Evil Bitch Ch. 15


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Her expression changed from that of pain to sheer horror.

"I am not sure there are words to describe that place or that thing that took my friends and the others. The entire place vibrated and I could feel it right down to my bones. There was a kind of thick foggy miasma that covered everything. That made things worse. You could almost make out things in the distance until you came close and then oh god and then they were nothing at all like what you thought they were! I was the only living thing there. It was a city of the dead. I could only guess at how ancient that place was but I would have been wrong. Everywhere was that hellish writing that I could almost make out and then it would change as if it was mocking me. Then I was back in the real world, naked in front of you and Roger. I felt like some seedy stripper in a cheap bar."

"If it'll make you feel better I will leave a tip before I return to bartending."

"So I am in a bar!"

"No my dear you are on board the Orient Express! And you are my guest for the remainder of the journey to Berlin. From there you and Roger can go wherever your heart's desire."

"There is the matter of a translation job," Roger said.

"Ah, your man has returned," I said. "I will retire. If either of you require anything just put it on my bill."

"You are too kind," Akira said.

"I am just glad we were able to rescue you," I said.

"My heroes," she said.

I returned to the bar but my mother was nowhere in sight, typical. I relieved the gentleman behind the bar and began pouring drinks. I had barely filled sever or so orders when there was a distinctive tug at my zipper.

"Oh you got to be shitting me," I muttered. "What... here... now?"

Then the eager lips wrapped around the head of my cock and we were full steam ahead.

"Is everything okay Jon," William asked. "You look a little under the weather."

"I think I got a little something caught in my throat," I said with a little mock cough.

"Better take care of that, wouldn't want you to get ill."

"So what can I get for you?"

"How about a seven and seven," he said and I fixed it for him watching him the entire time.

"You okay," I asked.

"Yeah," he said but I didn't believe him.

"I am the bartender now you can tell me anything," I said handing him his drink.

As he tried to sum up what was bothering him I focused on the talented mouth that was making love to my cock below. I fought the urge to thrust my hips because that would have been a huge give away to what was going on down below. So I let her have her way with me. I did try to figure out who it way by technique but whoever it was had switched things up to throw me off.

"Have you seen Kate around," William asked.

"No not since I sent her back after Roger and I concluded our business. That was about an hour ago."

"Yeah she came back and got ready for the party down here."

"I am trying to remember if I served her the first time I was on duty," I said. "I just back from my break a little while ago, if I see her I will tell her you are looking for her. She might be hanging out with my sisters they seemed to have grown quite attached."

"She is probably talking their ears off," William said.

"Yeah I wouldn't worry about it."

Just then I felt my lover's lips touch the base of my cock as she began to deep-throat me. I wanted to look down and see who it was but that would have spoiled the moment. Then her head was thrusting forward as my cock popped into her throat again and again. Damn but she was going for broke whoever it was!

"Changing the subject, I hope your friend gets into the trial program for the artificial limb testing," I said.

"Me too, they look amazingly real. So who thinks up these things?"

"This one was all Ghostwalker's, well that's what he likes to be called. Instead of trying to develop machines that do what limbs do he literally tried to recreate the limbs themselves. He found a plastic that reacts like muscle that was the hardest part. The rest was a piece of cake he said."

"Next thing you know we'll have robots in our homes and working in factories," William said.

"It could happen," I replied.

"Well I am going to go hunt down Henry or Kate, have fun."

I waved to him as he left. The girl below was now furiously stroking my cock and it was moments before I was going to blow down her throat.

"Get ready down there," I warned.

I felt her lips wrap around the tip. Then with a great effort I did not scream as I came. But a torrent of cum shot from my cock and she drank it down. She kept stroking the shaft until she had licked every last drop from me. Dutifully she tucked me in gently and zipped me back up. Roughly a minute later the dining car went dark for twenty seconds or so. It was long enough for her to push past me and make good her escape. Oh I could have looked but again that would have spoiled the mystery. I was beginning to see a pattern here. First a foot job to start things off. Then I get a full-fledged hand job as a follow up. The second hand job I believe was for Kate's benefit more than mine, though I am not complaining. Now we have a blowjob in public. Well either there is a titty fuck in my future or we move to penetration at this point. But damn I do love a nice leisurely titty fuck.

I was wiping down glasses when the trio strolled in all dolled up. They made their way straight for the bar. I took their orders and whistled as I fixed one bloody mary and two margaritas.

"Well he seems to be in good spirits," Carol said.

"I wonder why," I Colleen pondered.

"Yeah I am perplexed," Mom added.

"Okay if you want to play it that way I am fine with it," I said over my shoulder.

"Look at his face," Colleen said.

"Oh my god he's got that freshly fucked look," Carol said.

"Well I'll be damned he got lucky despite our being delayed," Mom said with a bit grin.

"Delayed what are you talking about?"

"Your friend Roger," Carol said.

"Yeah his lady Akira she got real sick," Colleen said.

"But it wasn't anything we couldn't handle. She was just real dehydrated. So we fixed her up. But it took time and we just got back."

"Wait so it wasn't one of you behind the bar," I said.

"Behind the bar," Carol said.

"Nope we were all accounted for," Mom said.

"Yeah you can ask Roger and Akira," Colleen added.

"Then who the hell..."

"Did you have a little visitor," Mom asked.

"Yeah and how," I said. "The lights even went out when she was done to cover her escape."

"I hadn't thought of that," Colleen said.

"Was it good," Carol asked licking her lips.

"My toes still haven't uncurled."

"DAMN," the trio cried out.

I handed them their drinks and we toasted to curling toes. But it still made me wonder who the mystery woman was now. I had spoken to plenty of pretty young things while shaking hands with dignitaries. Could it be one of them? I let it go. They would or wouldn't tell me later on. I had enjoyed myself and so had they if their enthusiasm was any sign of such things.

The train came to a halt we had arrived in Paris, the city of lights. We had a one hour layover while the steam engine took on more water and supplies for the second half of its journey. My family had to pile out and take a peek at the Eifel Tower all lit up. Of course I remembered Paris before the tower was erected and had mixed feelings about the altered skyline. Tons of photos later the steam whistle blew and we slipped back onboard.

"Jon you've got goose bumps," my mom said.

"It's the whistle," I said and left it at that.

"I wish we could stay," Colleen said wistfully.

"Tell you what," I said standing behind her. "On our way back we can spend a week in Paris shopping to your heart's content."

"MMMMMMMMMM I love shopping," she said rubbing her ass against my crotch.

"I can see that," I said with a soft moan. Then I slapped her on the ass and told them all. "It is bedtime go change into your night clothes and be quiet we have a sick girl next door."

They headed back to our car and wondered what if anything they would be wearing when I got there. I strolled through the train bidding those still awake a good night. I passed the first door to our car and chose to enter by means of the second. This one opened up on the study or what now served as Roger and Akira's room. I listened first to make sure I wasn't interrupting anything, all was quiet. I entered silently only to find Roger sleeping soundly and Akira wide awake.

"It's okay he's a sound sleeper," she said.

"So how are you doing I heard we had a little incident earlier."

"I am better now the fever has already broken. Your mother was kind enough to have new sheets brought in."

"She is like that. All blustery one minute and then... you know I remember I had a fever like that when I was a young kid. When it broke it was like someone took a bucket of water and soaked the bed. I was so embarrassed."

"You rescued me didn't you," she said almost an accusation.

"Yes, I took apart the disc and reassembled it in its proper configuration."

Akira sat up and stared at me unbelieving.

"That is not possible," she said defiantly. "I read the reports. No one could figure out what the object was much less how it could be put back together."

I struggled on whether to tell the truth or just out and out lie to her. When I saw the pain and disorientation I chose the truth. I had told enough lies over the years. I was going to have to tell my family, so why not start now.

"You deserve the truth," I said as I took a deep breath. "Have they told you how long it has been for you?" She shook her head. "It's been nearly ten years. While your body has suffered some you haven't aged much at all. However, when you told your story you left a key element out."

She closed her eyes and thought back. Suddenly they snapped open again and she smiled.

"I remember! We found a strange rod like fossil with the others. There was an accident and the fossil fell and revealed that the rod was in fact intact. Roger used it to free the other pieces from their stone prison as he called it."

I went to my desk and retrieved something and tossed it to her. She caught it on the fly and stifled a cry when she saw what it was. Once more she looked up at me a mix of shock and pain. Then she pushed through it and saw the pain mirrored in my eyes.

"What happened to you Jon?"

"Before I tell you I need the original back."

"Of course, I'll replace this one with that if you want. It's the least I can do."

She slipped out of bed and on bare feet went over to where Roger's pants lay folded over a chair. She removed his most prized possession in the world and switched it with the one that I had given her. Akira tossed me the original and saw the affect it had on me, she could actually feel the crackle of energy in the air. I tore off my shirt and watch the scars vanish like bad memories.

"That's more like it," I said.

"What is that thing," Akira asked.

"It started off as my staff of office and became something much more."

With a flourish the small pen shaped rod reverted to its full seven foot length revealing the qual runes covering its surface.

"This was a gift from a very dear friend," I said.

"It's gorgeous, but how does it do that?"

"It is a matter of mind over matter," I told her. "There are sciences that border on magic. I call them Technomancy."

"So what do I do now," she asked.

"You have a fresh start with a man who was willing to give up everything for you. I'd say you have it made. I have to go."

"Wait you never told me what happened to you."

"Tomorrow is another day, I will make time to share some of it with you."

The sounds of my mother and the twins could be heard next door.

"They are getting anxious and that is never good. I will see you later," I said.

"Alright but you are only putting off the inevitable."

"I know," I told her. "I know."

I opened the connecting door surprising the trio. They were dressed in their naughtiest night clothes and by the expressions on their faces very eager to play.

"So who is first," I asked.

My answer was to be drug into the room and door closed behind me. I was thrown on my back and piled on by all three.

"Oh I see it's going to be like that is it?"

"Yes... you belong to US tonight," the trio announced.

"I surrender."

"A wise choice..."

In Closing:

Akira slipped back into bed with Roger and snuggled deep into his arms. Jon and the girls tussled and played in the next room. As Akira closed her eyes she felt the steady rhythm of the locomotive all around her. It was steadily rocking her to sleep. But just before sleep took her there came the soft metallic sound that offset the rhythmic vibration of the train. It was like metal against glass... tink... tink... Akira opened her eyes and noticed that the room now held a dim illumination. It was green and sickly and came from the far side where Jon's desk was. In a dreamlike fashion she was pulled bodily from the bed. She staggered over to the desk where she had first appeared back in the real world. Inexorably she crossed over to the other side of the desk where a drawer was cracked open. It was from here that the illumination spilled from. The hellish glare puked from the drawer and her slender hand was yanked forward and she opened the drawer. Then her head pitched downward to gaze into the contents and see what was casting that dread light into the room. There in the middle of the drawer was an oval shaped crystal. Inside the crystal was a black metallic scarab. It was the scarab that was making the incessant tink sound that had robbed her of sweet sleep. Akira picked up the crystal and held it up. The scarab was intricately crafted and the putrid emerald light now began to pulse from between its joints or wherever there was a break in the construction of the creature. The light allowed her to see the faint but elegant characters etched into every surface of the clock work insect. The scarab kept flying and crashing against the walls of its crystal prison with a determined tink... tink... tink... It became a maddening thing very quickly. She wanted to smash the crystal to bits just to make the sound end tink... tink... TINK... TINK...

"Akira, what are you doing," Roger asked.

Akira blinked a few times and looked around. There was no light. There was no sound but Roger's voice. However she was standing by Jon's desk and she was holding a crystal with a quite dormant metallic scarab in it. She returned the crystal to the drawer and closed it.

"I don't know. I had a very strange dream. There was a terrible green light and a black city beneath the ice."

"A city beneath the ice," he said. "Now that sounds like my kind of work."

He smiled and pulled the covers up so she could return to him. She ran and dove into the bed. They snuggled close beneath the warm blankets.

"I love you Roger."

"I love you Akira."

He pulled her close and held her tight. They closed their eyes and slipped into a deep sleep.

'The Thanatons are dreaming... the Thanatons are hungry...' Akira murmured in her sleep.

...to be continued.

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Foxterot7aFoxterot7aabout 1 year ago

Based on what I have read, I hope the augthor is able to make a real living by writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

...still madly in love with this ongoing story! ...it saddens me that I only have one more chapter and I'll be caught up :(

...the sex seems to be getting, hmm... Weird? While it still makes for enjoyable reading it seems like all he does is hate-fuck everyone and go on about them being cumslut, crackwhore bitches etc etc. ...dont get me wrong, I know this pushes the buttons for any number of girls, but you would think that at least *some* of his lovely harem would definately not like this. ....anyway it would break up the repetative sex some, heh.

I know you've ben alternating on tech vs sex, which one dominates each chapter (which is nice) but seeing as how its pretty much a novel now (yay!!) I kind of lean towards the more tech... Still with plenty of sex, mind you!

....throw in some french cut panties and other varieties, everyone seems to wear those t-backs. Never really did much for me, I like tiny panties but its the unwrapping of the package thats half the fun! (Well maybe 20% ;)

Does it seem the story has jumped over some of his activities, or is that yet to be revealed?

...anyway please get back to writing! If I wasnt off with spinal injuries I'd bribe you with cash per chapter! Hehe



AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

That was top of the line,loved it.Hope i don't have to wait 2 long 4 the next chapter

quietbutwild69quietbutwild69over 11 years ago
great story

just wanted to say i read your whole story here and you have quite the imagination, i loved the story, and all the spins that went with it, the sex was good, and the story kept me wondering what would happen next real good read, keep up the good work, cant waite for the next part of the story line. A new fan.

KidCreoleKidCreoleover 11 years ago
How the hell did we get here?

Is this the same story as chapter 1? Not complaining, just weird as you look back. One correction, the scene where Jon is getting the double handjob, you said it was Colleen and Vana. But reading on, it appears that it was Kate, not Vana. Made it a little confusing for a page or two. Great story, regardless of it's starting point.

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