Close Encounter


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When she heard Bert call "Who..." she opened the door, to find her son standing in the middle of his room, nude, with his clothing for the evening's events laid out on the bed.

"Oh!" she exclaimed, taking in his well developed physique. "I wanted to talk to you before we began the festivities, but I see this isn't a good time. Could you put on a robe and come to my room?" she asked, with a smile, watching his manhood react to the situation.

"Uh, sure, Mom. Right now?" he asked, a blush appearing all over his body as his staff reacted to his mother's presence, and her obvious scrutiny.

"Yes, I want to get it over before your sister gets out of the shower." She turned, leaving his door open, to return to her room.

Bert caught up with her just as she got back to her door. They sat down on the edge of her bed, facing each other. Bert had a hard time not looking at her body, almost totally on display. Her robe had fallen to both sides of her thighs, displaying her well-shaped legs.

Similarly, from the waist up, the robe gapped, exposing the sides and bottoms of her B-cups. Her nipples were visible, trying to poke through the thin material of her robe, and, if not for her hands holding her robe closed in her lap, he thought he would have been able to see her dark thatch.

Debbie smiled as she watched his eyes dancing over her body. By the time he got control of them and looked her in the eye, she had put on her fun--mother face. "Tonight, I want you to act like you are our date, not our son and brother. Do you understand?"

"Uhh, I'm not sure. What do you mean?"

"When we're dancing, hold us close; flirt with us; do to and for us the kind of things you would do if we were your steady girlfriend, and had gone to the Prom. Don't call me Mom, or ma, or anything sounding like mother. Call me Debbie or Deb, or Bette, my middle name."

Bert's eyes opened in surprise. "Uhh, are you sure? I mean, I heard guys talking at Horner about some of the things they did and got away with when they were dancing; not the kind of things you'd do with your mom."

Debbie smiled. "I remember; I was a teenager once, you know. And tonight, you remember--I'm not your mom, and Anni's not your sister. You are with two dates tonight, both of whom expect you, and want you, to, what did we call it, 'get fresh' with us."

Bert swallowed hard. "Expect and want me to...Are you sure, Mom?"

"Mmhmm. And if you play your cards right, you won't regret not going to the dance with Miss Skanky what's-her-name. Be respectful, but be bold. Treat us like we are really on a date with you, okay? Do you think you can do that?"

Bert nodded his head. "Yeah, I nudgies, just not gross, huh?"

Debbie stood up and extended her hand. "Even a little more than a nudge. Here, let me show you. This isn't for the first dance, but then, not too much later, either." She pulled him up and extended her arms into the position for dancing. He stepped up to her and took her right hand while putting his right around her and into the small of her back.

She reached around and pulled his right hand down so it rested on top of her buttock. At the same time she pulled his left hand into the space between them, so the back of his hand rested firmly against her right breast.

"Hold me closer," she whispered into his ear as she nibbled on his earlobe; "much closer." She grinned when she felt his erection against her abdomen, and pushed her hips closer to him.

"Mo..." he started and stopped when she shook her head, holding his earlobe in her teeth. "Debbie, if I hold you any closer, we're gonna be fu...uh, having sex," he groaned.

"Your point?" she asked, tracing his ear with her tongue.

Before he could say anything, she pulled away. "Now do you understand? If you had been able to go to the dances at Horner, you would have learned that a little bit of getting fresh is expected, pretty much with whoever you were dancing with. With your date, it's expected, and the limits depend on the girl and the status of your relationship. Tonight, you have to find those limits for yourself, and do your best to extend them," she finished, with a seductive smile.

"I'm gonna wind up with such a case of blue balls..." he started to complain.

Debbie laughed. "That's up to you. I told you, if you play your cards right, you won't miss Kelly at all. Just pay attention to your dates. Now go get dressed, and then, set up the music."

Bert was selecting the first three discs to play when the women came down the stairs. He looked up when he heard them and had to gasp to take a breath. Although there was nearly a twenty year difference in their ages, they could have been twin sisters.

Debbie had her hair in her usual pixie cut, but her make-up, accenting her sapphire blue eyes and barely highlighting her lips and cheeks, gave her a youthful glow. She wore a black, shift like dress, with spaghetti straps. It seemed to be suspended from the nipples on her B-plus sized breasts, and ended just above her knees, closely hugging her hips.

Anni's hair, normally in a ponytail, fell freely from a pair of french combs holding it back from her ears. Her make-up, like her mother's, accented her sky blue eyes, and subtly highlighted her lips and cheeks, adding an intangible maturity to her youthful look, enhanced by the black halter dress she wore. The knee length skirt was made up of mini-pleats which anchored a pair of narrow sashes just inside her hips and fastened behind her neck, just covering her almost B-sized bosoms.

"Oh, shit!" he exclaimed, under his breath. Sure, his mother had essentially given him permission to take some liberties with her, and said it would not only also be okay with Anni, but was expected.

But, Ohmigod! Right now, it felt like if he got within a yard of them, they'd feel his hard-on. How in hell was he going to dance with them without embarrassing himself and them. As it was, he didn't even dare stand up.

And what the hell was it with his mother? Practically promising that he'd get to fuck one of them tonight. That had to be what she meant when she said he wouldn't regret not going to the dance with Kelly after their conversation over dinner. How could he fuck his mom? That was so wrong on so many levels.

Even though she worked for the church in town, she didn't force the kids to go to services, and the pastor understood their transportation situation and didn't get bent out of shape when she didn't show up for Sunday services either, so Bert wasn't too clear about the god thing. But still the kind of thing she was hinting at was a sin, wasn't it?

What if she meant Anni. That was a slightly different story. He had meant it when he told her if she wasn't his sister, he'd ask her to be his girlfriend. He thought there wasn't a prettier girl in the county, and she played a significant role in his stroke fantasies, but to actually go all the way? Or even just part way!

Shit, that was just as bad as fucking your mother in terms of being a sin. Maybe worse. Doing your mom--as a kid, you could always claim she made you do it, but with your sister, even if she was working on seducing you, you should be able to say no.

Y had been able to tune into Bert's quandary. Trying not to influence him directly, as he had Anni and Debbie, he stirred up Bert's memories, of all the schoolmates who had commented on his mother and sister, and what they claimed they would be doing if they were in his place.

As they poured forth, into his consciousness, Bert wondered if he were the only member of his peer group who wasn't a closet incestuous pervert. It seemed as if all his friends had no problem with incest as a behavior or sin. He wondered if all the guys who said they wanted to fuck his sister had already fucked their own.

Suddenly, he realized he had been staring at his 'dates' without saying anything for too long. Opting for brevity instead of explanation, he simply said, "Wow!" and then, in case he hadn't made it clear, "Wowowow!"

The women laughed, and Debbie said, "I think that means he approves, Anni. Our date, I guess, is a man of few words."

Bert recovered his faculty for speech and interrupted, "You ladies are absolutely gorgeous. We should be going to some night club in Hollywood or something, except I'd never get to dance with you or even talk to you once we got inside. The men would be falling all over themselves to get to dance with you."

Debbie smiled in response to his compliment, and Anni blushed. "Do you really think so, Bert" his sister asked.

He nodded. "I've never seen you look prettier, Anni," he said softly.

"Thank you, Bert," she said, moving to him and reaching up to give him a lingering kiss on the cheek. "Put on something slow we can dance to," she requested.

"Uh, okay, in a few minutes. I thought maybe, uh, something a little up tempo would, uh, help us, uh, get used to the atmosphere 'n' stuff; you know, help us, uh, settle our nerves and get the refreshments out...'n' stuff...I think the, uh, third song is a slow one," he said, hopin the time and activity would help his tent pole collapse a bit.

She gave him another kiss on the cheek. "That's okay. It's mine, though; don't forget." She turned away from him to join Debbie, on her way to the kitchen. Only then did he realize both their backs were bare.

Debbie's dress had a inch and a half band across her shoulder blades, connecting the sides of her dress and anchoring the thin shoulder straps, but her back was essentially as naked as Anni's, who had nothing between her neck and her waist.

Bert's hard-on, which had begun to wilt, was back in full force. As they walked away, their ass cheeks bouncing merrily under their form outlining skirts, he let out a small moan, guessing they had come to the dance sans panties.

With a knowing smile, Debbie glanced back over her shoulder, standing there in the typical nude model's pose. "You okay, honey? Did you say something?" He just shook his head and started loading the CD player.

It was an eclectic mix--modern pop (thanks to the teens), classic 50's romance (thanks to their dad), and some dance-able tunes from the 80-90'S (thanks to Debbie). Contrary to what he told Anni, the first five or six tunes, a solid twenty minutes of music, was all up-tempo, more suited for today's style of dancing than the coupled ballroom dancing Anni was waiting for.

It took the trio a few minutes to set out the refreshments and punch (a lethal mix of two parts brandy to one part sweetened lime juice poured over the ice ring and stirred). "Be careful of this," Debbie warned her children, giving them each a small cupful; "it doesn't taste like it has any kick, but I know that three of these, in an hour, can put me under the table. Neither of you should have any more than that tonight. Okay?"

They took a small sip of the punch, testing its sweet and sour tea-like flavor. "Are you sure the brandy was alright, Debbie?" Bert asked. "This tastes like there's no alcohol in it at all."

She picked up the empty bottle and poured out the few drops which had accumulated at the bottom of the empty vessel and handed it to him. She grinned when he gasped for breath after slamming the half -shot sample. "OMG," he rasped. "That felt like pure alcohol!"

"Now do you believe me?" his mother asked. The two teens nodded. "Fine. Now, let's dance!" she said with a grin, and began to move her feet and sway her hips to the music as she dragged her children to the middle of the floor.

The music, the activity, the good humor, some light hearted silliness as they moved to the primitive rhythms all helped put the small family in party mode. By the time Nat 'King' Cole's velvet voice singing "Unforgettable" came on, they were all ready for some quiet interludes.

Bert turned to Anni, saying, "I think this is your dance." She beamed her smile and stepped into his arms. Thinking about what his mother had shown him earlier, Bert dropped his hand to rest on Anni's butt.

Debbie walked behind her daughter and pulled it back up, shaking her head. "Not yet," she mouthed at him. Bert gave her a brief nod and let his other hand relax, resting it on his partner's breast, and was pleased when she pulled it tighter to her.

"Mmm," she said, "this feels nice. We couldn't do this if we had gone to the school dance, could we?" She moved close to him and rested her head on his chest.

"Probably not. They'd have thought we were some kind of bizarro weirdniks or something." As he led his sister around the floor in the slow dance, he became aware of her thighs rubbing against the inside and outside of his left leg. Trying to remain a gentleman in the early part of the evening, he attempted to back away, only to become re-entangled seconds later as she pushed her mons against his thigh.

"Don't go away," Anni whispered. "This feels nice; so does this," she added, pressing his hand to her boob. "Doesn't it feel good to you?"

"Mmhmm," he murmured, "too good. I'm afraid I might embarrass us."

"You mean here?" she asked, pushing her hips against his and giving them a shimmy.

Up near the ceiling, in a corner where it was dark, Y, had he been able, would have smiled and nodded his approval. As the children became involved with each other, he bounced down and insinuated himself in Debbie's sub-conscious and cranked up her libido and desire for sex.

As the song came to an end, the sentience subtly moved to the daughter and urged her to leave the room. While she was in the bathroom, he made the same changes to her as he had Debbie. Back in living room, the sound of the Four Lads singing 'Moments to Remember' prompted the older woman to move into her son's arms.

She hummed her approval as he pulled his left hand in to rest on her breast while his right slid down to stop just where her butt began to swell. When he applied a little pressure there, she pushed her hips forward, into his, her thighs parting to bracket his. "You're naughty," she whispered, kissing his neck and renewing her earlier attack on his ear lobe.

"Mmm, very naughty," she repeated when she felt his hardness pushing against her abdomen. "You'll probably have to go to the bathroom sometime tonight. I want you to promise me you won't try to relieve this by yourself," she said softly, sliding her hips across the prominent bulge in his pants. "Promise?" she said, pushing harder. All Bert could get out was a groan.

Fortunately, the next few songs were more modern, hip hop style and gave him some surcease from the teasing the women were subjecting him to, if only briefly. During this brief break, he excused himself to use the bathroom. As he headed down the hall, Debbie called, "Remember your promise!" In reply he just waved.

"What promise," Anni asked.

"While we were dancing, he popped a boner and I made him promise that he wouldn't try to take care of it by himself," Debbie answered with a sly smile as she walked to the entertainment center.

"Mother, you are so mean," Anni replied with a laugh. "Do you think he will anyway?"

"Probably not, but just in case, I'm going to stack our odds. Take out the CDs of today's pop music, and we'll put in all slow dance music from your father's collections. That'll give us more opportunity to heat him up."

She looked at her daughter, obviously mulling something over. "Question for you. I know I said tonight was just for you, but do you want him all to yourself, or would you consider a threesome?"

"A...A... A threesome? You mean you and me and Bert? Wow! I never... how...I mean ..."

"I understand,' she said, with a smile. "We would both make love to your brother, my son, and after, while he rested and recovered, we would... until he could go another round, entertain each other. You're not unfamiliar with the concept are you?"

"No; just the mother-daughter part, but why not?" she answered with a grin. "If I'm going to fuck my brother, it isn't such a big leap to doing my mother. Maybe we should start that way and really wind Bert up," she laughed.

"And you call me mean?" Debbie replied, joining her laugh.

Y, understanding the biological processes of the human body, waited for Bert in the excretorium, as it was termed on his world. Before exerting his influence on the young male, he was interested in learning how his feelings about the night were developing.

Bert, as it happened, was struggling with a crisis of conscience. From what Debbie had said, and the way Anni was acting, he was sure they were expecting him to fuck his sister tonight. On a very basic, primitive level, he had no problem with that. "Shit," he thought, "on a purely animal level, the way Mom's acting, I wouldn't have any problem fucking her, either.

"But, on a higher level, the one that separates us from animals, it's wrong, isn't it, to even think about doing that to them. They're blood relatives—my mother and sister, and fucking those relatives is incest, both legally wrong and morally repugnant, isn't it?

"Hell, if it's so morally repugnant, why am I debating with myself? It shouldn't be a problem. Just say NO!

"But if they are both willing, and they certainly acted like they are, doesn't that take away some of the negativity?

"No, if anything, it just makes it worse. Mother fucker is practically the worst insult you can lay on a man; imagine how the woman who willfully fucked her son would be viewed—what's worse than a slut?

"Could I do that to my mother and ...

"Who would know? It's just the three of us here, and no one else within a couple of miles. Hell, we could go out and fuck on the front lawn and no one would know about it. 'Specially if it was dark.

"But she's my mother! You just don't fuck your mother!

"Do you? Everyone says you should listen to your mother and do what she says. Dad made me promise to do that.

"Even when it's wrong?

"But who says it's wrong? A bunch of guys a long long long time ago, when there were different issues facing them. When property rights were more important, and lines of heredity had to be kept clean.

"That's why Egyptian royalty were expected to have children with their siblings—to keep the line pure; and European royalty were pretty much all from the same family, marrying cousins and all.

"Fuck it! If it was good enough for them, I can do it! She said tonight she's not my mother, and Anni's not my sister; they're my dates, and I should treat them just like any other date. Well I was gonna fuck Kelly three ways from Sunday, so, Anni, I hope you're ready."

If you can imagine a photon of ultra violet energy doing joyful back flips, you have a fairly good idea of Y's state of mind at this point. He followed the young man back to the dance floor and parked back in his ceiling corner to watch the activities.

Debbie and Anni were bopping to Frank's 'Come Dance With Me,' and when they saw him return, pulled him into a three way dance. "You okay, Sweetie?" Debbie asked. In reply, he pulled her to him and put his arms around her waist, dropping them to rest on her ass and pulling her hips into his, and nodded before kissing her passionately and letting her go, then reaching for Anni.

The music changed to an instrumental version of the Crystal Gayle song, 'When I Dream.' "This is one of my favorite songs," Anni whispered as she tucked her head into his shoulder As they danced, she softly hummed to the verse and then sang along to the chorus, "But when I dream, I dream of you / Maybe some day you will come true...And when I dream, I dream of you / Maybe someday, you'll love me, too.

"Be my boyfriend tonight, Bert," she whispered as the song ended. "Let's do what girlfriends and boyfriends do at dances and after," she said softly, her lips moving on his cheek. She pressed his hand firmly into her breast, then moved it so his hand was under her halter sash, covering her bare breast. He turned his face to kiss her cheek and met her mouth, already open for his tongue.