Anniversary Surprise Ch. 01

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Wife explores more open lifestyle.
33.3k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/02/2024
Created 05/08/2024
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Authors note: This is a bit long. It's a tale of how a wife began to expand herself, and her husband, to a more open lifestyle. Yes, there are more chapters coming, so this is the first of several, and sets the backdrop for what is yet to come. I'm not sure what category it really fits in, since it has some group sex, outdoor sex, exhibitionism, etc. I hope you all enjoy it!"

Anniversary surprise (chapter 1)

Thirty-five years ago today, I stood at the front of the church and watched my wife-to-be come down the aisle. I was as scared, nervous twenty year old, clearly not ready for all the changes that life was going to throw at me. We were madly in love with each other and we embarked on our life together confident that we could handle any challenges that were tossed into our paths. Unlike today, till death do us part meant something. Today it seems like divorce is tossed out as an acceptable solution to nearly any marital problem.

If we'd have considered divorce for every rocky patch we encountered we'd have been divorced YEARS ago. But instead of that, we learned to bend, flex, and work together to find solutions. That was what we were taught responsible adults did, especially when children were included in the equation.

When we were first married we had sex at the drop of a hat. Anywhere, anytime was play time. I wasn't prepared for how that would change after the birth of our first daughter. Sex was suddenly a secondary consideration. Mommy's tits were touched out after a day of breastfeeding, and we had to be careful to be quiet and not wake the baby up, or we might not get done. After a second baby it got worse, and after four, well, sex rarely happened. Not that I didn't want it, but hell, the demands on her time sapped her desire. Quiet time was now a time for her to relax and read, or do laundry, or dishes, or, or, or. Sex just wasn't in the equation very often.

It wasn't until the kids started getting older that we could find time for us instead of having to sneak off like teenagers. More times than not we'd been relegated to some back seat time, parked in a quiet woods, or a parking lot after going to a movie on one of our all too infrequent dates. On some occasions, we even found time to take a blanket out on a hike in the woods for some REAL alone time! Unfortunately, those times were just too few and far between.

Now that the kids are finally grown and gone, the problem is with getting older and the array of maladies that the human body seems to accumulate. This was all compounded a few years ago by Kathy having most of her internal women's parts removed after a negative routine checkup. They left a very limited amount of internals to allow functionality, but without some parts, there wasn't much of a sex drive on her part. I always looked forward to seeing her reading one of her romance novels, which, if I was lucky, led to her coming to bed looking for a little of whatever her heroine got.

Sex could still be good, but it was infrequent and rarely spontaneous. But that was life, and we both endured, still committed to staying together until death do us part. Not that we didn't both still try to make special days special, or find ways to surprise each other in unexpected ways. IN the last several months I couldn't help but notice that her hemlines were growing shorter, considerably shorter actually, and that our infrequent and rarely spontaneous sex, was becoming a bit more frequent and spontaneous. I worried that the change meant that she was finding something on the side that excited her, and hoped it wasn't some other guy. But I trusted her implicitly and never suggested what had started to poke in the back of my mind.

So here we are, thirty-five years later, waking up for what had become our customary anniversary date. We'd been doing this for almost fifteen years now: canoeing on the river, then a nice dinner. Oh yeah. Did I mention that we usually had sex before we went and sometimes, if I was really lucky, we'd find a nice quite place on the river for a quick interlude?

One thing I learned many years ago was that I enjoyed it more, well, anyplace but the bedroom. Not that I didn't enjoy it in the bedroom, but after years of hiding in there from the kids I found that I LIKED having it in other places. The variety and yes, sometimes the risk of being caught seemed to be a real attraction to me. My wife did her best to participate, letting me occasionally feel her up a little in various places, but keeping actual sex and exposure to more private settings. I wasn't at all sure she really enjoyed it so much as put up with my desires. I'd even teased a few times in the past that we needed to try one of those adult-only resorts. I wouldn't say I got an enthusiastic response to any of those suggestions. No, the responses were more like "God NO! I'm fat and I look horrible in a bikini! Why would you want to show off a fat old lady?" Well, she has a little belly, but not horrible, we both do. Doesn't mean I don't still find her damn sexy!

Well, anyway, it's Friday, our anniversary morning. I got up at seven and took my magic dick helping pills when I made one of my frequent nighttime bathroom trips. An hour later, I woke up to the feeling of a naked body pressed against mine, one of her soft breasts resting on my chest as she lay her head on my shoulder. I could feel her hand grasping my already hard cock under the covers and her lips gently brushing my cheek.

"Morning, lover. Happy anniversary," she whispered.

"Morning, sexy," I whispered back, reaching across my body to use one finger to gently tease her nipple, which was surprisingly already hard and erect.

"Mmmmmm." She sighed softly as I stroked the hard nub with tip of my finger. "I like that. But you know what I like more?"

"What's that?"

"Your tongue on it," she whispered.

"I can handle that." I chuckled, the two of us rolling over so she was on her back. She'd always loved having me play with her breasts, except for the periods of time she was breastfeeding. When we got married she was a thirty-two C, but after breastfeeding four kids she was, much to my pleasure, now a thirty-four triple-D cup. Each of her big, soft breasts were large enough I had to use two hands to completely contain each one. It gave me plenty of creamy expanse to kiss and lick before getting to her sensitive nipples. It was a task that I took great enjoyment in and dedication to. I loved to tease her breasts, finally sucking her nipple and areola into my mouth and flicking the hard nub with the tip of my tongue.

"Mmmmmmmm. Yeah," she cooed softly as I worked my way from her left to her right breast, licking the soft skin with the tip of my tongue before wetly kissing it.

I let one hand trail down to her thighs, teasing between them, stroking that soft inner thigh skin that was ohhh so sensitive. My fingers stroked up her thighs and around her lips, a little surprised at how wet they already were, usually having to apply a small amount of lubrication. It didn't appear that I was going to need any this morning as I stroked my finger between her lips and up to her clit, her hips lifting off the bed in response to my stroke. "Someone's a little turned on this morning," I whispered between kisses to her nipples.

"No. Someone's a LOT turned on this morning," she moaned as I pressed a finger slowly into her hot, wet tunnel.

"I can tell," I said softly, gently pushing my finger in and out of her.

"Oh Damn. Put your dick in me, lover. I want to feel your dick deep inside me!"

"Already? Okay," I answered, a little surprised. She usually liked nice, long, slow foreplay to get her motor running, but this morning she seemed ready to go almost as soon as I started. I crawled over her and settled on my knees between her legs. She grinned at me and reached between her legs, finding my hard shaft and pointing toward her wet lips.

"Bring it here, lover," she cooed as she hooked her legs around my waist and pulled herself toward me, inching her ass closer to me as she rubbed my head between her lips. She pulled herself closer to me, working me deeper into herself by rocking her hips as she pulled on my butt. I couldn't really move toward her much with my knees spread under her thighs and my feet trapped under my own butt, but I could rock my hips in time with hers, driving myself into her with each of our combined strokes. Her ass was slightly higher than her head and her big tits rolled and moved on her chest as she moaned in pleasure, my cock sliding in and out of her wetly. "That's it, honey. Oh god that feels good," she moaned, making more noise in this one encounter than she had in years. "Oh baby. You're going to make me come," she moaned as we slapped ourselves together, the bed banging rhythmically against the bedroom wall. "Oh shit. Ohhhhhhh, OHHHHHHHHHHH!" she cried as she pulled herself tightly to me, holding my cock deep inside her as her vaginal tunnel squeezed and spasmed around me.

I stayed kneeling between her legs, moving slowly to keep my hard-on hard while her climax slowly drained from her. As she lay there I slid my hands up her body to capture her breasts, getting ready to start pumping into her despite the awkward position.

To my surprise she reached for my hands and pushed them from her tits. "Uh uh," she said, wiggling around on the bed and sliding down my thighs and off my cock.

"Hey, don't I get to finish?" I protested, surprised, thinking that I was getting cut off.

She looked up at me with a smile. "Don't worry, sweetie. I promise it'll be worth waiting just a tiny little bit. I wanna see that hard dick for a while. Now, let's go load the coolers and have some breakfast." She twisted around and climbed off the bed. I watched her disappear down the hall completely naked.

"Damn." I sighed heavily, remembering other times she'd intended on doing something and then lost the mood before I got a chance for a happy ending. I got up after a few moments and walked to the kitchen, my still rock-hard cock swinging side to side with each step. I found my wife at the stove, melting some butter in a pan.

"Why don't you get the coolers packed," she said, looking over her shoulder at me.

"Sure," I answered, feeling a little defeated. "I'd better go get dressed."

"Oh? Why?"

"Well, I gotta go out to the shed and get 'em," I answered her with a frown.


"What, you want me to run out there naked?"

"Well, not naked. You might want to put some shoes on," she said with a soft laugh. I looked at her quizzically, not at all sure what she was thinking. She turned around and crossed her arms under her breasts, making them stick out at me. "Weren't you the one that wanted to go to an adults only resort and run around naked? And you won't even go out to the shed naked? Really?"

"Uhhhhhhh," I responded stupidly, not at all sure how to respond, and also why she had brought that up at this point in time. It was almost as if she was trying to shame me into running around naked. Well. If that's what she wanted to see! I turned back to face her, and grabbed my partly hard dick. I stood there, stroking myself harder while she watched me with a naughty little grin.

"You better hurry up. I'll be done making breakfast and you won't have had any time to play." She turned around to crack some eggs into the pan. "I'm not just standing here naked because you think I look good. I thought you wanted to be able to play with my body, you know, grab my tits and stick your cock between my legs, or other places?"

I shook my head and headed to the back door without another word. In thirty-five years I thought I'd seen all my wife's moods, but this one was more reminiscent of how she would have acted on our first anniversary, not our thirty fifth. I walked carefully through the grass to avoid any stickers or rocks with my bare feet, my cock still hard and swinging side to side as I made my way to the shed. I found the two coolers and stepped out, closing the shed door behind me. I was only half a dozen steps toward the back door when I heard a soft, feminine wolf whistle.

"Now this is the way to wake up on a Friday morning!" I heard Dee, our slightly younger neighbor say from the second floor balcony on the back of her house. She stood at the railing, looking down into our yard over the privacy fence, a lightweight housecoat covering her petite body, a cup of coffee held in one hand.

"Um. Hi," I said, not sure it was even loud enough for her to hear, quickening my pace for the house.

"You don't have to run away so fast!" she called as I approached the back of the house. I ignored her plea for me to slow down, stepped in through the back door with the coolers and set them on the kitchen table, breathing a little harder than I should have for the tiny amount of effort I'd expended.

"Did you remember the dry bag?" Kathy a sked me.

"Oh. Shit no. I'll get it later."

"Really? Better get it now. You'll forget by the time you get the coolers cleaned and loaded."

"Um. Yeah. I better put something on though. Dee is on her balcony this morning."

"Oh really? Dee? Did she enjoy the show?"

"Um. I guess she did," I said, starting to walk to the bedroom to grab something to put on.

"Where are you going?"

"To get some pants?"

"Why? You're not afraid of her seeing your hard-on, are you? The same guy that wanted to go to an adults only resort and frolic in the ocean naked?" she teased again.

I opened my mouth to protest and then shut it. Clearly she'd decided for some reason to choose this particular thing to needle me about. To what purpose, I had no idea. Okay, two could play that game. "You're right. I probably better get the dry bag and rinse the coolers out."

"Good idea," my wife said, continuing to cook.

"You know, I think this is getting soft. I better make it hard again." I stepped behind her and reached around with both hands to grab her hanging tits.

"Oh? How are you going to do that?" she asked with a little girlish giggle I hadn't heard in years.

"Like this," I whispered, my chest touching her back and my lips brushing her ear. I squatted down a little and pulled my right hand from her tit, reaching for my cock between her legs and pressing the head up between her lips.

"Wouldn't it work better if you actually got it into me?"

"You mean like this?" I pressed my head up harder as I pulled my hips back slightly to get my head engaged in her tunnel. I felt my head push into her wet depths, her ass pushing back at me as I slipped slowly into her.

"Uh huh. Just like that," she moaned as I pulled back, leaving just my head in her pussy. I stroked slowly in and out a few times, feeling my cock swelling back to its full hardness as she held the edge of the stove and pushed back at me. "You'd better stop that or your eggs are going to be burnt," she panted softly. "Besides, you don't want to disappoint Dee, do you?"

"You seriously want me to go out there and flash her my hard cock again?"

"Why not? You're the one that wants to run around naked." She breathed heavily as I pushed slowly in and out of her. "Besides, you wouldn't want to flash her a soft cock, would you?"

"You seem awfully interested in me flashing Dee," I said as I stood behind her, sliding my cock very slowly in and out of her.

"Just think of it as a warm-up for later," she panted.

"What's that mean?"

"It means that I don't want to spoil your surprise."

"I see. So just how is it that Dee is standing on the balcony wearing practically nothing just when I was heading to the shed for the coolers?"

"That's easy," she said pulling off my cock and turning around to face me. She looped her arms around my neck and pressed her body against mine. "I told her you were going out naked. What she has on... well, that's her choice. But if you don't hurry up and go, your breakfast is going to be burned and you'll miss seeing her in whatever it is she's wearing, or not wearing."

"If you insist," I said as I stepped back, allowing her to turn back to the stove.

"Don't take too long!" my wife said as I picked up both twelve pack coolers and stepped out the back door, closing it behind me. I wasn't overly worried about anyone else seeing me. The row of trees behind the privacy fences all down the block pretty much blocked anyone from seeing too much of the houses behind, but Dee's house and Anita's house on the other side of mine both had second story balconies like mine, allowing us to see into each others yards. I stepped out and looked up to see if Dee was still there.

"Well, I was beginning to wonder if I'd see you again or not!" Dee said brightly, leaning on the railing with her cup of coffee, half bent over so her arms could rest on the railing.

"More work to do," I answered as I walked across the yard, my hard cock fully exposed to her as I headed toward the shed. I stopped and opened the door, quickly finding the big yellow dry bag. I stepped out, closed the door and turned to walk back, facing Dee much more than I had on the trip to the shed.

"Damn, I like starting a Friday this way!" she said as I went to work cleaning out the coolers, my cock staying hard and waggling around as I worked. I looked up at Dee standing on the deck as I finished rinsing the coolers, her coffee cup now sitting on the railing, her robe opened to expose a strip of creamy white skin down her front. I was still squatted in front of the coolers, looking up at her as she pushed the robe apart further, exposing a pair of tiny, pink lace panties. As turned-on as Kathy had left me, I couldn't help but grab my dick and start to slowly stroke it as I watched her push the tiny pink lace panties off her mound and down her thighs. She stared at me as she wiggled her legs to coax the panties to slide down to her ankles. I stroked my hard-on in full view of her as I watched her watch me while she stepped out of the panties, stepping back and bending over to pick them up. When she straightened up, she hung the panties over the railing, the robe now spread apart around her large, soft tits. H er soft tits looked like two huge teardrops on her chest, her areola dark and puckered as she let her hands slip down between her own legs.

I stayed squatted down, my rock hard cock slowly sliding through my wet hand as I looked up at her, her fingers teasing her own pussy. "God, what a fucking fantastic view," she said huskily, as she spread her legs even further, allowing me to see not only her curly bush as I looked up at her, but also the inner lips protruding down between her legs. I watched as a single finger was teased between those dark protruding lips while the other hand slid up her body to squeeze and twist one rock-hard nipple. "Fuck, I wouldn't mind having that stuffed in me right now," she said so softly I could barely hear her, moments before I heard the back door of my house open. I looked over to see my wife step out onto the patio, still naked.

"Really?" she asked, looking at me stroking myself.

"Couldn't help it," I mumbled, picking up the coolers and standing up, taking a quick glance up to see Dee pull her robe closed, her face flushed and her hands visibly shaking even at this distance.

"Uh huh. Well. You might as well finish. I mean, you've gone this far."

"Oh. No. That's okay. I'm fine," I answered, not quite sure what to do at that point.

She stepped out into the yard and looked up at Dee's deck, now empty after Dee had quickly slipped back into the house. "Well, that's too bad. Your breakfast is ready, so play time is over." She turned and walked into the house.

It only took a little while for us to eat and get the coolers packed before heading into the bedroom to get our swim suits on. I pulled on my trunks while my wife pulled on a white and black one-piece suit. It wasn't the most revealing suit she had, but it was pretty low cut with very large leg holes. I'd long since learned not to argue with her choice in attire, so I headed to the garage to get our water shoes out while she dug in her dresser for a beach cover-up to wear over the suit. She came out wearing a long thin pink tank top, extending a bit short of the middle of her thighs. She smiled at me and climbed in the passenger side of the car while I loaded the last cooler into the trunk.
