Biology 101 Pt. 01


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"How does he taste?" she asked.

My eyebrow raised and I smiled at her, "Delicious."

"Cum is much better warm, right out of the cock though," she said smiling at me and putting the lid back on.

I might have picked my TA well this year.

"I warm it most the time but got carried away today," I said waiting to see where she was going with this.

"Who's is this?" she asked with the sample still in her hand.

"Justin's, he supplied three today in less than an hour from my appointment with him."

"Three? Wow very impressive, and so much," she said hefting the container for weight.

"Indeed, he's a rare one," I said watching her swirl my sample.

"I'll tell you what Emily," she said using my first name. "I'll keep your secret with a few stipulations."

"Go on," I said.

"I want a shining review from you for my assisting, Monday and Friday off completely and copies of all the videos," she smiled.

The last one took me by surprise. I was expecting the first two but for her to want videos of my volunteers made me curious about her.

"Copies? And why, may I ask, would you want that?" I asked with a grin.

"Well, it just so happens I enjoy a good juicy cock exploding as well. And I'm very curious to see what my fellow students have to offer."

"Okay, good to know. So we have a deal? You'll keep my secret if you're in on my 'research project' and I let you off those days?"

"Along with the glowing review yes, we have a deal Emily," she said setting Justin's sample down and holding her hand out for me to shake.

"Excellent Tami, I'll get your copies before you leave for the day."

She smiled, standing up and walking to the door. Before she left she turned back and spoke.

"Oh, one more thing... on Monday, every week, you and I will get together to watch the most recent videos and have sex. I'll get back to you with a time," she said leaving before I caught my breath.

I was pretty sure my TA was bisexual after that comment. Her proposition shocked and excited me. There wasn't much I could do about it. She had me right where she wanted. I hadn't had sex with a woman since my own years in college, but watching cocks explode on screen while eating the samples and having sex with a gorgeous young buxom blond was going to be unreal.


I stayed in my office for most of the afternoon. Putting my samples in a mini refrigerator I have in my office. I copied the clips from Steve and Justin, moving them to my hard drive in new folders with their names and cleaning off the memory cards. I also made copies for Tami and put them on a flash drive I could continue to add to for her. I was still a little nervous she would rat me out so I made sure I did everything she said.

I finally had to leave my office to use the bathroom, taking the flash drive with me so I had something nice to give to Tami. She had set up her desk outside my office, to help with correcting papers and other types of clerical help. I opened the door and she was busily working on grading homework. She looked up with a knowing smile on her face.

"Your copies," I said handing her the flash drive. "I'm sure I don't need to tell you how important it is you don't share these with anyone else. If I go down you come with me now," I said as she took the drive.

"Don't worry Emily, my tongue is tamed until Monday when I unleash it on your pussy," she said making my mouth drop open.

"You'll love it trust me."

My body flushed and I quickly walked past her to the ladies room. When I got back Daniel was standing next to Tami's desk apparently waiting for me. He didn't have a sample I could see and I wondered what he wanted. He was the one that said he had never masturbated before. Maybe he was coming back to tell me he wasn't going to participate.

"Here she is... Professor, Daniel needs to talk to you about the research project," Tami said seeing me walking toward them.

"Very well, come in Daniel."

He took a seat and I sat behind my desk. He seemed nervous and fidgety. He was a nice looking young man, well dressed, short neat hair and a baby face for someone in college.

"What can I do for you Daniel?"

"I checked out the website you told me about," he said wringing his hands together.

"And did you perform one of the techniques displayed?" I asked.

"Umm... well not really Professor I didn't get the chance. You see I think I ejaculated in my shorts watching the demonstration videos."

"I see... are you gay Daniel?"

"I think so yes, does that mean I can't be part of the study now?"

"No Daniel, you can begin again tomorrow, just be prepared next time so the sample isn't wasted."

"Oh good, that's a relief I really need a good grade in this class. There's something else I'm worried about. I don't know if I really understand what to do. I mean the videos were okay but like I said I've never done that before."

"I think you might have a problem called premature ejaculation. Tell me, were you externally stimulating yourself to the videos or did you ejaculate spontaneously?"

"Spontaneously, I got an erection and it just happened. Can you help me Professor?"

"Yes... and since you are attracted to men I have the perfect thing to help build up your stamina. You see the more you practice the longer you'll begin to last."

"What's this 'perfect thing' to help me?" he asked curiously.

"You need someone to teach you how to manually stimulate your penis, someone that you're not attracted to, so you won't ejaculate too quickly. A woman, I'd suggest."

"A woman? Do you have someone in mind?" he asked looking very uncomfortable now.

"Excuse me for a second Daniel. I'll be right back," I said standing up and walking out of my office.

"Tami, will you please join Daniel and me inside my office?" I asked her when she looked up.

"Sure Emily," she said still using my first name because she knew she could get away with it.

Together we walked back into my office with Daniel waiting for us in the chair. I sat back down and offered Tami the chair next to Daniel.

"Daniel, Tami is aware of the study and as my TA is willing to help out students with their extra credit assignments. Correct Tami?"

"Sure thing Professor. What do you need?" Tami asked with her bubbly personality again.

"Daniel really wants to participate but is a novice in this specific area. He's looking for some assistance to teach him proper technique. Do you think you could help him with that?"

"Absolutely Professor, I'm glad to help."

"Daniel, what do you think about getting assistance from Tami?"

"Umm... I think that will be okay. Professor Burke left out a few things. I've been struggling with my sexuality for a while now Tami. But since viewing the web site on masturbation I've come to realize I prefer men. I also apparently have a problem with premature ejaculation. Professor seems to think you can help."

"I see... well then I'm the perfect choice to help you," Tami smiled at him.

"My thoughts exactly," I added.

"So when do we begin?" Tami asked.

"Daniel? What do you think?" I asked.

"Whenever, sooner the better so I can get the most points possible."

"How about now? Professor Burke can film why I demonstrate. That should count as your first sample. Right Professor?" Tami asked.

"If Daniel is okay with that then yes?" I responded getting very turned on and trying to hide it.

"Here? Right now?" he asked.

"Sure, I'll lock the door, no one will interrupt," Tami said getting up and walking to the door.

She locked it and returned, standing next to Daniels chair. I didn't rush him, letting him think about it and make a decision.

"Well... okay so what do you want me to do?" he asked.

"Excellent, let me get my extra camera first," I said opening my drawer.

I took out a camcorder, sample container and syringe. Clearing the front of my desk off I got the camera ready. I was trying to control my excitement, not move to rapidly, and keep my hands from shaking.

"Right, now Daniel just pull down your pants and Tami will do the rest," I said.

He hesitated, looking between Tami and I. We both smiled pleasantly and stayed as professional as we could. Finally he felt comfortable enough and stood. I hit the record button quickly, not wanting to miss anything. He slowly undid his belt and let his pants drop to his ankles. He wasn't wearing underpants, which was a surprise. His penis looked tiny, all shriveled up receding back into his body from being nervous. Tami didn't need to be invited; she moved her chair to the side and sat down next to the standing young man.

"Now Daniel, I'm going to touch you to encourage blood flow to your penis. Don't be afraid to tell me if something doesn't feel good," Tami said reaching for his small member.

I kept the camera as still as I could as my heart raced, focused on his penis. The reaction was instant, as soon as Tami touched his penis it began to grow, and grow quickly. I was amazed at how big and hard it got compared to how it looked at first. He was fully erect in no time, easily six inches.

"You don't have any problem in gaining an erection, Daniel," Tami said.

"No, it get's hard all the time actually," he responded.

"Okay now you should probably move closer to the desk if premature ejaculation is a concern. I'm going to simulate your erection for release," Tami voiced.

My nipples were erect and my pussy flushed and damp. He had a wonderful penis once it was hard and having him right in front of me hard and throbbing was extremely erotic. He moved forward a few small steps until his penis was extending to the edge of my desk. Tami stood, moving slightly behind him. Reaching forward she placed her hand around the middle of his shaft but didn't move.

"Now without any lubrication the technique is to just move the skin up and down, to simulate the friction needed. Like this," she said stroking his penis a few times.

It caught both Tami and me off guard when his penis suddenly began to ejaculate, spurting in rapid succession six blasts of semen onto my desk. His contractions were the fastest I'd ever seen, pumping out his load in less than two seconds. It was a really good thing I started the camera so soon. It looked like his dick was on fast forward mode because a second shot of ejaculate was on its way out before the first hit my desk. They were long blasts as well, coming halfway across my desk toward me. It was all I could do not to drop the camera and start licking it up before it cooled.

"Oh my! Well okay then. Did you get that Professor?" Tami asked.

"Yes, luckily I did. Well Daniel... that confirms the premature problem, but what interests me the most is your contractions. I have never seen such powerful and close together contractions before."

Tami let go of his penis and sat back down in her chair. Her nipples were as hard as mine and I figured she was wet as well. I handed Daniel the plunger syringe and kept the camera running as he cleaned up his sample.

"Don't forget what's left in your penis," I said when he appeared to be about to pull up his pants without cleaning his head off.

My body was aroused fully as I watched him suck out his shaft. His penis remained hard while he did and he hadn't said a thing. He worked in silence sucking up what he could and placing it in the container for me. Once he was done he pulled up his pants and sat down again, still semi hard.

"Did that help Daniel?" I asked.

"A little yes, but it was so fast again. I can't control it! It just happens," he said seeming frustrated.

"Don't worry, we can work on that. This is what I want you to do. Using what Tami taught you I want you to take a sample as many times a day as you have time. Between classes, at lunch, whenever you find time, take a sample. The more you practice the better control you will gain."

"Okay Professor, I'll try."

"Good Daniel, and don't forget to record them."

"I won't, and thank you for letting me participate and for the help. Both of you," he said looking between us.

"Sure thing Daniel. If you have any questions or need additional assistance feel free to come see me anytime," Tami added.

"I will," he said, getting up and leaving.

As soon as he was gone I reached for the sample and popped the lid, taking a long deep breath of his fresh load. It was intoxicating, making me want to suck it down right then.

"I know a quick way to warm that up," Tami said watching me with my nose in the plastic container.

"Go on." I said.

She held out her hand for the container. I reluctantly gave it to her, not knowing what she was going to do. She placed the container between her legs, and before I knew it took her shirt and bra off right before my eyes. She had a stunning set of perfect breasts. Firm, round and at least a D cup. I was speechless as she sat back in the chair and poured my precious sample of Daniel onto her chest, dripping the semen all over her breasts and nipples that were hardening quickly. All my valuable semen was on her body and I must have had a surprised and shocked look on my face, because she spoke up as soon as she was done pouring.

"Well just don't sit there Emily, your sample is going to waste if you do."

The white liquid coating her breasts was a visual treat and I couldn't let Daniel's offering go unused, could I? Standing quickly I walked around my desk. I dipped my finger in the largest pool of semen, sampling it. She smiled up at me and I fell to my knees. From the lowest drip I worked up her stomach, licking the trails of salty liquid off her warm body until I got to her large breasts. I only hesitated for a few seconds before diving in to eat the rest. Using my tongue, I lapped up the semen off her round orbs and erect nipples. Then I started to suck, feasting on Daniel's sample and sucking every inch of Tami's breasts. She was right, it did warm up quickly.

My body was on fire sucking this tight blonde's breasts. My heart pounded in my chest as my body reacted to the semen as well as the taunt nipples and warm flesh under my mouth. She moaned a few times when I gave her nipples a good licking or nibble on purpose. I'll admit I got into it and continued to suck and lick her breasts long after the sample was gone.

"See, I told you it was better warm," Tami giggled as I tugged on her nipple one last time.

"Yes, very delicious," I said getting back to my feet.

"Don't worry Emily, I'll return the favor next Monday," she said replacing her bra.

I watched the sexy young bombshell get dressed, before leaving my office. I fell into my chair overcome with the events of the day. I didn't know if I could take an entire semester like this...

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Now this is a really excellent story. I like how the professor has a real libido and some healthy perversion. I also like how the TA can push the professor even that much further. And the coercion of the gay student is really hot. The idea of straight women taking control of a young gay twink like that is awesome.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

If I was an idiot *and* a high school boy *and* a virgin who'd never had sex with anything but my own hand, I just might be able to find this "erotic".

gal4u269gal4u269over 14 years ago
PLEASE Continue...

Great Story!!! Please continue!

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Fantastic Story!

I love the whole plot in this first chapter! Just amazing. Hope many more chapters are in the wings, each one hotter and with juicier details than the one before. Thanks for writing this, just what a guy that has a fetish for girls eating cum has been waiting for!

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Wonderful stuff

Thank you, that was a marvelous 1st part!

Looking forward to see more chapters!

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