Brian and Tammy


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"That's another part of my problem Tam. You have said how much you love pulling trains and I saw how into it you were when I watched. How can I – after seeing it with my own eyes – believe you won't eventually sneak off so you can do it again?"

No Brian! I used to love doing it, but the only reason I've been doing it since I started working for Dan is because of his threat to expose me to you. Of course I get into it once it starts because my body takes over once they get me going, but believe me baby when I say I never would have done it if Dan hadn't threatened me with exposure. Now you know so he has no club to hold over me."

Inwardly I was laughing at the lying cunt. Every time she opened her mouth she was driving one more nail into her coffin lid.

"I hear what you are saying Tam, but how can I bring myself to believe anything you say given what you have been doing all these years? I love you Tammy and I desperately want to believe you."

"You can Brian. I'll work my butt off proving it to you. Just give me the chance."

"I guess I'll have to Tam. I love you too much not to try and save our marriage, but I'm not going to lie to you. It is going to be an uphill struggle. It is going to take time and there will undoubtedly be some hard spots in there. You are going to have to expect some pretty hard and nasty words from me along the way. I'm still greatly pissed at what you have done and I'm only human Tam. There are times it is going to come out of me and it will be hard on you to have to hear it. I'm going to try my best, but you are going to have to be patient with me."

"I'll do whatever I have to do to keep you with me Brian. I swear it!"

I gave her a smile, we finished breakfast and went home. I spent the rest of the day doing work around house until Tammy called me to dinner. We made love that night (she was making love – I was fucking) and we fell asleep with Tammy snuggled up against me.

Sunday was pretty much a repeat of Saturday. Woke up, faked making love, went to brunch, back to the house and more fake love. I took her ass, but gently for a change. Dinner, some TV, more fake love making and as Tammy slipped off to dreamland I heard her murmur:

"We're going to be all right Brian."

I just smiled.


I rolled over and looked at the clock. It was five-twenty, but the clock would go off until six. I wondered why I was awake. I almost always slept until the alarm woke me. There was something rolling around in my head' something telling me that...OH SHIT!

All my great plans about to go into the shitter because I forgot one simple fact. I COULDN"T just disappear on Tammy! If I was going to get my half of our assets I had to start the divorce and my lawyer would have to know where I was and that meant Tammy would too. I'd have to serve her before I left so she would know I was leaving. How could I have been so stupid!

I got out of bed and went down and put the coffee on. I always thought a bit clearer over a cup of hot coffee. It didn't take much thought. I was going to have to see Jake ASAP and do my best to have Tammy served before I split for Denver.

I dressed and left. Tammy was still sleeping when I left the house and I wondered what she would think when she woke up. Good thoughts I hoped. I wanted to keep her hanging right up until the axe fell. I hit Waffle House for breakfast and while I ate I made a mental list of what I needed to tell Jake.

I called Jake and he told me to come right on over. I filled him in on what was going on and what I hoped to do and he told me no sweat. He could have the papers ready to sign by noon the next day, filed by ten the next morning and Tammy could be served any time after that. Then he told me he'd always had the hots for Tammy and asked if I would mind if he tried to get a sniff after she was served. I laughed and told him to go for it.

The plan back on track I called Tammy at her office about two and told her I had to fly out of town that afternoon and I wouldn't be home until late Tuesday.

"The audit team can't meet with me until one tomorrow and if we run late I might not be able to catch my flight. I may not even get back until sometime Wednesday. Go to go babe. I need to rush home, pack a bag and get out to the airport. Love you sweetie. Talk to you later."

There was no trip. All I was doing was setting it up so she could fuck around on me again and I could catch it on film. The more shit I had to hit her with when I got ready to go the less likely she would be to want to fight the divorce.

I did go home and pack a bag with enough to last me a couple of days. Last thing I did before leaving the house was put a fresh tape in the voice activated recorder. I drove to the airport, parked in long-term parking and rented a car. I checked into a hotel and settled in to wait.

Tammy got off work at five so at ten to five I drove over to the house, parked down the block and waited. At five thirty-five Tammy got home. At six Alice came out of their house and went into mine. At six-ten Frank got home and five minutes later he walked in my front door. At seven it was dark enough for me to do what I wanted. I went around to the back of the house and put the ladder up. I climbed up and looked through the gap in the blinds and saw the three of them playing. I set the video camera in place, went back to my rental and drove to Duke's Steak House for dinner.

Two hours later I was back on the ladder and watching Frank fuck Tammy from behind while Tammy munched on Alice's beaver. Frank finally got his nut, pulled out and Tammy swung around, took Frank's dick in her mouth and cleaned him up. Time to throw some shit into the game. I took out my phone and called the house. Tammy let Frank's dick fall out of her mouth and moved to pick up the phone.


I adopted a sad tone and said "It's me."

"You sound down."

"I am."

"What's wrong?"

"You don't want to know."

"Of course I do. I can't cheer you up if I don't know what's wrong."

"I'm sitting here imagining you getting it on with some of your fuck buddies while I'm gone."

"Oh no Brian! I promised you no more and I meant it!"

"Sorry babe; I told you it wasn't going to be easy for us."

"I know, but I promised you Brian and I meant every word of it."

"Okay sweetie. I just called to tell you I love you."

"I love you too baby and don't you ever doubt it."

"Call you tomorrow. Love you. Bye."

I disconnected and watched Tammy put the phone down. She said something to Frank and Alice and all three of them laughed. Tammy went back to sucking Frank's cock while Alice stared licking Tammy's cheating cunt.

Tuesday was a repeat, but along with Frank and Alice there were four other guys. I recognized three of them from before. Again I put the camera in place and left for dinner. I'd stopped by the house earlier in the day after signing the papers in Jake's office and put a fresh tape in the recorder and I was really looking forward to listening to the tapes. With any luck at all I would have some good stuff to hit Tammy with when the time came.

Two hours later I was back. Tammy and Alice were both airtight. I took out my phone and started to hit speed dial, but then said to hell with it. I shut off the camera, climbed down and put the ladder away. I drove back to the motel, parked and then walked across the street to the bar that was there. I had two beers and then went back to my room and went to bed.

Wednesday I called Tammy at work and told her I would be home by five. She rushed in at five-thirty, threw her arms around me, kissed me and told me how much she had missed me. The bedroom showed no signs of what had gone on in it for the previous two nights. We had sex – Tammy was making love (or faking it) – and I was fucking (faking making love).

Thursday when I got to my office I locked my door and got out the tapes from the recorder and went searching for the Monday evening call. I found the place and started listening. Alice came into the bedroom talking to Tammy.

"Frank is running a bit late so it will just be the two of us for now. Hurry up; get undressed so I can dive into that sweet pussy." Sounds of undressing and then Tammy said:

"Sixty-nine lover. I want yours as much as you want mine."

Sounds of them enjoying each other and then Frank came into the room.

"Couldn't wait for me.?" Sound of a zipper and then "One of you get over here and give Frank junior a little attention."

After that it was just sounds of fucking and sucking until the phone rang. I listened to Tammy's bullshit and then she hung up the phone.

"It was just the dumb-fuck making his check in call."

They all laughed and then Tammy said "Come on stud; let me suck you hard again."

More sounds of sucking and fucking and lots of fuck me's and fuck me hards and other shit like that and then Frank said:

"We have got to find a way to do this on a regular basis. This only being able to do it when he is out of town sucks."

"I'm working on it" Tammy said, "But it is going to take some time. I've got to get doofus back to not thinking that every time I'm out of his sight I'm fucking someone."

"Why bother? Drop the useless fuck and move in with us."

"I don't think that would work. I know me and I'm always going to want my own man."

"No problem there honey. Anyone of the guys Frank brings to the party would love to be your full time man."

"You think so?"

"I know so. A couple have asked what it would take to get you to drop the clueless dumb shit and take up with them."

"One of them wouldn't have been Denny would it?"

"As a matter of fact yes. Why? You interested?"

"He is easy on the eyes and he is hung."

"Oh you big cock slut you" and they all were laughing when the tape ran out.

I didn't even bother to listen to the second tape. If I hadn't already decided to get rid of the faithless bitch what I'd just heard would have made up my mind for me. I was gone!

I had what I needed so I took a deep breath and got on with the day's work. At three I called Dan.

"I'm half hoping you don't have the money so I can start mailing things."

"I've got it. It wasn't easy, but I've got it."

"Let's do it tonight then instead of tomorrow. Okay with you?"

"Let's get it done."

"Meet me at Bud's Bar tonight at seven?"

"I'll be there."

I was sitting in a booth waiting for him when he got there. I had gambled that he was a beer guy and had ordered him a Coor's. Tina brought it over as soon as he sat down. He slid a briefcase across the table to me and I took it and set it on the seat beside me.

"Aren't you going to count it?"

"No need. If it isn't all there you know what I will do."

"How can I be sure you won't do it anyway?"

"We both know what your wife would do if she saw the video. You would be history and not be able to keep Tammy working. I need her working so I don't have to lay out a ton of money in alimony. I really do think you should raise her pay if you continue to use her as a reward for your sales people."

"Oh I'm going to. In fact she came to me earlier this week and said you were onto her and she had promised you she would stop. Then she laughed and told me that all that had to change was that we would have to do it at work instead of after. One thing I need to put straight with you. I never blackmailed her. She recognized me when I interviewed her and I also recognized her and remembered what a fantastic piece of ass she was and I wanted to be in a position to be able to do her again. We were fucking before the end of her first week with me.

"One day after a spirited long lunch I was talking about the drop in sales and that I might have to start laying off some people and she was the one that came up with the idea that she could be the reward for the high producer of the month and from there it grew into a group reward if the month's targets were met.

"I doubt you have ever realized it, but if Tammy isn't a nymphomaniac she is the closest thing to one I've ever seen. Sure you can't accept that and stay with her?"

"Not a prayer. There are some guys who could do it, but I'm not one of them. I'm one who believes that my woman is mine alone and when she stops being mine alone the relationship is over."

I looked at my watch and said I had to go. I got up and said "Take care of Tammy okay? I did love her once."

When I got home I treated Tammy like things were going to be okay with us and I was even gentle when we made love. She snuggled up to me when it was over. She didn't have a clue that it was our last time.


It was a usual Friday morning until I left the house. I drove to the U-Haul place and picked up the trailer I had reserved and then drove back to the neighborhood. I parked a block away and went to the house to make sure that Tammy's car was gone. Once sure she had left for work I backed the U-Haul up to the garage door and by one that afternoon I had everything out of the house that I wanted.

When I was picking up the trailer I also hit the bank and just to be an ass I took seventy percent of the checking and savings instead of the fifty percent that the breakup would get me. I'd probably have to adjust later, but as I said – I was being an ass.

I drove the car and trailer a block away and went back to the house and then sat at the kitchen table and cancelled credit cards and set the scene for Tammy when she got home from work. I hoped I would get lucky and my timing would work.

She walked into the house at five-twenty and since my car wasn't in the drive she was surprised to see me. She came over to me, bent to kiss me and I let her. She started to open her mouth to probably ask where my car was but I held up my hand and said:

"Sit Tammy. We need to talk."

She gave me a worried look. "About what?"

"About us."

"We're going to be okay Brian. You said we'd work it out."

"We are not going to be okay Tammy and for all the reasons I told you I worried about. Specifically not being able to trust you."

"I promised Brian. No mo..."

I slammed my hand down on the table and yelled "YOU LIED!"

I turned the laptop so she could see the screen and turned it on. I watched her face as she watched the scene with her Frank and Alice from the other night. There was no sound, but when she saw herself hang up the phone I hit the button on the tape recorder and she heard her words as she watched herself saying them on the screen.

The scene on the screen changed into the next night where she was pulling the train. She stared silently and pale-face at the screen. The doorbell rang and I said:

"You need to get that Tam; it's for you." She looked at me blankly and I said "Go. It's for you."

She got up and answered the door. I wished I could have seen her face when she opened the door, was handed the envelope and heard the words:

"You have been served."

The process server had been parked across the street when she got home and I'd asked him to give me ten minutes with her before ringing the bell. She came back into the kitchen, sat down and stared at the envelope in her hands. Then she looked up at me and said weakly:

"What am I going to do?"

"Get on with your life without me in it. You'll be all right. You won't have to quit your job and give up your reward nights. You have the two clowns next door for full time playmates and you already have an idea of who to replace me with right? Denny? The guy who is easy on the eyes and is hung?"

She had the grace to wince at that.

"The only major decision you need to make is whether or not to buy out my half of the house and keep it or sell it and we split the money. I'm leaving town and my attorney's card is in that envelope. He knows how to reach me if needed, but I doubt that you will need to. You don't really want me and I doubt that you ever did.

"I heard you say it Tammy. I heard it when you told Alice that you had to have your own man. That's all I ever was to you. Just the man you had to have around. Someone you could call doofus and dumb shit. Oh yeah Tam; I heard that too.

"I'm leaving you the laptop. It has hours of you on tape proving to me that there is no way I could ever trust you. Just review it from time to time when you wonder why I'm gone."

I got up and walked out of the house leaving a weeping Tammy at the kitchen table.

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AnonymousAnonymous5 days ago

Frank managed to get out of the slammer pretty quickly!

LizziepeeLizziepee9 days ago

Very convenient Frank and Alice just happened to move in next door a house that had been vacant for 12 months good story would have preferred a bit more revenge

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Who got punished? Not Frank and Alice. The train members only had to come up with about $5000 each. Tammy lost the doofus but had a replacement in the works.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Why was Tammy crying at the end? She clearly didn't give a sh$t for the MC. Isn't this her chance to try out Denny? Whatever.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I really have trouble that a person can be made a fool for so long.

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