Full Moon Strays Ch. 03


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"Great," she thought, coming down from her temporary high. "Now I've got seven hundred dollars. What the hell do I do with it?" She walked back over to the Taco Shack and purchased a few items off the value menu. She'd need to conserve money if she were going to . . . "Do what? Run away? Away from the only people who have ever taken you in? But what about what Mindy said?" She walked towards the alley where Ben usually slept, her brain working overtime. The idea of running away was so deeply engrained in her character . . . but Red. Her skin grew warm and her heart fluttered more than a bit when she thought of what had happened in that big, comfortable bed. Someone had touched her and made her feel . . . special . . . safe. Someone who had helped answer some questions about her life.

She saw a bundle of rags with ragged breathing. She knelt next to the pile and pushed away the rag covering the face, verifying it was Ben.

"Ben?" she asked quietly.

The old man sat up suddenly, gripping what looked like a sharp stick. He didn't so much look at her as he did stare through her. It took a moment for his eyes to adjust. "Jane? You crazy little . . . leprechaun . . . you scared the . . . (cough) . . . shit out of me."

Jane had jumped back and was trembling, cursing herself. She should have known better than to surprise him. Bums that slept too heavily or unarmed tended not to wake up.

"Sorry," she said mildly. "I'm sorry I haven't been around lately. I . . . I had some stuff come up," she added, fumbling for the food she had brought with her. "Here, I brought you . . ." She stopped, watching as Ben coughed quite painfully. It had gotten worse since the last time she had seen him. "It's not much," she added, wishing she had splurged a little more.

Ben grabbed the morsels greedily and tore into them. Jane wondered how old he was and . . .

"Ben, what's your last name?"

He looked at her suspiciously. "Why? The government send you to spy on me? They know you know. They know that I know. (Cough) They know I seen 'um."

"Seen who?" she asked.

"Them suits . . .(cough) . . . They's everywhere (cough) (cough)."

"Are you okay?" Jane interrupted. "Do you want to go to the hospital?"

"No," Ben replied. "No hospitals. They've got 'em there too. Men . . . I think they're men . . . all in black with burning eyes and black (cough) gloves."

Jane's skin went cold. "These men . . . you've seen them around a lot?"

"You believe me?" he asked, his voice cracking in desperation.

"Yes," she said. She sat next to him and threw part of her coat over his smelly but shivering body.

"You were always a good child," Ben said, his voice evening out a bit. "Don't let 'em get you . . . them and their poison."

"The men? The ones in the suits? What poison?"

"Yeah (cough) . . . them. I seen what it do tuh folk. Fucks 'em up. Makes 'em lose their minds (cough) and such, and them fools . . . (cough) . . . line up with handfuls of cash for the pleasure. And the dark thing . . . they talks 'bout it but I ain't never seen it. It stays hidden somewhere East of the bridge. That's where the men come from. They says it (cough) . . . it feeds off the crazy folk . . . that's why I hide," Ben added, looking around. His eyes seemed hazy and his breathing more ragged. "My mind . . . its all I got. I won't let 'em . . . (cough) . . . won't let 'em take it."

"It's not all you have," Jane whispered. "You have your life. You . . . you have a name."

"My name . . ." Ben started. He looked confused. He reached into his shirt and pulled out a set of dog-tags. "My name," he whispered, staring at the little pieces of metal in his hand. He kept staring, but there was something missing in his eyes. Jane noticed that he wasn't coughing anymore. He wasn't coughing because he wasn't breathing.

Tears crept out of the corners of Jane's eyes. She reached out and closed Ben's eyes, then turned the tags towards the street lamp.

"Goodbye . . . Ben Strathmore." Jane buried her face in her hands and wept. Then, a voice came from the entrance to the alley.

"I'm sorry Jane," Mindy said, approaching slowly and sitting in front of the young woman.

"How . . ." Jane started.

Mindy pointed at her nose. "Lycanthrope, remember? I could follow your scent for twenty miles." She looked at Ben's face. It looked at peace. "And you . . . never cease to amaze me," she added, glancing back at Jane.

Jane blushed. "I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have run away, and I'm sorry I'm no good to you and . . ."

Mindy hugged the breath out of the poor girl. "No, I'm sorry. I had no right to take my problems out on you. And you ARE good . . ."

"No," Jane sobbed. "I can't steal and . . . and I've got no skills and . . ." She reached into her pockets and grabbed all the money she had gathered. "Here . . . it's what I had left in my checking and from work and . . . it's all I've got . . ." She shoved the money into Mindy's hands, leaving the woman looking shocked. "I wish it was more. Just don't be mad at me."

Mindy held the girl to her and kissed her forehead. "I wasn't mad at you," she whispered. "I just . . . I hate it when my brothers go somewhere and I get left behind. I'm always afraid that something will happen and I won't be there with them. What we were doing tonight is important for everyone, even if I didn't want to admit it. And you're still learning. And I'm glad you can't steal, and that you care enough about someone no one else even noticed to be there at the end, even if all you could do was listen. And because you were so fucking unselfish, we may have actually gotten a lead in a place I never would have even thought to look. Maybe you still have some stuff to learn," she added, wiping the excess moisture from Jane's eyes, "but it looks like I can learn something from you too." She folded up the money and put it back in Jane's pocket. "This is yours. Do whatever you want with it." She stood up, grabbing Jane by the hands and pulling her up as well, giving the girl another hug.

Robbie and Chris were standing at the entrance. Mindy looked over at them. "Guys, please gather up Mr. Strathmore." She looked back at Jane. "We'll bury him with our own."

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A little while later . . .

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Jane couldn't believe how late it had gotten. She was sitting on Red's bed in a pair of flannel pajamas (with footys) that Mindy had finagled from their stores. Mindy had apologized for about an hour before she and Jane made peace with each other. Jane had donated almost all of her money to the Strays coffers, except for about twenty dollars, plus enough to buy Red a gift. She had picked up a candle that gave off three different scents as it burned its way down, all of them floral.

"God, that's so stupid," she muttered. She hadn't bought a gift for anyone in a long time, and never for someone she was trying to form an intimate relationship with.

"What's stupid?"

Jane jumped, her braided hair swirling around and rearing up like eight individual snakes until Jane actually saw Red standing in the doorway. When she began to relax, her extra appendages relaxed.

"My . . . uhm . . . I bought something . . . for you," Jane said, blushing from head to toe. "This candle . . . it seemed cooler in the store when I got it."

Red picked up the candle and breathed deeply, smiling from ear to ear. "It smells beautiful."

Jane grinned a little. "You're just saying that."

"Yeah, and I mean it," Red said, flopping down on the bed.

"Tired? How . . . how did the hunt go?"

Red grimaced. "Okay. We followed their trail for a while, then they split up in a bunch of directions. Then we think they used a wizard to cover their scent. We know they went east," Red said, then wrapped an arm around Jane's shoulders. "But the way I hear it, you already knew that."

"How . . . "

"Mindy told me . . . everything." She brushed some hair out of Jane's face. "I'm a little mad at you," Red added. "You shouldn't have run off like that." She kissed Jane on the cheek.

"I know," Jane said. "I just . . . I'm still not good at all this. And . . . and I was so tempted just to keep running. I'm so grateful for what you guys have done for me, but I'm so used to running away."

"Well, I'm glad you didn't run too far. I yelled at Mindy a bit, but she's beating herself up enough, so I stopped early. Jane, never let anyone talk to you like that, even if it's Mindy or Tarloh or . . . or even me. And Mindy told me about the money . . . that was very generous of you. And she told me about your friend Ben. I'm sorry," Red finished.

"Me too. I . . . I'm just glad I could be there for him."

"You are too wonderful," Red said. "Do you think he was telling the truth? About those men?"

"Yeah. I mean, sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction, ya know? And sometimes . . . sometimes the people that see the most are the ones most people don't care about enough to hide from. You could probably get someone to go to some homeless shelters and shantytowns. Homeless people have their own territories and stuff, and there's a lot of drug addiction. If these guys are peddling something so they can feed this 'dark thing,' they . . . what?"

Red looked amazed. "You realize that you just came up with a plan . . . full of original thoughts? Don't you? You're going to be absolutely amazing when you actually start believing in yourself a little more. I think that's a good idea," she added, "and I'm going to have you do it."

Jane's eyes shot open. "Nuh . . . no way! I can't do that. I can't . . . I can barely talk to people! You know that!"

"You talked to Ben," Red reminded her. "And people might be willing to talk to you because you ARE willing to listen. You aren't particularly good at crime. So why NOT give this a try? I believe in you Jane, even if you don't."

"You do?"

Red pushed Jane back onto the bed and straddled her hips. "You bet your cute little ass I do."

Jane was biting her bottom lip, but looking up with brilliant, clear eyes. "Uhm . . . did you want to . . . I mean, I understand if you don't . . . since we did it last night."

Red had to laugh. "You are so sweet!" She got a look of mock seriousness. "Jane, I like being physical . . . more than you can probably imagine. Once I find someone I might be able to get serious about, I tend to want physicality pretty much every day, minus that 'certain time of the month.' There are a lot of very pleasurable things I'd like to do with you, and yesterday was just the beginning." She looked Jane over. "The pajamas are too cute, by the way. Hey," she added, rolling Jane over onto her stomach. "Just like I thought," she mused. Jane's pajamas were the type with a rear-end panel. "Oh, this is just too perfect!" Red unbuttoned the panel and flipped it down, exposing that cute little pale ass.

"What . . ." Jane started as a draft passed over her backside. She heard some shuffling behind her and felt Red pulling on her hips. Jane got her knees under her with her tushie sticking up in the air. Then, Red put her face in the square opening and stuck her tongue into Jane's box from behind. "OH!" Jane said, as much startled as anything. Then here eyes fogged over as bolts of pleasure rocketed through her system as Red's tongues separated and penetrated Jane's young pussy.

For Red, it was like an exquisite t.v. dinner: a delectable morsel in a nice square area. She shoved her hands through the square opening and caressed that soft ass flesh while she ate Jane's box. Her range of oral tactics was limited by circumstance, but the novelty of it more than made up for everything. Besides, she had a feeling she could make this young lovely cum from any position. He could already hear her beginning to gasp for breath as Red sucked on those beautiful inner cunt-lips and licked up and down the cleft. She shot a breath of hot air, some of it mingling with the moisture from Jane's pussy while the rest crept up the girl's ass-crack like smoke up a chimney. She moved her hands down so Red could spread Jane's opening with her thumbs and get her tongue further into the girl's body. Her efforts were well received.

Jane's mouth was agape and her head was swimming in an ocean of pleasurable sensation. Her body was so warm and comfortable in her pajamas, but her pussy was on fire due to Red's concentrated attack. She felt Red's tongue being replaced by fingers that began delving her depths, poking at the spots that made her squeal and pinching things that made her moan. But Red quickly put her tongue back to work, teasing Jane's . . . 'Wait, that's my . . . my anus,' she thought. 'That's wrong,' she thought softly, closing her eyes. 'So very . . . very wrong.'

Red would have smiled if her tongue hadn't been busy. Jane was reacting very well, and was becoming more comfortable with the physical aspect of their relationship. 'Soon, I may see if she's interested in toys,' Red thought. But she had enough pleasant things to distract her, like Jane's increasingly wet pussy and twitching sphincter. "Jane, I'm going to do something and I don't want you to get scared. Just let it happen, and let me know what you think."

Jane's brain was barely able to process the request, but her eyes opened up when she felt one of Red's fingers push its way into Jane's asshole. It wasn't particularly large, and actually felt kind of nice. That little bit of pressure made the sensations in her pussy seem that much better, and when Red returned to eating Jane's box, the younger woman knew that she had reached the peak.

"Red . . . I think . . . I'm going to . . ." Jane wasn't able to finish her sentence before she came, her body quaking delightfully on the end of Red's tongue. And the lycanthrope never ceased to orally pleasure the younger woman until Jane's body was finally able to rest. "How do you do that?" Jane whispered contentedly, her face buried in the comforter.

"I'd LOVE to show you," Red said. She stood up as Jane rolled over. Red got an idea. She fished through her dresser and grabbed a pack of matches, lighting up the candle that Jane had bought and then turning out the overhead light. The room was filling with dancing colors, wonderful smells and seemed . . . more comfortable. "C'mere," Red said.

Jane sat up and scooted to the end of the bed, where Red stopped her.

"I want you to be comfortable with me," Red said. She took Jane's hands and put them on Red's hips. "I want you to undress me," she added heatedly, "and feel free to explore."

Jane was blushing but more than willing to comply. If possible, Red was even more beautiful by candlelight, and Jane was captivated by the warm colors flickering off the woman's sculpted abdomen. Jane grabbed the zipper to her lover's tight leather pants and began to tug. As she pulled down, her mouth sought out Red's bellybutton, just like that woman had done to Jane the day before. She ran her tongue around the woman's navel before kissing the taut skin. Meanwhile, she had completely unzipped Red's pants and was peeling them down to her knees when Jane got her first up-close-and-personal look at another woman's sex. Red wasn't wearing any underwear that day, and her mound was glistening in the dim light. As Jane pushed her lover's pants down to her ankles, Jane puckered up and kissed Red's opening, tasting her lover for the first time. And Red shuddered from head to toe. So after Red kicked her pants away, Jane did it again. She wanted to pay Red back for all the pleasure she had brought Jane, but there were still clothes to remove.

Jane stood up and unlaced Red's snug vest, letting those firm tits bounce into the candlelight. With that garment gone, Red was completely nude . . . a body that Greek sculptors would have died to emulate. Jane's mouth sought out those perky nipples pulling on them with her teeth like she knew Red liked. Red moved forward, pushing Jane onto her back but letting the younger girl's lips stay right where they were. They had to break it off so that Red could peel off Jane's pajamas, but Jane immediately went back to suckling on those tits. Jane's hands were still available, so she grabbed Red's ass and fondled it, pulling the beauty closer to her.

"See, you're getting the hang of it," Red murmured.

Jane pulled on the nipple one last time before letting it go with a snap. "I . . . want to lick you . . . now," Jane said, making it sound more like a plea than a statement.

"I wouldn't say 'no' to that idea," Red replied. "But let's keep it informative." Jane was obviously confused until Red flipped her body around. She was partially sideways with one knee pointed skyward and her aching box just inches from Jane's face, and it put her own mouth close to Jane's pussy. The advantage of this position over a traditional sixty-nine was that the two women would still be able to see each other better.

"Just do whatever you want," Red murmured, licking Jane's slot from stem to stern. "I know I will."

Jane's whole body shuddered every time Red touched it. She was nervous, but knew Red wasn't going to be too judgmental. So she started just by licking the cleft in one quick stroke. The texture felt strange against her tongue, and the mixture of heat and moisture was intoxicating. She pressed her mouth directly against the mound and pushed her tongue in as far as it could go. Red got tastier the deeper Jane got. Red was slashing her tongue in zigzags across Jane's inner labia, each time making the opening twitch in a delightful way, but Jane was just content to treat her lover's pussy like a banana split, minus the banana.

Red had missed this . . . a beautiful woman, naked and illuminated by a single tiny flame. But the fire inside Jane was growing, and Red was going to be there when she erupted. She took all of Jane's mound in her mouth and just breathed on it. Then she sucked in as much moisture as she could before running her tongue across the surface. And once flick to Jane's clit later and the dark-haired young woman was involuntarily grinding her hips against Red's face as she climaxed for the second time.

This time, cumming didn't wipe Jane out. Rather, it made her more determined than ever. She wrapped her lips around Red's clitoral hood and started sucking in and releasing with noticeable speed. She felt Red's tongue leisurely going back to work, and once again felt a finger probing her ass. But Red wasn't pushing THAT particular envelope too far, so Jane just tried to relax and enjoy it. And while it took her a few minutes, her oral efforts were rewarded.

"That's perfect baby," Red growled, actually sucking on Jane's thigh as her juices flowed liberally onto Jane's face.

Jane wasn't sure what she had been expecting. Her own orgasms over the last two days had made her think that her pussy was moving around all over the place, but that wasn't the case. Besides the girl-jizz, there weren't a lot of physical signs. But when she tried sticking her tongue back in, she discovered that there were things going on internally that were not easily interrupted.

"I did it!" she said, then blushed. "And now I sound like a school kid who solved a math problem."

"I like your kind of math," Red murmured as she nipped at Jane's inner thigh again. She quickly returned to torturing Jane's vulnerable sex, licking and ravishing until the poor girl's body shook for the third time.

"So, you want to call it a night?" Red asked with a sticky face.

Jane thought. Her body was pleasantly tired, but there was something she still wanted to see. "Could you . . . just lie there?"

Taking directions, a quizzical-looking Red rolled onto her stomach while Jane knelt next to her. For a moment, Jane just held her breath, watching the reddish-orange light bounce around those perfect muscles and taut buttocks and powerful legs. Jane placed her hands on both sides of Red's back and just marveled at the musculature. She felt the woman beneath her beginning to relax, so Jane rubbed those muscles just a little bit before moving downward. She stopped and kissed Red right in the small of the back while her hands massaged that perfect ass. Jane straddled Red's back as she kept moving her hands down the backs of her lover's thighs.