Gabriella Ch. 02


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After an afternoon of dodging Gabriella, he finally made it into the living room to watch TV. He had seriously considered leaving the house, but felt he needed to be stronger than that.

His heart began to beat faster when she entered the room and sat down on the couch at the opposite end.

They stayed that way for four shows until she slid down to the middle of the couch. He glanced at her but her eyes were glued to the TV. He sighed and looked away.

She was sitting beside him by the middle of the fifth show and laced her fingers through his, forcing his attention to her. His eyes scanned hers before they searched her face. Her eyelashes were still wet and clumped together from her tears. Her nose had a slight red tint and her pillow soft lips were slightly parted.

What the fuck was it about Gabriella Foster? Why did he seem to lose all common sense when he was with her? He stared at her for several minutes, trying to decipher this enigma.

A part of him knew what it was. She would have been the perfect match for him when he was twenty and had the same 'don't fuck with me' and 'the world can kiss my ass' attitude. Actually, he was sure if they had known each other back then, they would have broken each other from fighting or sex. Simon couldn't figure out what they did more of. But Gabriella was fun, passionate, daring and when they were together, they seemed to appreciate life just a little bit more.

She was a lot more like him than Patricia would ever be. Gabriella represented the things that excited and scared what was hiding inside him. But Patricia was the calming force he felt he needed in his life.

"What are you thinking about?" she had asked, bringing him back from his observation of her face.


He watched as her brow furrowed. "Really, that's what you were thinking about the past five minutes you were staring at me."

"Yep." Simon read the disappointment in her eyes.

He released her hand and got up from the couch. He grabbed his keys and walked out of the door. He breathed in the crisp cool air of fall in North Carolina and looked out at the trees that had already turned golden. The wind ruffled his hair as he walked to his car, got in and drove until he reached the state line crossing into Virginia. least that's what Simon wished had happened. Instead he leaned over and kissed Gabriella, pushing her back onto the sofa and slaking his lust for her again, reigniting the affair and the months of mental turmoil that haunted him even now as he lay next to Patricia.

Simon stared up at the ceiling, his ears fixed on the moment Gabriella walked back into the house. He sighed and rested an arm over his face, trying hard to block out the thought of driving by 8653 Pinehurst Avenue. There'd be no sleep until he heard her footsteps.

Forty-eight hours down, God knows how many years to go.



The garage was door open when Patricia pulled into the driveway and one of Simon's bikes was gone. She always got so nervous when he rode them. He had told her of his accident years ago and she couldn't imagine ever wanting to purposely ride one after such a horrific ordeal. But given all the tension in the house since her birthday dinner two days ago, he probably craved peace.

She found her daughter sitting on the couch with a notebook in her lap. Ella glanced at her for a second before she went back to her work. Patricia stared at the side of her daughter's face. Ella really was a beautiful girl. A natural beauty, despite all the makeup she sometimes wore.

"Hey, baby," Patricia said, removing her scarf and placing her bag on the floor.


"What are you studying?" She leaned over Ella's shoulder, trying to get a glimpse of the text book.


Always one word. Never any complete sentences that would really express anything about her mood or how she was doing. Hey, bye, yes, no, okay, maybe, fine, whatever...those were the only words Patricia ever heard tumble out of her mouth. Well, at least the only words she had reserved for her. Simon would at least receive complete sentences at times.

"Well, let me know if you need any help."

"Sure." Sure...that was another one.

Patricia sat down on the couch opposite Ella and leaned her head back. Every day became more difficult to deal with her boss's endless demands and the unpredictable hours. She had figured after a few years that feeling would go away. But it hadn't. She hated everything about that cursed place with exception of Myra. Myra kept her sane amidst the homicidal thoughts. She rubbed her temples and looked at Ella again.

"Hey, I was thinking you and I should have like a girl's night out or something."

Ella raised a brow. "Why?"

Patricia half expected that response. She and Ella rarely ever spent any time together. She was busy with work and evenings were spent with Simon. Ella was left to do as she pleased and live her life. Half the time Patricia didn't even know where she was or who she was with, but Simon was adamant about knowing.

"Well, it's been a while since we actually talked."

"What do you want to talk about?" Ella asked with a skeptical look.

"Well, how's school going?"


"Is there a special guy?" Patricia asked.

Ella hesitated. "Sort of."

"Well, good, that's the sort of thing we can talk about in more detail. Maybe next weekend?"

Ella didn't answer her. Instead, she pulled her book into her lap and began reading. The conversation was apparently over.

Patricia retreated to the kitchen, dropped her head in her hands and shut her eyes. She needed Simon. He always knew what to say or do to make her feel better. To drag her out of these moods of hopelessness.

Her eyes flew open when she heard the roar of his motorcycle, as if her thoughts had conjured him out of thin air. She smiled and rushed to the door leading into the garage.

"Hey handsome," she yelled as he backed the motorcycle in with his legs. He nudged the kickstand down and hopped off.

"Hey beautiful." He smiled before he wrapped her in his arms. "How was work?"

Patricia scoffed. "Is it ever anything other than terrible?"

"Now that I think about it, no, I guess it isn't," he stated with a laugh. He patted her on the rear as he walked around her and into the kitchen. "I brought dinner home. Chinese, hope that's okay."

"More than, I'm starving." Patricia followed, the smell making her tummy growl. "Hey Ella, want to come in here and get something to eat?"

"Not hungry," she heard her yell from the living room.

Patricia shook her head as she opened the brown paper bag. "Is she really not hungry or does she not want it because I let her know it was here." She sighed and slammed the carton of noodles down on the counter with more force than she had intended. She turned to her husband, who had stopped opening the containers to look at her.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

Patricia gave a weak smile. "Nothing really. Probably just tired."

Simon pulled her toward him and hugged her tightly, kissing the top of her head. Patricia closed her eyes and breathed in his scent. Being in his arms was her favorite place. She felt she could shut everything else out as long as he held her. She felt her body wilt against his as a small sob escaped from her throat.

"Hey, hey," he said, pulling her back to look in her face. She tried to turn away from him, but he gripped her chin, forcing her to look right as a tear slid down her cheek. "Honey, what's wrong?"

Patricia shook her head. She didn't want to burden him with several things after he just walked in the house.

"No, tell me," he insisted.

She bit her bottom lip and glanced toward the living room. "She hates me." Patricia felt like the world's worst mom for having to admit that to her husband.

"No, she doesn't," he said. "She's just immature and like a lot of people, she takes her mother for granted. But she doesn't hate you."

"I feel like I missed out on so much of who she is due to work and—I don't know, just other stuff while she was growing up. Simon, I really was never there for her. And now she's a stranger and it's all my fault," Patricia said, trying to keep her voice low for fear of Ella hearing.

"You do know her. And you can't beat yourself up over trying to make a better life for you and Gabriella. Who you need to beat up is Rodney for making this so fucking difficult for you. I don't mind volunteering myself for that, just so you know," he said making her laugh.

"What would I do without you, Simon?" Patricia asked, hugging him tighter. "God, you're the absolute best."

He stiffened as he whispered, "I'm not that great, honey."

"Well, I think you are."

"Then I guess that's all that matters."



Ella twirled the noodles packed inside the white carton box while her mom and Simon talked. She hadn't planned on joining them, but he peeked into the living room, giving her the death glare if she didn't get her ass up and come eat dinner with her mother. Truth be told, she'd rather be getting a root canal than sit at the table as if they were a happy family. She snorted out loud at the idea. When she looked up, they were both staring at her. One quizzical, one irritated. Ella looked back down at her food.

"Well, I guess I should tell you that I have to fly to Atlanta on Thursday."

Ella glanced up at her mother and then to Simon who had stopped mid bite.

"What?" he asked.

"Sam needs me to go in his place. Just meeting with some clients," her mom said.

"How long?" Simon asked, dropping his chopsticks down.

Her mom stuffed several noodles in her mouth. "Well, I have meetings with the clients on Thursday and Friday and then they are throwing this large get-together on Saturday night. But I can be back on Sunday morning."

Ella noticed Simon glance at her for a split second before he turned back to her mom. "Do you really have to?"

Ella watched Simon's face, which was slowly turning red.

"Yeah, I'm sorry baby. I can't get out of this one." Her mom took another bite completely oblivious to how desperate Simon sounded. She also seemed to be the only one with an appetite.

A silence formed over the table as Ella observed Simon. He purposely avoided eye contact with her. He leaned toward her mom. "Well, maybe I could go with you?" Was he that desperate to be away from her? Ella watched the two closely.

"What?" her mom asked, her lips curving into a curious smile.

"Yeah, I can try to get off. I don't know if I can, but I'll try."

"Simon, it's just Atlanta. Not like its some vacation place."

"I know, but still..." he trailed off, standing up and tossing his carton into the trash. He turned around and leaned against the counter.

"Well, I'd love it if you could," her mom admitted, smiling from ear to ear.

Ella's stomach turned as a lump formed in her throat. Simon was really serious this time. It was actually over. She tried to eat, but her food had lost its taste. He was done with her.

She stood up and walked out before either of them could see the wetness forming at the corner of her eyes.



"Frances, are you kidding me? All I'm asking is for Thursday and Friday. Not a two week paid vacation or anything." Simon was desperate. He could not stay in the house Thursday, Friday and Saturday alone with Gabriella. There was just no way in hell. He felt weak for having to admit that to himself, but no sense in tempting it. No more than you would tempt a recovering drug addict by leaving them in a house full of cocaine.

He watched as Frances leaned back in her chair. She was a frail older woman on the surface but a hammer underneath. Simon and another professor, Jacob Felderman often joked that she was in the military with a specialty in torture in a former life. She pushed her wispy blondish red hair behind her ear. "If I let you get off, then I have to let other faculty members off because I can't show favoritism. And even though you are a favorite, I still can't let you off. Look, you knew at the beginning of the semester that we were having our big faculty meeting on Friday with the president."

Simon couldn't believe this. If Frances only knew what she was about to subject him to, she would have mercy on his poor twisted soul. He knew it wasn't her problem, but he just needed help. Just this one time.

"But Jenkins is getting off." He hated dropping names, but he was beyond desperate.

She removed her glasses and rubbed her eyes. "And that's because Jenkins asked me before the meeting was scheduled due to his son's soccer championship. He's the only one getting a pass."


"Sorry Simon, I wish I could help you. I mean, jeez, she's just going to Atlanta. Wouldn't you rather save those days for Hawaii or something?"

Simon leaned back in his chair and wiped a hand down his face, mentally exhausting every excuse in the book until he thought of his last card. It was a dirty card, but hey, everyone had used it before. "Well, I could always get deathly sick, you know."

"Yeah, and you could also work at a community college next year."

Simon stared at her. He knew she wasn't bluffing. Although he was a favorite of hers because he liked to give the administration hell from time to time, which she found amusing, but she wasn't above firing him. At times she seemed to have no heart and she was not the one to fuck with.

He stood up and walked to the door. "Okay, thanks anyway."



"Are you okay?" Patricia asked Simon for the second time, as she stared down at her hand. The same hand he had refused to let go of the entire trip to the airport.

From the moment they had gotten up that morning, he hadn't spoken a word. He had sat at the breakfast table in a daze and wasn't his usual upbeat self.

He simply nodded to her question, the second nod she had received that morning. Normally she could tell by his eyes, but they were shielded by sunglasses.

She glanced out of the window at the large jets to the left of her before turning her attention back to him. Her flight would be taking off in an hour and a half. She wasn't looking forward to this trip, but at least this meant her boss didn't think she was a complete imbecile since he was letting her go in his place. But it still didn't lessen the fact that she despised him.

"It's only three days, Simon, and then I'll be back. Although you missing me already, really turns me on." She smiled at him but his mouth remained in a grim, straight line.

She looked in the back seat where Ella appeared to be asleep, leaning her head against the window with earphones growing out of her ears like strange white vines. This would be the longest that Patricia had ever left the two of them together and she prayed that the house would be standing when she got back. She was scared to think of how bad their arguments could get without her stepping in to referee.

When they pulled up to her gate at Departures, Simon got out and grabbed her bag from the trunk, while she tapped on the backseat window. Ella rubbed her eyes and opened the door. She stood up and stretched, her shorts rising even further up and her stomach exposed. But that wasn't her argument; she would let Simon handle that one.

"Bye baby," Patricia said, wrapping her arms around her daughter. But she was surprised to find that Ella now stood an inch or so taller than her. She hadn't noticed that before.

"Bye." Ella gave a quick hug back then maneuvered out of her grasp and hopped into the front passenger seat.

Patricia sighed and turned to Simon. He placed her bag on the curb and pulled his sunglasses up. He still had the same gloomy expression as this morning. Actually, he had worn that look since he found out he wouldn't be able to join her. She walked to the curb and locked her arms around him, loving the hardness of his chest which always gave her a special tingle.

"Are you sure you're okay?" she asked again, turning her face up to him.

"Yeah, I'm okay."

Patricia felt a twinge in her stomach. She knew he wasn't okay, but she couldn't stay out of fear of losing her job. No matter how much she hated it, times were too tight to be unemployed. But this wasn't normal behavior for Simon. She wondered if it had anything to do with school. Or maybe he and Ella had fought about something she wasn't aware of. She looked back at the car to find Ella staring in their direction. But she was now sporting her sunglasses as well, so she could have been sleeping.

"Okay. Well I'll call you as soon as I land. I know you'll be in class, but I'll leave a message." Patricia kissed. "I wish I didn't have to leave," she whispered against his mouth.

His arms tightened around her. "Me too."



Ella pulled her shades down over her eyes and pretended to be asleep as she watched Simon and her mom say goodbye. Her mother turned to walk away, but Simon held onto her hand and pulled her back. He whispered something in her ear, but Ella wasn't sure. Her mom kissed him again before turning and walking away, dragging her bag behind her. She watched Simon as he watched her mom enter into the airport. He stood there for a few more seconds before a horn honked behind her, causing her to jump. She looked back through the rearview window and stuck up her middle finger at the impatient driver. The driver honked the horn again, but this time she saw Simon walk around to the driver's side and look back at the guy.

"Fuck you, prick. Move around the Goddamn car!" Simon shouted.

Ella had to contain a giggle. This was the Simon she knew. He never would have done that in front of her mom. When she was around, he had to be on his best behavior, which further irritated Ella. Her mom didn't know him like she did. She didn't see the Simon that would cut people with a look or a word. Or use the word Goddamn, since her mother hated it. Or liked it rough between the sheets.

No, her mother only knew this image he was pretending to be half of the time and why...Ella had no clue. Who would want to live only showing a glimpse of who they really were? But a small part of Ella was scared that if he ever revealed that darker side to her mother, that maybe she would love it, much like Ella had loved it. And if Simon could be himself around her mother, he'd have everything he ever wanted and there'd be no need for her.

The car honked one more time before jetting around them.

"Way to pick a fight at eight-thirty in the morning," Ella said. It was a veiled reference to that morning almost a week ago when he told her they were through. He slammed the car door shut and never looked at her once as they drove to her prison of a school. It was the cruelest déjà vu.



Simon hadn't bothered asking Gabriella if she needed a ride home from school. She'd find someone to chauffer her, which for once he was glad. He needed to escape from the house before she returned home. Steven's seemed like the perfect refuge, regardless of it being Thursday and only four in the afternoon.

He needed to wear himself out so his brain would quit functioning. Maybe an intense game of football or basketball would help.

He grabbed an apple and held it between his teeth while he searched the fridge for a soda.

"Where are you going?"

Simon vaulted upright, dropping his Coke on the floor and biting into the apple. "Jesus fucking Christ." His heart skipped a beat. "What are you doing home?"

"It's four, I'm usually home at this time." She walked around him and sat down at the kitchen table. "Since you always ask me, I want to ask you. Where are you going?"

"Um, to Steven's." Simon picked up the soda and closed the refrigerator door.