Bound to My Mate Ch. 10


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I propped open the doors the balcony of our suite about nine thirty at night. The air was crisp and cold. I had changed into the costume Joel had chosen. Oddly the clothing made me feel naked and figured its purpose must be to see if I could freeze to death before making it to the circle.

By ten o'clock the den was so quiet you could have heard a pin drop. Katrina had told me at these gatherings the wolves arrived and congregated for hours before the ceremony. As I walked out of our suites I was greeted by Nate, leaning casually on a wall. Poor guy had to pull guard duty on a night like this; I felt bad for him.

"I heard it was a party down there Nate, sorry you're missing it," I said trying to sound sympathetic.

"Ah, the party won't really start until you get there. You aren't stalling now are you?" he asked as I tarried in the doorway.

"I was on my way!" I retorted starting for the stairs.

"I hope you're ready for a good tussle," he said following me down.

"What do you mean 'a good tussle'?"

"It is my honor to inform you that before going through the changing ceremony you will be fighting the Alpha."

"Right," I huffed walking barefoot toward the back doors of the den, "I've seen what happens when you all fight him. I won't win."

"You'll just be proving to the pack you are worthy of being a member. Hopefully, your time with my mate has prepared you well. Use every trick she taught you, the longer you last, the more they will respect you. Don't worry about winning, none of us could do that."

We were well into the forest now, but I wasn't cold anymore. I was too hyped up to be chilly. Looking around I was alone, Nate had disappeared into the trees. I could still feel him watching me though.

I had originally been worried I wouldn't find the clearing, but the path to it was well worn. I kept my stride brisk and focused on the fight. I'd seen Joel in battle, he was fast and brutal. I hoped I wouldn't be hurt too badly. Lost in thought I didn't realize I was there.

I stepped into the open grassy area from the shelter of the trees and sucked in a breath. The entire pack was present and surrounding the circle of stones. They were all looking at me silently. The moon was high and several torches lit the area more. In the center of the circle was a large stone altar set atop several larger slabs of stone.

I kept my stride brisk and moved down the sloping land to the circle. Pack members moved out of my way so it was straight shot. I noticed that most of them were naked. I just kept walking and had no illusions about what the night would bring.

I saw Joel as I moved down toward the center. He was naked and in his human form. He had been leaning casually on one of the stones that made up the outside of the circle, now he moved to stand beside the altar.

"Pack Latro, tonight I change my mate Elizabeth. She will be one of you. Do you accept this pack member?" he boomed out. I had just made my way to the edge of the circle.

"Show us her strength," they called back as one.

'So now we fight,' I thought to myself. Joel nodded subtly moving off the platform and slightly toward me.

Slowly, I walked into the circle. Honestly I wasn't sure what to do, so I just circled Joel as he stood impassively. 'You could give me a hint,' I thought as loudly as I could.

As I admired his handsome backside I heard a chuckle. Turning slowly Joel had a wicked grin on his face. I saw him tense and knew the first round was coming. Some part of me was tempted to wait for him to strike, but it might be more interesting this way. Before he could move I lunged forward and aimed for his throat. I made contact much to my surprise.

The move took him off guard a little, but he managed to grab me around the waist. Fighting furiously I stomped on his arch and clawed at his eyes, Nate did say use every trick Shawna taught me.

I got out of his embrace and stumbled to the side. He aimed a tightly balled fist toward me; I blocked the hit and kicked out at his knee. He dodged my attempt and moved behind me before I could blink. I felt his arms around me again, so I threw my head back aiming for his nose. He chuckled and released me, obviously he enjoyed the game.

Before I could get more than a step away he was back on me pulling me back toward him. Fabric tore as the skimpy halter top was ripped down the back. The material fell to the ground unnoticed. I threw an elbow out aiming for his ribs. I felt the contact, but it didn't earn me so much as an ouch.

Struggling wildly, I had to admit to myself I'm caught. The sound of fabric tearing reinvigorated me. I looked down to see Joel's hand had grown claws and he was using them to shred my jeans. As the fabric fell off my legs I started to struggle anew.

For some reason Joel let me go and I stumbled away from him breathing heavy. Turning to face him I saw the mischievous gleam in his eye. I can't see his mind the way he sees mine, but I know that look; this is turning him on. He stalked me like prey, but I held my ground. I waited until he charged forward then stepped to the side and dodged his outstretched arms.

I knew running was a bad idea, but I started to do it without thinking. I darted away from him and felt his hot breath on my neck before I was halfway across the circle. For all the brutality I knew he could muster the take down was gentle. He twisted his body to take the fall, but kept me tightly in his arms. Twisting back I found my naked breasts pinned to the ground as his weight trapped me beneath him.

"Surrender mate," he whispered in my ear. "You did well."

I had no chance of winning and I knew that, but I abhorred the idea of just giving up. I pushed up slightly and found no give. He moved his hands to grab my wrists and pinned them down. I felt his human teeth on the back of my neck and I knew he was waiting for me.

Defeated I lay my cheek on the cool ground, "I surrender Joel, I'm yours."

As Joel back off of me and allowed me up, the howl that went up from the assembled wolves was indescribable. Joel ran his hands down my arms and pulled me close.

As we walked back toward the center of the circle I saw my shredded outfit around us. Joel had picked it out because he knew he was going to destroy it.

"Smart," I said to him raising an eyebrow.

Laughing he pulled me up the stone steps to the stone alter. The slab on top was magnificent and I wondered how they had moved it here.

Joel chuckled in my ear as he ran his hands down over my breasts. "What do you think I was doing all evening? I made this alter. Do you like it?"

I nodded and realized how much he must have been holding back as we 'fought'. He leaned down and took my lips in a fierce kiss. I kissed and nipped at his lips forgetting the pack that watched and waited beyond the circle.

Pressed between us as we kissed was the evidence of his excitement. I had enjoyed the fight, but obviously not as much as he had. I knew sex was a big part of this ceremony. The fact I wasn't ready and I should be made me nervous.

"I'll take care of you," Joel whispered huskily. "Climb on top. Offer yourself to me, let me worship you until you scream my name."

I couldn't look out at the assembled and for the time being they were so quiet I forgot they were there. Keeping my eyes on the beautiful piece of stone beneath me I crawled onto the top and dropped onto my elbows. In what I hoped was a seductive gesture I spread my thighs until I feel the cool night air between them.

The first touch of his tongue was electric. I chanced a glance back to see a very human Joel standing behind me. He buried his face in my waiting cunt licking with vigor. The thrust of his tongue got rougher and deeper and I found myself moaning his name. I cried out in arousal as he drove me higher and higher.

The sensations stopped abruptly and I looked up to see furry clawed feet in front of me on the marble. It always surprised me how quickly and quietly he moved.

Shifting back on my knees I looked up at the massive wolf man towering over me. His rock hard erection strained away from his body with a tiny bit of liquid clinging to the tip. The temptation was too great and I leaned forward and licked the salty fluid.

The taste was purely Joel and I loved it. The wolf man buried his hands in my hair and pulled me closer pushing his massive staff into my throat. I gripped his hips and pulled him to me not afraid of the instrument closing off my airway; I knew he wouldn't hurt me.

After several minutes of intense oral stimulation I felt the knot at the base of my wolf man's cock start to grow. I stroked the sensitive tissue with my hand and was rewarded with a deep growl.

"Face away from me on your knees mate," the wolf man said in a gravely strained voice.

I turned and faced the opposite direction, once more offering myself to him. My breath was huffing out in white clouds and I was a little surprised I wasn't cold. Under normal circumstances I would be huddled under a blanket in weather like this.

Joel's hands grabbed my hips and his claws almost cut into my sides with the strength of his grip. Without further preparation he entered me, pushing his awesome length home in a single push. The white puff that exited my mouth felt like it was every bit of air from my lungs.

He rode me hard, pushing his knot past my entrance with force and I cried out. When he was completely seated his hands left my hips and came to rest on either side of me. I watched as claws became paws and the creature behind me was now the wolf.

The wolf's cock was hot and hard inside of me. His pace was frenzied and animalistic. Joel had never taken me with the ferocity that he did now. I felt the pressure build low in my belly. Accidentally I looked out past the edges of the stone circle. I saw wolves over women taking them with the same urgency Joel took me with.

It was too much. The physical sensation combined with the intense visuals all around us. My control snapped and I was coming over his length screaming his name.

The wolf growled low behind me and then snapped his jaws over his first bite. It hurt immensely, the strength of his jaws was contained, but present. As his teeth sunk into my skin and the blood dropped onto the platform, something started to happen.

I saw stars, literally. The sky, the clearing, and the forest surrounding us all seemed to force themselves into my conscious mind. I saw it all in perfect relief. I got the impression this was a birth and I should be aware of everything going on while it happened.

Inside my body I was aware of another being. She expanded and then contracted inside of me, not having anywhere to express herself. I felt her joy at awakening to this life as she faded back. It was too bizarre to comprehend, my body was not my own anymore. My entire world went black and I sunk toward the cool stone.


"While I'm sure she'd rather sleep through this part, I doubt she'd like to wake in the middle of it," I heard Joel chuckle right behind me.

"Anybody remember how long Katrina was out?" Nate asked from just beside us.

"It felt like forever," complained Saul.

I opened my bleary eyes to find the Betas of the Latro pack staring at me with bemused expressions.

"What did I miss?" I slurred out. I was startled to find myself naked on a stone platform. It took a minute for the reason I was there to come back to me. I shifted my hips and felt glued to Joel's throbbing member.

"What now?" I asked suddenly self conscious.

"The pack is going to get your scent," he said sitting us up.

I let Joel move me until we sat on the edge of the stone with our legs hanging off. The cool breeze caressed my nipples and felt them stiffen. 'How much longer till I'm shivering?' I wondered to myself.

"You'll stay warm love," he whispered in my ear pulling my knees apart. I fought with myself not to resist him. I kept reciting my mantra to myself, 'This is normal, relax.'

Nate shifted into a beautiful grey wolf and padded softly forward. He stopped just in front of us and then placed his nose against my exposed groin. I felt his tongue come out and slide against my puffy lower lips. The sensation of being licked while still so full was intoxicating. I watched as Anthony shifted and followed Nate.

Joel had been right. I didn't get cold. As wolves, Nate sat on one side of us and Anthony sat on the other. Their warm flanks sat beside my lower legs, so my feet weren't exposed. Joel kept his arms around me as he played my body's sensitive parts like an instrument.

Each Beta in the pack took a taste and by the end of them I was squirming in Joel's lap, no longer able to stop the soft moans. Adding to my excitement was Joel who continued to lightly stoke and pinch my nipples while he nibbled on my neck.

"The more aroused you are the stronger your scent, love. You really should be thanking me for this," he whispered caressing the underside of my breasts.

When I couldn't take anymore and was ready to beg him, Joel paused the introduction ceremony. He either knelt behind me on the table or leaned me over it's edge. I came countless times. When we were done he would just sit us back on the edge and spread my legs over his again.

The wolves came up tasting and stimulating. It was beyond strange and by far the most erotic experience I've ever had. It was almost daybreak when the last omega stretched up over us to take the last lick.

Gently Joel moved me off his member and I moaned, empty for the first time since we started. Even dazed like I was I still blushed scarlet as his seed ran down my legs. I wasn't sure what to do about it. I looked up at Joel wondering if there was something I should be doing or if I should just ignore it.

"Let it run," he said roughly in my ear.

I had the sense he was proud of his excess and that removing it would offend him. Exhausted beyond belief I didn't give it a second thought. I walked toward the den head held high, my Alpha's seed sliding down my legs.

Caught up in my ordeal I hadn't noticed what the wolves did after they left me. I looked blearily around and noted it looked like the whole pack was still in the clearing. Some were in their human shape others stayed in their wolf forms. As we walked by I noticed some staying where they were still locked together.

"Except for those left in the den to care for the young, everyone is here," Joel answered my thoughts while surveying the pack. "After the last two nights I'm sure there will be new pups in the den next year," he commented smiling and stroking my arm.

"Us?" I asked feeling a little surprised. I hadn't been thinking about that.

"Not yet, love, you need to be a wolf to have my pups," he said.

"Well, we can work on that now then," I said and he smiled broadly at me.

I walked with Joel trying not to limp, but the area between my legs was raw and sore. Despite the pride he took in his copious ejaculate it made me feel sticky and added to my uncomfortable gait.

Katrina bounced beside me, naked as the day she was born, smiling broadly.

"I know how you feel," she whispered in my ear, "I felt the same way, but you'll be as good as new when you wake up. You'll heal much faster now."

The walk to the den took longer than I ever remember it taking, but by the time the sun was up I was limping through the doors to the Alpha suite. Once we were inside Joel picked me up and carried me to the bathroom. A shower had never felt so good.

"You did well mate," he said into my hair as we snuggled on the bed. "I thought for sure you would run when you saw me in the circle. I was prepared to have to go find you in the forest."

"You could have told me what to expect," I said back to him, "I'm not that big of a wimp. I would have worked it out for myself."

"I couldn't risk it. You only agreed to let me change you because I was angry with you. If I wasn't angry I'm not sure what your incentive would be," he said.

I looked back into those beautiful blue grey eyes and I didn't see confidence shining back at me. Joel looked unsure, vulnerable. I didn't like the look at all.

"I changed because I love you. You have become my whole life. I'd do whatever I had to in order stay with you," I said as I shifted to face him.

He seemed to deliberate for a minute and then he sighed, "The next part of the changing can be difficult. You will have to learn to embrace the wolf and share with her. She will start to make herself known to you and you can't resist her. Odds are you will have a couple of days when the wolf rules you even before you change. That can make your behavior erratic. The female Betas, the ones you are friendly with, have all offered to help. If I'm not with you, they will be."

"Thank you," I said as I settled down for a well deserved rest.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago
To Anonymous

Ummm you need to seek help. This is fiction and if this is the type reaction you have over a story, I can only imagine how you are in real life.

TulipfuzzTulipfuzzover 2 years ago

Again, everyone wants to be a critic... And (only) show their ignorance. Well done Doc!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Elizabeth is a dumb bitch. I'm tired of reading about a doctor who is this ignorant. Joel is a massive dick, no matter how you cover it with he's just protective, or he's not human! Get fucked. It's retarded. To hell with Elizabeth the brazen whore.

JulielleJuliellealmost 5 years ago


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