Deep Woods Debauchery


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"Me neither, I guess," Mallory agreed. Reach over her head, she turned the water back on and they took turns doing a solo dance to rinse off the soap.

"Dude, what's wrong with you? They were cool with the idea," Dylan whispered to his roommate, loud enough for Grant and Logan to hear, but not the girls. He looked at Grant. "What about you? You want to head into the woods and do something?"

"Nah, I think I'll hang around camp and see what happens next," Grant said.

"I'll go," Logan offered, too much in need to care and curious about how Dylan's shaved balls would feel against his tongue.

"Hey," Ruben protested. "I thought you said we would..."

"Really, dude? After that?" Logan asked, breaking up the circle as the girls came closer. Returning to their blanket by the creek, they laid out their towels to dry and their bodies to collect some sun.

"I think I'm going to find a hole in the dirt," Dylan said, heading back to the tent area for his shoes and shovel. Recognizing his cue, Logan put on his shoes, too. Neither one of them worried about anything else. With the girls facing away, he didn't make an announcement. He gave Dylan a nod and waited until the other man moved into the tree line. Starting off in a slightly different direction, he waited until he was out of sight of the camp to veer back in Dylan's direction. Along the way, he heard Mallory asking where they were going and Grant making the excuse they both need to find a bathroom. Olivia said something, too, but it wasn't loud enough for him to hear it.

"Fuck, did you see Olivia?" Dylan asked, still sporting a full hard-on when they met up.

"Yeah I did, but I think I'm more into Mallory," Logan said, thrusting his hips to accentuate his hard cock and giving a few strokes.

"Let me help you with that," Dylan said, putting his hand on Logan's balls.

"Let's get farther away from camp, first." Logan nodded in a direction away from camp and started walking. "What was up with that drunk call between Ruben and Olivia, anyway?"

"And Kong? Who the fuck is Kong?"

"I think Kong's a what, not a who." He told him about the creek side conversation. "I think they did more than talk."

"Lucky bastard."

Logan nodded, relieved jealousy wasn't going to be an issue if the truth came out. "You and Ruben ever, you know, relive last year?"

"Not at school. I don't know, man. There's something about being out in the woods like this that gets me going. Is that weird?"

"Fuck if I care," Logan said, deciding they were far enough away. Grabbing the shorter man's big, hairless balls, he throbbed. "Mind if I go first?"

"Go for it, I'm backed up, man." Logan dropped to his knees on the forest floor, leaves and twigs snapping beneath him. As eager as he was for a mouthful of cum, he started giving Dylan's big balls a tongue bath. A soft moan escaped the big man. "I shaved those for you," he said. "I remember how much you liked munching on them." Logan replied with a moan and kept going. He remembered something else Dylan liked. Wetting his finger, he pressed it between the muscular man's butt cheeks and found his asshole. Covering his cock with his mouth, he pressed his finger inside at the same time. "Oh fuck yeah!" Dylan cried, loud enough to started something in the nearby bushes. Logan didn't care. He slipped his finger deeper inside Dylan's ass, grabbed his hairless balls with his other hand, and bobbed his head up and down to finish what he started. True to his word, Dylan was too backed up to hold back and released a huge, creamy load inside Logan's mouth. His strong, powerful spray of semen felt like a Super Soaker going off in his mouth. He caught what he could and chased down the rest before he pulled away. "My turn," Dylan said, dropping to his knees.

Logan stood, looking down at the juxtaposition of seeing a man's face where it was usually a woman's. He put his hand on the back of Dylan's head, feeling the stocky man's short hair. "Suck it, bitch," he teased. Dylan's reacted by taken Logan deeper inside his mouth. Tossing his head back in pleasure, Logan saw the few rays of sunlight filtering through the forest canopy and the way the beams looked like glowing bars of lights. Inhaling deeply, he absorbed a lungful of the sweet, spring air. Fuck this was good. This is the way life was meant to be led. Glancing around them, he caught a glimpse of something else, blonde hair and wide blue eyes staring at them.

Logan froze when he saw Olivia peeking around a large tree trunk. Smiling, she shook her head and made a "sh" motion with one finger against her pursed lips. After he nodded and returned her smile, she stepped out from behind the tree, letting him see her from head to toe. She ran a finger between her bare pussy lips, sucked on it, and rubbed herself again. That was too much for Logan. He came, filling Dylan's mouth.

"Fuck man, that was huge!"

"Yeah, guess I needed it," Logan said, looking back to see Olivia was gone. How she snuck up on him was beyond him. He grinned.

"We should probably get back."

"Yeah, go ahead. We can't go back together without it being obvious."

"Yeah, good point," Dylan said and did something unexpected before he left. He kissed Logan on the lips. "Too gay?"

"Who cares?" Logan managed, watching the big man and his shapely ass moving back towards camp. Lingering behind, Logan approached the tree where he had seen Olivia. Oddly, she wasn't there. Turning around again, he spotted her walking out from behind a different tree. "Nice trick."

"My dad used to take me hunting with him. I know my way around the woods and how to be quiet."

"You okay with what you saw?"

"Aside from being turned on? Yeah, I'm cool. It was hot as hell." She led the way back towards camp. "Who knows about the two of you?"

It took a moment for her question to sink in. Was it possible she didn't know? "What happened that night between you and Ruben?"

"He was really drunk. Said he thought he was gay because he wanted it up the butt. I introduced him to my dildo, Kong."

"And that was it?"

"Yeah, why?" she asked, coming to a stop as she worked things out. "Something happened last year, didn't it?"

"Ruben really likes it up the ass," Logan laughed. "A lot. It's why we call him slut. It's short for butt slut."

"What about you and Dylan?"

"Actually, Dylan's straight, at least back on campus. And he has a thing for you."

"What about you?"

"You're hot as hell, but I like Mallory's tiny titties."

She slapped his arm. "No, I mean, do you have a thing for Dylan, too?"

"I'm more into brunettes like Mallory. Guys are fun, but I prefer women. I think all of us do."

"You know she knows, right?"

"Knows what?"

"Well, she doesn't know, but she guessed something happened up here last year. That's why she wanted to come. She thinks it hot."

"What about you?"

"Until I saw what I saw? I wasn't sure. But damn, that was hot. I want to see it again."

"Then make it happen." Together they walked back to camp. "Look who I found on my way back," Logan announced, covering for what Olivia saw. Dylan raised his eyebrows at him, questioning. Logan shook his head.

"Want to explore downstream with me?" Mallory asked her friend. Naked, except for footwear, the two of them began walking along the bank, talking too softly for anyone else to hear.

"Damn they're hot," Ruben said.

"Why did you wimp-out slut?" Grant asked. Ruben ignored him.

"Did you two have fun?"

"As a matter of fact, yes we did," Dylan told him.

"Think Olivia saw anything?" Ruben asked.

"I hope she did," Logan said, looking towards the girls. They were out of earshot, but not eyesight.

"If there is a next time," Grant said, eyeing the shorter, skinnier Ruben. "I'm going to fuck you up the ass right in front of them and show them why we call you slut."

"Man, I want to tap that blonde bitch," Dylan said, rubbing his cock.

"I think Mallory might be into seeing some guy on guy play," Logan offered. "Just something Olivia said."

"What about Olivia? You think she's into it, too?"

"I think she wanted to catch us doing something."

"Doesn't mean she's into it."

"Well, suck my dick again and find out," Logan cracked, waving his dick at Dylan.

"For the record, I'll trade blowjobs with any one of you if it gets me laid by them."

"Shit, I'd eat your sloppy seconds," Dylan added.

"I'll do you one better. You can fuck me while I'm fucking Mallory," Logan suggested.

When the girls turned around and began heading back upstream, lots of little things changed as they drew closer. Anyone rubbing their prick, stopped. The conversation became softer, more low-key, and openly staring at the women stopped. Each man tried to look nonchalant; naked and sporting hard-ons while sitting in the sun.

"This is stupid," Grant said, soft enough to keep it between them as the girls drew closer. "Someone has to do something."

"Bend over, slut, I think Grant has a delivery for you," Logan teased Ruben.

"Look at how that made his prick bounce," Dylan pointed out, laughing. They were still laughing as the girls drew close enough to hear.

"What's so funny?" Mallory asked, smiling hopefully.

"Go ahead, tell her." Dylan nudge his roommate. "You owe us for wimping earlier."

"Grant just made a joke about fucking me up the ass," Ruben said, drawing exasperated groans from the other three men.

"Really?" Logan sighed, but Olivia was quick to rescue the moment.

"After what you did with Kong, you should like that," she said, smiling.

"Who's Kong?" Grant asked, the last one outside the loop.

"Not who, but what," she corrected. "Kong is my dildo and Ruben likes Kong."

Mallory stopped in front of Logan. "Maybe you can show me where you put the rest of the food?" Logan didn't need an explanation to pick up on her meaning. Sporting a hard-on that wouldn't quit without more than a single blowjob, he followed her back to the camp site. Low enough to keep it between them, she came clean. "Olivia told me what she saw."


"And I'm jealous." There was a musical quality to the giggle she added that intrigued Logan. Damn, she was hot. He liked everything about her, from her long, thin runner's body to the short, no-nonsense cut of her hair. "I want to see you do that." Making it as far as the fire pit, she stopped, faced him, and looked down at his hard prick. "Is that for me and Olivia or for them?"

"Both," he admitted, unable to stop the way his cock throbbed from her attention and her questions.

"Then it's okay if I do this?" She cupped her hand over his prick, rubbing it. Logan pressed forward to kiss her, but she pulled her head back. "No, not until I get my show. Olivia and I worked it out. We're not doing any of you until we get a show."

When Logan raised his hands to her chest, cupping her small breasts and running his fingers over her hard nipples, she didn't pull away. "I want this," he told her.

"Prove it."

He looked at the quartet still sitting at on the banks, knowing only three of them qualified for what he was about to say. "Pick one and I'll suck him off right here and now if that's what it takes."

"Hey Ruben? You want a blow job?" Mallory called. Looking surprised, Ruben scrambled to his feet and charged their way. When he stopped alongside of her, she starting stroking his cock, too.

"Are you going to do both of us?" he asked.

"I'm not doing either one of you. Logan's doing the sucking. You got a problem with that?"

"Say 'no,'" Logan coached.

Ruben shook his head and then glanced over his shoulder. "Are we going to go somewhere?"

Mallory looked back to the creek side. "Hey, anyone want to watch Ruben get his dick sucked?" As Dylan, Grant, and Olivia approached, Mallory asked Logan, "You don't mind an audience, do you?"

"Not if they get to watch me fucking you afterwards."

"Deal," she said as the trio from the creek joined them. Mallory put her hand on Logan's shoulder, pushing him downwards. "Have fun."

Logan dropped to his knees in the grassy clearing. The gaze of the eyes upon him felt as if they had tangible weight. He didn't care. He saw the delighted, eager twinkle in Mallory's eyes. She wanted him to do this. She wanted to see him doing this. He wasn't aware how quiet the group around him had become until he opened his mouth to Ruben's hard prick. "Damn that's hot," Olivia murmured.

"You like seeing that?" Dylan asked her.

"Yeah," she purred.

While bobbing his head up and down, Logan put his hands to work, too. Wrapping one hand around the base of Ruben's cock, he bounced his lips off of it. With his other hand, he caressed the bare flesh around Ruben's prick and grabbed at the skinny man's shaved balls. As he had done with Dylan, Logan wet a finger and pressed it against Ruben's backside. His finger slid in easily and Ruben groaned. Logan added a second finger, felt Ruben's asshole clenching around his digits, and knew it would be long. Pumping his cock in time with his head bobbing, Ruben came, spraying his orgasm deep inside of Logan's mouth. Ready and eager for it, Logan caught it all without effort.

"Damn," Mallory sighed, clutching her tits and squirming as if she had to go to the bathroom.

Logan stood, grabbed her by the shoulders, and pulled her close enough for his hard cock to press against her flat stomach. Pressing his lips against hers, he forced his tongue inside her mouth, letting her taste what he didn't swallow. Moaning, she sucked on his tongue and grabbed at his ass, grinding against the hard-on sandwiched between them. Breaking their kiss, she slid down his body and sat her bare ass on the grass beneath them. "Fuck me," she begged, rubbing her bald pussy.

Logan fell back to his knees, moved between her open legs, and aimed his swollen prick at her pussy. He slipped deeply inside of her with a single stroke. Her wet pussy felt feverishly hot. His cock throbbed insistently with its need. Laying over her, he kissed her again, pressing against her pussy and letting his throbbing cock do all the work for him. She squirmed beneath him, grinding herself against, drawing him as deeply inside of her as she could. With no more movement than squirming and throbbing, he felt her pussy clenching rhythmically around his prick and that was enough for him, too. He came with her.

"Your turn," Olivia told Dylan. She knelt in front of Grant and pulled Dylan down to her. "Suck him and then you can fuck me."

Spent for the moment, Logan sat next to Mallory and they watched Dylan going down on Grant. Watching with them, Ruben stood next to Mallory. She glanced at his bare cock and balls. "Looks like Logan missed some," she said, leaning over and giving Ruben's cock a lick.

"Do that again," Logan told her.

"You mean this?" she asked and she sucked Ruben's prick between her lips. "He's still mostly hard."

"He's not alone in that," Logan said, pulling her hand to his prick.

Mallory rubbed his hard-on, using the slipperiness left from being inside her as lubricant. "If he makes you hard, will you fuck him up the ass?"

"Make him hard and he can do it to me," Logan offered.

"Deal, but I still want to see him suck you."

Logan stood while Ruben knelt and Logan fed Ruben his pussy flavored prick. As Ruben nursed him back into a hard-on, Mallory played with Ruben's cock and balls. "Damn, I love when a man shaves." Seeing her playing with Ruben did as much for Logan as Ruben's mouth. He grew hard again and so did Ruben. Nearby, after Grant gave Dylan a second taste of cum, Olivia pushed Dylan down on his back and climbed on top of Dylan's cock.

Grant stroked his cock as he watched Olivia taking Dylan for a ride. His mighty cock never sagged or went limp. He turned his attention to Logan being sucked by Ruben while Mallory sucked Ruben. "I guess I have to blow someone before I get some pussy?" Grant asked.

"Seems that way," Logan told him, seeing the way Grant eyed the only pussy that wasn't being used.

"Well crap," Grant pouted, watching as Dylan got off a second time.

Olivia pulled away from Dylan, leaving behind a hard cock coated glistening from being inside her pussy and coated in the long, white ropes of Dylan's orgasm. "I could use more," she panted. "Clean him off and that's good enough for me."

Logan was surprised with how eager Grant was to do it. In the twelve months since their first camping experience, he and Grant had messed around a few times, but it always felt as if Grant needed to be extra horny, extra drunk, or talked into letting Logan suck him off. As frustrating as it was, Logan accepted Grant's explanation. "I'd rather be with a girl." Did Grant want to fuck a pussy that much? Or maybe tasting pussy on Dylan's cock made it less gay feeling for him? Logan didn't know, but he enjoyed seeing the big man with a mouthful of dick.

"Good enough?" Grant asked. Olivia nodded, laid on her back, and opened her legs to Grant.

Logan felt a second mouth on his cock and balls, looked down, and saw Mallory had pressed her face against Ruben's. Looking up at Logan, she smiled. "He's hard." Returning her grin, Logan moved back to the grass, moving to be on all fours. Finding a bottle of lotion, Mallory squirted the cream on the crack of Logan's ass. Her fingers followed, caressing his asshole for a moment before she pressed a single digit against his puckered opening. "You're not a virgin back here, are you?"

"No," Logan admitting, wondering why her question made him blush.

"Good." She pushed a second finger inside of him. When Mallory removed her fingers, he felt the rounded head of Ruben's prick pressing in their place. Mallory knelt next to Logan, watching the action. "Take it," she cooed, reaching beneath him and petting his cock. "Take it all."

Ruben pushed, gave Logan's ass a chance to adjust, and pushed again before backing away. He repeated the motion and after his third stroke, he fell into a slow, easy fucking.

"Kiss me," Mallory said, kneeling in front of Logan and raising his head in her hands. She pressed her lips against his and didn't stop kissing him until Ruben moaned and came inside Logan's ass. Pushing Logan into a kneeling position, she tugged on his hard cock. "Ooo, you liked that, did you?"


"A lot?"

"Yes," he repeated before she kissed him again.

"I like that, too."

"Prove it," he said, his cock throbbing inside her hand.

"Sure, when one of them are ready, you can watch." When his prick throbbed deeper, she smiled. "That's what I thought."


"Nothing," she said with another kiss before she stood up and found some water to drink.

Logan got a drink of his own, picked up the shovel, and took care of a solo trip into the woods. When he returned, he found the party had moved back to the creek where they sat around a deeper eddy in the water as if sitting in a hot tub. He spied a bar of phosphate-free soap sitting on a rock and took advantage of it. Sitting across from Mallory, he noticed every time she looked his way and every time she smiled.

Dylan announced he wanted to spend some time in the woods before dark. When Olivia decided to dry off, Ruben followed her. They sat side-by-side on the banks chatting, leaving Grant and Logan with Mallory. "The two of you are roommates, right?" she asked them. "Ever, you know, do stuff?"

"Sometimes," Grant admitted. "Not too often."

"Logan not your type?"

"It's not that. I don't know. I just like girls better. What about you? You and Olivia ever fool around?"

Mallory laughed and blushed. "Honestly? We've never done anything. Today was the first time I ever touched her tits."

"Why not? You just don't roll that way?"

"I think she's cute and I've fantasized about being with another woman. I don't know, I guess we're both afraid it might ruin our friendship. Things are cool between the two of you, aren't they?"