Beauty and the Geek Ch. 18


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"You're all twitchy already," Miley said, caressing his soft underside against her face. She nuzzled and cuddled with his cock, kissing it softly with her lips. "Why don't you lie down?"

Charlie lowered himself to the bed and lay back. Miley quickly crawled over him and straddled his thighs, her dripping sex hovering over his erection. Charlie immediately started pushing his hips upwards; trying to gain entrance, but Miley lifted her ass and denied him.

"Have you been day-dreaming about my pussy all day?" Miley whispered, brushing her lips against his.

"Yeah," Charlie admitted with a soft reply.

"Tell me," Miley kissed the corner of Charlie's mouth. "Tell me what you've been thinking."

"There's a little room in the back of the store," Charlie explained, "at the end of the magazine aisle. It's where the porn is."

"Mm-hm," Miley prompted him to continue. She started rubbing her pussy lips teasingly against the underside of Charlie's cock.

"I was in there stocking some new magazines and DVDs," Charlie explained. "On one of the magazine covers there was a girl who looked like you."

"Tell me about her," Miley asked, kissing Charlie's chin as she continued to tease his cock with her damp sex, rubbing her slit against his long shaft.

"She had dark curly hair," Charlie whispered. "And small breasts. She had her arms folded to conceal them, on the cover picture. She was tan, skinny, and really pretty."

"Did you want to fuck her?" Miley asked. Before Charlie could even answer, she continued, "Did you want to take the magazine into the bathroom with you, and think about sticking your big cock in her while you jerked off?"

Charlie closed his eyes and nodded. It was excruciating the way Miley kept sliding her sex along his shaft, rolling her hips back and forth. His hands went to her ass and Charlie tried to steer her into allowing him entrance, but Miley lifted her pussy just out of reach every time she felt Charlie's cockhead poking at her.

"Did you open the magazine and look at her naughty pictures?"


Miley smiled softly at his admittance. She adored that Charlie was always honest with her. It didn't bother her that Charlie admired, or even fantasized about other women. It turned her on to know that even though Charlie would look, she was the one he would choose over any other girl.

Charlie's mouth suddenly hung open in absolute pleasure as the warmth of Miley's sex suddenly surrounded his cock. He gasped out a moan, clutching Miley's hips as she sat up and let her weight fuel the impalement. Miley smiled down at him, then folded her arms across her breasts the same way she imagined the cover girl did based on Charlie's description.

"Fuck..." Charlie hissed. The warmth and friction of Miley's pussy was almost too much to handle. His shaft was unbelievably sensitive due to the length of time he'd had his erection, and of course from Miley's dirty-talk.

"Is this how you would have imagined fucking her, Charlie?"

Charlie could only nod as Miley began bouncing up and down on his shaft.

Miley kept her arms folded across her chest, "Did you want to shoot your nasty goo on the cover of that dirty magazine? Huh baby? Did you want to jerk off and spray her picture with your sticky stuff?"

"Uhn!" Charlie exploded, thrusting up with his hips.

Miley felt her insides flood with his heat. She wasn't surprised by his quick orgasm; they had been carrying on for a while after all, and Miley had certainly tried her best to torment him. "Oh fuck, baby," Miley cooed. "Oh god, it feels so good when you cum in me like that..."

Charlie bucked several times, ejecting more pleasure with every push of his hips.

"Jesus, Charlie." Miley laid herself upon Charlie's torso, kissing his jaw, "If I wasn't on the pill you would have just knocked me up for sure."

Charlie curled his arms around Miley, "Can we do that again? You know, after a few minutes?"

Miley giggled, "Baby, you can fuck me all night long if you want to."

PART 3 – A Golden Birthday


The following week passed quickly for Charlie. He worked every day but Sunday, which he spent packing his belongings. His parents, Olivia in particular, weren't thrilled with the idea of Charlie moving in with Miley. But Charlie was nineteen years old and there wasn't much they could do to stop him.

Olivia adored Miley, that wasn't the problem, but she felt like her son was growing up too fast. Earlier that summer Charlie had transferred from Brown University, an Ivy League school, just so that he could attend school in Tallahassee; a decision entirely based on the fact that Charlie wanted to be with Miley. When they got engaged Olivia was happy for Charlie, but felt like he and Miley were rushing into it. Now her son wanted to move out.

It was Charlie's father who convinced Olivia to let Charlie go without a fight. John told her that Charlie was a man and needed to stand or fall based on his own decisions. Her husband was right, Olivia knew, and she took comfort in the fact that Charlie and Miley were quite obviously in love with one another. Eventually she'd have to let Charlie go, her youngest son, but Olivia never expected it to happen so soon.

For Miley the days passed much slower. She harassed Charlie every day about her birthday present, hoping he'd cave and give it to her early. It wasn't that Miley was so overly-materialistic that she couldn't wait; it simply pleased her that Charlie seemed so proud of the gift. She enjoyed bugging him about it, to let him know how much he and his gift meant to her. It really didn't matter to Miley what the gift was, it was far more important to her that Charlie went out of his way to make her feel special. He excelled at making her feel like the most important girl in the universe, and that's what Miley loved most about Charlie.

She also couldn't wait for Charlie to move in, which they agreed would happen the weekend after Miley's birthday (which fell on a Thursday). As a child Miley loved 'playing house' and when Charlie moved in it would be her first opportunity to live out the adult version of her favorite childhood game. She spent her days, while Charlie was at work, cleaning and organizing the apartment. She made sure there was enough space for Charlie to put his things, and even cleared off an entire shelf of valuable real-estate in the bathroom.

When Miley's birthday finally arrived she was entirely too excited. Her father had planned a small party for her and Miley spent the entire day getting ready. She treated herself, and Stacy, to a spa visit and then rushed home to work on her hair and make-up.

Little did Miley know that three drop-outs from the very high school she graduated from would spoil her day in a disastrous manner.


The three young men walked through the mall's parking lot laughing and joking, half-drunk and spoiling for some viscous entertainment. They were the sort that mugged little old ladies instead of helping them across the street, so when they spotted Charlie walking towards them from the mall they saw an easy mark.

Just off work and distracted, Charlie was oblivious to the danger. His only thoughts were of hurrying home to change, and then picking Miley up so the two of them could go to the birthday party her father had arranged. Charlie never feared walking through the parking lot alone, especially in the daylight. It was a suburban shopping mall, after all, where families and bored teenagers hung out – not muggers.

He never saw them coming.

Charlie was in the midst of fumbling with his car keys while digging his cell phone out of his pocket. He wanted to call Miley and let her know what time he would be by to pick her up, but before he even dialed her number a sharp pain reverberated from his lower back as one of the thugs punched him in the kidney. Charlie fell to the sounds of laughter, the rough concrete scraping his hands. He curled up when the three men started kicking him, hoping to defend himself somewhat, but Charlie saw stars when one kick blasted against his rib cage and stole his breath. Things went dark when the next blow landed upon his head.

Unaware of his pockets being searched, Charlie didn't know how long he lay in the parking lot between his car and another. He somehow gained enough awareness to try crawling, but the movement caused him excruciating pain and he quickly grew dizzy. Fearing that he would soon pass out again, Charlie feebly glanced around hoping to see someone willing to help him and suddenly spotted his cell phone lying on the concrete.

Charlie groaned in pain as he reached for it, only to discover the phone had been stepped on and was of no use. Afterwards, a more lasting blackness came.


Miley stood on the sidewalk outside her near-campus apartment building dressed in a blue floral sundress; Charlie's favorite. Her father had rented the party room at a local bar/restaurant, and Miley certainly wanted to look nice for the party, but really she only wanted to look pretty for Charlie. She had spent an hour on her hair, getting the curls to coil up into bouncy tendrils which he seemed to like so much. She even sprinkled some glitter on with her make-up, because that always seemed to make Charlie drool.

The only problem was: no Charlie.

Miley grew concerned by 5:45pm when Charlie still hadn't showed up or called. Miley tried ringing his cell phone but it kept going to voice mail. She tried the comic book store where Charlie worked and reached Theo, who told her Charlie had left work an hour early so he'd have time to go home and change.

Frowning, Miley slipped her phone away into her purse and peered down the street in the hopes she would see Charlie's car turning the corner. It was her birthday, her golden birthday, and above all else the thing Miley wanted most was to be with her boyfriend. She wanted his eyes to light up when he saw her and for Charlie to tell her how beautiful she looked.

But there was no sign of him. Where could he be?


Haley hurried through the parking lot, late for her shift at the mall's jewelry store. She was moving so fast she nearly missed it, but something in the corner of her eye caused her to glance between two parked cars. It was a prone figure.

As Haley approached she saw that it was a young male, but he wasn't moving. "Hello? Hello, are you all right?"

Squatting next to him, Haley gasped when she saw the young man. Despite the fact that half of his face was covered in blood, Haley recognized Charlie from when he had been in the store a week prior.

"Oh god," Haley panicked for a moment, then frantically dug in her purse for her cell phone. "Charlie!" she suddenly remembered his name. "Charlie, can you hear me?"

There was no response. Haley pressed two fingers against Charlie's neck as she dialed 911, but couldn't feel a pulse.


Miley was growing frantic. She started calling numbers, wondering if perhaps anyone had heard from Charlie. She tried Stacy first, then Brian, but neither of them had seen Charlie. She tried calling Charlie's house next, hoping he was there, but no answer came. Was it possible that Charlie forgot to pick her up for her birthday party and was already there?

She was about to call her father when Miley's phone buzzed in her hand. She didn't even look to see who it was before clicking the button to answer, "Charlie?!?"

"No honey, it's me," Olivia said on the other end, her voice clearly upset.

"Olivia?" Miley bit her lip, "What is it, what's wrong? Have you seen Charlie? He was supposed to pick me-"

"The hospital just called," Olivia interrupted, her voice catching with despair. "They said that he was attacked and beaten."

"Oh my god," Miley cried, tears flooding her eyes. "Is he okay? Is he going to be all right?"

"I don't know, honey. John and I are on our way to the hospital now from your party. Your father is on his way to pick you up and bring you to the hospital, I told him I'd call you and tell you to stay put until he gets there."

Miley felt her throat tighten around her words which came out in a jumbled panic.

"Calm down, Miley," Olivia was choking back her own tears as well. "Your father will bring you to the hospital; I'll be waiting for you there, okay? Just stay put, Jack will be there in a little while."

Miley nodded, "O-okay." She tried getting a grip after hanging up, but the sudden thought of a life without Charlie caused Miley to explode in sobs. Her worst fears over the last hour had suddenly become reality.

(to be continued)

[edited by manda126]

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