Bound to My Mate Ch. 04


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I looked up into Joel's sleepy eyes as he took my wrist and examined the handcuff. He was shirtless and looked amazing. Somehow I had managed to wind myself around his entire side, even twining our legs together.

"I was tired," I yawned and stretched out against him. Stretching rubbed my core against his hip in the most pleasant way, so I did it again. I shyly hoped he hadn't realized what I was doing as I stretched. I was wrong.

I found myself on my back as Joel nuzzled my neck. He wound my fingers with his on either side of my head. I felt his thick cock rubbing tantalizingly against me.

"Is this what you were looking for?" he whispered in my ear rocking his hips so I felt the slide of him against my entrance. I flinched a little as he hit a sore spot.

"Yes, no...maybe," I stumbled on my words as he continued to slide sensuously against me. It felt good in a way, but I was still so tender. I couldn't bring myself to tell him that.

He released my hands and slipped his own boldly beneath my shirt. I realized what he was doing a moment too late. Wincing as his fingers traced the bite marks, I looked up into his eyes. They went from sultry to livid in an instant.

I felt the change in his attention as he removed my shirt and focused on my abused flesh. His eyes started to glow faintly and he slid off of me. This is what I had not wanted to show him.

"Take everything off," he commanded in a deep voice pushing me off the bed to my feet. There was finality to his tone and I didn't think resisting him would get me very far.

I stood at the edge of the bed and slid the pants off of my hips reluctantly and the underwear followed. Tears stung my eyes as he walked around me occasionally touching a mark here or there. He looked outraged.

'No man was ever going to want to touch something as gross as me,' I thought.

"Why did you lie when Nate asked you? I want to know who did this," commanded the voice from behind me. "Humans need medical care after this type of thing. You should know this, even I know this."

Strong arms wrapped around my shoulders and pulled me to his chest, my back to his front. I felt the angry pants of air he released as he held me. It took me a minute to realize what I would have lied to Nate about.

"I wasn't raped!" I cried to him. "They wanted to I think, but one of them said it would make the Kook angry and to stop. I know I'm gross, I'm so sorry. I was just too scared and embarrassed."

"You aren't gross, I still love you, and there is no reason to be sorry. Although I owe Lucas I debt I'll never be able to repay him totally," Joel whispered into my hair.

Turning in his arms I faced him and wrapped my arms around his waist and pressed my face into his chest. I wasn't sure I believed the part about not being grossed out. If this was the last time I got to touch the man I wanted to remember it. Then it dawned on me.

"What do you mean you still love me, how could you?" I said looking up at him.

He sat on the edge of the bed and pulled me onto his lap starting to talk. I was acutely aware of my nudity and squirmed a little listening to him.

"We aren't human, love. Many thing work differently here than you are used to. Our relationships are decided on in large part by our wolf. A wolf recognizes its mate almost immediately. The feelings are powerful and instantaneous. You remember the first night I saw you. It took everything I had not to throw you over my shoulder and take you home with me then."

As he talked Joel's hands roamed gently over my breasts and stomach, his other hand stroking my back from my neck to my buttocks. I shivered slightly and found myself pressed back into the mattress a second time.

"Right now my wolf wants to claim you, lay our scent all over your gorgeous body, and then find those thugs and rip their throats out," what started as a sexy speech quickly became a thick angry growl emanating from Joel's furry chest.

Backing off the bed and standing before me the man became the wolf man. Joel's black hair spread until it covered his body. His broad chest got broader and his long legs lengthened. A fierce muzzle grew where his face had been and wicked talons grew at the ends of his fingers. The blue boxers Joel had been wearing were ripped by the creature off its body. Slowly he came back on the bed crawling over me.

I stayed very still underneath him, barely breathing as his wet nose came down to sniff and lap at my throat. The abrasions I knew were there tingled under his tongue. His hands were rougher in texture now but he never touched me with his claws. By sheer force of will I kept my eyes open to watch this magnificent shiny black wolf man. His gold eyes matched my gaze.

He dipped his face over my breasts, laving each with his coarse tongue. The sensation was amazing and I felt tingling every where he licked. He slowly worked his way down my stomach stopping to lick at places I knew there were gouges and claw marks. Too soon I felt his hot breath over my pubic bone. He gently nudged my thighs apart crawling to lie between them.

I jumped a little when I felt his cold nose bump against my clit. Using his long tongue he licked my slit in its entirety stopping to flick my clit at the end. I moaned involuntarily and put my hands over my mouth. This had to be wrong, it shouldn't feel so good. The wolf man rose up over me to move my hands to beside my head then settled back down between my spread legs.

I was nervous to have the wolf man between my legs, much less a day after having been mercilessly clawed down there. That tongue worked miracles, though. I didn't feel any stinging after the first few licks, just intense pleasure.

Soon the rough pads of his thumbs opened my labia and his tongue snaked gently in and out of my tight passage. With his nose he continued to bump and grind on my sensitive clitoris. I could feel him licking and stimulating me from inside and out. It didn't hurt anymore and I was moaning in pleasure. I was nearly peaking when he drew back and started to lick at the inside of my thighs.

Without warning he moved away and flipped me over on the bed. Grabbing my waist he pulled me to my knees with my ass in the air. I tried to move or cover myself and was stopped by two large strong hands. Soon I felt the gentle scrape of his tongue gliding over my ass and the backs of my thighs. It wasn't disgusting or bothersome when his tongue ran over my tight little pucker. I blushed enjoying the naughty caress.

All too quickly his very human hands were pushing me back down on the bed and turning me to face him.

"I'm so sorry love," Joel sighed. "The sight of you bruised and abused brought my wolf to the surface. He just wanted to help. The wolf's saliva can have healing properties, if he wills it to do so. You will heal much faster and with less scarring now."

Looking down at my breasts I saw the bite marks were almost gone and the bruising was even better. My dusky nipples were puckered in excitement and I wanted him to touch me again.

"I didn't mind," I said, placing a kiss over his bottom lip. "Your wolf has a very talented tongue."

The scent of my sex was strong on his face and it aroused me intensely. I've never played a seductress, but Joel really made me want to try. I looked up at him with the steamiest gaze I could muster. It must have worked because I felt his hands pulling me closer and his mouth lowered to mine.

"I won't be able to stop once I start, my love," he whispered into my ear. "Are you ready for me?"

I nodded my head and trailed my fingers down his chest to slowly stroke his magnificent tool.

He groaned and rolled me onto my back. "There is so much I should tell you first," he said lowering his mouth to feast on my nipples. Rolling the opposite nipple in his fingers he nipped and sucked between the two. Soon both were almost too sensitive to touch and I was moaning as I stroked his hair.

"You shouldn't jump into this rashly, there is so much at stake," he continued as his fingers trailed lower to find me hot and wet. He groaned as he sank his fingers into my welcoming warmth.

I was barely listening to him as I memorized his muscular back with my fingers. Trailing a hand down his front I grasped his shaft in my hand and realized how thoroughly it filled my palm. The length of it was impressive as well. I cautiously estimated 9 inches in my head. I was suddenly nervous and looked up to find him staring down at me.

"Do you want to back out, do I frighten you, love?" he asked seriously.

"I don't think you'll fit," I said honestly.

"That wasn't really what I thought you should be afraid of," he whispered in my ear nipping at the outside. "Wolves mate for life, I can tell you are my true mate, it won't be just sex between us. I'll bite you and mark you as my own. You won't be able to leave me after that, your soul will bond with mine. At the next full moon I will change you, if you will let me, and then you'll be a werewolf like me."

I looked up into his eyes and felt fine with what he was saying. Ever since first meeting him I hadn't been able to get him off my mind. I couldn't imagine not being with him, it seemed impossible.

Reaching up I grasped his hair and pulled him down to my mouth. "Just don't hurt me," I whispered into his ear.

"Never, love, I'll never hurt you," he stated settling between my thighs.

I nearly took his head off at his next question, "Have you been with many men?"

"What kind of question is that?" I asked, trying to push him off of me. "Who in their right mind would say that now?"

I struggled futilely against his overwhelming strength and only managed to end up with my hands trapped over my head by one of his. I felt the head of his glorious tool pressing intimately up against my weeping slit. The more I struggled the more of him I felt pressing against me, sliding up and down stimulating me.

"You just seemed hesitant about my size, love. Are you a virgin? Do you think it will hurt you when I slide inside you? I think it will feel wonderful," he chuckled in my ear. "It doesn't matter to me how many men you've been with though, just so long as you know you'll only be with me after today."

"You are an arrogant ass Joel Latro, how would you feel if I started to quiz you on your past love ..." I stopped short and moaned as he stared down at me smiling. He had guided the tip of his swollen prick to enter me and it felt deliciously sinful. The sensation of fullness began to overwhelm me as inch after divine inch slid home.

He released my hands and situated himself more squarely over my body. I brought my knees up as he brought himself down over me. At long last I felt his pubic bone come to rest over mine. I was full to bursting with his cock. My internal muscles were gently tugging around him getting adjusted to this most welcome invader.

Fully sheathed he gazed down at me and smiled wickedly, "Now I'm curious though, how many men have sampled this wonderful body?"

The fury returned with a vengeance. "Now you decide you want to know?! Will it make it better for you if I was a who-," I couldn't get the word out as he slid out of me then back in with contained vengeance.

"You don't feel like a woman who's known many men, certainly not a whore," he teased gently palming a breast and fondling the hard nipple.

"How long do you intend to keep up the questions?" I panted adjusting to his girth a second time. My hands were wrapped around his waist trying to hold him still.

"Only until I get my answer, love," he said staring right into my eyes as he withdrew almost his entire length.

I moaned as he started to slide back and then he stopped and withdrew again. When he was almost out he repeated the question. "How many men have known this body?"

"None," I groaned as he sank back into me and lowered his mouth to taste my nipples.

Sweat was forming on his brow as he brought his face to mine, "How many men will know this body after today?" he asked as he pulled back.

"Only you, Joel, I promise," I hissed as he sank deeper pulling my legs up.

Having his answer seemed to satiate him and he started to rock his hips into me slowly and deeply. With each thrust home he ground his pelvis into mine stimulating me unbearably. I rocked up to meet each thrust and felt like I was being split in two with some of his harder drives. The pain was exquisite and only added to the sexual frenzy.

Suddenly, he pulled out and flipped me onto my stomach, dragging my hips up to meet his. His entrance from this position was brutal. I spread my thighs and tried to relax as he pounded his entire length home with each plunge. I felt his hand come around my front to fondle my nipples then shifted lower to pluck relentlessly at my clit.

The stimulation was too much and soon I was spasming over his length and crying out his name. I felt sensitive and full to bursting and I tried to shift my body away from his, but was firmly grasped and pulled back.

"Mine," he growled in my ear. The fierce possessiveness of the word amped my desire for him to an entirely new level. I wanted more of him, much more.

The sensation of fullness got more intense as his thrusts got shorter. I cried his name and begged for release. He leaned over my body growling low in his chest. Shockingly I felt fur at my back. The terror I thought I should feel didn't come and I reached back to stroke the furry hip of my lover. The short coarse fur tickled my back and bottom and I moaned as I rubbed against him.

I felt him swell inside of me as he ground the coarse pads of his claws over my already hypersensitive clit. Hit long tongue had started to bathe the left side of my neck and my shoulder.

I felt myself tightening around him again as razor sharp teeth drove mercilessly into the place where my neck and shoulder joined. As I cried his name a second time bright red blood rolled off my shoulder and dripped onto the bed below. A second later a howl ripped through the room and his cock spasmed inside of me.

We fell to the bed still joined and panting. The fur at my back was slowly turning back to skin. Joel's human hand came up to stroke my arm gently as we rested. His heavy breathing filled my ears and I luxuriated in the post orgasmic bliss.

A slight noise toward the door caught my attention and Nate appeared at the door way raising his nose and scenting the air. I shrieked and tried to cover up but Joel just laughed.

"Pardon the interruption my Alpha. I heard the howl and figured it was a good thing. Can't be too careful anymore, though," Nate said.

Joel reached around me and pulled me close kissing my head. "Very good thing, old friend, we're going to need a key for these cuffs, though."

"Right boss, be back in a minute," said Nate closing the door and walking out.

"I have to get dressed," I said as I tried to pull away and found I couldn't.

"We'll be tied like this for about an hour, love, nobody's leaving until then. As far as your modesty, I'll try to respect your human up bringing, but things are different here. Sex is often public and there is nothing wrong in the showing of affection between adults. It is encouraged and often ceremonial."

"Tied, what's tied?" I asked trying to catch all he was saying. I moved my hand to feel our joined bodies. Joel's cock was thick and buried deeply, thicker than I had felt before.

"It's called a knot; it holds my semen in place to help ensure when you are ovulating you will get pregnant," said Joel matter of factly.

"I'm going to get pregnant?" I shouted.

I preach safe sex all day long and I forgot to use protection. My hands were shaking I was so scared.

"Do you have HIV?" I asked looking over my shoulder. "Can werewolves get sexually transmitted diseases? Are there werewolf diseases I can get?" I felt like crying.

"You aren't ovulating now, I can smell that much, so no you won't get pregnant. No, I don't have any sexually transmitted diseases and to my knowledge the werewolf immune system can fight off the human diseases quite effectively," soothed Joel.

Nate reappeared in the doorway knocking softly as he entered. He sniffed deeply and smiled knowingly at us. My cheeks were burning as he approached the bed bowing low. "My Alpha, congratulations on taking your mate, may the moon bless you with many pups."

I looked around as he spoke looking for a blanket to pull over myself. Joel chuckled and laid one across us.

"Hiding really doesn't change anything love," Joel informed me.

"I understand your discomfort with this, Madam. Modesty is not a custom here. Others that haven't been around humans much may find your reactions odd," Nate said as he handed a small silver key over to Joel

I tried to relax as Joel deftly worked the locks on my wrists. The metal bracelets dropped to the bed and I felt like cheering I was so glad to be rid of them. Joel gestured to my feet and Nate took the small key and removed the cuffs.

I was blushing crimson and wished he would just leave. Nate continued to stand watching us respectfully once he was done. I wondered angrily why he wasn't leaving.

"Because it would be rude to leave without being asked to do so," Joel answered my unspoken question first and then said to Nate, "Have them here in about two hours, I'll let you know if we need more time. You are excused."

"How did you know what I was thinking just then? Are you psychic?" I asked turning to look at Joel quizzically.

"Mates can sense things from one another, usually it's like having a conversation and you have to want to tell me something to communicate it. It works a little different for us, because you're human. I've read a little on the subject, I'll probably catch bits from you, more so if you are concentrating or upset. Being fully human you may not begin to sense me until I change you."

"Change me how?" I asked suspiciously.

"I want to make you like me, a werewolf," said Joel looking over my shoulder and directly into my eyes.

"Could I think about it?" I asked hesitantly. Outside the lust filled haze that idea seemed scary.

"Of course, love, no rush, just rest now," he answered snuggling into my back.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

I’ll comment on the actual writing since it would be utterly infuriating arguing with the troll that chocolate is over what are the proper steps to take after being raped. Your writing is solid, author. You have a good base (plot) to work with. Although it doesn’t feel like we know much about the characters yet. Like we don’t have a clear view of their backgrounds or their quirks. Maybe this is purposeful as you want to show huge character development by the end of the book. Also since Elizabeth is a doctor, make her act like a doctor. Show her questioning her surroundings more or trying to analyze the behavior of the werewolves, something that shows she’s an intellect or at least thoughtful and observant like most doctors are. As I said before, your plot is good so far. Some people might hate on it because it’s cliche but come on cliches are popular for a reason.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

It's killing me wondering why the hell she hasn't been making a point of telling him that some chick told those rogue wolves to kill her!! How could you forget or overlook THAT!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

ten years later, this story is still great!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
The comments are as significant as the story at this point.

To Chocolate and other like minded commentators,

Intelligence and common sense do not always go hand in hand. There are plenty of highly educated individuals who are pretty naive or immature socially. You're not entirely wrong about the cliches or that there are some gaps.

Criticism is not a bad thing. DW can and will grow from it. The story will benefit from it. But brow beating the author and being rude is pretty ridiculous.

Also, not everyone shares the same parameters for rape. Reactions are varied regardless of education and personality. There was discomfort and adjusting described when they finally had sex. FYI not all virgins have a hymen. Not all virgins have a significant uncomfortable reaction to penetration, there are different definitions of virginity for people as well. She said she hadn't been with a man. There was no mention that she didn't take matters into her own hands or utilize toys. Being an avid reader, should provide you with a little more range and patience.

Feedback is important. But suggestions can be made without totally pissing on someone's effort.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Maybe its just me but...

Do you think an Alpha werewolf who has lived for over a hundred years as leader of his pack, with no one equal to him would be an arrogant arse who did exactly what he wanted until he finds the other half of his soul? Or would he be a namby pamby pussy cat who showed his inner feelings immediatly, ffs people get grip. Alpha males are often this way until they are balanced by their mate and maybe if you read the story to the end then see the story development you might discover the depth you sadly lack.

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