Berry's Second Chances Ch. 01


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"Yes, you're tighter than my sister. Happy?" he pushed a little harder again while he rubbed my clit a bit rougher too. If this kept up, he'd make me cum before we even got his fat thingie in me. Or I'd pass out from the dizzy mix of pleasure and fear.

That's when Bobbie did the best possible thing he could -- he distracted me, but in a wicked way, "But you're not as tight as Samantha's ass."

"What?!" I yelped.

That's when he drove his cock into me. My first one. With a pop that raced up my spine, his mushroom head was inside me. Holy hell, he felt huge.

"Aaaah," I gasped. And I came. I came because he'd teased and toyed with me perfectly. I came because it was ecstasy and agony at the same time. I came picturing my fiancée spearing his oversized tool in and out of Samantha's miniature dancer-ass.

Sneaky bastard. Brilliant bastard.

Bobbie held perfectly still as my insides heaved out their first cock-delivered orgasm. I could feel myself squeezing spastically, either trying to draw him in further or push him out, I didn't know and I didn't care. I was too busy cumming my ivory white rump off.

"That was dirty pool," I whispered when it was over and I'd come back down, only then remembering to release my death grip on his hip, rubbing the dents I'd left. His tip was still wedged inside me.

"Sorry," he offered. It was a thin apology though, when I looked over at him, his smile said he was proud of himself.

I didn't want him dreaming of Samantha's perfect little keister too long. "I'll let you do that too, you know." I licked my dry lips and twitched my nose naughtily. "Anal, I mean."


"Mmmmhmmm, believe it or not, I've actually done that a couple of times before." I saw his mouth open but stopped him. "Don't ask. Bad stories. They'll spoil the mood."

I stroked his hip gently again where I'd clawed it. "Make love to me now, Bobbie? I think the worst part's over."

With some very careful maneuvering, he was on top of me without us separating -- missionary -- and I felt a man above me for the first time. I think I might have been scared if the man wasn't Bobbie. It was a new and vulnerable feeling, being pinned to the bed like this by a guy. He outweighed me. Outmuscled me too. He could hurt me and I wouldn't be able to stop him. I'd never felt so helpless before.

And because Bobbie knew me, he read the thoughts whipping through my head. "You okay in there?"

"Yeah. Just spooked for a sec." I smiled up at him and ran my hands along his arms to feel the ridges of his toned triceps that supported him over me.

"C'mon," I hunched my hips up gingerly, pushing myself onto him a little more. "What're you waiting for? More please, sir," I said playfully.

He snorted. "Alright, you asked for it."

We didn't talk for the next couple of minutes as we both carefully worked Bobbie's cock deeper into me. He pushed up, I wriggled down. There was lots of backing up, wetting his long shaft for easier entry. Really long shaft.

I concentrated on relaxing, opening up. Whenever I tensed, things got worse. He was soon crazy-deep inside me, spreading me and stretching me in places I didn't know I had. I could feel his tip prying apart my insides somewhere up near my bellybutton

I was just starting to worry that he was going to poke a hole in some vital internal organ when his warm, furry nuts nudged my butt. After a moment's pause, he started to draw himself out carefully. I could feel myself suctioned onto him so tight I felt glued to him.

"Wait," I squeezed his arm. "Stay. I like this, a lot. I like you inside me just like this. Come on down here and kiss me a little?"

He smiled and his big, deep blue eyes sparkled. He leaned down and kissed me. I kissed him back, our tongues slipping from his mouth to mine and back again.

The kissing helped. It took the focus off his gigantic rod wedged in my belly. I wrapped my legs around him as we smooched and that helped too.

After we'd kissed awhile, I tried wriggling my hips a little. Ooh, that was nice. He was rubbing lovely, sensitive places deep, deep inside me. I hunched into him a little more. His pubic bone was in the perfect place too. Right above my button. I ground myself into him and felt tingles in my hips.

"Fuck yeah," I groaned.

"You like?" he chuckled.

I looked up at him and half-smiled. "Let me put it this way -- let me make myself cum again like this and my body's all yours for the night."

When his eyes took on a wicked gleam I backpeddled a little,

"Within reason, fella. I'm new at this, remember?"

He nodded. I humped myself up into him, rubbing his spongy head deep in the nice, new places and mashing my clit against him at the same time. I was awkward and uncoordinated at first, trying to master the strange new motions my body craved. I reached around and grabbed his toned buns for leverage, pulling myself up. Much better.

For the next couple of minutes, I used Bobbie's beautiful body and he let me. I humped and ground and rolled to my heart's content. I was on fire soon.

"You're getting red, Red," he teased me.

I nodded, already way past giddy. "Going to cum."

"On me? Like this?"

"Yeah," I gasped, now driving myself up into him more desperately. The orgasm, a really good one from the feel of it, was just starting to gather in my belly.

"Want some help?"

"No." So close now. On the homestretch, I was exhausted from head to toe from my barely coordinated flailing, but high as a kite on endorphins and adrenaline. It was like the last few hundred yards of a marathon. The finish line was in sight.

"No help at all? You're doing all the work," he whispered.

"Shhh... almost there," I whimpered, fighting to keep my eyes open, to look into his dark beautiful blues and share the moment as my ridiculous climax loomed. I couldn't control my own hips anymore, I was just floundering under him. I shuddered as my insides started contracting involuntarily, trying to close with Bobbie's thick dick buried inside me.

I humped on haphazardly. Holy crud, I could feel what was coming down in my toes.

"You're going to make me cum too," he warned.

"Better. Fucking. Hurry." I hissed then pulled him down on top of me completely and sank my teeth into his neck to keep from shrieking in his ear.

My body went haywire. It was one of those magic cums, external and internal at the same time. Pure pleasure rippled and flowed back and forth between my outsides and my insides.

Everything, I mean everything felt good. His warm weight pressing down on me. My fingers scrabbling weakly across his back. His firm flesh between my teeth. The manly smell of him. The musky, sweet taste of his skin in my mouth. My legs were still wrapped around his waist and I flexed them to pull him into me harder.

He moaned and shuddered and the whole experience got impossibly better because Bobbie came too. His arms shot around under me and squeezed me tightly. I felt his shaft swell, then his tip bloom even bigger, and then he was filling me with cum, long heavy spurts of it deep inside me, bouncing off my walls. It tickled a little, like getting shot with a supersoaker filled with warm water.

The new sensation of a man, my man, cumming inside me stretched out my orgasm even longer, made it sweeter. I loved Bobbie and now I had yet another reason to love him -- the amazing things his big and now not-so-scary dick could do for me.

I unlocked my teeth from his neck and kissed the deep lovebite I'd given him. We hugged like that, panting, both amazed at how well that had worked out. I could feel my heart thudding in my chest. His answered through our merged skin.

He lifted off me enough to look me in the eyes again. "How was your first time?"


"Ready for another round?" I felt his thickness, still completely hard, twitch inside me. He looked happy and eager, like a puppy with a new toy.

"Uh uh. I need a little break, stud. Certain parts of me need to recuperate." I unlocked my legs from around his waist.

He nodded and started to pull out of me.

"Gaaah," I winced, "wait."


"Slower, honey, or you're going to drag my insides out with you."


He inched himself out of me while I took deep breaths. It felt nearly as raw as when he went in.

What felt like a tidal wave of wetness drained out after him. I wrinkled my nose up at the nasty sensation of it running down my butt and Bobbie saw my weird expression.

"You alright?"

"Yep." I nodded. "This is just way messier than girlie-sex. Takes a little getting used to."

"But good?"

"Really good. Really, really good."

"Glad to hear it." He rolled off the bed. "Be right back."

He returned from the bathroom with a couple of towels and slid into bed next to me again. He'd dampened one of the towels with warm water and pressed it between my legs gingerly.

I groaned happily at the relief of the warm towel against my burning outsides. "Honestly, that feels almost as good as the sex."

He smirked as I took over the towel and did some careful dabbing and wiping. Bobbie kept his eyes discretely on my face. He smiled tenderly as I winced a few times. We traded towels. The second one was dry.

I tossed both towels onto the floor and snuggled into him. He was on his back and I rested my head on his sweat-slickened chest. "We're definitely doing that again tonight but I'm going to be limping tomorrow," I promised. "I hope you're proud of yourself."

"Okay, I'm a little proud of myself. Still want to marry me?" he asked as he reached over to lower the light next to the bed.

"Yeah, but maybe we should talk about penis reduction."

"Not a chance, girlie," he snorted.

"Damn," I giggled.

"Guess that means you're not ready for more yet?" His question was a mix of humor and hope.

"Gimme another five minutes, loverboy." I kissed his neck and slid a hand down his stomach to start fiddling with his still half-hard cock.

As I fondled Bobbie's fiancée-pleaser -- heh, I was a fiancée now -- it occurred to me that his meaty goodness was kind of mine now. I'd be getting it for the rest of my life.

It would be a wonderful life -- a better one than I could have ever hoped for. I'd been given a second chance at real love and real happiness.

~*~*~Part VI~*~*~

Heather cried and hugged me when I showed up unannounced at her college apartment the next day and I asked her to be my maid of honor.

I was a nervous wreck the morning of my wedding. My mom was great as always, reminding me how wonderful Bobbie was and how well he treated me and how perfect we were for each other. Still, I was a giant twitchy mess all morning and when someone knocked on my bedroom door I nearly jumped out of my skin.

Heather's smiling face peeked in through the crack. "Need some moral support? I brought the troops."

"Absolutely!" I nodded eagerly and waved her in. My mom slipped out to leave us alone.

Behind Heather was Samantha. Behind Samantha was Hero. The trio crowded in to pull me into a happy four-way hug. It felt warm and comfy and safe in the middle of their huddle.

Hero's hug was longest, his big body, even larger than Bobbie's and more solid somehow, felt like it wrapped around me completely. "You're stunning, Stace. If you want to ditch Bobbie, you and I could hop a plane to a Mediterranean island. I could spend a few afternoons licking limoncello out of your navel," he offered playfully.

"Hey!" Heather griefed, poking him in the ribs and looking to Samantha for support.

But Samantha's eyes were still rolling me up and down, taking in my grandmother's antique and very lacy wedding dress. One of her eyebrows cocked up with perverted interest and she sided with their shared boyfriend, "I dunno girlie, I think I'd like to help him lick the limoncello."

"That's it. Out you two," Heather huffed with mock exasperation, "I want to talk to Berry alone for a little bit."

When we were alone, Heather shut the door behind them and locked it. She turned to me and didn't say anything. We just looked at each other from across my little bedroom. Memories of the nights we'd spent together on my childhood bed rushed up and I felt my skin prickle with a tell tale blush.

I watched Heather's eyes fill up slowly. Mine did too. When she finally spoke, her lips quivered a little. "You're really, really pretty Berry. I like the extra curls in your hair."

"Thanks," I sniffled. "The bridesmaid dress looks great on you. I've always liked you in pink. And your hair looks nice up. You've always had the neck for it."


An awkward silence stretched out and I needed to fill it or my sniffles would spiral down into a full-on cry, "Who'd have thought we'd end up like this, huh, Bubble? Me marrying your brother?" I said gamely.

"He's a good guy." She nodded, dabbing carefully at the corner of her eyes with a thumb, trying not to smear her makeup. "And he loves you to pieces."

"Bubble? Could I get another hug? I think I'm more scared than I realized, my legs are going all shaky over here."

"You sure it's not the high heels, Stace?" she teased as she came and pulled me tight. "You've never been too steady on them."

Our chests met first like they always had, then our arms found their old spots, hers around my hips, mine above hers and around her waist. The same height, we rested our chins on each other's shoulders.

For a moment I realized that we were probably messing up our makeup but I didn't care. It was a long hug, and we let the body heat build between us. I squeezed her extra tight a few times until she grunted and giggled into my neck.

"Need a... need a smooch too, Berry?" she said quietly.

"Maybe. Yeah."

When she pulled back I saw all the things that made me love Heather back in high school and never stop: an true tenderness in her clear, sky blue eyes; a deep and beautiful and thoughtful soul; a giant heart bigger than the room we stood in.

I closed my eyes and turned my head. Then our lips met and two and half years melted away like snow in the spring. The sweet warmth filled my chest and, from Heather's little sigh, it was clear she felt it too. My own sigh answered. She was wearing perfume and it's soapy, wildflower smell filled my nose. I breathed deeper. Yes, under it, still there, the trademark sweetness that opened an ache in my chest -- bubblegum.

Heather worked her fuller lips gently against mine and their softness swallowed me up. I little, hungry mewling sound slipped out of me when I felt her lips nearly open. Nearly. They began to part then closed again, as if she barely remembered where we were now, who we were now.

I'd have followed her; I knew it somewhere deep and basic inside myself. I'd have pulled Heather's tongue into my mouth, pressed mine into hers. I wouldn't have stopped myself. It made me happy and sad at the same time to know she was struggling too.

When we finally pulled apart, she saw the mix of emotions on my face and I watched some little conflict play itself out on hers.

"We're not done, Berry. Not yet," she murmured.

"What do you--?"

She stopped me with a sweet peck on the tip of my nose. "Now's not the time. You're getting married, Stace. Let's get you cleaned up for my hunky brother and the two hundred people waiting."

She stepped back and looked me over. "Where's your kit? You could use some powder, you're all shiny now. And your boobs squished up when we hugged. Better stuff 'em back down. My brother and my boyfriend would enjoy this look, but you'll give the old folks heart failure."

I smiled and rearranged my front while she rifled through my things for a compact. I held still while she dusted my cheeks and nose with a soft brush; its slow, feathery strokes were comforting too.

"Promise me, Bubble? Promise you'll always be there for me? Just like this? I need you, you know."

She kept dusting and nibbled at her lower lip gently. "Me too, Berry. Me too."

Bubble had a plan. I knew it then. And she knew I knew. She just wasn't ready to share it.


Chapter 2 on the way. Don't forget to do the vote thingie. :)


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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I just feel the need to thank you for sharing your amazing gift.

Deserved and given a 5* rating ......... Please continue sharing .......T

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Oh. My. God. This is one of the best stories I've read on this platform. The slow growth of real romance, the complicated relationship, the eventual long delayed sex -- it works in a truly professional-writer way. And the way Robbie and Stace deal slowly and carefully with his giant cock is so much more believably than any other giant cock sequence I've ready. Being a hetero man, I've never had to deal with any cock up anywhere, but I can so relate to Stace's issues with getting that in her, and the rewards of making it happen. Perfect erotica/romance fusion.

blackknight314blackknight314about 1 year ago

Good job, thanks for sharing your work!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Dropped into the middle of the story but I enjoyed it immensely.

Must now read the precursors before reading the next part. 5 stars.

Bill S.

MarshallaMarshallaover 7 years ago
This is the connection.

Heather's plan, from "Bobby's Lesson", the one reader's thought was cruel.

Not being cruel when she told her brother it was the only time they'd be together, but to make things even better for two people she loves.

Quite the connection indeed.

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