Blue Hair Pt. 02


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"Yes, sir," she said and turned toward the counter.

Annie leaned my way and whispered, "You are so bad, Daddy."

I chuckled and replied, "You started it, daughter dear."

"Do you think she is a lesbian?" Annie asked as her eyes went to search for the waitress.

"Possibly," I replied. "But I'd have to say bi if I had to take a guess."

Looking at me, Annie asked, "What do you say that?"

"Mentioning sausages to lesbians usually gets you a frown," I replied.

"Interesting. I hadn't thought of it that way."

"Being observant is my job, remember."

"And you are good at it," Annie whispered as she went back to watching the waitress.

"I'll bet, you looking at her like you are is having the same effect as her looking at you here at the table."

Annie looked at me. "It will make her think I'm interested in her," she ventured.

"Possibly or maybe she is into showing off also," I replied.

"It would be hard to show off in that waitress outfit."

I shrugged. "How would you feel wearing that outfit among all the people who come through here without a bra or panties and your butt plug in?"

Annie made a soft whimpering sound. "I see your point."

"You see my point from your point of view but what is hers?"

Annie grinned and shrugged. "I have no way of knowing."

With a chuckle, I said, "Ask her if she's ever worn a butt plug?"

Annie's eyes grew wide. "I, uh, I can't, uh, do that."

"Why not?" I asked to egg her on.

"Well, you're here at the table for one and I'd die if someone ever asked me that question."

"Are you wearing or have you ever worn a butt plug?" I asked in my best lawyer's voice and then gave her a big smile.

Annie groaned deeply and shivered. "Okay, you got me on that one."

"Cross examination can be so much fun," I said with a grin.

"I've never been with another woman," Annie whispered as her eyes went back to the tall blonde waitress.

"I had already figured that out," I told her.

She looked at me and sighed. "I've thought about it. First year, I was in the dorm and had this roommate that was absolutely gorgeous. She was so outgoing and not afraid to be naked with me around."

"How afraid were you to be naked around her?" I asked.

She shivered and sighed. "Very to start with but I slowly loosened up."

I chuckled. "So she is who you first started flashing."

Annie looked thoughtful for a second and then nodded. "Now that you mention it, she was."

"So how did you get into writing porn?"

She giggled. "I ran across a site called Literotica and found stories I liked to read. Masturbation material mostly. At one point the pickings for good stories got small so I decided to write one of my own. The rest is history."

I noted the waitress was on her way with our food. I grinned at Annie and whispered, "I think I know what you could have for dessert with no problem."

Annie's eyes followed mine and she groaned long and loud. "How could you know that?" she asked quickly.

"Because her eyes have been on you and you alone since she turned this way," I replied.

Annie groaned again but this time she squirmed in her chair. "I, I, I," she stammered and then made eye contact with the waitress. When she smiled broadly, Annie moaned softly and squirmed again.

Again, the waitress was closer to Annie as she sat her tray down and bent forward to serve the food to her. I watched as her eyes dropped to Annie's lap several times and she licked her lips slowly. "That looks so good, doesn't it?" I asked looking directly at the waitress.

The waitress looked at me. I licked my lips and she made a soft whimpering sound. "I'm, uh, not too fond of tomatoes," she said as she placed my plate in front of me.

"The sandwich wasn't what you were looking at," I said with a grin.

The waitress blushed as she sat my toast next to my main plate. "I, uh, I," she stammered as she sat a small bowl of butter next to the toast.

Annie giggled. "I liked your looking but daddy is big on teasing people in their heads."

"Inside my head is a scary place," the waitress whispered.

"Scary or shy and kinky?" I asked.

Her eyes jumped from Annie's face to mine and back. "He's, uh, insightful also," she whispered to Annie.

"Have you ever worn a butt plug?" Annie asked softly.

The waitress's eye went wide and she stammered, "I, uh, I, uh."

"Is that a yes or a no?" I asked in the same type soft voice Annie had used.

The waitress's eyes jumped to Annie's lap and she groaned loudly. I leaned sideways and looked at Annie's lap. The squirming in her chair had moved her butt closer to the front edge of the chair. Now her knees were wide open. The red of the crotchless panties showed as well as her open and very wet looking slit.

"I have one in at this moment," Annie whispered.

The blond young woman groaned and nodded her head slightly. "So, so do I."

"Are you a lesbian?" Annie asked softly.

The waitress shook her head and whispered, "No but...."

"You've been with another woman?" I asked softly.

"A long time ago with my best friend," the waitress replied. Her eyes had never left Annie's sex.

"My kinky daughter hasn't but," I said and left the sentence hanging.

When they both groaned softly, the waitress straightened up and looked around. "I, I have to get back to work."

"What time do you get off work?" I asked and then added, "Maybe we can come back for coffee or something."

"Not, not until four," the waitress replied before she turned and hurried off.

Annie watched her hurry away and then turned to look at me. "Daddy, what have you done?"

I smiled as I picked up my fork and said, "I think I may have made you a date at the very least."

Annie groaned as she picked up half of her sandwich.


We ate in silence until the waitress showed up to refill my coffee and Annie's tea. As she did, her eyes were back on Annie's lap. Suddenly, she glanced at me and looked back at Annie. "Is he really your father?"

Annie giggled and whispered, "No, he is not but he is a great teacher and lover."

"Uh, what does he teach?" She asked as she sat the pitcher down on the table.

"It's not so much what he teaches, as what I learn about myself," Annie replied. "I only thought I knew myself before I met him. Now, I know me a whole lot better."

The waitress groaned softly. "I don't really know anything about myself other than I have a head full of fantasies that I'm afraid to pursue."

Annie smiled and nodded. "Been there but at least I was trying to spread my wings when I met him. You're the second person I've displayed my sex too on purpose."

The waitress shivered. "What is keeping you from coming your brains out?"

With a laugh, Annie whispered, "I haven't came my brains out yet but I've had a dozen small orgasms since we sat down at this table."

The waitress groaned softly and shifted her weight from one foot to the other. "Is your butt plug metal or something else?" I asked.

Her eyes darted to me as she replied in a low voice, "Glass with double balls."

"Double balls?" Annie asked.

The waitress blushed. "It has a ball at the base to hold it in place and another ball the same size about four inches deeper."

"So it rocks more when you move," Annie said and then whimpered as she thought about how that would feel.

"You're not the only one who has dozens of small orgasms," she whispered as she picked up the pitcher. She looked around quickly. The place was starting to fill up. "I need to get back at it," she added and then grinned broadly as she turned to walk away.

Annie's eyes were on the young woman's ass as she walked away. "So many possibilities," she whispered a moment later.

I chuckled and said, "So many different toys to play with."

About then a couple came to the back where we were and sat down at the far corner table. Annie groaned deeply. I leaned over so I could watch her slowly close her knees and pull her skirt down. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I think the woman saw me."

I looked toward the couple. The woman was smiling broadly at Annie. The woman had on a long skirt. Looking back at Annie I said, "If she had on a short skirt, I have an idea she would have flashed you back."

"Why do you say that?" Annie asked.

"That is an easy one. She is looking directly at you with a smile and she hasn't said anything to the man with her."

"I, uh, haven't been flashed since my roommate that first year in college," she whispered.

"Would you flash her back if she flashed you?" I asked fishing for information.

"Maybe," Annie replied and then nodded her head quickly. "Probably."

"With a little luck, we might get the waitress to flash you."

Annie groaned. "What if she flashes both of us?"

"Then we both get to enjoy the show," I replied with a wink.

Annie giggled. "I'd love to get her in the park where we were that first day. Us on one bench and her on the other."

"You showing her your pussy as she's shows you hers," I said to push a few buttons.

She looked at me hard and shivered. "Be careful pushing those buttons. I'm close to going up in flames as it is."

I nodded. "Then I guess it is time to bail ourselves out of here and head for the park."

Annie groaned as she looked around for the waitress. When she found her taking an order, Annie whispered, "Five hours is enough time for us to go back to my place."

With a chuckle, I replied, "Right now, I don't think you could walk to the front door of this place without coming big time."

Annie shivered hard and squirmed in her chair as she picked up her tea glass and drained about half of it. "You know me so well," she whispered a moment later.


We finished our drinks and had another round but they were served by a different waitress, an older woman. We finished those and Annie headed for the ladies room. When she returned, I asked, "Did you get yourself off or just pee?"

Annie blushed and whispered, "I just peed but patting myself dry nearly caused an accident."

"Like that first time I watched you pee at your apartment?"

With a groan, she whispered, "Yes, and now it is time to go before I get to thinking about that too much."

I picked up our bill and stood up. Annie's eyes were searching for the young waitress as we walked to the front counter. She was taking the order of the couple in the back corner. I was paying the check when the waitress turned around to walk toward the counter.

Annie was smiling in her direction and the waitress was smiling back. I chuckled and took Annie's arm. "Wave goodbye," I said with a grin.

She gave the waitress a finger wave and then turned to walk with me toward the front door. As we went outside I said, "So many fantasies playing tag in your head."

"If you only knew," she whispered and then giggled. "You probably know more about my fantasies than I do."

We headed back the way we had came from earlier. "I have my ideas but you have the details," I replied.

Walking side by side in silence, Annie took my hand and sighed. "Let's go back to the apartment. I want to save the park for later."

As we stopped at the corner, I said, "That will also give you the chance to change into the outfit you wore that first time we met."

Annie groaned softly and whispered, "What a great idea."


"Climbing the stairs is totally different from going down them," Annie whispered as we reached the second landing. "More bounce going down and more rock coming up."

"Let's add fuel to the fire," I said as I stepped behind her. I worked the tight shirt out of her skirt and moved the hem up until it was just under her breasts. Her lower rib cage was bare as well as her belly. She groaned and rocked her hips from side to side.

When I moved the waistband on her skirt lower, she moaned softly. I stop with the top of her mound showing in the front and the very top of her ass crack showing in the back. When I stepped back, her hands jumped to the waistband and traced the edge of it from the front to the back.

"I, I, I," she stammered and then groaned as she started up the stairs again.

When she reached the next landing, I reached out, pulled the hem of her skirt up, and tucked it into the waistband. Her hands jumped to her ass to explore what was exposed. Her hips were flexing back and forth slowly as she realized her whole ass was showing.

I slapped her on one ass cheek and then the other. "At the next landing do the same thing with the front of the skirt."

"I, I, I," she stammered. When she didn't move, I slapped her ass on both cheeks again.

With a moan, she started up the stairs. I let her make a half dozen steps before I started to follow. Her ass was at my eye level. The crystal head of the butt plug would show at each step she made. "Beautiful, just beautiful," I said when we were halfway up the flight.

I pulled my phone out of my coat pocket and videoed her ass for the rest of the steps. When she stopped at the landing, she turned and saw my phone. Her eyes went wide as she said, "You didn't!"

With a chuckle, I nodded. "And I'm going to video you while you fix the front of that skirt."

She groaned and then swallowed hard as her hands went to the hem of the skirt in the front. "I'll be mostly naked," she protested as she raised the hem.

"Yes you will," I replied.

She shivered hard as she tucked the hem in the top of the waistband. The bottom of the red lace crotchless panties was bright against the white skin around it and then there were the pinks of her slit. "Awesome," I said as I stepped behind her.

Annie gasped loudly as I pulled the bottom of the shirt up until her breasts fell out of the cloth and bounced several times. "Now you are completely exposed to any eyes that happen to come down the stairs."

That was all it took to set her off. Her hips were jerking and twitching as she came and came hard. She grabbed a handrail to hold herself up as her legs went wobbly. With a grin, I videoed the whole thing.


Annie was sitting on the stairs with her knees raised and her arms folded on top of them, her forehead was on top of her arms. I hadn't helped her sit down. I had continued to video her. She had moaned deeply as she saw my phone as she sat down.

Her breathing was back to normal by the time she raised her head and looked at me. "That was fun," she whispered.

"I think you will like the replay very much," I replied with a wink.

"Can I take a nap now?" She asked with a crooked smile.

"You have another flight of stairs to climb and then there is the walk to your front door. Not to mention the wait while I get the key out and open the door," I said and then grinned.

Her eyes went wide. "I can't be naked in the hall," she protested. "I have to live here."

I shrugged. "My place is a lot bigger than yours and closer to the college."

She groaned and used the handrail to stand up. She took a deep breath and started up the stairs. "You're paying for my move if I get caught."

I chuckled as I followed her up the steps, my phone aimed at her beautiful exposed ass. "Not a problem," I replied. "My pleasure even."

"Your pleasure, my ass," she whispered as she reached the top of the stairs and looked at the door leading to the hall on her floor.

"My dick replacing that butt plug would be both our pleasures," I said as I step to the door and opened it.

Annie moaned long and loud as I leaned out and looked both ways. "Clear for now," I told her as I opened the door wide."

She didn't move toward the door, so I said, "ladies first."

Her hips gave a jerk as she started to take a step. I caught her elbow to steady her as she took a second step. Another step and she was out in the open hallway. She turned left and walked toward her door with her head held high and placing one foot in front of the other.

I had the video working with one hand as I followed her. The other hand was in my pocket getting my keys out. She stood up very straight and looked at the door as I unlocked and opened it. When the door opened, she calmly walked inside and turned around.

The video was still running as I went inside and shut the door. The next thing I knew, Annie was on her knees frantically working at my zipper. When she had it open, she reached inside my fly and jerked my hard dick out. A few seconds later, she was trying to swallow me whole while moaning and groaning deeply.

She was coming long and hard as she attacked my dick. I groaned as I fumbled with my belt one handed. My other hand had the phone pointed at her face. I got the belt undone and worked at the button under it. Not that it really mattered, I was coming in her mouth before my slacks hit the floor.

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roveroneroveroneabout 1 month ago

Gawd...another 5 and fave

SUPERB series...really surprised so few comments and that last was 2 yrs ago.

Curious when these were written, how much time between them, if you're still writing, and if that waitress came to play with them...also LOVED she had a butt plug in too, and had been cumming while she was working...!

I dated a woman that had just graduated from law school when I was in college-the only reason she went was because her dad REALLY wanted her to...reasonable to assume he was a very successful lawyer and could afford her tuition...sadly we weren't together long enough for me to find out how really kinky she was

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

That was fun! However, it showed me how vanilla my fantasies are in comparison.

You have a gift with words and kink. Write on, TXRad!

oldsage_1oldsage_1about 2 years ago

Now that was hot! And Lexx is right more please!



LexxRuthlessLexxRuthlessabout 2 years ago

Mmm. Yessir! That was a really nice extension of the original story. I take it from the way you left off that there will be more of this delicious relationship to cum?

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