed. In the middle of an evening, after finishing his homework, he would switch his laptop to porn and think nothing about pulling off his pants and stroking himself. Typically, Ashton joined him.

There was a cute redhead in his Psychology 101 class who wore a pair of yoga pants to class one afternoon. When class ended, Ashton could feel the backup of my balls needing to be drained and headed directly to his room for a bit of relief. Walking into the empty room, Ash stripped down in front of his laptop, queued up series of x-rated videos featuring redheads and began blissfully stroking himself, edging close to an orgasm a couple of times without letting it happen and enjoying the unusual privacy that didn't last.

He jumped when he heard the keycard in the door and Jared quickly announced that he was alone. Strolling over to the side-by-side desks, he sat in his chair and pointed looked at his roommate's lotion coated cock. "I thought you preferred doing it dry."

"Only sometimes," Ash said, finding it odd how much his cock throbbed in front of his friend. It was almost as if he enjoyed being caught in the act. Wanting to act natural, Ash caressed the length of his cock again and watched the video in front of him. Still, he couldn't shake how Jared kept staring at his nudity. "You don't like redheads?"

"Oh yeah, she's hot," he said absentmindedly as he pulled off his jeans. Ash glanced and saw he was hard, too. "You don't usually get naked, either."

"Sometimes I do," Ash said, knowing how he liked to masturbate best. Still, Jared had made an accurate observation. Typically, Ashton did not get completely naked. Jared pulled off his t-shirt until he was as a naked as the other man.

"You want some help with that?" he asked, putting his hand in Ashton's lap and gently squeezing his aching, cum-filled balls.

Ashton went tense and froze in place as his roommate's hand fondled his cum-filled balls. "Dude, I don't go that way."

"Go which way?" he asked, moving his hand to Ashton's hard cock. "It's only gay if we start kissing."

"I'm not going to kiss you," he flatly stated, squirming because Jared's hand felt better around his cock than his own had.

"See? Then it's not gay."

Ashton sat frozen and amazed. "You're stroking my cock, how is this not gay?"

"It's not any gayer than jerking off together, is it?"

"Yeah, I think it is," Ashton protested, though he didn't try to move Jared's hand off his cock because he didn't want to create an awkward scene. Jared was a good guy. A bit weird about jerking off and stuff, but Ash had grown to like that. He had gotten over feeling gay about jerking off together weeks and weeks ago. Now, whenever they jerked off together, they weren't shy about looking at the other guy doing it. They weren't shy talking about it or kidding each other about it. They just did it and have fun doing it. But this felt like something more.

"You are so uptight. Just try it and see if it feels gay to touch me." Jared pulled Ash's hand into his lap, circling his fingers around his cock.

"This is gay as hell," Ash said, giving the other man a couple strokes. That's all he would do, give Jared a few strokes so he could say he tried it and then stop.

"What's gay about it? You're jerking off and I'm jerking off."

"No, we're jerking each other off."

"Same diff," he said, urging Ashton to move his hand up and down his shaft. "Doesn't it feel better than doing it yourself?"

Ash didn't reply. Instead, he slipped his hand up and down Jared's warm cock a couple of times, just going with the flow. Touching Jared's cock felt interesting, almost the same as stroking himself, but different. Whenever Jared would twitch or throb, Ash recognized the sensation. Their lengths and girths didn't match. His hand recognized the similarities and all the subtle differences, the different angle, including how much better Jared's hand felt than his own around his swollen, aching, needful cock. "Are we going start doing this every time?"

"Maybe," he said. "If you want."

Ashton wasn't sure if this was a good thing to want.

"Wait until you get me off, that's when it feels the best."

Ash had no idea why he didn't stop right then and there. If he had, life would be so much easier. Instead, he kept going, curious to find out what Jared knew that he didn't.

* * * * * * *

The boys half carried and half dragged the massive cooler filled with ice, food, and beverages back towards the campsite while Candice toted several bags in each hand and brought up the rear. "If the trail wasn't noticeable before, it is now," she noted.

"Only to someone following the service road," Jared pointed out.

"How likely are our cars to get towed?"

"Easter week? Highly unlikely." Once around the rockfall of giant boulders, they joined their companions in the clearing where Lee still sat sprawled on his ass as the two girls worked on setting up the large tent. "That bad?" Jared asked his former football buddy.

"No, but bossy pants over there said I wasn't allowed to help." The big man winced as he stood and experimented with putting weight on the bad leg. He limped over to the cooler for a chunk of ice.

"How can I help?" Ashton asked after realizing he had been staring directly at Amy's upturned ass and studying the way her shorts remained deep inside her crack.

"Dig a firepit and find some firewood," the pretty brunette said, oblivious to her condition or the attention she received each time she bent over.

"Why don't the two of you forage for wood and I'll dig the pit?" Jared offered, nodding for Ashton and Candice to do the foraging. Ash gave his roommate a thankful nod, glad to have some time away from the rest of the group. Maybe he could screw up the courage to make his confession. Once they were in the treeline, he made his first attempt. "Lee looks like he's hung, doesn't he?"

"Mm, he does," Candy purred. "Have you ever been with a black chick?"

"Never had the chance," Ash said with a shake of his head.

"Do you want to do her?" she asked, pressing him against a tree and grabbing the front of his shorts. She pressed their lips together before he could answer. Her tiny hand immediately got a rise out of him. Pulling away for a moment, she asked an alternative question. "Or maybe you'd rather do Amy? She's cute, too."

"Why stop there?" Ash asked, his hard cock throbbing against her groping hand. "Maybe I should do Lee and Jared, too?"

"Oh baby," she cooed, giving him an even deeper kiss while slipping her hand inside the front of his shorts, playfully tugging, pulling, and squeezing his erect, throbbing prick. Breaking their kiss, she pulled away half a step to admire her handiwork. "Looking good, babe."

"I can't walk back into camp like this," he groaned, looking down at the tent he had pitched inside his shorts.

"Sure you can." She picked up several pieces of deadfall and loading them into his arms.

"You're mean."

"Am I?" she asked as if it was a revelation. Ashton quickly reversed himself. Even a nice person could occasionally be mean. Rather than accept his reversal, Candy found reasons to reinforce it. "I do fuck around on you."

"Is it really fucking around if I know about it?"

"Maybe not." She loaded him down with more wood before snatching up two handfuls of kindling and leading the way back to camp.

His swollen prick eased slightly from being a full erection to a long, fat tube inside his shorts. He could feel the change and welcomed it. Ash didn't want to return to camp with a tent pitched inside his shorts. Approaching the quartet left behind, he caught how three out of four of them noticed the lump in his tight shorts. Only Jared had missed noticing.

"Did you shove a log in your shorts or are you happy to see us?" Amy asked.

"Damn girl," Sophie told Candy after catching an eyeful of Ashton's condition. "Let me know if you want to trade boyfriends for a night."

"Seriously?" Lee protested, moving back to his feet and testing his leg. "Who says I like blondes?"

"You like anything with a pussy."

"So do you!" Lee shot back, grinning at his girlfriend.

* * * * * *

Walking hand-in-hand across the quad, Ashton and Candice were heading to his room for a bit of early afternoon fun. Both of them had a long break between their morning classes and a single afternoon class. Those couple hours were usually spent grabbing a quick lunch before heading to his room for a quickie.

Once they were behind closed doors, she dropped to her knees, pulled down his pants, and began sucking his cock as she wormed out of her clothes. "Damn, bae," he groaned, enjoying her enthusiasm. "Horny?"

She first hummed her answer around a mouthful of his cock before pulling away with a wet, popping sound. "Mm-hm. I've got a date tonight."

Ash felt his hard-on falter. He doubted she noticed since he remained hard but he felt an eager throb falter and fade without happening. He knew Candy still fucked other guys. That had become their arrangement after he had uttered those three dangerous words. While he was allowed to fuck other women, too, he hadn't bothered. Between Candy, Jared, and his own hand, Ash finally felt as if he had sexual needs completely filled. Even the cute redhead in his Psych class in her yoga pants had become little more than a pleasant eyeful instead of creating a needful lust in his loins. Staying sated helped him remain focused on his studies.

Hearing she had slept with someone else had turned out to be fun. Candy never hid it from him. When they would get together the next afternoon or evening, she would tell him in exquisite detail about her adventure, how excited she had gotten, and how much she loved him for understanding her needs. This was the first time she had announced in advance her intentions. "So, you're excited about being with him?"

"No, silly," she said, standing and leading him to his narrow bed. "I'm excited about being with you. Later, I'll get excited for him." After he laid on his back, she shifted between his legs and went back to sucking his cock.

"Is it someone you've fucked before?"

"Yes." She replaced her mouth with her hand for a moment before deciding it was better to fuck him than keep sucking him. He felt the moist heat of her pussy and saw the passion in her eyes. She squirmed against him, bracing her hands against his chest while pressing down around his swollen cock. Her pussy squeezed around his hard cock. Damn, she was excited! "I've told you about him."

"Remind me," he said, caressing her tits. Her nipples were twin pebbles, as firm as stone.

"It's the guy from my Algebra class, the nerdy guy with the big dick."

He recalled who she meant. He had even seen the guy around campus. He wasn't much to look at. Short and skinny with glasses, the squirrely little guy fit the caricature of a nerd. "What do you see in him? Is his dick that big?"

"I just like him," she said, bouncing up and down on him in an effort to satisfy her aching need. "He's cute and always cums so hard." She worked him faster or maybe she was working faster for himself, he couldn't tell the difference.

"You're crazy," he said, feeling better the guy wasn't a threat to him. Candy might fuck the little guy, but she wouldn't dump Ashton for him. At least, he didn't think she would.

"Do you really think so?" she asked, pausing her fucking and looking genuinely concerned.

"No, I didn't mean it like that," he quickly amended. "I'm just saying, you could fuck almost anyone on campus, why fuck him?"

"Why fuck you?"

Ashton swallowed hard. "Good point."

"Because I love you!" she squealed, bending over and kissing him hard as she bounced around his hard cock. "And I fuck him because he has a really big cock."

"Size queen," he taunted. It wasn't the first time she had mentioned the size of her other boyfriends. Their big dicks were the only thing they had in common. Candy had made it clear that she loved Ash's dick, too, but she had a real thing for big dicks. "I love you, too."

"How much?"

"So much that I'm going to jerk-off tonight while thinking about you fucking your friend."

"Oh God!" she groaned, momentarily stiffening as her orgasm took hold. He felt it around his cock, felt the strong squeezing clenching sensation of its first wave before the rest of her body caught up. Candice shivered, quaked, and eventually collapsed on top of him, showering his face with little kisses. "That's so hot! Oh-my-God, tell me you weren't kidding!"

"I'm serious," he assured her, feeling like a bit of a fraud as he spoke. Chances were, with a roommate like Jared, he would do a lot more than jerk off. Chances were, the two men would find a way to help each other get off, bad ways. Gay ways. He pushed away the troubling thought, grabbed his girlfriend tightly against his body, and managed to roll them over on his narrow bed so he could fuck her.

"You're going to wear me out before I even have my date," she gasped.

"Good," he said, focused on fucking her deeply as he could until his first orgasm of the day welled up inside his balls. He wanted to make her get off once more before shooting his load. He wanted to orgasm with her. He did all he could to make sure that would happen, too, except they ran out of time. He wouldn't have another orgasm until that evening with Jared.

"Babe, I gotta go," Candy said, even though they were still fucking. "I can't miss any more of that class." She bucked, pushing him off of her. His hard cock stood shiny and hard from their fucking. Unable to resist, she went down on him. "There, now you're all clean."

"But I'm still hard," he moped.

"And I'm still wet," she giggled, getting dressed and tossing his clothes at him so he could do the same.

When the reached the front steps of his dorm room, they needed to head in different directions. They were cutting it close for making it to class in time. They shared a quick kiss. "Have fun with your boyfriend tonight."

"You're my boyfriend," she said, kissing him again before rushing off. Later, during class, she texted him. "He's just a friend. You are my BOYFRIEND and I LOVE YOU!!" He sent her hearts back. "And you better jerk-off thinking about me tonight! That's hot!!" She included half a dozen fire emoticons.

* * * * * * *

With the camp set-up, the party began in earnest. They played with tossing around an old school Frisbee, walked the shoreline, or just sat and visited. There was music and plenty of laughter. When Candy began openly flirting with Lee, Sophie started doing the same to Ashton. While the girls didn't seem to mind, Ash didn't want to anger the much larger man.

Candy and Sophie darted into the treeline to pee. When they came back, jokes were made about how girls always needed to pee together. "Hey Lee, I gotta pee. You wanna come with me to make sure I do it right?" Ash asked, getting to his feet. He really did need to take a leak.

"I'll hold yours if you'll hold mine," Lee joked back, getting up, too. Maintaining the joke, the two men strolled into the woods together. Lee waited until they were away from the group before telling Ash, "Your girlfriend is hot as hell."

"Yours too," Ash said. They stepped farther into the woods before taking care of their business.

"How do you think we're going to handle things tonight?" the big man asked, stepping around a large tree to do his business. "You think the six of us are all going to fuck in the tent?"

"Hadn't thought about it," Ash said, moving in the opposite direction to do the same thing. "You think they'll be cool with that?"

"Sophie is down for anything. That girl is a freak!"

"No way!" Ash said, making sure he shook off every drop before putting himself back together. The last thing he needed was a telltale dot on his shorts from a stray drop. "Same with Candy."

"I don't know, man. Candy is hot, but there's no way she's a freak like Sophie." Lingering in the woods for a moment longer, Ash waited for Lee to explain. "She tried jerking me off in front of Amy."

"No way!"

"Dude, I'm serious! If my leg hadn't been cramping up, I don't know what would have happened." He grinned as he told how Sophie had insisted on massaging his bum leg, put her hands up the leg of his shorts and showed off his goods to Amelia.

"No shit?"

"I shit you not, my friend," Lee insisted, beaming with pride. "She's a freak and she doesn't care."

"You think Amy told Jared?"

"If she did, that horndog probably got hard hearing about it. He's a freak, too."

"Tell me about it," Ashton said, turning back towards camp.

"You know him and I spent a summer as roommates at football camp, right?"

Ash remembered Jared mentioning trying out for the team and not making the cut. "He said his small high school skills weren't strong enough for college ball."

"But he's a damn fun roommate, right?" Lee cryptically said as they neared the clearing. He patted Ash on the ass before striding ahead and leading the way into the clearing. Confused, Ash hesitated trying to figure out if that pat on the ass meant something or if it was just the kind of ass-pat athletes often gave each other. He had to jog a couple steps to catch up.

"You boys have fun stroking each other?" Sophie asked.

"His is bigger," Lee joked.

"No way," Sophie said, snuggling next to her man. "You've got the biggest white dick I've ever seen." She had to go up on tiptoes to kiss his cheek while her hand grabbed the front of his shorts.

"Woohoo! Go for it, girl!" Candy hooted.

"Where's Jared and Amy?" Ashton asked, not seeing them anywhere.