Ashley Ch. 02


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"Ash, I... I'm going to cum soon. You're making me so horny."

My sister kept her head down in front of her. "Cum for me. I want to feel it."

"But where do I--"

"Nowhere. Just keep it there."

I nodded invisibly behind her.

"You can go a little faster if it helps."

"I'm, ah, not sure if I should."

"It's okay." Ashley gazed over her shoulder. "I'm not fragile. You won't break me. Not tonight."

"Oooh Ash," I moaned. That nearly did the trick. If she meant what I thought she did... Luckily I constrained my orgasm for a little longer.

Ashley made me realize something crucial, whether she intended to or not. She has always been the active partner, doing whatever she can to make me happy. I've been lying on my back letting her do all the work, partly because I didn't know what the hell I should've been doing, and partly because I wasn't sure if I she would let me. Well, now I had her permission. Here's my chance to be more involved.

I withdrew my hips and slammed into Ashley's butt. A very cute and sexy 'oomph' popped from her lips. I held her still. "Too fast?"

"No, it's fine." She reached behind her and gripped my left shoulder with her right hand, twisting her upper body toward me. "I... I didn't think you'd do it."

I slammed into her again, harder this time, causing her to squeal an 'ahhh.' It was cuter and much, much sexier than her 'oomph.'

She giggled. "That's more like it. I should make you angrier more often."

My next thrust was a soft tap. Lowering my hands to her ass, I pinched her cheeks through the light skirt. Ashley jumped onto her toes, curving her body to me in an amazing display of flexibility. I resumed my penetration into the crevice of her thighs, focusing my vision on her skirt and bare waistline as they moved to and from me. The speed of my jabs alternated, switching from soft and curious to fast and delirious.

Sweat began to perspire along my legs. It wasn't from exhaustion, but from the immense heat circulating through us. Each lunge would cause my pants to briefly cling to my skin. More droplets wetted my palms and forehead. Whenever I came, it would always be "natural," like there was no pressure to do it. But now, there was a large feeling of nervousness accompanying it.

"Ashley, I'm going to now."

She stared directly at me with unadulterated lust. Gorgeous, stunning, seductive... they all couldn't amount to how she really looked to me. "Go for it, big boy."

On her command, I gave Ashley a rough rigid thrust, sending my cock into a violent eruption. "Ahhh, yes," I uttered. Lost in the release, my hips couldn't keep still as I continued sawing my shaft in and out of her thighs, shooting my cum recklessly beneath her skirt.

Ashley closed her eyes but opened her mouth wider as she chanted, "Oh fuck, oh fuck."

I spurted blindly, unsure of how much cum I was actually firing. It felt as though my cock would throb for ages. Having been drained so much the past two days, there was no telling how much was still stored up. I found the uncertainty of it to be a turn-on. What can I say, I'm easily aroused. The sight of cum dripping from Ashley's chin and nose the previous night was hotter than I could ever picture her, yet the possibility of my cum soaking her skirt and panties while it streamed down her legs inflamed my hysteria.

As my erection subsided, Ashley let go of my shoulder with a content sigh and turned around. Her skirt flew off my limping shaft, exposing it to any wanderers who may have been passing by. I immediately moved my hands over it, hiding it the best I could.

"I'll help you with that." Ashley reached down and pulled my hands up onto her shoulders. Grabbing my cock with one hand and holding the front of her skirt with the other, she dabbed the tip clean with the inside of her skirt.


Keeping her head down, she looked up at me with a smile. "Don't worry, it's washable." Stretching the opening of my pants, she slipped my dry member inside its confines. "There. No one would suspect a-- mmmph!"

I pulled Ashley to me and kissed her fiercely. She tried to talk but my lips and intrusive tongue muffled her voice. The love and gratitude I have for her couldn't be expressed in words.

Ashley lifted my left hand off of her shoulder and lowered it between us, placing it beneath her skirt on her thigh. My tongue stopped moving when I felt a sticky and warm fluid on her skin. I've felt my cum before when I masturbated and got a stray drop on my hand, but this was different. I was feeling every slimy detail of my jizz on my fingers. And there was a good amount of it on her thighs, too. Touching it didn't scare me in the least, but it wasn't something I'd willingly do either.

Having felt enough of my gooey load, I tried taking my hand away, but Ashley gripped my wrist tighter and held it still. Her legs closed together, applying the same pressure she had on my cock a few seconds ago. There was still that distinct sticky texture of cum, this time smeared on the back of my fingers.

Softly, she asked, "How much is there?"

"There's, ah, a lot of it."

"Have you ever wondered what you taste like?"

"Um, not really."

"It's okay to admit it. I won't mind sharing some with you."

"Ash, I mean it!"

"Okay, more for me." My sister raised my messy hand from her thighs. I felt more of cum clinging to my hand as it brushed the inside of her skirt on the way out. She held my hand high in front of her face, observing every white streak on it. "You sure you don't want some?"


Giggling, Ashley darted her tongue out and licked my middle finger. The sight of my cream accumulating on the tip her tongue had me entranced. She swallowed it quickly before moving to the next finger. "Oh god," I muttered. The strong musky scent didn't diffuse the slightest in the open air and it soon filled my lungs.

My hand became drenched in saliva. Ashley tasted every finger, the flap of skin between them, my palm, and even the back of it. When it was over, my hand ended up being wetter than when she started licking it.

"I didn't think a girl could be this crazy for cum," I said.

"Me either. But I'm going to make it my sworn duty to convert you into a cum guzzler like me. Do I need to remind you what I taste like?"

"Maybe some other time."

Just then, I heard a cell phone ringing. Actually, two phones ringing. I snatched my cell from my right pocket and Ashley snatched hers from my left. Since she didn't have any pockets, and had no aim of carrying her purse with her golf club around the park, she had me hold it.

I glanced at my caller's name. "It's dad."

Ashley looked up from hers. "It's mom."

Both phones stopped ringing before we could answer them. It didn't matter, though; we knew why our parents called. "We're ten minutes late," Ashley said, snapping her phone shut.

"Better start running."

We sprinted to where we were supposed to meet, making a brief stop at the pond along the way.

"Bry, what are you doing?"

I dipped my hand into the cold water. "Nothing, just washing up." Hopping to my feet, we dashed to the central area of the golf park.

When we arrived, mom was sitting down by the fountain and dad was carrying a sleeping Nicole on his back.

"Sorry we're late," Ashley apologized.

"No biggie. Let's turn this stuff in and go home." Dad gaped his jaw, yawning loudly. "Brian, can you drive? I might fall asleep at the wheel."

"Yeah, sure thing."

Mom handed me the keys. "Hope you two had fun."

"Yep, Ashley and I had a great time."

* * *

"Dad wasn't kidding. He's dead asleep," Ashley pointed out. She was sitting in the passenger seat next to me while I drove us home.

"Mm-hmm, he sleeps like a bear," mom grumbled.

Peeking into the rearview mirror, I saw my mother careening her head to the side. "Looks like you're next, mom."

"I'm fine. Focus on the road."

The trip proceeded quietly for a short while.

"Hey Ash, when do you plan to take the test for your driver license?"

My sister started learning how to drive later than most other teenagers. Instead of at sixteen, her first lesson had only been three months earlier. But with her extreme smarts and dedication, she was able to catch on quickly and has been enthusiastic about getting her license as much as the next high school kid. Well, soon-to-be college kid.

Ashley remained abnormally quiet on the subject. I glimpsed at her through the corner of my eye. Her fingers were twiddling with the front of her skirt, which was partially flipped inside out. "Ashley?"

"Brian, slow down, please," mom said coolly.

"Hmm?" A sea of red lights flashed over the road. I stepped on the brakes and eased the car to a standstill.

"Ugh, traffic at this time of night? Good thing we get off at the next exit." Mom sighed wearily as she rolled down her window.

I never thought I'd be grateful for a traffic jam. Taking the opportunity to see what Ashley was playing with, I spotted the white smudges of my cum drying on her skirt. The light stain contrasted greatly against the dark fabric. "Uh, Ashley?"

She kept her head down. "Yeah, Bry?"

"Your driving test. Set a date for it yet?"

"Nope, I haven't. I still want to practice more."

"I've seen you drive. I think you're ready."

"Yeah, once. And it was for two minutes to the mini-mart." Ashley straightened her skirt out.

"Two minutes is more than enough for me."

"Why don't you drive with me? You can be my teacher."

"Um, hasn't mom been driving with you?"

Before she could answer, mom piped in. "That's an excellent idea, honey. Brian can drive with you in the mornings and afternoons while I'm at work and, if you're still up for it, I can drive with you in the evening."

"Yeah, that's a great idea. I'll totally be ready for the test soon."

"Hold on a minute. Whose car will we use? Mom, you're not thinking about leaving yours at home, are you? How will you get to work? Carpool with dad?"

"No, of course not. Ashley will be driving yours."

I was speechless. Ever since I had gotten my car, only one person has driven it: me. Heck, there were less people than I have fingers who've even been inside of it.

"So, how about it, Brian," mom persisted.

"Do I really have a choice?"

"You're the bestest big brother ever." Ashley leapt out of her seat and encircled her arms around me.

"Yeah... thanks."

It won't be so bad, I figured. Spending more time with Ashley is always a good thing in my book. And who knows, it might even be fun. I get to be Ashley's teacher. Plaid skirts and detention probably won't be in the picture, but I'm sure we can find a way to make things interesting.

Traffic refused to clear up for the remainder of the trip. Upon arriving home twenty minutes late, everyone besides Nicole was quick to spread out and finish any final tasks before calling it a night. By ten o'clock, the sole source of light in the entire house came from Ashley's bedroom.

* * *

Ashley was sitting at her desk in the corner of the room, speedily tapping the keys on her laptop. Meanwhile, I was lounging on her plush bed, watching an action flick on the TV. At least, I thought it was supposed to be an action movie. The effects were so awful it might've been a comedy, except it didn't make me laugh, either.

But who cares about the movie. I wasn't paying much attention to it and it sure as hell wasn't why I wanted to be in my sister's bedroom. After all, less than ten feet away from me was the love of my life. Even when Ashley is doing something as simple as typing, she manages to look adorable. Moreover her clothes did a great job of complimenting the overall cuteness factor. Her midriff was on display beneath a baby blue t-shirt and her long legs were outfitted in matching blue pants.

It was unbearable not having Ashley in bed next to me. She should've known I wasn't there to watch TV. We didn't have to be doing anything intimate. My private member could be kept under lock and key for the rest of the weekend, which technically would've been over in two hours, but that's forever and a day to me. I wanted to march to her desk, slam her laptop shut, and carry her over my shoulders to the bed. It's barbaric and selfish and I didn't care. There were questions I needed her answers to.

Alas, the prospect of her hating me for even a minute if I did all that would be too severe for my feeble mind to handle. Left with no other option, I pretended to watch the movie until Ashley finished whatever she was doing.

Fortunately the wait wasn't a long one. The familiar click of a laptop closing was all I needed to hear to know she was done. Ashley stood up and stretched her arms high behind her ponytail. Her nubile body twisted sideways in a spectacular showing of her bare stomach. She caught me staring. "Careful not to slobber all over my bed."

I gulped. "What were you doing?"

Ashley approached the bed with a bounce in her step. "Instant messaging some friends. We made plans to go to the theater this Friday." She lay beside me on her stomach, her face toward the screen and her feet flailing freely near my head. I scrambled off my back to copy her pose. When I reappeared next to her, she stared at me curiously. "What 'cha doing?"

"I want to be closer to you."

"I want to be closer to you, too." Her right hand reached for my left. "Let's go outside."

"Huh? Where are we going?"

Ashley rolled off the bed and pulled me to my feet. "Nowhere far. Just our backyard. Come on, you're not watching this movie anyway."

"All right, let me get my slippers."

After a quick stop at my room, we headed past the living room and into the kitchen.

"One sec. I could really go for some oatmeal-raisin cookies right now," my sister said.

With the cookie jar in-hand, Ashley led the way through the glass door to the yard.

There were two words that spring to mind when describing our backyard: "massive" and "barren." Not barren as in dead or wasted, but barren as in empty. Originally there were supposed to be trees and flowers embellishing every square inch, a finely sculptured stone grill for our barbequing needs, and, most importantly, an expansive pool for the sunny seasons. Unfortunately, the yard never received its finishing touches before we moved in. Dad insisted he'll have those things built, but fast-forward two years later and the area was still just a field of grass and a couple of trees.

The only things that have been added to the backyard were some furniture and a grill, all of which were situated on the porch. The lawn chairs and table gained very little notice throughout the years. Usually they'll be vacant until the summertime for a barbeque, much like the one we had earlier. There was one other piece of property, however, that didn't get used anywhere near as often as it should. It also happened to be what Ashley wanted the two of us to spend the evening in.

The furniture in question was the reclining lawn swing, and a very grand one at that. Cozy cushions, broad roof, wide enough for three, and not a single creak when it swings. Tiptop condition, due to lack of usage and dad's hyperactive attitude toward cleanliness.

Ashley glided to the swing and sat down, crossing her left leg beneath the other. Her right foot pushed off the ground, setting the swing motion. Enticingly, she patted the lonely cushion beside her. "Come on, don't be shy."

I ambled toward her and almost tripped on one of the lawn chairs along the way. The metal legs made a shrill scratch as they scraped the floor. "Gah, I hate it when people forget to push in their chairs."

Ashley giggled, and then suppressed it with a small bite of her cookie. "That was your seat."

She was right; I was the goof who had sat there during dinner. "Didn't anyone teach you not to talk with your mouth full?" I limped onto the swing, reaching for a cookie.

Mischievously, she spat some crumbs at me as she spoke. "What do you mean? Like this?"

I lurched away from her projectile assault. "Hey, hey! That's not very ladylike."

Talking in her normal polite manner, "Next time you'll think twice about lecturing me."

Looking up into the distance, I observed the millions of stars illuminating the night sky. I didn't consider it possible to see this many from where we've been living, but there they shone, basking us in their glorious light. "So, where did the sudden appreciation for stars come from?"

"I've always loved looking at them. We could never see stars from our old neighborhood. But up here, on this hill, we get an awesome view. They help me sleep."

"Yeah, I can see why."

The universe has never interested me much; I can care less about how nature works. Only the functions of manmade contraptions were of any relevance to me. It will take more than staring at the stars to change that, but learning this is one of Ashley's passions made it remarkably fascinating. It's another parcel of her life shared with me.

"Ashley, I need to ask you something."

She gobbled up the rest of her current cookie. "What is it, Bry?"

"You've seen my, um, cock a few times now. You've given me so much pleasure and joy; it's more than I could ever hope for. You're exciting, and fun, and unpredictable, and-"

"Brian, will you just ask it?"

"I... want to know if... I'll ever get to satisfy you. Like if you want me to. It seems like everything has been about me and I don't want it to be."

"Of course I want you to satisfy me. And you have been, by letting me do everything we've done so far. You're making me so unbelievably happy right now. Eating cookies under a starry sky, what more can a girl ask for?"

I reached out with my hand and laid it on her cold knee. "Ashley, I... I want to domore with you. To you, I mean. I want to see more of you and give you the same feeling of paradise you've given me. Don't you understand that? Don't you want that? I'm sorry if I sound, I don't know, pushy or childish, but I want to know if I'll get that opportunity."

My sister shuffled uncomfortably, looking away from me into the sky. "Oh god, I want to let you so badly. It tears me up at night when I need your touch and can't get it, knowing you're only twenty feet away from me on the other side of my wall. It got so painful sometimes I would sit on the floor against it, just to be a little closer to you, wishing with all my heart you were with me. But no matter how close I got, you were still a thousand miles away. I've thought about knocking on your door so many times to see what you were doing, maybe get a spark flying, but I could never bring myself to do it."

I shakily placed the cookie jar from between us onto the ground. "Why couldn't you?"

Ashley's voice began to break. She pulled both of her knees to her chest, my hand flailing off her leg. "I felt frightened, nervous. I didn't think you could love me the same way I love you. It wasn't until yesterday I heard everything I wanted to hear. And even after everything we said to each other I still couldn't push away those awkward feelings."

"But.... you seem so eager about everything we do together."

"Well, once the ball started rolling, I had to go along with it. I couldn't risk you getting tired of me."

Me, tired of my sister? It sounded like such a strange and foreign concept. Less than ten minutes ago, her typing prowess had entertained me more than a movie. As long as she remains the bright, gorgeous gal I've known since we were in diapers, there is no chance in hell I could ever get bored of her.

I sidled closer to Ashley and pulled her into me, nestling her head beneath my shoulder. I wanted to tell my sis how silly she sounded, that she needed to wipe away all the pointless worries she was harboring. But when I opened my mouth to speak, I heard something dreadful. Something that made me shut up immediately.