Blackmail with Consequences

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What happened when Bob found out.
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I apologize for wasting your time if you have already read this story. I found it on the hard drive and it didn't have a title attached to it. According to the date it is something I did recently, but I can't remember if I posted it or not. Many of my readers have indicated that they don't think I know what I'm doing. I guess this proves they might be onto something.


With my eye on the computer monitor and my hands caressing the 9mm Beretta 92F I was making plans. Plans to make two people disappear. The two people? My wife and my boss and with any luck I would get his job when he was gone. On the screen my wife was on her back on his desk, legs spread wide to accommodate Byron Gilman.

Tanya and I had been married almost ten years and I'd thought they were damned good years. I guess Tanya didn't feel the same. I found out what she had been doing when someone left a note under my windshield wipers that said:

"Do you know what your wife and your boss are up to?"

Actually I knew who it was that placed the note. She either forgot or didn't know that the parking lot was covered by closed circuit cameras. The morning after I got the note when I got to work I checked the feed from the previous day and saw it was the boss's wife who had left the note. Obviously she knew something so the next morning I called into work and told them I'd be an hour or so late.

At six forty-five I was parked down the street from the boss's house. At seven-fifteen he left the house for work. I gave it ten minutes in case he had to return for something and then I went up on the front porch and rang the bell. The ring was answered by Carol Gilman. We knew each other from several company Christmas parties, company picnics and cocktail parties. Needless to say she was surprised to see me at her door at seven-thirty in the morning.

"Bob? What are you doing here? Brad has already left for work."

"I'm not here to see Brad; I'm here to see you."

"Me? Whatever for?"

"To ask you about the note you left under my wipers the other day."

I could see she was getting ready to deny it so I said "Didn't you know the parking lot was covered by cameras?"

I could see a change come over her and she said "You might as well come in." She stepped aside and I went into the house. She led me into the kitchen, told me to have a seat at the table and then offered me a cup of coffee which I accepted. She poured me a cup and set it down in front of me, put some cream and sugar on the table and as I fixed my coffee the way I liked it she sat down opposite me. I took a sip and then asked:

"So what's the story?"

"Several things added together made me believe Brad was being unfaithful to me so I put a private investigator on him to find out for sure. What he found out is that Brad and your wife are having an affair. Best the investigator could determine it has been going on for about two months now."

"When and how? I can account for all of her time."

"Long lunches spent at the Days Inn and in his office at work."

"What kind of prof do you have?"

"Video of him doing her on his desk. Pictures of them going into motel rooms."

"Why the note under my wipers? All you had to do was go for a divorce and her name would have come out."

She looked at me silently for before saying "You have a reputation as a hot head. I hoped you would go after him; maybe even kill the bastard."

"You didn't care if I might end up in prison?"

"To be honest I never even thought about that. I was so enraged at finding out what he was doing that all I could think about was hurting him as much as possible. I just couldn't believe he could do that to me after all I've done for him."

"Well I'm sorry, but my hot head days are behind me. I spent months in anger management classes after my last incident. May I have copies of what you have?"

There were several seconds of silence and then she said "What if I were to give you a hundred thousand to kill him?"

"You're kidding right?"

"Fifty up front and fifty when the deed is done."


"Serious as death."

"I'll admit it is a tempting offer, but I'm not sure I could actually do something like that."

"A hundred thousand and Brad's job when he is gone."

"Brad's job? How can you offer me that?"

"That's one of the things I did for Brad. My family trust owns the business, but Brad wanted it kept secret. He didn't want people to get the idea he only got the job because my family owned the place."

"Would it be true?"

"Of course it was. He was able to do the job; he just got to it a lot sooner than someone else would have been able to. How about it? Want the money and the job?"

"As I said, it is very tempting, but I don't know that I could do something like that."

"How about the job, the money and me?"

"I beg your pardon?"

"You heard me right."

Talk about incentive. Carol was the hottest looking woman I'd ever seen. While my wife was a ten on the ten scale Carol was a solid fourteen. But, and there is always a but, right? I couldn't take her up on her offer.

"That is a great offer Carol, but I'm afraid I can't take you up on it. If I were to do that it would make me no better than Tanya."

"Not before Bob. After."


"After you get rid of Brad and divorce Tanya."

I told her I would think on her offer and get back to her. Of course I'd already decided not to do it, but I wanted to stay on her good side until she gave me what her PI had gotten for her. With the information in hand I told her I would be in touch and I headed into work.

I didn't get much done at work. My thoughts were on the information sitting on the front seat of my truck. I saw Brad twice during the day, but only in passing. I wasn't sure of what might have happened if he had wanted to talk to me about something.

I suppose I should give a little background here. My name is Robert Davenport. Known to my friends as Bob and to my wife Tanya as Bobby. I'm just an average guy in most respects. I'm five foot eleven and one hundred and eighty pounds. It is mostly muscle from years of working construction and working out at the gym. If there is anything about me that is not average it is my temper.

As Carol mentioned I was a bit of a hot head. I came about it honestly. As a kid I was smaller than most and as a result I got picked on a lot by bullies. Then one summer I went through a growth spurt and I made myself a promise I wasn't going to allow myself to be pushed around anymore.

My first day back in school following summer vacation one of my tormentors decided to pick up where he left off when school ended for the summer vacation. He was surprised when I tore into him. Typical teenaged fight. We both had bloody noses when we were pulled apart, but from that day forward I didn't take shit from anybody. You got in my face and I was on you like white on rice. I had my ass handed to me more than once, but it didn't slow me down. Messing with me meant combat and the word went out that I had a hair trigger so watch out.

It stayed with me all the way through high school and college and it wasn't until I went to work at the Mega Corporation that someone had a talk with me about it. Ironically it was Carol's husband who talked me into taking anger management classes.

What brought it on was what happened at a company Christmas party. One of the guys in Shipping and Receiving got a snoot full and started bothering my wife. I finally got tired of it and grabbed his shirt and slammed him into the wall. Brad and my supervisor pulled me off the guy and suggested that it would be best if I left.

On the way home I got a ration of shit from my Tanya for creating a scene and embarrassing her in front of her coworkers. Anyway, I shut her up by saying:

"You sound like you wanted the attentions of that jerk. Maybe even wanted to leave the party with him."

Of course what that got me was an ice cold house for the next week or so.

It wasn't the first time I'd gone after one of her coworkers for hitting on Tanya, I guess it was just one time too many. The next work day Brad called me into his office and had a long talk the outcome being I stared attending anger management classes.

I met Tanya when I started working at Mega Corporation. It might not have been love at first sight, but it sure as hell was lust at first sight. The woman was a walking wet dream. Why she took up with me I've never understood. A woman like her should have been on the arm of someone rich or famous and not with an average guy like me. It was definitely a whirlwind romance and we were married three months after our first meeting.

When we met we were both working in the same section, but once we were married the powers that be decided it wouldn't do for us to be together at work and she was transferred to another section.


My stance of not doing what Carol wanted slowly changed as I watched the videos that Carol had given me. One of the thoughts I had that day was that Brad and Tanya both knew how I got when another guy messed with her and neither one seemed to care about what might happen if I caught on to what they were doing.

The videos were just so much bad porn except for the fact that Tanya did something for him that she never did for me. She let Brad cum in her mouth and she swallowed! She never ever allowed me to cum in her mouth. She did refuse him when he wanted her back door so at least that was one thing he didn't get that I didn't get either.

No, the visual alone wouldn't have made me alter my stance on buying into what Carol wanted, but the video came with audio and hearing Brad and Tanya talk during their fuck sessions is what had me caressing the 92F. I listened as Tanya said I was worthless in bed. I listened as she said I'd never given her an orgasm and she'd had to fake them. I listened as she said she'd never knew what an orgasm was like until she had been with him.

I listened as she constantly put me down and praised Brad. I listened to him disparaged the way I did my job and said the only reason he hadn't fired me was as a favor to her. I listened as she said the only reason she hadn't left me was that I brought home a decent sized paycheck. I listened as she told him that if he would dump his wife she would dump me and they could be together full time.

By the time I'd watched and listened to the third video I was plotting how to make what Carol wanted happen. He problem was that every plan I came up with had a better than average chance of putting me in prison and on death row. Plan after plan had holes in them. I finally decided to just go ahead and disappear the both of them. With both of them gone at the same time it would look as if they ran away together. It would work as long as I could make sure the bodies were never found and I knew just how to do that. No bodies and neither Carol nor I pushing the authorities to find something and things should die down and it would turn into a cold case.

I was putting the finishing touches to my plan when everything suddenly changed. It was a Saturday night and Tanya and I had just finished eating dinner when she asked:

"Do you still have your concealed carry permit?"

"I do. What brings that up?"

She looked down at the table, seemed to gather herself together and then said "You are going to hate me and I guess you will divorce me, but Brad Gilman is making plans to get rid of you."

"To get rid of me? And you know this how?"

Then she told me the story.

She had been outside Brad's office going over some paperwork with Brad's secretary and she overheard Brad talking to Pete Marks and they were discussing Jake Parker's retirement.

"I heard Brad say he was going to promote John Balsam into Jake's position. Hearing that upset me because I knew you were supposed to get the promotion and that Jake was already working with you to make the transition move smooth. I cornered Brad in his office later that day and gave him a ration of shit on promoting an ass kisser like Balsam over you. I told him Balsam couldn't do the job and that all he would do was take credit for what others did. I was pissed and I let it all hang out and then I left his office.

"The next day he came up to me and asked me to have lunch with him. I was surprised because I thought I was going to get fired over my tirade in his office. He said he needed to talk to me and curiosity had me say yes. Over lunch he started out with some bullshit about how he liked how I was so passionate when it came to my sticking up for you and that his wife would have never done it for him.

"To make the story short after a half dozen lunches he made me an offer. If I would have sex with him a couple of times a week until Jake retired he would give you the promotion. I thought about it for about a week, decided that you would never know and it would guarantee you would get the promotion. So for almost a month now I've been screwing Brad.

"All I was doing was making sure that you got the promotion, but Brad has been reading more into it. Lately he has been talking about setting me up in an apartment as his full time mistress. At first I thought he was joking and I laughed it off. I told him I had a husband that I cared enough for that I was screwing Brad to make sure my husband didn't get shit on come promotion time so why would I want to become his full time mistress?

"He didn't pay any attention to what I said. He has it in his mind that we have some hot love affair going. Yesterday he said that divorces take too long so he has to find some way to get rid of you. When I asked what he meant by that he said he'd have to find some way to arrange for you to have a fatal accident. When he said that I knew I had to out myself to you and let you know what Brad is thinking. I thought it might be a good idea if you started carrying your gun."

She hesitated and then said "You are scaring me Bob. You are taking this way too calmly."

"That�s because I know all about you and Brad. I've known for a week now."

"How? I was so careful not to do anything that would let you find out."

"You might have been careful, but I guess Brad wasn't. He did something that made his wife suspicious and she put a private detective on him. She shared her information with me. I have audio and video of several of your sessions with Brad."

Her face paled at that and she said "Surely you don't believe that I meant any of that stuff you heard. I love you Bobby and I hope to hell that you know I do. All I was doing was feeding Brad's ego. You have to know I don't believe any of that about you. You have to baby; you just have to."

Just then my cell rang and I looked at the screen and saw it was Carol. "I have to take this" I said and took the call.

"What's up lady?"

"I just got the latest from my PI. Looks like my hubby and your wife are going to get rid of you. Rather violently it would seem."

"I know all about it. Tanya just clued me in. Hang on; I'm going to put the phone on speaker."

I pushed the necessary buttons and then said Tanya and I are on this end. She has a tale to tell. Go ahead and tell Carol what you just told me."

Tanya repeated to Carol what she'd told me and then Carol asked "What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to take you up on your offer. Parts of it anyway. I'll get with you later on it. How about Monday after work?"

"How about tomorrow? I think, given the circumstances, we need to get on it ASAP. Village Inn on Wolfenbarger at nine work for you?"

"I'll be there."

"See you then" and she disconnected.

As soon as the call ended Tanya asked "What kind of offer did she make you?"

"You don't need to know that."

"Bullshit Bobby. Until you get rid of me we are in this together."

"Until I get rid of you?"

"I expect you are going to divorce me now you know what I've done."

"Maybe, maybe not. Depends."

"Depends on what?"

"What happens next."


He came in the front door and I came up behind him and put him in a choke hold. He struggled, but I was too strong for it to do him any good. Lack of air caused him to pass out and once he was out I dropped him on the floor. I zip tied his wrists and ankles and put a gag in his mouth. I dragged him out into the garage and put him in the trunk of Tanya's car and put two fifty pound bags of playground sand on top of him.

Two hours later I was home and pounding Tanya's pussy. Pounding Tanya's pussy? I wasn't going to divorce her? Nope. Cheaper to keep her and as a coconspirator it was better to keep her close.

I told Tanya about the offer Carol had made me and how at first I'd decided not to do it. Then I told her how my mind had changed after viewing the videos Carol gave me (omitting that Tanya was to disappear with Brad) and then (lying again) telling her how I'd talked myself out of doing it again. Then once she'd come to me with her story I decided that Brad had to go before he could move on me.

Tanya went with me to see Carol on Sunday morning. It surprised the hell out of Carol to see I brought Tanya with me. I brought Carol up to date and then the breakfast meeting became a planning session. It took two weeks to set it up and get all the pieces in place.

Monday Tanya went into work and asked Brad why he wanted to get rid of me. She asked why the two of them didn't just divorce their partners and then get married instead of his getting rid of me and setting her up as his mistress. Brad explained that he couldn't divorce Carol because of a prenuptial agreement that would leave him with nothing and might even cost him his job.

Then she asked him how he was going to get rid of me and he told her how he wanted to do it and told her he would need her help to make it happen. She asked him what she had to do and he told her. It was a simple plan. He would give her a drug to put in my dinner and when I passed out she would call him and he would come and get me. She asked him "What then" and he told her she was better off not knowing. Then they would wait a couple of months and he would set her up as his mistress. They decided to do it on Wednesday evening.

Wednesday evening Tanya called him and I was waiting.


Of course his disappearance would not go unnoticed and Carol covered that part of the plan. She was outside the building when Brad left that night and she went inside and up to his office and since she knew all of his business passwords and protocols she moved $!25,000.00 from a company account into an offshore bank account that she'd set up some time ago.

The story would be that Carol had caught him cheating (not with Tanya of course) and was going to call the police and accuse him of theft since he used company credit cards to pay for his motel and hotel bills when he was with his slut. He panicked, stole the n money and ran. The missing money triggered an audit and it was found that Brad had been siphoning of small amounts of money for years. That added addition credence to the embezzlement and running story.

I was promoted into Jake's job and a year later I was moved into Brad's old position. I refused the hundred grand that Carol had offered me, but I was given twenty percent more that Brad was making when I was given the job.

Tanya's outing herself to protect me and her participation in the "Plan" saved her from divorce, but she wasn't all that pleased with her penance when she was informed of it. It was made clear to her in our planning sessions that I fully intended to take Carol up on her initial offer which included our making love. Based on her admission that she'd had sex with Brad at least twice a week in the month she'd been doing it I estimated she'd had sex with him at least ten times I told her I intended to make love to Carol fifteen times and she could live with my decision or go the divorce route. Tanya decided to accept her punishment.