Fantasy Man Ch. 10


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Tyrell couldn't remember how long he stood outside the door, wishing that he hadn't cheated, that she hadn't caught him, pleading with her to open the door and hear him out. Finally, he had given up and gone to a friend's place to spend the night. He came back the next morning, hoping that she wasn't as angry, only to be maced and kneed in the balls for his trouble.

Ty shook his head in disgust as he remembered how he had decided to try a real relationship with Simone. He had made an effort to see more of her, trying to ask her out on real dates instead of calling her up to hook up in the back of his truck or in the park outside her penthouse apartment. Unfortunately, when she realized that he was no longer attached and looking to get serious, she kicked him to the curb with a quickness.

It was another week after that before he could bring himself to show up at Terri's to try to ask for forgiveness again. His knocks went unnoticed, or perhaps she simply was ignoring them. The next day, he walked by and spied the flowers he left on Terri's doorstep in the garbage can, along with the note he had tied to it, which was unopened.

It had taken Ty a while to get it, that Terri had moved on. But, he got the picture loud and clear when he ended up in the back of a police cruiser. Of course, he shouldn't have shown up drunk, but he didn't think she would call the police. Ty thought she would just ignore him like she usually did. The incident caused him to take a long, hard look at himself and fix the things that needed to be fixed, so that the next time he was in a relationship, he could be in it whole-heartedly.

The trip down memory lane brought him to the point where he had met his Heather. Ty smiled as he thought of how he came across her at a conference that he was attending with his supervisor. She was there with her father, who was a big name in the physical therapy world. His company was responsible for many of the newest equipment that therapists used.

Ty had gone to the hotel's bar to relax after a long day of tedious talks and demonstrations and there she was, Heather, perched on a bar stool, sipping some kind of fruity drink. The way her lips were pursed together as she took a drink made his cock stir. Her long dark hair was swept over one shoulder, just as her bangs fell across one eye. When he approached her and sat next to her, she glanced over in his direction and smiled. That was all it took. He introduced himself and the conversation seemed to flow. She was highly intelligent as well as beautiful, and that was something that Ty valued highly, especially now that he was done looking for booty in all the wrong places. They had begun dating soon after and Ty could only thank the Lord for giving him a second chance at love.


"Do you want me to get rid of him? I do have that kind of sway, you know. I'm a pretty big deal," Zack asked Terri, half joking, but fully willing to have Tyrell escorted out of the building.

Terri laughed. "Ok, there, Mr. Big Deal. Don't get too carried away. He can stay."

"You sure, Buttercup?"

Terri gazed up and got lost in the blue of Zack's eyes. My, he was gorgeous. "Yes I'm sure. He's no longer a concern of mine. I was just surprised to see him here. Who do you think he's with? I hope he's not here with that blond he stepped out on me with. Not because I care, but because that shit is disrespectful."

A chuckle rumbled in Zack's chest. "Disrespectful, eh? Are you sure you don't care? Because it seems like you're a little worked up over this."

Terri growled. "Shut up."

Zack couldn't help the laugh that spilled from his lips. "I love you, Buttercup. And I really love the way you get riled up so easily."

Zack turned his head back in the direction of Tyrell. "He's here with the lovely Heather Heartly-Bennett. Her dad is big in the physical therapy world, it's how her family made their money. She seemed like a nice girl when I met her and, hey, here's a plus, she's not blond."

"Ha ha, Zack. You know, I don't know why I even talk to you sometimes." Terri turned her attention back to dancing...and the feel of Zack's body as it slowly moved with hers.

Zack leaned over, nuzzling Terri's neck with his nose. "I love you, Terri. I will never deliberately hurt you like that. You're mine and I'm going to make sure I never give you a reason to leave me."

Terri sighed. "I hope not. I kind of like being with you, even when you're sitting on your ass, eating bonbons and shit."

Zack scowled. "I do not eat bonbons. And you know you love my ass, I've seen the way you stare at it."

Terri laughed while Zack spun her. She loved the way he twirled her around, taking charge and making her feel like the belle of the ball. He dipped her, a hand quickly snaking up her belly to brush across her breast before he returned her to her upright position. Zack couldn't help himself, she was just so delicious looking in her dress.

"Hey, Buttercup, you want to go find somewhere to make out? I want to spend some time reacquainting myself with your lips and perhaps some other parts of your anatomy."

It was Terri's turn to scowl then. "Don't you think of anything else, you perv?"

"I did before I started dating you."

"I'm going to the bathroom. I'll let you get yourself under control. Your mom will probably appreciate it if we don't rip each other's clothes off here, which is what will happen if we go somewhere to make out. I know you, Zachary Smith, and you are up to no good."

The look that Zack gave her was downright devious. He gathered her close and whispered softly into her ear, "I'll let you go for now. I should probably check in with Mom anyway. But, you hurry back. I've got about another half an hour in me. But, after that I am taking you home, ripping this dress off and taking you on the kitchen counter. From there, we're going on a tour of the apartment. So, prepare yourself."

Terri felt her pussy jump at the thought. Oh, so Zack was feeling that way tonight. Terri smiled as her panties became damp. That half an hour was going to go so slow, now that she was looking forward to returning to the apartment. With a stifled moan, Terri pulled away from Zack and walked toward the bathroom.

Zack watched her go. Man, he loved Terri Hunter...and the way her ass swayed as she walked. He adjusted himself discreetly and began to look for his mother. A swish of midnight blue fabric disappearing down the corridor that led to the patio had Zack heading in that direction. He planned on checking in with his mom, just to let her know that he and Terri were going to be leaving soon, and then finding Terri. He wanted her back in his arms, where she belonged.

As Zack made his way through the hallway, he was greeted with the sight of Amanda and another blond heading toward him. He fought the urge to turn and walk the other way, determined not to let Amanda have any sort of control over him, and continued on his path toward the patio.

Zack could tell the moment that Amanda spotted him. Her entire demeanor changed and from that, he knew things were about to get interesting. It was then that he realized who was accompanying Amanda, it was none other than Simone Harrison. She was a well-known whore. Zack wondered when Amanda started hanging out with her, though maybe their friendship could explain Amanda's constant sleeping around.

Amanda gave him a slight wave and slinked towards him. Zack supposed that she was trying to look sexy, but after being with Terri, who didn't even have to try, it was useless. She stopped within a few feet of him and smiled.

"Zack, hi! I see you've finally ditched your little...friend," she said, her distaste for Terri evident in her voice.

"Well, if it isn't Tramp One and Tramp Two. I didn't know you traveled in packs. Doesn't that cut down on your success at screwing unsuspecting guys or do you two have some kind of two-for-one sale?" Zack retorted.

Both women looked indignant at his comments and Zack could tell that things were about to get ugly. 'Why didn't I keep my big mouth shut?' he thought to himself before mentally preparing himself for the onslaught.

Simone stomped off in a huff, but Amanda stood poised to go to war. "You know, I've been nothing but nice to you and your black whore and this is how you treat me?"

Amanda watched as her words struck a chord in Zack. His entire body seemed to stiffen.

"Amanda, I'm warning you now. Don't you dare call Terri out of her name again," Zack growled.

"Terri? That no good, gold-digging hood rat? I have many words to describe her and none of them are her name."

Zack decided to be the better person and walk away, especially since he was starting to see what Terri meant by wanting to slap the taste out of someone's mouth. He was always kind of baffled by the phrase, kind of like he didn't get 'falling out', which was apparently the same as fainting, but now, now he got it.

As he shoved past Amanda, she spun around and unleashed as much ugliness as she could, calling Terri all sorts of names. Zack stopped in his tracks and turned slowly, willing himself not to hit Amanda. He was a gentleman and real men didn't hit women, but oh, he was sorely tempted. He glowered at Amanda, while her face contorted into a mask of rage and jealousy.

Just as Zack opened him mouth to give Amanda piece of his mind, his brain registered the sound of a hand connecting with flesh. He watched as Amanda's head twisted sharply to the side and he could see the handprint starting to form on her face. He looked to the side, expecting Terri to be there, looking like an avenging angel, ready to unleash hell.

"Mom?" Zack couldn't believe his eyes.

"Zachary, were you really going to stand there and let this girl spew that filth?" Melinda had drawn herself up to her full height and stood staring down at Amanda, who was holding her face gingerly.

Melinda stepped closer to Amanda, watching as she cowered in her presence. "Listen here, girl. If you ever say another ill word about MY future daughter-in-law in my presence, I swear to God I will try my best to knock some of your teeth out. Maybe that will teach you to keep your damn mouth shut."

Zack tried to hold his laughter in as he watched Amanda scurry away, stunned that Melinda had actually laid a hand on her. "Way to go, Mom."

Melinda harrumphed as she watched Amanda rushing across the floor towards the exit. "That conniving little slut...I'm tired of these half dressed floozies thinking that they can just waltz over to any man and take him. I won't have her disrespecting Terri any more than she already has. Amana needed to be taught a lesson and I would like to think she's learned it."

Zack could only stare at his mother in awe. She was so amazing and he was damn sure proud to be her son. "So...future daughter-in-law, huh?"

Melinda shot him a look. "You aren't thinking of letting her get away, are you?"

"Hell no, but aren't you jumping the gun a bit?"

"Zack, you better have ring picked out and on that girl's finger soon. I'd hate to see her snatched up by some other handsome guy and if you wait too long, she will be."

His heart seized at the thought. "She's mine and she knows it. I'm the only one for her and she's my heart. She knows how I feel."

"Does she?"

Zack answered with an emphatic, "Yes."

"Well, I'm glad you're not a complete idiot," Melinda said as she brushed an errant tuft of hair off of Zack's forehead.

"I was worried about you, but you've finally grown up and become the man that I knew you could be. Continue to make me proud...and in a few years, do you think you can work on making me some grandchildren?"

Zack laughed. "I'll try. Speaking of making grandkids, Terri and I are out of here in a bit."

Melinda just shook her head, her son was just like his father in that way. Always thinking about sex and the quickest way to get it from the women they loved. As if he heard her thoughts, Fred walked up behind her and wrapped his long arms around her and planted a kiss on her neck.

"Causing trouble in here, minx?" Fred questioned, his voice muffled by Melinda's neck.

Zack regarded his parents with a look of disgust. "Eww, Dad, save it for the bedroom. Don't scar me at such a young and sensitive age."

Fred glared at his son. "Go find your own woman and leave me to mine. You're old enough now to handle it and if you're not, tough."

Zack threw up his hands in exasperation. "Fine, fine. I'm out of here. Far be it for me to try to spend time with my parents. I'll see you guys next week for dinner."

Zack briefly thought about waiting for a reply, but his parents were far too busy devouring each other with their eyes to pay any attention to him. He ventured back out onto the dance floor and looked for Terri around the room. He saw her sitting at a table, nursing a glass of water. She was lovely, even when she sulked.

Terri turned just in time to see Zack walking toward her. His tux fit him perfectly, highlighting all the right places, like his crotch and his muscular arms. Yum. She was one lucky girl to be able to go home with such a handsome man.

"Buttercup, you'll never guess what just happened. I'll tell you in the car. Get your stuff, it's time to go."

Zack ignored her skeptical look and continued on. "Our half-hour is up. Where's your scarf or whatever that thing is called?"

Terri just stared at him. What in the world had lit the fire under his butt? It hadn't been anywhere close to thirty minutes. "Zack, we have to say goodbye to your parents first."

"Already done. Besides, those two wouldn't hear us anyway. They're too busy eye-fucking each other to pay us any mind. So, you ready?"

Terri could only nod and gather her things. While she was picking up her purse, Zack leaned over her and whispered, "I've changed my mind. Panties off, dress on."

With the amount of moisture that Terri felt pooling in her underwear, they wouldn't be doing her any good anyway. Zack knew how to push all her buttons in just the right way.

As they were leaving the party, Terri felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned around to see who it was, totally prepared to defend herself in the case of Amanda, but was surprised to see Tyrell standing there. She was caught so off-guard that she didn't hear what he said at first.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Terri, I'm sorry. I was a fool for hurting you the way I did. I've learned my lesson, thought it took a can of mace and a ride in a police car to get it. Thank you for that, for showing me how wrong I was. I hope that I am as happy as you are in the future." He smiled down at Heather, who stood proudly by his side.

Terri looked up at him and took a deep breath. As she let it out, she felt a sense of peace roll over her. Closure. She hadn't realized that she needed it, but apparently she did and she was thankful that Tyrell was offering it to her freely. She suspected that he needed it as much as she.

"You're welcome. And thank you." She gave him a genuinely bright smile. "Be happy, Tyrell. I wish you much success in the future."

And with that Terri returned to Zack. Zack nodded his head in Tyrell and Heather's direction before leading Terri out into the night.

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limepalmtreelimepalmtreealmost 10 years ago

Melinda really gave Amanda a slap that she will never forget. ♥

KittyOh48KittyOh48about 10 years ago
Awesome Story!

I loved the way you allowed your characters to grow, and not just, wham bam they are in bed. I like that the story had a beginning and a middle, but what about the end? I feel you have more to say. What about the wedding, the business merger, the babies etc...? Or did they have a tragic end, after being so happy?

A conclusion would be great, because this story deserves one.

brownskinnedcutiebrownskinnedcutieover 10 years ago

I will forever remember this story by the momma smack down. When Melinda slapped Amanda I cheered in my head!! So awesome! !

chocolatesistachocolatesistaover 10 years ago
so good

I agree an update would be wonderful

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

I love this story...please update with a wedding! lol

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